Monday, November 9, 2009

Diversity Becoming a Tragedy?

Gen. George Casey thinks that if the diversity of the US Army becomes a casualty in the aftermath of the Ft. Hood killings it would be a greater tragedy. That is why he is parroting the president and telling the rest of us to not jump to conclusions. Excuse me? Did he really say that? Does he actually expect me to stand idly by and let the powers that be play their little games and not say what the world seems to know?

I've got an idea for you Gen. Casey, resign. Thank you for your service to our country. Now you can retire and go fishing or whatever it is you like to do. Making comments like this is reprehensible and you should be ashamed of yourself. A soldier above all others should be able to recognize the enemy. You allowed the president to pimp you out, shameful.

Uncle Barack is acting no better. He also says that we should wait before making a conclusion on the motives of the terrorist Hasan. Is this the same president that referred to the Cambridge Police Department as stupid for arresting his friend? Yes it is. Was the president also friends with Hasan?

Since more and more information about the terrorist Hasan is coming to light, I will ask again, why the hell was this scumbag allowed to stay in the Army? Oh yeah, it was because no one wanted to be perceived a racist because this terrorist is Muslim. And the Army wanted to get it's money worth out of him since he got that free medical degree. Not free really, you and I paid for it.

This politically correct BS is destroying our country from the inside. Tell it like it is. Howard Cosell did and he did pretty well for himself. If a person is a scumbag, call him a scumbag. I will call the terrorist Hasan a scumbag and worse until the day I die. Because that is what he is.

Remember, he worshiped in the same mosque as two of the 9/11 hijackers listening to a radical anti-American Imam. Don't tell me that he wasn't effected by it because I don't believe it. The terrorist Hasan also tried to contact Al-Qeada. Why? Do you really think it was to get on their Christmas card list? I doubt it.

This political correctness has now cost 13 American lives and still our government refuses to acknowledge this. Why? Could it be that Uncle Barack Hussein Obama really doesn't like the idea of saying anything bad about Muslims?

He had better wake up. This will not be the end of it. After only ten months on the job, he has suffered a terror attack on our soil. This after deriding the former administration for it's policies.
At least after the first attack, there wasn't a second.

So don't worry Gen. Casey, the Army will remain diverse, the Muslims currently serving will not be subjected to any harassment. Mainly because I want to believe that they are good soldiers and will do their duty to their country.

But the next time someone starts spouting their anti-American rhetoric and saying that they are Muslim first and American second, you had better think twice about this pusillanimous attitude this administration displays.

Because who knows how many the next terrorist in our midst kills.

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