Well, we knew it wouldn't be long before the Senate rolled out it's version of the health care reform. I didn't think that Harry Reid would actually try to outdo Nancy Pelosi, but it seems he has made a valiant attempt. 2,074 pages for one bill, wow. That's the only word to describe it. Who could read such a bill? I bet it would put an insomniac to sleep.
Even after all the legal mumbo-jumbo is filtered out and us normal folk were able to understand it, would we back it? I won't if it means that I have to trust the government to run the health care industry. Now I know it won't happen overnight and the left claims that it won't happen at all. But let me ask you this, when have you ever known the government, and I don't care if it's a republican or democratically controlled government, to get it's hooks into something and ever let it go? I can't think of a single time. If you can, let me know.
So now let's take a look at the basic ideas behind reform. The first, I believe, is to make sure that everyone is covered by some sort of insurance. Define everyone. Is it citizens only, or does that include folks that are here both legally and illegally? Is it taxpayers or people that file a tax return? We all know there is a big difference there. I'm curious to hear the answers.
I can't find Reid's bill online to get the answers to these and other questions that I have. One of the biggest questions I have is why it cost so much. If the government makes new regulations for the insurance industry to follow, how does that cost the government, meaning you and me, anything? I realize that the government wants to give tax credits to lower income folks that would have a hard time paying the additional costs that the government is requiring them to pay. So isn't that just giving them back their premium money? Isn't that the government, again meaning the taxpayer, picking up the tab?
That part seems to me to just be an expansion of welfare. It's another government giveaway that will be abused like every other. We all know that there are plenty of folks out there that will immediately figure out a way to scam the system. Whether that is by criminal means or just plain laziness, it will happen.
Did I use the "L" word again? You bet'cha. Sorry 'bout that, I just couldn't resist. Yes, Pollyanna there are plenty of people in this world that will allow others to shoulder the burden for them. I see it plenty in my line of work. I have heard every excuse under the sun why they can't work or find a job. Most of it is pure laziness and a lack of self respect.
So, it's who does it cover, why does it cost so much and how does this improve care for all in this country? Oh, that's right, we haven't covered that yet, have we? It won't improve things for me and my family. I believe it will make things more difficult. Why you ask? Millions more people and the same amount of doctors makes for longer waits. That is just logic, nothing to do with ideology. I go to the doctor for check ups and surgery. That's it. I don't go when I get the sniffles, I only go when I really need to. When I needed surgery on my back and then on my neck, I couldn't wait around for the doctor, I needed both right then. But still there was a bit of a wait, what happens next time, how much longer will the wait be?
I also think that if doctors become overworked and feel underpaid then we will have an exodus from the profession and fewer wanting to get into it thus creating even more of a backlog. I don't begrudge a doctor for the money he/she makes. They went to college for an extended period of time, learned a subject that most of us would have a hard time with and should be compensated well for their skills. Would you want someone that was just an "ok" doctor working on you or a loved one, I think not.
Don't get me wrong, the idea is noble, it's just not practicable at this time when we are already facing huge deficits created by our former and current administrations, an economy that continues to struggle a bit and a mind set in Washington that we are going to spend our way out of debt.
It's just not reality, Pollyanna.
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