Monday, November 16, 2009

The Bow Part II

How much longer are we to put up with the protocol impaired Uncle Barack bowing to foreign heads of state? Yesterday when the clueless one bowed to Emperor Akihito of Japan it marked the second time in less than a year Obama has made the same blunder. Does he not have a protocol officer on his staff?

In 233 of this countries existence, our government representatives have not bowed to anyone. It's not out of disrespect, it's because we don't bow to anyone, plus it seems like heads of state just don't bow to one another. I saw a video on You-Tube this morning showing 45 times the Japanese emperor greeting foreign heads of state and other diplomats. Not once was Akihito bowed to, nor did he bow to anyone. This video included dignitaries from other Asian countries with similar customs. I doubt that it's a coincidence.

Another video I saw on this incident begins with Uncle Barack's motorcade arriving. Then we see the president walking towards the Emperor and his wife. First the big bow to Akihito, a much smaller one to the Mrs. and then the continual nodding of the head as if still bowing to the couple as they walk in a building. I cringed while watching it.

Uncle Barack just threw a bunch of supporters under the bus with that bow. Remember how the media and the lapdog Robert Gibbs were so adamant about how Obama didn't bow to King Abdullah? Well, it appears that they didn't know what they were talking about (no surprise there, especially about Gibbs) because he has done it again. Lie to me once and I believe it, shame on you. Lie to me twice and I allow it, shame on me. Not that I really believed it when I was told about the supposed non-bow to the Saudi king. That's right, he was bending over slightly because the King was so much shorter than he. Will the same excuse be recycled for this latest boner on the part of our president?

This continuation of gaffes on the part of Uncle Barack and Auntie M is getting rather embarrassing. Between the constant bowing and the patting on the back of Auntie M to the Queen of England, someone needs to educate these two. Okay, here's the first lesson. Rule number one, no bowing, ever. Rule number two, don't use the double handed handshake, ever. Rule number three, no patting on the back, ever. Are you starting to see a pattern here? I hope so.

But then again what are we to expect? This guy was only a partial term Senator and then because he has the gift of gab and he wasn't John McCain, he gets elected president. But because of his lack of experience I would have thought that someone, anyone, would have told this guy about protocol. It appears that it didn't happen.

And because it didn't happen, what are we stuck with? Well, it would appear to be a president that doesn't know a thing about how to greet a foreign leader, or that he should have his hand over his heart when the military folks around him are saluting or that he shouldn't ever speak without his teleprompter telling him what to say.

It seems that the POTUS is a bit of a DOOFUS.

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