So yesterday Uncle Barack gets the Nobel Peace Prize. I'm sure I say for a lot of us, WTF? He hasn't done a thing. So he gets it for the speeches he read off the teleprompter during the campaign. Good for him. Did you notice the sarcasm in the last statement? Actually I was glad to see that he had a humble acceptance speech and is giving the money to charity. At least he appeared humble, weather or not that was just an act is another thing entirely.
This is nothing more than a political statement by the Norwegians. It's all about being anti-Bush. They made it quite clear. Jimmy Carter 2001, Al Gore 2007 and now Uncle Barack. The common denominator for these three is their criticism of George Bush and the war in Iraq. Carter has done good things with the Habitat for Humanity and Al Gore got rich pushing the global warming agenda. So, maybe they deserved it, but certainly not Obama.
To give him the prize just for his ambition and his reading skills is ridiculous. Who doesn't want things in the middle east to calm down? It's obvious that it's not the Israelis or the Arabs. How about riding the world of nukes? Well, duh! But is it ever going to happen? Of course not. They are here to stay no matter what.
I do give him credit for trying to get the Iranians and the Cubans and all the other America haters to relax a bit. After all, if they do back off the rhetoric, it would be a good thing. I do think that his ambition far outweighs the reality of it. After so many years of indoctrination by oppressive and corrupt governments telling their people that we are the bad guys, it's almost impossible for Obama to change that in the nine months that he has been emperor, I mean president. He has tried though, going on two apology tours and bowing down to Iran, Libya, the Saudis and the Koreans. And of course the Russians.
Uncle Barack admits that he doesn't belong in the same company as others that have won the award and he's right. He's certainly no Ghandi, Mother Teresa or Yassar Arafat. That's right, Arafat got the Nobel Peace Prize. He was the world's leading terrorist. He is responsible for an untold number of deaths of innocent people and continued unrest in the region and he gets a peace prize. What a joke! This award has no meaning and less credibility.
The timing of this is horrible as well. How can Uncle Barack now send more troops to Afghanistan? How can he direct two military conflicts while still maintaining the facade of Nobel Laureate? In reality, he can't. The ultra left will grab this and stay on Obama's case until he withdraws completely from the region. What does this mean? I'm afraid it means that before the next presidential election we will more than likely suffer another terror attack.
If we leave Afghanistan before the Taliban and Al-Qeada are extinct, they will come back stronger than ever. It will embolden them and be an extremely effective recruiting tool. That cannot be allowed to happen. They must be destroyed.
Then we will have peace.
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