Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The UN

This week we have as guest in our country the leaders, or dictators, of some of our enemies. They are here to speak at the UN. More than likely they will just continue their anti-American rhetoric and badmouth their host.

With clowns like the Iranian president, Imanutjob, Hugo Chavez, Colonel Quack-daffi of Libya and other ilk in town, just how much is this costing the American taxpayer to allow these fools to talk smack to us? Remember that we as taxpayers give the UN $500,000,000 a year for their budget, plus the city of New York gets stuck with the bill for the security.

Does anyone think that being a part of the UN is still a good idea? After all, how many countries are a part of the UN? Why doesn't every country pony up the same amount to belong? Since they can afford to have people here to represent them, doesn't it seem logical that they can pay their fair share?

The thing that gets me is that we pay hundreds of millions of dollars to this organization only to have the Chinese, the Russians and usually anymore the French vote against us in the security council and the rest of the world just gives us a bunch of crap.

I hear that some of the talking heads on TV are worried about Imanutjob approaching Uncle Barack. They shouldn't be, Uncle Barack will more than likely seek out Imanutjob to shake his hand. Along with his good buddy Chavez and of course Quack-daffi.

I do have to give it to the folks in Englewood, NJ for not allowing Quack-daffi to stay in their town and as well as the City of New York for not allowing him to pitch a Bedouin tent in Central Park. To me that request was laughable anyway. The way that the hotels banded together and refused to accept this abbetor of a mass murderer was terrific.

I believe that Quck-daffi is only making his first trip to the US to flaunt the fact that Megrahi is now home and out of that awful Scottish prison. Why was this lowlife even granted a visa to enter? Oh yeah, it's because we are a kinder, gentler, more enlightened America now.

It's too bad that Imanutjob was able to find accommodations in New York. It's looks like a pretty swanky place too. How can this be an appropriate place for a hardcore Muslim man to stay? I bet unaccompanied women are walking around in the lobby, alcohol will most undoubtedly be served in the restaurants and bars and is there a mosque in the hotel? Probably not.

So if the UN is to remain an entity then it needs to find a new home. I bet Canada would take them. Venezuela certainly would. How about Russia. After all, if the countries that belong can have people stationed here, then why can't they have them anywhere else? New York has to be one of the more expensive places to live. Almost anywhere else has to be cheaper.

Especially for us.

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