Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Seduction of Olympia Snowe

Well, the democrats officially have a new member if you ask me. And it should come as no surprise that it is Olympia Snowe (D-ME). Actually she will tell you that she is a Republican. That's a bunch of BS. Today marks the second time that she has turned her back on her so called conservative beliefs and voted with the Dems on a controversial issue, health care. This comes after she joined the dark side and voted for the stimulus package.

Since no one read the Invest and Recovery Act, or as I like to call it, the Liberal Agenda Wish List, I'm wondering if she read this one. Of course I'm talking about the Baucus Bill that was voted on today by the Senate Finance Committee. This particular one does not include a public option so there is little ope of this particular version becoming law, but just the fact that she crossed the aisle once again should be disconcerting to us all.

With this move today she might as well announce that she is now a Democrat just like that other turncoat, Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania. Then the liberals will have more than their super majority and Uncle Barack wont have to spend so much of his time courting Snowe and can concentrate on more important issues. Like the economy or Afghanistan.

With this monstrosity now passing the committee it will be paired with the House bill authored by Chris Dodd. Of course he has had his surgery this summer and will not have to put up with the wait or the expenses if reform as the Dems see it passes. Once the two ideas are put together, they will have to be revised because these two bills are not identical. So it will take some time and things will look different. The thing I hope looks much more different is the price tag. The Baucus Bill is going to cost $829B. I can't understand why he just doesn't write a check.

As I type this I see that Uncle Barack is on the telly extolling the virtues of Benedict Snowe, praising her "political courage" for voting for this. This from the guy that in 2003 as he is giving a speech to the AFL-CIO states that he supports a single payer system. Meaning a government run health care system.

Before the day is out I will be sending Snowe a love letter, well not really a love letter, telling her exactly how I feel. I encourage everyone to do the same. I will also find out when she is up for re-election, who her opponent is in the primary and send him/her a few bucks for the campaign.

Maybe then she will learn.

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