Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Dutch Treat

I thought I was done for the year. The Christmas spirit had taken over and I was content to let the world do it's collective thing and I would just keep my mouth shut or my fingers off the keyboard at least. But no, I am not afforded such a luxury and must once again put thought to virtual paper and bloviate about something or someone(s).

I barely mentioned in the last entry about the attempted bombing of the Delta flight from Holland to Detroit. After all the clown just burned his bottom a bit and probably got the snot kicked out of him and will get a lengthy stay in a federal bed and breakfast, complements of the American taxpayer. I think he should get executed, but who am I? Well, I'm the author of this blog and an American, that's who. And if anyone that has read a line of what I have written in the past knows is that I will voice that opinion. So here we go.

I gotta hand it to the Dutch version of the TSA. A lone person is allowed to purchase a one way ticket with cash, checks no luggage, has no passport and is allowed to get on an international flight. What else did this guy need to do to raise any kind of suspicion? Did he just need to tell the ticket agent, "I plan on blowing up the plane as it approaches Detroit?" It would seem so in my estimation.

So now the Dutch are implementing the full body scanner for every passenger. Great. Sounds a bit like closing the barn door after the horse is gone. Is that how that goes? I'm not sure anymore. But once again I digress. If someone in Dutchland had been paying attention then this would have never happened. This particular incident that is, not the fact that a Muslim terrorist wouldn't try something. The Dutch should just go back to growing tulips and the government running the brothels and not have an airport so this won't happen again.

Do you think I would let the Obama admin's reaction go unchecked? Hah! Not a chance. First Janet Napolitano was sacrificed on the Sunday morning talk shows. She was referred to as Incompetano by Mark Steyn the other day, I about crashed my car laughing at that one. First she says that the system worked. WTF? The system worked? I fail to see how, dear madam secretary. The next day she comes out and says that the system failed. Probably after getting the phone call from Barry in Hawaii. This only made her look more foolish than she normally does. Who was the waffle in the Doonsebury cartoon? I can't remember, but we have a new candidate.

Of course on Monday our president, looking righteously pissed by the way, interrupts his Hawaii vacation and gives an uninspired speech about an alleged attempt to bomb the plane by a "passenger" blah, blah, blah. Or in other words, the same ol' Obama song and dance about not jumping to conclusions and giving peace a chance. Sorry Mr. Pres., not good enough.

Then on Tuesday as more and more information has come out about the scumbag terrorist, the pres. once again gets his photo op and gives a more impassioned speech about how "his" ordered review of the incident would make things better and how we would learn how to thwart this type of incident in the future. Did he read this off a teleprompter? I think so. Wow Barry, what a leader you have become.

Don't we have safeguards in place to do this anyway? I think we do, but the folks working security at the airports around the world need to quit dropping the ball. How in the hell does Barry think that what we do here will stop a motivated terrorist scumbag from flying in from another country? It won't as the Christmas Day incident proves. Quit grandstanding.

Besides I think we get to lay this one at the feet of our president. Didn't the father of this lowlife call the US Embassy in Nigeria and tell that he feared his son was now a terror threat? I think so. Wasn't this guy on a terror watch list? Yep. Then how in the hell did he get a visa to enter the US? Of course it was because of the fact that since Obama took office the whole world loves us now and there is no need to worry about terrorist.

Or as Pinhead in Chief Robert Gibbs said during his Sunday morning interview, there are over 500,00o people on that list, how can they watch them all?

Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Day After Christmas

Well, I tried writing a witty holiday poem along the lines of "The Night Before Christmas" or whatever it's called, but failed miserably. So I guess I'll have to use my usual wry, dry, morose and sardonic style of writing. Who am I kidding? It's also the way I speak. So let's get this year over with and on with the new. So with what might be the last post of the year, let's get on with it.

Yesterday was Christmas day, just in case anyone wasn't paying attention, and what was one of our many presents? How about the terrorist trying to blow up the plane from Amsterdam to Detroit? It would seem that this scumbag didn't get the message that this was supposed to be the day of peace on earth and good will towards men. With that being said, why didn't the passengers and crew just throw this guy out of plane? Sounds a lot better to me than keeping him in jail for the next 20 years or so. Or maybe we're just trying to make sure that Scott Fenstermaker gets a new client.

Speaking of good ol' Scott, he still hasn't answered my e-mail. I'm really not too surprised. After all I did call him a pinhead. Most certainly an overly kind remark coming from me. But now it seems that he has proven me correct. He did say that he welcomed all questions and that he would answer them. So now that he hasn't he has been elevated to pinhead first class status. I don't care much for folks that don't do what they say they will.

Did the Senate vote on their version of the health care reform bill on X-Mas eve? I don't know, I wasn't paying attention. I was too busy with my family. As you might imagine I was in the kitchen cooking for the 19 people we had for dinner. Then we had the organized chaos of the opening of the presents for the eight kids that were here. What a night! So if anyone knows what the government may have given us, please let me know.

If our learned leaders in Washington did continue down this path to a newer version of communism then I had better get into shape fast. Right now I consider myself to be in shape, round is a shape. But I mean I need to get into good shape. That means losing about 15-20 pounds or at least 3-4 inches around my mid section. I hope that I have all the surgeries out of the way for a while so I don't have to count on the government for that.

The reason I seemed concerned all of a sudden about my weight is that on the night of the 23rd my wife's sister had a party at her house. Ten piece big band, catered chow, the whole nine yards. Being that I don't mind dressing up for a party I put on my best suit and a terrific tie. It has a picture of the top half of the Grinch's head and a caption above that reads, "Your a mean one Mr. Grinch." I love that tie. But I digress. As I attempted to button the jacket I noticed that the bottom half of my belly was sticking out. I'm used to the jacket being too small when I'm wearing a gun either on my hip or in a shoulder holster, but not when I'm unarmed. So it appears that the holiday season has been very good to me. And bad for my wardrobe.

In this time of economic hardship brought on by the greed of the banks and the rest of the plutocracy in Washington, I hope that you had an enjoyable holiday season as I did. The next year or three will undoubtedly bring us more trials and tribulations, but we as a people will pull through. Be ye liberal or conservative, we will old our nation together no matter what Comrade Obama and the rest of his ilk have in store for us.

So be brave, the next elections are only 11 months away. This new wave of conservancy will prevail and America will be back on track to take our place as the world's leader in all categories. Those that are disappointed in our system or just pissed at the fact that Obama isn't able to take this country as far left as they want, or that he wants, can go ahead and move to France or Norway or where ever the hell they want to go.

They don't deserve us anyway.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

How Many DUI's is Enough?

Massachusetts State Senator Anthony Gallucio (D) got a get out of jail free card earlier this week from a friendly judge as he was given a slap on the wrist for his third DUI conviction. This one was a hit and run injury accident. Wow. The folks in Mass. really know how to pick 'em, don't they?

Surprisingly enough even the one of the local papers is talking smack about this career drunk. As well they should if you ask me. Anyone that hasn't been living under a rock for the last 30 years or so has probably heard that booze and cars don't mix well. People have been known to get hurt because of the combining of these two items and the police take a dim view of this particular action.

As I mentioned this is Tony G's third time at the defense table for the same reason. I don't think he quite gets it, do you? If the guy really cared about not drinking and driving ever again, he just wouldn't. It's really that simple. If you drink, don't drive. Maybe a representative from MADD should be with him at all times. If not that, then how about one of those devices that you have to blow a breath sample into before your car will start? How would that look? Can you imagine this, after a hard day doing whatever it is that state senators do, jumping into the family wagon and blowing into a tube before you can go home. It might be a bit embarrassing for Tony, but who cares?

Sure I live in Utah, so why should I care? Well, for starters I see this not only as another example of do as I say not as I do, but as another member of the elitist elected getting away with something that most of us would get thrown in jail for. Here in Utah this carries a punishment of up to a year in jail and a hefty fine. This guy gets house arrest for a few months. Sure he loses his license for five years, but will that stop him from driving? I doubt it.

When this drunk comes up for re-election I would hope that the people in Mass. (or en masse if you will) pay attention to what Big Tony has accomplished and pick someone with some personal discipline to be the next state senator. I know this is just a pipe dream. After all how many times did Ted Kennedy get elected to the US Senate after killing Mary Jo Kopechne?

Change you can believe in from the Democratic party.

Friday, December 18, 2009

To Agree in Theory With Howard Dean

Did I really just entitle this piece that? I guess I did, but why? Well, it's because he wants to kill the health care reform bill. Good for him. Let's not kid ourselves here though, Dr. Dean and I, along with the rest of the people in their right minds, don't agree at all on why.

Dean is as far left as you can get without being labeled a commie and he doesn't think the bill goes far enough. You gotta be kidding me. $1 Trillion in spending, taxing us into poverty and the decimation of whats left of our economy and he thinks it's not enough. Did he write himself a prescription for medical marijuana? I doubt it, but it sounds to me like he might have.

Getting rid of this piece of crap legislation is priority number one for the folks with a brain. Or at least it better be. I don't care how much the left is willing to cut out of the bill, it just needs to be dumped until after the next election cycle. If the American people then think that this issue needs to be revisited then we can look at it then. Notice how I think that after the next election conservatives will be in charge, not the loony left.

And while we're on the subject of the loony left, Dean's remarks are typical of how the far left is chapped at Obama. They seem to think that he has given in the Republicans by getting rid of abortion, the public option and the lowering of the age to buy into medicare. They seem to think that if this is going to be the case then don't do anything. Finally a moment of clarity from the left. Too bad it's not for the right reasons.

How strange have things in this country become when the far left is in agreement with the conservative folks? Pretty dang strange if you ask me. There are some that say that this is only a ploy by the current administration to show that Obama is really a centrist and not the far left radical that he is. I don't buy it, Obama is that far left right along with Dean and the nuts at the Huffington Post and the Daily Kos.

But as crazy as this sounds, I agree with the far left kooks that the entire process needs to be scrapped. We don't agree as to why, but politics does make strange bed fellows on occasion. Unfortunately I don't think that this bill will be tossed out with yesterday's garbage and a watered down version of reform will be passed. Then the far left can start to work with Obama to get in through the back door that which wouldn't fit in the front.

I can only hope that the people of this country are paying attention and can vote all these folks out of office next November. At least those that vote for any version of this ridiculous bill.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Scott Fenstermaker, Esquire - Pinhead

For those that don't know, Mr. Fenstermaker is one of the lawyers for the 9/11 terrorists. He says that he will not be in the courtroom for the "trial of the century", (my emphasis) but he has some part to play in this charade. Today I sent Mr. Fenstermaker an e-mail asking him to define his role for me. Since it was sent only today I have yet to receive a reply. If and when I do I will gladly post it here once I have informed Mr. Fenstermaker. By the way, he encourages people to e-mail him at

Then why am I already labeling him a pinhead, you ask? I would think that it's pretty clear, but let me give you my thoughts anyway. For starters these terrorist scumbags need to be tried by a military tribunal before their executions not by a civilian court in NYC. Scott- can I call him that, it's so much easier to type, I can, thanks- says that there will be propaganda expressed by the "defendants" during the trial, but he won't elaborate on what type. Well, we already know what type will be spouted by the terrorist and Scott just doesn't seem to care. Or maybe he's just giving the typical lawyer answer by saying he doesn't know. So it appears that Scott is in favor of a show trial, because after all that's all this is.

But the kicker for me and what made me make Scott the subject of today's entry is the article I read by Ed Morrissey on Hot The article is a series of e-mails shared by Scott and Ed. At the end of one of the epistles is this comment by Scott, "By the way please tell your subscribers that I still don't know who attacked the World Trade Center and, yes, I still don't care. From the perspective of those who died, it makes very little difference who killed them. From the perspective of everyone else, it's frankly none of their business, unless they sit on the jury of course. Print that loud, wide and clear." Holy s*&*, did I read that correctly?

Is Scott a real life physic? How the hell does he know what the dead think? I doubt that he spoke to any of them just before they were killed. Are we beginning to see why I think of Scott Fenstermaker, Esquire as a pinhead?

Then of course is the part of how for the rest of us it's none of our collective business who killed these people. What? For the families of the victims, I believe that it most certainly is their business. As for the rest of us, you had better believe that it's our business. Our country was attacked by terrorists that slaughtered almost 3,000 innocent men, women and children for nothing more than an ideology. We have since been at war with that ideology, thousands more have died.

I also saw an interview Scott did recently on the O'Reilly Factor. In that interview Scott said that he didn't care if people hated him. He actually said that he was "honored" that people would hate him. He thinks that the people who hate him also hate the rule of law.

All this coming from a graduate of the Air Force Academy. I find it hard to believe that a person who has worn the uniform of one of our branches of the military could say these things.

I don't hate Scott. He isn't deserving of my hate. It would take too much energy and I won't waste it on him. I feel sorry for him. He is so wrapped up in being a lawyer for these lowlifes that he seems to have forgotten that these atrocities were committed against his fellow Americans. He just doesn't seem to get it. Besides, I read some of the comments made about Morrissey's article and many other folks are pouring their hatred his way.

To me he's just another liberal lawyer trying to get his 15 minutes.

Or in other words, a pinhead.

And a major league one at that.

Webster's defines pinhead:
1. the head of a pin
2. something very small or insignificant
3. a very dull or stupid person

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Senate Version of Health Care

Well, we knew it wouldn't be long before the Senate rolled out it's version of the health care reform. I didn't think that Harry Reid would actually try to outdo Nancy Pelosi, but it seems he has made a valiant attempt. 2,074 pages for one bill, wow. That's the only word to describe it. Who could read such a bill? I bet it would put an insomniac to sleep.

Even after all the legal mumbo-jumbo is filtered out and us normal folk were able to understand it, would we back it? I won't if it means that I have to trust the government to run the health care industry. Now I know it won't happen overnight and the left claims that it won't happen at all. But let me ask you this, when have you ever known the government, and I don't care if it's a republican or democratically controlled government, to get it's hooks into something and ever let it go? I can't think of a single time. If you can, let me know.

So now let's take a look at the basic ideas behind reform. The first, I believe, is to make sure that everyone is covered by some sort of insurance. Define everyone. Is it citizens only, or does that include folks that are here both legally and illegally? Is it taxpayers or people that file a tax return? We all know there is a big difference there. I'm curious to hear the answers.

I can't find Reid's bill online to get the answers to these and other questions that I have. One of the biggest questions I have is why it cost so much. If the government makes new regulations for the insurance industry to follow, how does that cost the government, meaning you and me, anything? I realize that the government wants to give tax credits to lower income folks that would have a hard time paying the additional costs that the government is requiring them to pay. So isn't that just giving them back their premium money? Isn't that the government, again meaning the taxpayer, picking up the tab?

That part seems to me to just be an expansion of welfare. It's another government giveaway that will be abused like every other. We all know that there are plenty of folks out there that will immediately figure out a way to scam the system. Whether that is by criminal means or just plain laziness, it will happen.

Did I use the "L" word again? You bet'cha. Sorry 'bout that, I just couldn't resist. Yes, Pollyanna there are plenty of people in this world that will allow others to shoulder the burden for them. I see it plenty in my line of work. I have heard every excuse under the sun why they can't work or find a job. Most of it is pure laziness and a lack of self respect.

So, it's who does it cover, why does it cost so much and how does this improve care for all in this country? Oh, that's right, we haven't covered that yet, have we? It won't improve things for me and my family. I believe it will make things more difficult. Why you ask? Millions more people and the same amount of doctors makes for longer waits. That is just logic, nothing to do with ideology. I go to the doctor for check ups and surgery. That's it. I don't go when I get the sniffles, I only go when I really need to. When I needed surgery on my back and then on my neck, I couldn't wait around for the doctor, I needed both right then. But still there was a bit of a wait, what happens next time, how much longer will the wait be?

I also think that if doctors become overworked and feel underpaid then we will have an exodus from the profession and fewer wanting to get into it thus creating even more of a backlog. I don't begrudge a doctor for the money he/she makes. They went to college for an extended period of time, learned a subject that most of us would have a hard time with and should be compensated well for their skills. Would you want someone that was just an "ok" doctor working on you or a loved one, I think not.

Don't get me wrong, the idea is noble, it's just not practicable at this time when we are already facing huge deficits created by our former and current administrations, an economy that continues to struggle a bit and a mind set in Washington that we are going to spend our way out of debt.

It's just not reality, Pollyanna.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Jon Stewart a Journalist/Watchdog?

Before all you fans of Jon Stewart get all ticked off at the title, let me assure you that this is not a hatchet job on Mr. Stewart. That's not to say that I am a fan of his, I'm not. And it's because I don't find him funny. Obviously many do or his show wouldn't be so popular. Now that we have that straight, let's sink our collective teeth into someone else.

Today I read an article on by NBC anchor Brian Williams about Jon Stewart. He refers to Stewart as going from "optional to indispensable" in the media world. Really? He's a comedian that makes fun of politicians. Usually conservative or republican politicians. Ok, we've uncovered why I don't think Stewart's show is funny. The thing that Williams gives Stewart credit for is "the system of checks and balances" that he feels Stewart has created. Wow, all by himself? Jon Stewart the creator of a system of checks and balances? I thought that was created by the authors of the US Constitution when they wrote about the freedom of the press.

Williams goes so far as to admit that when he is thinking of running an "inane" piece on the evening news, he just sends a copy of the tape to Stewart's office, in an effort to keep the interns from having to actually watch the telecast, and then rethinks his position on running the story that evening. Williams also wonders how the media has ever lived without someone like Stewart. It sounds like Stewart has just become an editor at NBC News. Congratulations, Jon. I hope they haven't forgotten to pay you for your services.

Well, I guess this is in line with former White House communications director Anita Dunn's opinion of Stewart. She thinks that Stewart is a brilliant investigative journalist. A leading figure in this field. This from a person that thinks Chairman Mao was a great political philosopher. Wow.

Now unlike Ms. Dunn and Mr. Williams, I have done a little research on Jon Stewart. His degree from William and Mary is in psychology, not journalism. In his professional background there is nothing to suggest that Stewart has ever worked in any field even closely related to journalism. Oh, I get it, since Jon sits at a "fake" news desk and lampoons politicians, he's a journalist. Ok, it's starting to make sense now.

To me it seems the reason that the media and Ms. Dunn are infatuated with Jon Stewart is his personal political views. Here's where we get to a bit of Stewart bashing. In 2000 he described his political views as socialist or independent. Listing both is a shrewd way of covering one's arse, don't you think?

Independent can mean too many things. It could signal that one is fed up with the way the government is being run by the two main parties or that a person is somewhat in the middle of the road and takes something from both sides of the aisle. But socialist has a pretty clear definition. To each according to his needs, from each according to his abilities.

Or to use the number 2 definition from Webster's dictionary, A - a system of society or group living in which there is no private property. And B - a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state.

It seems that we are well on our way to "B", but not to "A". Mr. Stewart owns a 6,000 square foot penthouse apartment in the Tribeca neighborhood that reportedly goes for $5.8 million. Don't fret, I don't begrudge Jon a penny of his net worth, with his self description as a socialist he just seems to be a hypocrite.

Friday, November 20, 2009

A Comment From the Left

Or should I say left field? A comment was left for me by a Tom Degan of Goshen, NY about yesterdays entry. Well, not really a comment, but an excerpt from his own blog at I want to thank him for taking the time to read my blog and leaving a comment, now let me tell you about his.

It was obvious from the jump that Mr. Degan is a liberal, if that word is strong enough, and his post did nothing but bad mouth Sarah Palin and her book. I couldn't resist leaving a comment. I tried to be nice, I hope I succeeded. The majority of others that also left comments naturally agreed with Mr. Degan and just talked smack. There was one other that dissented. I was glad to see that.

One thing I mentioned in my comment to Mr. Degan was that if anyone had an idea on how to fix the problems we face as a nation, I am willing to listen. I think in past postings I have tried to express a solution to the problem I was bloviating about. There was none of that in the other comments.

It is one thing that we all need to do. Not anyone person has all the answers so we must listen to other ideas. There may actually be part of that idea that makes sense to you. So I encourage you to read "The Rant" by Tom Degan and leave him your thoughts. Just keep in mind that Mr. Degan has a different style of writing than I. Well, as much as I hate to admit it, he is a better writer than I am, but then again, this is the only writing I do other than writing police reports. I can tell you those can be a ripping good read. I hope you noticed the sarcasm in the last sentence.

If we can come together as a nation, there is nothing that we can't figure out. I know it seems difficult with all the different opinions out there, but if we don't we are condemned to the continual infighting and name calling. Such as Mr. Degan calling the Republican Party in the 23rd district of NY, a-holes in a previous column. Get it, Tom? Say you think a comment is stupid, or call someone what they are such as a terrorist or a scumbag criminal, or even a racist when it fits and you can back it up, but just using any swear word that comes to mind to describe an entire group is counterproductive. Have I been guilty of this in the past? Maybe, probably, but I will try to be more careful in the future.

But have no fear, whenever the left irritates me, as they usually do, I will continue to post my feelings right here. I will continue to do so in my usual style of not sugar coating a thing and being as subtle as a brick.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Reviews of "Going Rogue"

In case you live under a rock you've heard that Sarah Palin's new book, Going Rouge, came out yesterday. As you might imagine, the liberal media is lambasting the former Governor's efforts. But this is nothing new, the media has been in non-stop attack mode for more than a year now against her. So when I read some of the reviews, I was not surprised in the least.

Michiko Kakutani of the always impartial New York Times (notice the sarcasm there?) writes, "Going Rogue is part campaign spin, part earnest autobiography, part payback hit job." I'm guessing the last bit is about Governor Palin's remarks about some McCain campaign staffers.

Speaking of which, former McCain aid John Weaver comments, "the score settling by someone who wants to be considered a serious national player is petty and pathetic. " Is Mr. Weaver suggesting that scores need to be settled? I'm thinking so. Maybe Mr. weaver should of thought of how he was acting during the campaign.

And to continue along the same lines, we this comment form the Associated Press fact checkers, "Going Rogue has all the characteristics of a pre-campaign manifesto, the requisite autobiography of the future candidate." And this from the 11 folks that the AP put on this.

What a joke. The AP should feel as silly as CNN for fact checking the SNL skit on Obama's accomplishments.

The only even slightly positive review I've seen comes from Melanie Kirkpatric of the Wall Street Journal, "As a politician she comes across as a prodigious worker capable of of mastering complicated issues." Wow, someone that gives her some credit for being more than a hockey mom.

Well, it seems that the reviews by the NYT, AP and a former McCain aide are not surprising at all, but are they fair? I guess when you read the book you can make up your own mind. I have yet to read the book, but I will when the copy I ordered arrives. Unlike the president I plan to read the book, mainly because I like some of the things I've heard from Governor Palin and the way she just seems to speak from the heart and as a regular person is a nice break from all the political double speak we usually get from politicians. But I have to give the president credit for admitting that this book won't adorn his nightstand for the next week.

What I still can't understand is all of the media's acrimony directed at Sarah Palin. If the left is so sure that Palin is a non factor in any future political race then why is the press so hard on her? Yes, I equate the left with the media. But still this is something I don't understand. I saw an article by Eugene Robinson on the Hot Air website yesterday that compares Palin to a "lite" version of Eva Peron.

Is Sarah Palin going to run for president in 2012? Only she knows for sure. One thing I do know is that if she survives this publicity tour she will definitely be a force to be reckoned with.

Don't count out the pit bull with lipstick.

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Bow Part II

How much longer are we to put up with the protocol impaired Uncle Barack bowing to foreign heads of state? Yesterday when the clueless one bowed to Emperor Akihito of Japan it marked the second time in less than a year Obama has made the same blunder. Does he not have a protocol officer on his staff?

In 233 of this countries existence, our government representatives have not bowed to anyone. It's not out of disrespect, it's because we don't bow to anyone, plus it seems like heads of state just don't bow to one another. I saw a video on You-Tube this morning showing 45 times the Japanese emperor greeting foreign heads of state and other diplomats. Not once was Akihito bowed to, nor did he bow to anyone. This video included dignitaries from other Asian countries with similar customs. I doubt that it's a coincidence.

Another video I saw on this incident begins with Uncle Barack's motorcade arriving. Then we see the president walking towards the Emperor and his wife. First the big bow to Akihito, a much smaller one to the Mrs. and then the continual nodding of the head as if still bowing to the couple as they walk in a building. I cringed while watching it.

Uncle Barack just threw a bunch of supporters under the bus with that bow. Remember how the media and the lapdog Robert Gibbs were so adamant about how Obama didn't bow to King Abdullah? Well, it appears that they didn't know what they were talking about (no surprise there, especially about Gibbs) because he has done it again. Lie to me once and I believe it, shame on you. Lie to me twice and I allow it, shame on me. Not that I really believed it when I was told about the supposed non-bow to the Saudi king. That's right, he was bending over slightly because the King was so much shorter than he. Will the same excuse be recycled for this latest boner on the part of our president?

This continuation of gaffes on the part of Uncle Barack and Auntie M is getting rather embarrassing. Between the constant bowing and the patting on the back of Auntie M to the Queen of England, someone needs to educate these two. Okay, here's the first lesson. Rule number one, no bowing, ever. Rule number two, don't use the double handed handshake, ever. Rule number three, no patting on the back, ever. Are you starting to see a pattern here? I hope so.

But then again what are we to expect? This guy was only a partial term Senator and then because he has the gift of gab and he wasn't John McCain, he gets elected president. But because of his lack of experience I would have thought that someone, anyone, would have told this guy about protocol. It appears that it didn't happen.

And because it didn't happen, what are we stuck with? Well, it would appear to be a president that doesn't know a thing about how to greet a foreign leader, or that he should have his hand over his heart when the military folks around him are saluting or that he shouldn't ever speak without his teleprompter telling him what to say.

It seems that the POTUS is a bit of a DOOFUS.

Friday, November 13, 2009

The Return of Khalid

I heard today that Khalid Sheik Muhammed and four others that are responsible or the 9/11 attacks are being returned to New York to stand trial in civilian court. I about crashed my car. Then there was Attorney General Eric "the coward" Holder continually referring to the "alleged" crimes of these scumbags. I just couldn't believe what I was hearing as the words came through the speakers of my car radio.

Who thinks this is a good idea? But of course, it could only be Uncle Barack. What does the master manipulator have up his sleeve? Is this just another way to victimize the people of New York?

Then with these lowlifes being tried in civilian court many other issues come into play. One of the most important is discovery. Scumbags 1-5 get a free civilian lawyer who will immediately ask for a change of venue and then for everything the government has as far as evidence goes. I don't care about the change of venue but discovery could very well expose our intelligence gathering processes as well as confidential informants. In a military trial these things would be kept under wraps because the media would not be allowed in. Unless Obama says they can come in.

Then there is the security issue. How much will it cost just to shuttle the terrorists between the jail and the courthouse? I think that because of the lengthy process ahead of us, it will be astronomical. Of course we also need to be concerned of a possible attempt to free the terrorists by their comrades.

Of course the life of the judge, jury and prosecutors will be threatened. It happened before in the case of the blind Shiek who was tried for the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993. When will we as a nation learn form the past? Or should I say, when will the liberals learn from the past?

Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-TX) is thinking about working up a bill that would prohibit the terrorists from being brought to New York for trial. He says that he has been to Gitmo and they have a state of the art courtroom that has security as the primary focus. Millions were spent on this project and now Uncle Barack wants to eschew Gitmo to spend millions more by having the show in New York.

These terrorists are not bank robbers or kidnappers or money launderers, they are terrorist murderers. They were at war with the United States and committed an act of murder during wartime. They should therefor be tried by a military court before their executions.

I would by a ticket to that.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I Smell Death on You

Today the US Army filed 13 counts of premeditated murder against the terrorist Hasan. That means when he is convicted that he will be eligible for the death penalty. Good. If we could execute him 13 times, better.

Hasan will be defended by a retired Army Colonel. I wonder how this guy sleeps at night. I know that everyone deserves a lawyer to assure that he has had their rights protected, but how is this slick mouthpiece going to get his terrorist client off? He isn't, or more likely, he can't.
There isn't a jury in the world that will let this guy off.

The terrorist Hasan had the letters SOA on his Army business cards. The SOA stands for Soldier of Allah. Why did no one pay any attention of this and do something about it? If someone puts into print that they are what this lowlife is, how could this be ignored?

So before long we get to spend a whole bunch more money to give the terrorist Hasan his day in court. It will be for show only. Then we get to wait for years while he does the appeals thing and maybe before he dies of old age we get to execute him. I hope it doesn't take that long.

I wonder how many folks in the military are going to lose their jobs over this. Most certainly some need to. They let political correctness get people killed. They should pay with their jobs and pensions.

The only thing the Army has done right in this whole mess is charging the terrorist Hasan today. Now let's see them go the whole nine yards on this one. Let's hope they don't drop the ball on this and allow this scumbag to live too long after the trial.

The terrorist Hasan is the poster boy for capital punishment.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Beltway Sniper

Tonight at 9:11 PM John Allen Muhammed was executed for one of the beltway sniper killings in 2002. Too bad we can't undeadify him and execute him again for each of the murders he was convicted of. Sound harsh? Tough. What this guy did with his stepson Lee Boyd Malvo, he can't be killed bad enough for.

Do you remember those three weeks? People getting killed in gas stations, parking lots and even just mowing their grass. One of the other of these lowlifes hid in the trunk of a car and killed these folks from long range and for no reason.

So tonight the folks of Virginia put this one dog down. Even liberal DA Kaine was willing to give Muhammed the death penalty. That's how heinous these crimes were. Good for Mr. Kaine for having the guts to stand up and do the right thing. There was absolutely no reason to keep this scumbag alive for the next 25 years or so until he nature took him. The poison in the syringes was much less expensive.

It's too bad that more states don't have the death penalty. As it is only 37 of the 50 states have the statute. Ok, I realize that means only 13 states don't have it, but I would like to see all have it. I wouldn't want to live in a state without it.

Since 1976 1,176 people have been executed in this country while 3,315 have been sentenced to death. Texas leads the way in both categories with 443 executions with 369 awaiting their turn. That's an average of over one execution a month for the last 33 years. Actually it's 13.4 executions a year.

But the number of people getting sentenced is over 100 a year while only 35.6 get executed. I think we need to pick up the pace. We will never catch up at this rate. The amount of money it takes to keep these guys on death row is astronomical. It would save the states a lot of money in the long run.

Sure there are plenty of people that are against the death penalty, but what do they know? They see the world through their rose colored glasses and believe that all can be redeemed. I think they should do some ride-a-longs with their local PD's and take a good look at the type of folks that have been in and out of prison. Maybe then they will see that only the absolute worst of the worst are executed. Even if the death penalty isn't a deterrent, having it can give some states a chance at justice for their victims.

Without it we risk more John Muhammeds.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Diversity Becoming a Tragedy?

Gen. George Casey thinks that if the diversity of the US Army becomes a casualty in the aftermath of the Ft. Hood killings it would be a greater tragedy. That is why he is parroting the president and telling the rest of us to not jump to conclusions. Excuse me? Did he really say that? Does he actually expect me to stand idly by and let the powers that be play their little games and not say what the world seems to know?

I've got an idea for you Gen. Casey, resign. Thank you for your service to our country. Now you can retire and go fishing or whatever it is you like to do. Making comments like this is reprehensible and you should be ashamed of yourself. A soldier above all others should be able to recognize the enemy. You allowed the president to pimp you out, shameful.

Uncle Barack is acting no better. He also says that we should wait before making a conclusion on the motives of the terrorist Hasan. Is this the same president that referred to the Cambridge Police Department as stupid for arresting his friend? Yes it is. Was the president also friends with Hasan?

Since more and more information about the terrorist Hasan is coming to light, I will ask again, why the hell was this scumbag allowed to stay in the Army? Oh yeah, it was because no one wanted to be perceived a racist because this terrorist is Muslim. And the Army wanted to get it's money worth out of him since he got that free medical degree. Not free really, you and I paid for it.

This politically correct BS is destroying our country from the inside. Tell it like it is. Howard Cosell did and he did pretty well for himself. If a person is a scumbag, call him a scumbag. I will call the terrorist Hasan a scumbag and worse until the day I die. Because that is what he is.

Remember, he worshiped in the same mosque as two of the 9/11 hijackers listening to a radical anti-American Imam. Don't tell me that he wasn't effected by it because I don't believe it. The terrorist Hasan also tried to contact Al-Qeada. Why? Do you really think it was to get on their Christmas card list? I doubt it.

This political correctness has now cost 13 American lives and still our government refuses to acknowledge this. Why? Could it be that Uncle Barack Hussein Obama really doesn't like the idea of saying anything bad about Muslims?

He had better wake up. This will not be the end of it. After only ten months on the job, he has suffered a terror attack on our soil. This after deriding the former administration for it's policies.
At least after the first attack, there wasn't a second.

So don't worry Gen. Casey, the Army will remain diverse, the Muslims currently serving will not be subjected to any harassment. Mainly because I want to believe that they are good soldiers and will do their duty to their country.

But the next time someone starts spouting their anti-American rhetoric and saying that they are Muslim first and American second, you had better think twice about this pusillanimous attitude this administration displays.

Because who knows how many the next terrorist in our midst kills.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Ft. Hood, Texas

Yesterday a Muslim terrorist killed 13 American heroes at Ft. Hood, Texas. A heroic effort by Sergeant Mumley saved an untold number. She was wounded in the firefight, but hung in there and pumped four rounds into the terrorist. Good for her. Sgt. Mumley standing tall in the face of extreme danger epitomizes the heroism exhibited by our folks in uniform.

Did I mention that the terrorist scumbag was a major in the Army? An American Muslim that joined before the attacks on 9/11. Lately he had been expressing his displeasure of American involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. He had even posted in a blog that a suicide bomber is akin to a soldier that throws himself on a grenade to save his comrades. And no one thought to pull this guy aside and ask him what the hell was going on?

My question is why the hell was this guy still in the Army? The people that supervised Major Nadil Malik Hasan are partly to blame here. I don't want the ghosts of the dead to haunt those responsible, but for a few nights would be ok with me.

It is only lately that Hasan had been spouting his anti-American rhetoric about the wars. Only once it became clear that he was going to get deployed to Iraq himself. If he didn't want to go to Iraq or Afghanistan, then he should have gotten out of the Army. If he has been in since before 9/11 then he has had to re-enlist at least twice between now and then. So the excuse I hear about his not wanting to fight other Muslims is BS.

So now 13 families are planning funerals for their loved ones. 38 others have been wounded and who knows how many will be adversly effected for the rest of their lives. Soldiers expect to fight in battles in foreign lands. They don't expect to get gunned down in a medical center waiting for shots prior to deployment.

Is the reason this guy wasn't kicked out months ago because he was a Muslim? if that is the case, then this is more tragic than originally thought. Should his religion have been a factor on whether or not he was able to join? Of course not, since it is a recognized religion, but once that religion becomes a detriment to his ability to serve, then things have to be reevaluated. I don't care what that religion is. If it becomes clear that because of religious ideology a soldier is no longer able to serve effectively, then they have to go.

My biggest problem with the aftermath of this is that this scumbag's life was saved by medical personnel. How much money was wasted on keeping him alive? How much more money will be wasted searching for a reason and then keeping him in prison? More than I am willing to spend that's for sure. Besides, I can give you the reason, he is a radical Muslim terrorist. Case closed. And it didn't cost millions, nor take months.

My youngest daughter today said that she would have no problem "accidentally" bumping into the ventilator, turning it off. And if you knew her, you would be as surprised as I was. But, I agree with her wholeheartedly. My wife thinks we should keep him alive so we can hang him later in a very public execution.

That's not a bad idea either.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Election 2009

Well tomorrow is the first election during the Obama administration. As we all know, most of the talking heads on TV and radio say this is a referendum on the Obama regime. I think that this will settle some of the argument about that, but it's not the entire story.

As we see in the 23rd District of New York, the Republican has dropped out. Now it's a Democrat versus a Conservative. A third party candidate has made a big noise in a small area. Will this translate into a larger movement in this country for next year's election? Only time will tell. But it is interesting, isn't it?

Another question is, will a Conservative Party become a reality or will it be like the Independent Party that Senator Joe Lieberman belongs to? Now the Independent Party hasn't been around too long and I still haven't seen a national convention, but that doesn't mean that it will not happen.

But with the exit of Dede Scozzafava (R) in New York this is an exciting time for those of us that consider ourselves conservative more than just Republican. Besides, Dede wasn't really a Republican in my opinion. She has been described as a RINO, republican in name only. I won't even give her that much credit.

This is a woman that is pro-life, supported the Stimulus Plan and is in favor of gay marriage. Sounds more like a democrat to me. How about you? The media calls her a moderate Republican. Sorry, but there's no such thing. If you believe more in the things that the more liberal of us subscribe to, then you are a liberal. Period. Dede isn't a Republican, she is a Democrat. She should just change parties and call it a day. I've heard rumors she was going to pull an Arlen Specter party switch shortly after winning.

Those that consider themselves to be a "moderate Republican" or worse, a "liberal Republican" here's some advice, just go ahead and call yourself a Democrat. Leave the Republican party and start putting a "D" next to your name. You will not be missed.

I for one welcome a new version of the Republican Party. It has been said that the Republicans had lost their way and were drifting left. Maybe, maybe not, but they certainly needed a reminder of what they stand for. Remember that a conservative view (sorry about that) is one that wants smaller government, lower taxes and believes in the free market system.

Besides, if you want a referendum on the Obama presidency, look no further than Ford Motor Company. Today they announced a third quarter profit of $1 Billion. Now remember, Ford is the only one of the "Big Three" that didn't take bailout money. In other words, they don't have interference from the the federal government.

Or, did you notice that Uncle Barack had a meeting this morning with his economic advisers? He said that more needs to be done to create jobs. What the hell was the stimulus for? I think it was a waste of money, but what do I know?

But there is the true referendum.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Insane Alan Grayson

On Sept. 24 Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) said what I consider to be his most offensive comment so far. He called Linda Robertson, an aide to FED chairman Ben Bernanke, a "whore." Excuse me? He said what? A member of the United States Congress calling someone a whore? What the hell is he thinking? Who does he think he is? This clown is certifiable. The people of Florida should never give this guy another vote.

This isn't the first thing that has come out of mouth that has been considered controversial. He apologized to the dead and their families for not having put an end to the "holocaust" of not having a government run health system. That was before he said that the Republicans wanted you to "die quickly" if you got sick.

Where is Nancy Pelosi and the civility police? Why has there not been a public outcry against this lunatic? I don't get it. This guy can say whatever he wants and no one cares. Imagine of this had been a Republican member of Congress, what would the press do then?

Grayson is a freshman congressman and is acting like it. To me he has exhibited conduct unbecoming to a member of Congress and should be soundly punished for his comments. Again Uncle Barack showed his lack of judgment when later in the day he refers to Grayson as an outstanding member of Congress.

Before becoming a Congressman, Grayson had a law practice and went after firms that overcharged the government for services rendered. He seemed to be fairly successful too. Good job on that Alan. Now back to doing that, would you? Because you are an embarrassment as an elected official.

You may find this hard to believe, but I have less respect for Alan Grayson than I have for Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barney Frank and Olympia Snowe. All of these folks have said and done some pretty stupid things this term, but Grayson outdoes them all.

Maybe can be the next ACORN lawyer since their last one was elected president.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Medical Marijuana

A few days ago I hear that Uncle Barack isn't interested in prosecuting the distributors of marijuana. Ok, so it's the medical marijuana clinics he was talking about, but in my opinion they are still criminals. The only difference with these folks is that they are doing it out in the open and have the blessings of the state government.

Quite a while ago the federal government decided to criminalize marijuana. Today it is still listed as a schedule 1 drug on a scale of 1-5 with schedule 1 narcotics having no medicinal value. Over the years the medicinal vale of marijuana has been a matter of much debate. Some claim that it helps people with certain diseases to increase appetite and/or to reduce pain. I will admit that this issue needs to be re-examined. That means to see if this particular drug does have a positive effect in the treatment of patients not to just decriminalize it so the government can start peddling dope.

It seems to me that several years ago a pill form of marijuana, called Marinol, was being experimented with. Synthetic THC was produced and put into pill form and given to patients receiving chemotherapy and also AIDS patients. Go to for more information on the study. The study showed that smoking marijuana was a poor way to deliver the THC because it could not be regulated. Plus the other harmful side effects of the associated with smoking marijuana are listed, such as a joint having four times the tar as a regular cigarette and the other 400 chemicals found in marijuana smoke.

So with the Marinol pill available by prescription for patients that need it and the FDA stating that smoking marijuana is not a viable way to deliver the drug, why the hell hasn't the federal government gone after the sellers of the illegal form of the drug? Why aren't the Feds putting their foot down and cutting off federal money to the states that have legalized marijuana in some form or another? Are they making money off of the sales? I doubt it, because that would be news worthy, at least on FOX anyway.

13 states with Washington and Oregon leading the way have already legalized medicinal marijuana. 14 others have pending legislation. What is this? If these 14 states also have medicinal marijuana laws then over half the states will thumbed their noses at the federal government on this issue? What's next?

In Washington and Oregon a person is allowed to have 24 ounces of marijuana for personal medicinal use. A pound and half? The only two words for that are in-sane. Who needs that much weed? I know, dealers. If you think that these folks aren't selling some on the side then you must be high.

Look, all I know is that if the Feds say that something is illegal, then the states cannot make laws that make it legal. In our system of government a state cannot make any laws that are more lenient than the feds. Period. All of the states that have decriminalized marijuana in any form have actually made no law at all because of the federal statute. The department of justice should have gone after the first state to try this.

I'm not just busting the chops of Uncle Barack on this one. He is just the latest president to do nothing about this. George Bush didn't do anything, neither did Bill Clinton. Well, no surprise about Slick Willy. Who believes he didn't inhale?

Eric Holder and the DOJ must put an end to this. If we are to have laws, then they must be enforced.

Especially the ones concerning illegal drugs.

Monday, October 19, 2009

The FOX Hunt

I see that the White House has once again used the Sunday talk shows to bad mouth Fox News. Why? Who knows? Well, I have an idea. I think it might have something to do with the fact that Fox isn't the biggest supporters of Uncle Barack. It could also be that health care reform is floundering. Or maybe it's just that they cannot be controlled.

Way back when it decided that the press should not be censored, but be used to keep the government in check. The press is a watchdog of the people when it comes to the government, big business and those that hold power. I think that's a good idea, don't you?

Rahm Emanuel says that Fox has a "perspective" David Axlerod says that Fox is pushing a "point of view." Why, because they aren't in the bag for Obama? Because they offer a different opinion of CNN, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and ABC? I haven't heard anyone at FOX say they get a thrill running up their leg when Uncle Barack speaks.

Now don't look at the opinion shows, but look at the news programs on FOX. Axlerod says that FOX isn't a news network. Huh? Has he watched anytime that Hannity isn't on? Doesn't sound like it. The news is the news, opinion is opinion. Period.

I've tried to watch shows on the other networks. I can't take too much. The cheerleading, the continual bashing of George Bush and the vitriol in general. Shameful. It is these other networks that are pushing an agenda.

So if Uncle Barack, Rahm Emanuel, David Axlerod and Anita Dunn don't like FOX News, here's and idea, don't watch, ignore them. In other words, do what I do when it comes to the "mainstream" media.

Besides, doesn't Uncle Barack have more important things to worry about at the moment?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Rush and the NFL

It appears that the group Rush Limbaugh was a part of that was trying to buy the St. Louis Rams has decided to drop him because it's felt he is a problem for the group. Well, Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and the rest of the pinheads that think Rush is a racist are getting their way. And that's too bad.

After all, whether you like Rush or not, here is a man that has been successful, made a ton or two of dough, and was trying to buy a portion of a sports franchise. I believe it's called capitalism. I believe it's called a guy just spending his money however the hell he wants. This isn't a convicted felon, like a lot of the NFL players, trying to buy a gun, this is a guy trying to buy a business.

Besides let's take a look at a few owners from the NBA. Jay-Z, is part owner of the NJ Nets. I'm not a fan of Mr. Z's music, but what do I care if he owns part of an NBA team? Even after hearing how he is not a fan of white America I still don't care that he has a stake in the Nets. Yes, he made comments about white America at the inauguration of Obama.

Then let's look at Mark Cuban of the Dallas Mavericks. Another buffoon. Doesn't he get fined by the league every other day for saying something stupid about the referees? Didn't he say to Kenyan Martin's mother last year, "your son's a thug?" Hasn't he been sentenced to work a day in a fast food joint because of stupid comments? Yet he still owns a team.

Sure Rush said that he thinks Donovan McNabb is over rated and that the media wants to see a black QB do well. Do they? I don't know. But the media is surely a liberal bunch. So you make up your own mind about that. He was fired by ESPN for that comment. That company most certainly is liberal.

Roger Goodell says he was worried about the perception of the league with Rush as a part owner. What? He's concerned about the image of the league? BS. Who's in the league these days? Oh yeah, criminals. Michael Vick, Ray Lewis, Jamal Lewis, Randy Moss, and starting next year Donte Stallworth just to name a few. At least Adam Jones finally got the boot. What kind of message is he sending when he lets these criminals make millions and are being held up as role models?

He even made the divisive comment. What about a clown like T.O.? He divides every locker room he's ever been in, yet he's still around. Didn't he get thrown off the Eagles for his sideline rants at McNabb? I would bet that Parcells retired from the Cowboys earlier than anticipated because of Owens. He wont last long in Buffalo either because of his attitude. All this after questioning the sexual preference of Jeff Garcia.

Now even as divisive and provocative as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are would they be denied a chance at part ownership? Of course not. That would be racist. At least according to them. Even though it is they that are racist.

Some of the comments attributed to Rush, such as slavery had it's merits, can't even be authenticated. Now Rush is threatening to sue the people that are saying he made these comments. Good for him.

I am so glad that before this season started I decided that I was done with the NFL. I haven't watched a single play. I haven't checked the standings. I haven't had anything to do with football in any way shape or form.

But it would have been fun to see if these prima donna players that said they wouldn't play if Rush was involved would actually have stood true to their word. I doubt it.

Who would have paid them the millions they think they deserve?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Seduction of Olympia Snowe

Well, the democrats officially have a new member if you ask me. And it should come as no surprise that it is Olympia Snowe (D-ME). Actually she will tell you that she is a Republican. That's a bunch of BS. Today marks the second time that she has turned her back on her so called conservative beliefs and voted with the Dems on a controversial issue, health care. This comes after she joined the dark side and voted for the stimulus package.

Since no one read the Invest and Recovery Act, or as I like to call it, the Liberal Agenda Wish List, I'm wondering if she read this one. Of course I'm talking about the Baucus Bill that was voted on today by the Senate Finance Committee. This particular one does not include a public option so there is little ope of this particular version becoming law, but just the fact that she crossed the aisle once again should be disconcerting to us all.

With this move today she might as well announce that she is now a Democrat just like that other turncoat, Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania. Then the liberals will have more than their super majority and Uncle Barack wont have to spend so much of his time courting Snowe and can concentrate on more important issues. Like the economy or Afghanistan.

With this monstrosity now passing the committee it will be paired with the House bill authored by Chris Dodd. Of course he has had his surgery this summer and will not have to put up with the wait or the expenses if reform as the Dems see it passes. Once the two ideas are put together, they will have to be revised because these two bills are not identical. So it will take some time and things will look different. The thing I hope looks much more different is the price tag. The Baucus Bill is going to cost $829B. I can't understand why he just doesn't write a check.

As I type this I see that Uncle Barack is on the telly extolling the virtues of Benedict Snowe, praising her "political courage" for voting for this. This from the guy that in 2003 as he is giving a speech to the AFL-CIO states that he supports a single payer system. Meaning a government run health care system.

Before the day is out I will be sending Snowe a love letter, well not really a love letter, telling her exactly how I feel. I encourage everyone to do the same. I will also find out when she is up for re-election, who her opponent is in the primary and send him/her a few bucks for the campaign.

Maybe then she will learn.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Nobel Prize

So yesterday Uncle Barack gets the Nobel Peace Prize. I'm sure I say for a lot of us, WTF? He hasn't done a thing. So he gets it for the speeches he read off the teleprompter during the campaign. Good for him. Did you notice the sarcasm in the last statement? Actually I was glad to see that he had a humble acceptance speech and is giving the money to charity. At least he appeared humble, weather or not that was just an act is another thing entirely.

This is nothing more than a political statement by the Norwegians. It's all about being anti-Bush. They made it quite clear. Jimmy Carter 2001, Al Gore 2007 and now Uncle Barack. The common denominator for these three is their criticism of George Bush and the war in Iraq. Carter has done good things with the Habitat for Humanity and Al Gore got rich pushing the global warming agenda. So, maybe they deserved it, but certainly not Obama.

To give him the prize just for his ambition and his reading skills is ridiculous. Who doesn't want things in the middle east to calm down? It's obvious that it's not the Israelis or the Arabs. How about riding the world of nukes? Well, duh! But is it ever going to happen? Of course not. They are here to stay no matter what.

I do give him credit for trying to get the Iranians and the Cubans and all the other America haters to relax a bit. After all, if they do back off the rhetoric, it would be a good thing. I do think that his ambition far outweighs the reality of it. After so many years of indoctrination by oppressive and corrupt governments telling their people that we are the bad guys, it's almost impossible for Obama to change that in the nine months that he has been emperor, I mean president. He has tried though, going on two apology tours and bowing down to Iran, Libya, the Saudis and the Koreans. And of course the Russians.

Uncle Barack admits that he doesn't belong in the same company as others that have won the award and he's right. He's certainly no Ghandi, Mother Teresa or Yassar Arafat. That's right, Arafat got the Nobel Peace Prize. He was the world's leading terrorist. He is responsible for an untold number of deaths of innocent people and continued unrest in the region and he gets a peace prize. What a joke! This award has no meaning and less credibility.

The timing of this is horrible as well. How can Uncle Barack now send more troops to Afghanistan? How can he direct two military conflicts while still maintaining the facade of Nobel Laureate? In reality, he can't. The ultra left will grab this and stay on Obama's case until he withdraws completely from the region. What does this mean? I'm afraid it means that before the next presidential election we will more than likely suffer another terror attack.

If we leave Afghanistan before the Taliban and Al-Qeada are extinct, they will come back stronger than ever. It will embolden them and be an extremely effective recruiting tool. That cannot be allowed to happen. They must be destroyed.

Then we will have peace.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

More Troops

Gen. McChrystal says he needs 40,000 more troops in Afghanistan to win and end the war. To me that's a no-brainer. Give him the troops. What the hell is Uncle Barack waiting for? We have been there for eight years stuck in the mud and now we are being told we can end the thing and the president is taking his sweet time about a decision.

I can't understand why either. After all, we have been there for eight years. In reality we won the war after only three weeks. The Taliban was defeated, Al-Queda was on the run, bin Laden was hiding in a cave. A job well done by the US military. Then we got off track and the resulting quagmire is what we were left with. A lot of good men have died in that time.

Volunteers all. Just like the ones there today. This is an all volunteer military. I volunteered a long time ago. Millions have volunteered since. We all knew the day we signed up and took the oath that it was a possibility that we would be asked to go and fight. That is why I have no problem with giving Gen. McChrystal the troops he is asking for.

I feel for all the folks that have lost a loved one in Afghanistan or Iraq. I know more will be lost before this is finished. I can't help that. Neither can anyone else. People like Cindy Sheehan have a right to grieve over the loss of a son. She doesn't have the right to camp out in front of George Bush's house in Texas trying to get him to end the war. Her son joined on his own. He died in service of his country. He is a hero and a patriot and should be remembered as such. My mother was a bit of a pacifist and she wasn't all that thrilled either time that I enlisted, but she wouldn't have gone off the deep end if I hadn't come back from somewhere because she knew that is was my decision.

If we quit now, if we try to pull back a little and maintain the status quo and fail then every life lost to this point will have been for nothing. Every soldier wounded will have done so for nothing. Those that have given years of their collective lives, time away from their families, their children, will have been for nothing. That is unacceptable.

Let us not forget the enemy we are fighting either. These are the cowards that strap bombs to themselves and walk into a marketplace and blow themselves up. Just to get to Paradise and 72 virgins. They kill innocent folks just because they don't believe the same things in regards to religion. Women are routinely beaten for wearing pants and for talking to males that aren't part of the family. These folks are nuts. They will stop at nothing until their twisted goals are met.

We must stop these radical ideologues. We must give the military what they need to put an end to this insanity. If we don't then we only set ourselves up for more tragedy, for another 9/11 type of attack. Can we stand for another 3,000 innocent victims?

I have had the opportunity to travel a bit in the last few years and have flown through New York. There is an obvious gaping hole in the skyline of Manhattan. In Pennsylvania there is a large hole in the ground where flight 93 crashed with 40 American heroes fighting the enemy. We can't forget these folks either.

I don't care if you support the war itself or not. Really, that's irrelevant. What I am asking you to do is support the troops on the ground. They don't make policy, they defend our freedom. Now it's up to us to defend them. E-mail the president, tell him to give Gen. McChrystal the troops he needs.

And to get out of the way.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Pro Sports

Anyone that has known me over the years knows that I'm a sports junkie. I grew up about 10 minutes form Anaheim Stadium in Southern California. My mother would take me to baseball games a few times a year. I saw some guys play that you may have heard of, Nolan Ryan, Bobby Bonds, Jim Palmer, Frank Robinson and too many others to mention. The doctor mom worked for had season tickets to the LA Rams. I know, I'm showing my age. The Rams had some decent guys too, Joe Namath, Merlin Olson, Jack Youngblood, Hacksaw Jim Reynolds and again the list goes on. Ah, wonderful times.

But over time, the shine started to come off. In the last few years there has been the steroid scandal in baseball and all the off field transgressions by football players. Between the both of them, I'm done with professional team sports. Yep, you read it right, I'm done with professional team sports. No more will I spend countless hours in front of the TV watching these children play their games. Never again will I spend $100 for my wife and I to go to a minor league baseball game here in Salt Lake City.

Let's go over some of the things that have made my decision for me. About seven or eight years ago a thug named Ray Lewis was attending an after super bowl party in Atlanta where two men were stabbed to death. Lewis was implicated, he was later allowed to plead to an obstruction charge and given probation. A few years later his team mate Jamal Lewis was indicted for brokering a cocaine deal while in college. He was allowed to plead the charge down and was told he could put off serving his sentence until after the season was over so he didn't miss any games. Unbelievable, a felon given preferential treatment so he could make his money instead of paying the penalty.

In more recent years it's been ilk like Adam "Pacman" Jones for trying to live his life like he's in a gangsta rap video, Chris Henry getting arrested every other day for DUI, Donte Stallworth killing someone while DUI, Steve McNair leading a sordid secret life that ultimately gets him killed by his mistress and to me the straw that broke the camel's back, allowing Michael Vick back into the game. Tonight is the final game of week four of the 2009 NFL season and I have not watched a single play.

Monday night, Brett Favre as a Viking playing against Green Bay and I'm not watching.

Baseball has been just as bad. How many "last chances" did Steve Howe get? If memory serves me right, seven. Seven death penalties overturned and he was allowed back in. All because he was a left handed reliever. His coke addiction finally got him killed in a car crash in Idaho or Wyoming.

The steroid issue to lengthy too type about here.

Today I see a story about Detroit Tiger's left fielder Miguel Cabrera has a run in with the police after being in physical altercation with his wife. Did I mention that it was about 6 AM and his breath alcohol was almost three times the legal limit? Can you believe it, a guy who just signed a seven year $140 Million contract acting this way? I do.

He is just another example of what is wrong with pro athletes. This idiot plays a game on Saturday night, goes on a bender and then gets in a fight with his wife while he's drunk out of his mind. His team was playing later that day and needed a win to ensure a place in the post season. I assume that was part of the reason the Tigers gave him so much money.

But what does he care? It's all about him, isn't it? If it's not, then it should be. Just ask him. Or any of the other spoiled brats making millions while the rest of the country struggles. I think the decent folks of Detroit should boycott the playoffs if the Tigers make it and the team doesn't suspend and eventually release Cabrera.

The advertisers will never get another moment of my time, nor a dime of my money.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

King of the World

Well, tomorrow Uncle Barack heads to Copenhagen to meet up with his wife Michelle, Oprah and other various folks trying to get the International Olympic Committee to award the 2016 summer games to Chicago. What timing, eh? Chi-town trying to get the games while this guy is the pres. Amazing.

I hear that the town itself is pretty much split on the issue. No surprise there. It was almost the same here in Salt Lake City for the 2002 winter games. I was one of those opposed. I would guess that the reasons are similar for the residents of Chicago. Sure it will create a short lived economic boom, but the games don't seem to pay for themselves anymore. With each passing set of games, it only seems to be about outdoing the last ones. Hotels, restaurants and transport companies get fat, but the regular folks just have to put up with the hassle for about six weeks. Downtown here was a nightmare for that amount of time. I can't imagine what it would be for Chicago.

But let's get back to the trip. Is the US Olympic Committee paying for this? What about Oprah? I'm sure she's got the dough to finance it. But because it's Uncle Barack and Michelle, they need to take the official government planes. don't they? And of course the necessary amount of secret service folks. Plus the aides and nanny's and the so called journalist and a spokesman or two. So I'm guessing that it is we the tax payers that are picking up the tab. Anyone disagree?

I've heard people on both sides of this say their piece. Most that don't have a problem with it say that the president can do his work from the plane via phone and fax. True though that may be, what is he thinking going to Denmark only to be on the ground for four total hours before heading back? Seems like a waste of time and our money to me.

Now if Obama was paying for this out of his own pocket I wouldn't care in the least. Or if this was a side bar to an official meeting of some kind, then again I wouldn't care. But it isn't. He should just stay in Washington and continue to address this country's problems. However much I disagree with his handling of said problems.

I understand that heads of state will be there representing the others in the final four, but we sent Oprah. No one is bigger than she is. At least to her. Now don't get me wrong, I don't begrudge her the success she enjoys. She earned it. I just can't stand her overly inflated opinion of herself. Besides, I really don't have a problem with Mrs. Obama going. It's kind of expected.

But if Chicago gets the games, I can hear Uncle Barack doing his best Ali-esque impersonation saying, " I'm King of the world."

Only he will really mean it.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Nuclear Venezuela

Scary? It is to me. Imagine what has been going through my mind since I read the AP story about how Iran is helping Venezuela search for uranium deposits. That's right, Iran. Oh goody, just what we need, isn't it? Imanutjob and Chavez working together to obtain nuclear energy and then weapons. Anyone believe that it's just for energy? I certainly don't.

This comes only days after Uncle Barack, Sarkozy of France and PM Brown of Great Britain publicly deriding Iran for having a secret uranium enrichment facility just outside of Qom. At the G20 Summit in Pittsburgh, the three of them took to the podium two days ago and let Imanutjob have it. With Sarkozy even laying down a timeline for Iran to come into compliance. I almost laughed. The only ones the French have stood up against are Dolly Madison and Lil Debbie, when the government removed vending machines from public schools. I guess they are looking to raise and healthier generation of cowards. Plus Sarkozy can't even keep west Tehran, I mean Paris, in line. How does he expect to strike fear into the hearts of radicals? But wait, there's Gordon Brown of the UK. He wouldn't do anything that Uncle Barack hasn't told him to.

And speaking of Uncle Barack, now that his good buddy Chavez has entered the nuclear arms race, what do you think he'll do? My guess, nothing. Unless of course it happens to totally drain what ever is left of our money. Well, he can print more, can't he? No, he just wont do anything. He should completely alienate himself from the radical left in this country. And since they got him elected...............

So here we have two of the biggest nuts in the world going into business with each other. Chavez just inked a deal with Tehran where he will deliver 20,000 barrels of gasoline a day to Iran just in case the UN sanctions go through. Iran is helping Chavez find the uranium in Venezuela. Nice. Granted it would be years before Chavez has an actual bomb, but who wants to wait? Of course he says that he is only interested in developing nuclear energy for his country. Anyone believe it? I don't. No more than I believe Imanutjob.

Imanutjob gives a press conference saying that Uncle Barack will regret his statement. He is in cahoots with bin Laden? It wouldn't surprise me in the least. After all didn't bin Laden just release a statement that Europe better watch it's backside when the Americans pull out? Sounded like a direct threat to me.

Something needs to be done and done fast about these two clowns. On their own they are bad enough, but together, who knows what they are capable of. Well, I think we do know, but who is going to have the political guts to do anything? Besides the Israelis?

Chavez is well on his way to having the rest of South America bullied into his way of thinking. Or at least his way of dictating. The Bolivian president said that the way to save the planet is to do away with capitalism. Sounds to me like he got a sneak peak at the new Micheal Moore movie.
Capitalism is evil and must be destroyed is the message we are getting from Venezuela and other parts of South America. Unless it's from Brazil. They announced today that they would like a nuclear weapon. When does it end? With Argentina, Columbia or some other place on the planet where one is not needed?

The Iranian facility will be bombed by Israel. Hopefully sooner than later. A new president is needed in Venezuela.

As well as here. The election is only 3 1/2 years away.

Who will have a bomb by then?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

More on the UN

I called it two days ago, Chavez, Imanutjob and Quack-daffi all addressed the general assembly of the UN and did nothing but badmouth the US. Well, that's not entirely true. Quack-daffi did talk about jet lag, Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby. This clown just bloviated on nothing in particular for over 90 minutes. I saw some of the lowlights and he showed what an idiot he most assuredly is.

When Uncle Barack's good friend Chavez took the stage, he did say that the smell of sulphur has left the podium. He now smells hope. Of course this buffoon makes the now obligatory remarks that anyone criticizing Uncle Barack is only doing so because he is black. He asked that Obama be spared the bullets that killed JFK. What the hell is that? Is that an insinuated threat? Does Chavez know something the Warren Commission didn't? No, that can't be. Chavez doesn't know anything.

Another thing that got to me was the fact that the assembly hall didn't empty completely when Imanutjob got up to speak. A few folks left at the beginning. more left part way through. But why did anyone sit through the first few words? Israeli PM Netanyahu was particularly bent. I don't blame him. He asked why anyone stayed, asking if they had no shame. Of course the Iranians boycotted his speech.

So today Uncle Barack chairs the UN security council meeting. Naturally his meeting is about nuclear proliferation. Trying to condemn the Iranians for what they are doing. Here's the thing, without the Russians on board the president wasted his breath. We all know that the Russian's biggest trading partner is Iran. So of course they will not back up any sanctions that the UN comes up with.

So this just makes my point that the UN is a waste of time.

It surely is a waste of our tax dollars.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The UN

This week we have as guest in our country the leaders, or dictators, of some of our enemies. They are here to speak at the UN. More than likely they will just continue their anti-American rhetoric and badmouth their host.

With clowns like the Iranian president, Imanutjob, Hugo Chavez, Colonel Quack-daffi of Libya and other ilk in town, just how much is this costing the American taxpayer to allow these fools to talk smack to us? Remember that we as taxpayers give the UN $500,000,000 a year for their budget, plus the city of New York gets stuck with the bill for the security.

Does anyone think that being a part of the UN is still a good idea? After all, how many countries are a part of the UN? Why doesn't every country pony up the same amount to belong? Since they can afford to have people here to represent them, doesn't it seem logical that they can pay their fair share?

The thing that gets me is that we pay hundreds of millions of dollars to this organization only to have the Chinese, the Russians and usually anymore the French vote against us in the security council and the rest of the world just gives us a bunch of crap.

I hear that some of the talking heads on TV are worried about Imanutjob approaching Uncle Barack. They shouldn't be, Uncle Barack will more than likely seek out Imanutjob to shake his hand. Along with his good buddy Chavez and of course Quack-daffi.

I do have to give it to the folks in Englewood, NJ for not allowing Quack-daffi to stay in their town and as well as the City of New York for not allowing him to pitch a Bedouin tent in Central Park. To me that request was laughable anyway. The way that the hotels banded together and refused to accept this abbetor of a mass murderer was terrific.

I believe that Quck-daffi is only making his first trip to the US to flaunt the fact that Megrahi is now home and out of that awful Scottish prison. Why was this lowlife even granted a visa to enter? Oh yeah, it's because we are a kinder, gentler, more enlightened America now.

It's too bad that Imanutjob was able to find accommodations in New York. It's looks like a pretty swanky place too. How can this be an appropriate place for a hardcore Muslim man to stay? I bet unaccompanied women are walking around in the lobby, alcohol will most undoubtedly be served in the restaurants and bars and is there a mosque in the hotel? Probably not.

So if the UN is to remain an entity then it needs to find a new home. I bet Canada would take them. Venezuela certainly would. How about Russia. After all, if the countries that belong can have people stationed here, then why can't they have them anywhere else? New York has to be one of the more expensive places to live. Almost anywhere else has to be cheaper.

Especially for us.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


A few days ago I first heard of the John Adams Project. This insidious group is trying to take photos of covert CIA operatives and showing them to prisoners at Gitmo in an effort to find out who may have "illegally" tortured them. Did I mention that this is a group of lawyers from the ACLU? You know, the American Criminal Lovers Union.

My question is this, why do these bandits at Gitmo have American civilian lawyers? Are they prisoners of war or are they common murderers? Has anyone read the 9/11 Commission report that says that Al-Qaeda was at war with the US, but we were not at war with them? Ok, that's three questions, but you get where I'm coming from.

Back to the main point. ACLU members are photographing undercover CIA folks and showing them to the enemy. Even if they eventually find one of these zealots to identify an agent as one who may have gotten their face wet or kept them up too long, what about the others? Now they have been outed and are at grave risk of being singled out for violent repercussions just because of their jobs at Langley.

This is a violation of federal law. These folks at the John Adams Project are now traitors and should be treated as such. Why are they not in jail awaiting their trials? They should be tried in an American court because their crimes started in this country. Once found guilty they should be executed. Period. These folks are aiding the enemy and giving them quarter. They should suffer a traitor's fate.

I can remember when the ACLU was screaming bloody murder when Valerie Plame's identity was leaked and printed in the paper, what is so different now? Oh yeah, these leftist whack jobs are against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan because they were started by a Republican president. And since they are so adverse to having someone get their kisser wet when being interrogated or being deprived of a little sleep they feel the need to make any kind of a stink. They think we should ask them "pretty please" in an effort to get the information.

To me one of the most perverse things about this "project" is the taking of the name of John Adams. They did this because Adams was the lawyer for the British soldiers that were tried for the Boston Massacre prior to the Revolutionary War. They forget that Adams is also considered one of the founding fathers who stood up against tyranny and unfair government taxes and intrusions.

Granted, I believe that anyone in the country that is accused of a crime should have competent representation and a fair trial. To me that means that the crime is committed in the US by a criminal, not an enemy combatant. Then they can have a lawyer, at our expense if necessary. A fair trial means leaving politics and personal feelings out of it. That goes for the jury too.

If you ask me none of the "detainees" at Gitmo are not entitled to an attorney. They are to be considered prisoners of war for starters. If these folks give up information that implicates them in attacks on America or our interests then that confession should be used. The hard part will be to determine if this was an act carried out against a military installation/target during recognized combat or was it an act of actual terrorism. If terrorism is the determination, then there are no rules concerning how this person is treated or eventually executed. I doubt that anyone will be working too hard to get the information now anyways. What with the Attorney General Eric "Americans are cowards" Holder investigating the CIA and now this from the ACLU, who can blame them. Unless they are the true warriors I believe the agents to be and will do the right thing and interrogate these scumbags and continue to keep us safe.

But what if someone thinks that no matter what it is an act of war? Well, even the act of war has rules. There was some convention in Geneva, Switzerland a while ago where civilized countries got together and came up with the rules. We should follow the rules when dealing with enemy combatants, not with terrorists.

If people like Nina Ginsberg and the other ilk at the "project" want to continue down this path, then they should be ready to suffer the consequences of their actions. When the arrest warrants are issued I hope I get to serve those warrants. If they are not executed for treasonous acts then I hope they enjoy spending the rest of their lives in a federal prison.

Or Gitmo.

Unless AG Holder proves to be a coward and refuses to do anything.

Friday, September 18, 2009

A Killer on the Loose

So yesterday a group from the Eastern State Hospital in Washington state go to the county fair. By a group I mean a bunch of inmates. One of this group was Phillip Paul, incarcerated for life for a murder committed in 1987. He killed an elderly woman because the voices in his head told him she was a witch. He doused her body in gasoline and buried her in her garden. He thought it would throw off the dogs. In 1991 he tries to escape and knocks out a deputy and dislocates the man's shoulder in the process. Sounds pretty sane to me.

So here he is at the fair with a bunch of fellow inmates and he quietly slips away form the group and disappears into the night. So now we have a pshyco killer running around without his meds. I have said it before and here we go again, what the hell were they thinking? Who in their right minds (sorry about that) thought this was a good idea?

The people that were supposedly watching this group should all be fired. Immediately. If anyone is hurt by this murderous thug, then the admin at the hospital as well as the now recently fired folks (hopefully) should be held criminally and civilly responsible.

Authorities believe that this kook is headed for his parents home in Sunnyside, Wa. I'm not so sure he is. He has got to think that the police will be looking for him there. I believe he will try to hide somewhere else.

If this wacko actually needs medication to keep himself in line, then he is more dangerous now than ever. Without his meds Paul's ever so slight hold on sanity will surely slip away before he knows it. The people in Washington are in grave danger.

I hope the police find this guy before he goes completely over the edge. It wouldn't bother me in the slightest of he put up a fight and there by becomes a fading memory. I know that sounds harsh, but what good comes from a solution of Paul just going back to the hospital? Absolutely none if you ask me. Did you? You must have, you've read this far.

So once again the barn door has been closed after the horse has left. The state has suspended all outings for hospital patients or inmates. Well, duh. They never should have been allowed out in the first place. To me that's a no brainer. If the mental health pros think that to assimilate people back into society, they need to be turned loose into society, then they are the ones that need to be locked up.

Just look at the Department of Corrections for if you think I'm out of line. The folks that are released to halfway houses that supposedly have control of their faculties are doing things that get them sent back to prison all the time. Imagine what a lunatic without his meds is capable of.

I hate to think of the possibilities.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sand Dunes National Park

I think this sounds like a good name for Iran. After we take over, of course. How we do that is by bombing the living snot of them. Don't we have a bunch of nukes laying around just taking up space? My wife thinks we should make Iran a glass factory. Sand turns to glass when melted. Nukes would melt the sand and turn it to glass. That also sounds good to me.

Harsh, you say? Let's take a closer look at the current form of Iran. 30 years ago there was a revolution and the Shah was deposed. Ok, none of my business, but Iran at the time was an ally of the US. Then the current thug-ocracy took over. Since then every Friday after the afternoon prayers, crowds gather in the main square in Tehran and chant, "death to America." I still remember that for 444 days terrorists held 50+ Americans hostage in our embassy. One of those scumbags is the current president of Iran, Mahmoud Imanutjob (I'm a nut job). I know that's not his name, but I can't spell his actual name and I really don't care. I got this name from Jay Leno of all people.

Oh yeah, the only reason the hostages were released was because Ronald Regan was sworn in as president and he said that he would end the saga one way or another. The terrorists listened and within an hour of Regan's inauguration, the hostages were on a plane out of Iran.

Now Imanutjob has repeatedly threatened to wipe Israel off the map. Only because of their religion and how the Jews are an affront to Islam. So much for Islam being about perfecting one's humanity. It seems that now this has become more likely that an attempt will be made. You see, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency, Iran now has sufficient information to build a nuclear bomb. The IAEA also thinks they are making strides on a viable delivery system. Scary, isn't it?

It is for Israel. It should be for the rest of the region. And it should be for the rest of the world. Iran has the ability to put a satellite in space, so they certainly have missiles that can reach Israel and southern Europe. So after nuking Israel, what do they do next. How about bullying the rest of the middle east and gaining control of the majority of the world's oil? Does that get your attention?

So what do you think our president, Uncle Barack, is doing about this? Well, today he announced that the missile shield that was to be in the Czech Republic and Poland is not going to happen. The heads of these countries wouldn't take calls from Secretary of State Clinton today. I am not surprised. They should be righteously bent. The president thinks he has a better plan, he was unable to convince me today.

I would bet a large amount of money that within the next six months Israel takes out the Iranian facilities just like they did to the Iraqis. I hope so. I hope they succeed. I hope they do enough damage that the Iranians are unable to get their nuclear program going again for years. I also hope they drive a missile up the backside of Imanutjob and the ruling religious fanatics that are running that country.

Do I care that the Iranians are going to hate the US seemingly forever? Of course not. The ruling thug-ocracy has brainwashed the folks for the last 30 years so how are they to know the truth? My problem is with the government of Iran. If you can call it that. If you and your folks want to live a strict Islamic lifestyle, go right ahead. Why should I care? The second you want to impose your religious ideals on the rest of the world and then threaten them with annihilation, that's when you can expect the rest of the world to react.

The country of Iran is large enough that an invasion is not viable. So they have nothing to worry about there. Beside, what the hell is in Iran that anyone would want? So why do they need nukes? If they want to use nuclear power, ok. The ability to make a bomb is out of the question.

Israel will defend itself.

We should have the political stones to help them.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Jimmy Carter

This man just needs to fade into obscurity. Almost every time he opens his mouth he makes another controversial statement. Today's comment was that the majority of people that oppose Uncle Barack's policies are doing so for no other reason than their racist thoughts. If you ask me, as you should, Mr. Carter is just trying to stay on TV by making these idiotic remarks.

Let's look at the history of our former president, shall we? This is the guy who while he was president, the unemployment rate went over %10, interest rates for a home loan were at %21 and our embassy in Tehran had been held hostage for 444 days. One hell of a job, wasn't it? Thankfully he was only a one term president.

Since he left office Mr. Carter has authored several books and spends a great deal of time doing charitable works with the Habitat for Humanity. Hats off to Mr. Carter for the HFH works, but he needs to stop writing. I believe it was his latest book that called for a Palestinian state. Israel has been one of our closest allies over the last 60 years and here he is calling for them to give up part of their country to appease the Palestinians. There are only two words for that, in-sane.

Let's see if I can get the history of Israel right. They came about after WW2 when Great Britain carved out a piece of the middle east. Before that happened it was the Jewish folks that were throwing bombs and the like. Now they are the target of the bombs. I don't agree with the Jews for being the bomb throwers just like I don't agree with the Palestinians now. Hamas is a terrorist group and should be treated as such. Jimmy Carter thinks he should have meetings with these guys and give them credence. Foolish.

Now with his calling folks racist for disagreeing with our current president, he should really consider just retiring from public view and quit thinking that people actually give a damn about what he has to say. Granted he is a private citizen now, but he is also a former president. How he is acting is certainly not presidential. It's not even decent.

Today Robert Gibbs, my favorite person in the world, said that the president doesn't agree with Carter's statements about folks being racist. Good for the president. At last something we can agree on. Hard to believe, isn't it?

The fact that the former president thinks that I'm a racist is deeply offensive to me. I wasn't raised that way and certainly don't think that way now. The only group of people I have a problem with are criminals. Ok, and the folks that refuse to do anything for themselves and think that the government only exists to take care of them. If that makes me a bigot, then ok. But I don't think it does.

So the only thing I have to say to former president Jimmy Carter is, go back to Georgia, farm your nuts, build your houses and shut the hell up.

And stay away from the Billy Beer.

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Falling ACORN

I see today that the Senate voted 83-7 to cut funding to ACORN for housing projects. Well it's about time. What the hell took so long? This organization has been corrupt for a long time. Longer than we know of I'm sure. After all, how many times can members be indicted on crimes concerning voter fraud before they are considered to be corrupt?

It should come as no surprise that folks like Rolan Burris (IL), Dick Durbin (IL) and Kirsten Gillibrand (NY) voted agianst this proposal. Remember that Burris took the seat vacated by Uncle Barack and Gillibrand got the seat after Hillary left to be Secretary of State. Gee, I wonder why they would stick up for ACORN. I should have looked up the other four senators names before typing this, but I doubt it was anyone from Utah. At least it better not have been. Maybe I will look this info up after I finish.

My hat is off to the two youngsters, James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles, that went into the belly of the beast, so to speak, and got such damning evidence on tape. These two showed tremendous intestinal fortitude. What gets me is how the ACORN folks bought their story. How could someone look at these two and believe them? But to think that they were able to do it at least two more times is incredible.

I think O'Keefe is well on his way to a career in filmaking. Ms. Giles wants to be an investigative journalist. I think they both have one hell of a resume at this point, don't you?

Now ACORN is threatening legal action against O'Keefe and Giles. What a joke! Their employees caught on tape telling people that they believe to be a pimp and a prostitute how to avoid detection while running a brothel financed with ACORN money, want to have these two prosecuted? For what? Telling the truth? Sounds like liberal BS to me. Actually it stems from the fact that it is illegal to tape someone without their knowledge in Maryland. Hopefully the authorities decide not to take that route.

Over the years ACORN has received over $50,000,000 (50 Million) in our tax dollars. And believe it or not, they are slated for $8,000,000,000 (8 Billion) of the Stimulus Bill. I just can't believe it. Uncle Barack knows this organization better than anyone and he signed this bill. Did he read the bill before hand? Doubtful. But he knew about the provision. Of that I'm sure.

At least this criminal organization is no longer part of the 2010 census and now they are losing part of their funding. Good. It's not enough. There should be a full scale IRS audit and Justice Department investigation. Does the term RICO mean anything to anyone?

I am watching Sean Hannity while typing this and Andrew Breitbart and Hannah Giles are guests speaking about this. Breitbart says that there is another tape being released tomorrow. Amazing. I can't wait to see it. Also mentioned was the fact that the Brooklyn DA is now going to investigate the New York office. Good for him.

This group needs a lawyer. Oh yeah, they had one.

Barack Obama.