A few days ago I first heard of the John Adams Project. This insidious group is trying to take photos of covert CIA operatives and showing them to prisoners at Gitmo in an effort to find out who may have "illegally" tortured them. Did I mention that this is a group of lawyers from the ACLU? You know, the American Criminal Lovers Union.
My question is this, why do these bandits at Gitmo have American civilian lawyers? Are they prisoners of war or are they common murderers? Has anyone read the 9/11 Commission report that says that Al-Qaeda was at war with the US, but we were not at war with them? Ok, that's three questions, but you get where I'm coming from.
Back to the main point. ACLU members are photographing undercover CIA folks and showing them to the enemy. Even if they eventually find one of these zealots to identify an agent as one who may have gotten their face wet or kept them up too long, what about the others? Now they have been outed and are at grave risk of being singled out for violent repercussions just because of their jobs at Langley.
This is a violation of federal law. These folks at the John Adams Project are now traitors and should be treated as such. Why are they not in jail awaiting their trials? They should be tried in an American court because their crimes started in this country. Once found guilty they should be executed. Period. These folks are aiding the enemy and giving them quarter. They should suffer a traitor's fate.
I can remember when the ACLU was screaming bloody murder when Valerie Plame's identity was leaked and printed in the paper, what is so different now? Oh yeah, these leftist whack jobs are against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan because they were started by a Republican president. And since they are so adverse to having someone get their kisser wet when being interrogated or being deprived of a little sleep they feel the need to make any kind of a stink. They think we should ask them "pretty please" in an effort to get the information.
To me one of the most perverse things about this "project" is the taking of the name of John Adams. They did this because Adams was the lawyer for the British soldiers that were tried for the Boston Massacre prior to the Revolutionary War. They forget that Adams is also considered one of the founding fathers who stood up against tyranny and unfair government taxes and intrusions.
Granted, I believe that anyone in the country that is accused of a crime should have competent representation and a fair trial. To me that means that the crime is committed in the US by a criminal, not an enemy combatant. Then they can have a lawyer, at our expense if necessary. A fair trial means leaving politics and personal feelings out of it. That goes for the jury too.
If you ask me none of the "detainees" at Gitmo are not entitled to an attorney. They are to be considered prisoners of war for starters. If these folks give up information that implicates them in attacks on America or our interests then that confession should be used. The hard part will be to determine if this was an act carried out against a military installation/target during recognized combat or was it an act of actual terrorism. If terrorism is the determination, then there are no rules concerning how this person is treated or eventually executed. I doubt that anyone will be working too hard to get the information now anyways. What with the Attorney General Eric "Americans are cowards" Holder investigating the CIA and now this from the ACLU, who can blame them. Unless they are the true warriors I believe the agents to be and will do the right thing and interrogate these scumbags and continue to keep us safe.
But what if someone thinks that no matter what it is an act of war? Well, even the act of war has rules. There was some convention in Geneva, Switzerland a while ago where civilized countries got together and came up with the rules. We should follow the rules when dealing with enemy combatants, not with terrorists.
If people like Nina Ginsberg and the other ilk at the "project" want to continue down this path, then they should be ready to suffer the consequences of their actions. When the arrest warrants are issued I hope I get to serve those warrants. If they are not executed for treasonous acts then I hope they enjoy spending the rest of their lives in a federal prison.
Or Gitmo.
Unless AG Holder proves to be a coward and refuses to do anything.
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