Thursday, September 24, 2009

More on the UN

I called it two days ago, Chavez, Imanutjob and Quack-daffi all addressed the general assembly of the UN and did nothing but badmouth the US. Well, that's not entirely true. Quack-daffi did talk about jet lag, Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby. This clown just bloviated on nothing in particular for over 90 minutes. I saw some of the lowlights and he showed what an idiot he most assuredly is.

When Uncle Barack's good friend Chavez took the stage, he did say that the smell of sulphur has left the podium. He now smells hope. Of course this buffoon makes the now obligatory remarks that anyone criticizing Uncle Barack is only doing so because he is black. He asked that Obama be spared the bullets that killed JFK. What the hell is that? Is that an insinuated threat? Does Chavez know something the Warren Commission didn't? No, that can't be. Chavez doesn't know anything.

Another thing that got to me was the fact that the assembly hall didn't empty completely when Imanutjob got up to speak. A few folks left at the beginning. more left part way through. But why did anyone sit through the first few words? Israeli PM Netanyahu was particularly bent. I don't blame him. He asked why anyone stayed, asking if they had no shame. Of course the Iranians boycotted his speech.

So today Uncle Barack chairs the UN security council meeting. Naturally his meeting is about nuclear proliferation. Trying to condemn the Iranians for what they are doing. Here's the thing, without the Russians on board the president wasted his breath. We all know that the Russian's biggest trading partner is Iran. So of course they will not back up any sanctions that the UN comes up with.

So this just makes my point that the UN is a waste of time.

It surely is a waste of our tax dollars.

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