Yesterday a Muslim terrorist killed 13 American heroes at Ft. Hood, Texas. A heroic effort by Sergeant Mumley saved an untold number. She was wounded in the firefight, but hung in there and pumped four rounds into the terrorist. Good for her. Sgt. Mumley standing tall in the face of extreme danger epitomizes the heroism exhibited by our folks in uniform.
Did I mention that the terrorist scumbag was a major in the Army? An American Muslim that joined before the attacks on 9/11. Lately he had been expressing his displeasure of American involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. He had even posted in a blog that a suicide bomber is akin to a soldier that throws himself on a grenade to save his comrades. And no one thought to pull this guy aside and ask him what the hell was going on?
My question is why the hell was this guy still in the Army? The people that supervised Major Nadil Malik Hasan are partly to blame here. I don't want the ghosts of the dead to haunt those responsible, but for a few nights would be ok with me.
It is only lately that Hasan had been spouting his anti-American rhetoric about the wars. Only once it became clear that he was going to get deployed to Iraq himself. If he didn't want to go to Iraq or Afghanistan, then he should have gotten out of the Army. If he has been in since before 9/11 then he has had to re-enlist at least twice between now and then. So the excuse I hear about his not wanting to fight other Muslims is BS.
So now 13 families are planning funerals for their loved ones. 38 others have been wounded and who knows how many will be adversly effected for the rest of their lives. Soldiers expect to fight in battles in foreign lands. They don't expect to get gunned down in a medical center waiting for shots prior to deployment.
Is the reason this guy wasn't kicked out months ago because he was a Muslim? if that is the case, then this is more tragic than originally thought. Should his religion have been a factor on whether or not he was able to join? Of course not, since it is a recognized religion, but once that religion becomes a detriment to his ability to serve, then things have to be reevaluated. I don't care what that religion is. If it becomes clear that because of religious ideology a soldier is no longer able to serve effectively, then they have to go.
My biggest problem with the aftermath of this is that this scumbag's life was saved by medical personnel. How much money was wasted on keeping him alive? How much more money will be wasted searching for a reason and then keeping him in prison? More than I am willing to spend that's for sure. Besides, I can give you the reason, he is a radical Muslim terrorist. Case closed. And it didn't cost millions, nor take months.
My youngest daughter today said that she would have no problem "accidentally" bumping into the ventilator, turning it off. And if you knew her, you would be as surprised as I was. But, I agree with her wholeheartedly. My wife thinks we should keep him alive so we can hang him later in a very public execution.
That's not a bad idea either.
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