I thought I was done for the year. The Christmas spirit had taken over and I was content to let the world do it's collective thing and I would just keep my mouth shut or my fingers off the keyboard at least. But no, I am not afforded such a luxury and must once again put thought to virtual paper and bloviate about something or someone(s).
I barely mentioned in the last entry about the attempted bombing of the Delta flight from Holland to Detroit. After all the clown just burned his bottom a bit and probably got the snot kicked out of him and will get a lengthy stay in a federal bed and breakfast, complements of the American taxpayer. I think he should get executed, but who am I? Well, I'm the author of this blog and an American, that's who. And if anyone that has read a line of what I have written in the past knows is that I will voice that opinion. So here we go.
I gotta hand it to the Dutch version of the TSA. A lone person is allowed to purchase a one way ticket with cash, checks no luggage, has no passport and is allowed to get on an international flight. What else did this guy need to do to raise any kind of suspicion? Did he just need to tell the ticket agent, "I plan on blowing up the plane as it approaches Detroit?" It would seem so in my estimation.
So now the Dutch are implementing the full body scanner for every passenger. Great. Sounds a bit like closing the barn door after the horse is gone. Is that how that goes? I'm not sure anymore. But once again I digress. If someone in Dutchland had been paying attention then this would have never happened. This particular incident that is, not the fact that a Muslim terrorist wouldn't try something. The Dutch should just go back to growing tulips and the government running the brothels and not have an airport so this won't happen again.
Do you think I would let the Obama admin's reaction go unchecked? Hah! Not a chance. First Janet Napolitano was sacrificed on the Sunday morning talk shows. She was referred to as Incompetano by Mark Steyn the other day, I about crashed my car laughing at that one. First she says that the system worked. WTF? The system worked? I fail to see how, dear madam secretary. The next day she comes out and says that the system failed. Probably after getting the phone call from Barry in Hawaii. This only made her look more foolish than she normally does. Who was the waffle in the Doonsebury cartoon? I can't remember, but we have a new candidate.
Of course on Monday our president, looking righteously pissed by the way, interrupts his Hawaii vacation and gives an uninspired speech about an alleged attempt to bomb the plane by a "passenger" blah, blah, blah. Or in other words, the same ol' Obama song and dance about not jumping to conclusions and giving peace a chance. Sorry Mr. Pres., not good enough.
Then on Tuesday as more and more information has come out about the scumbag terrorist, the pres. once again gets his photo op and gives a more impassioned speech about how "his" ordered review of the incident would make things better and how we would learn how to thwart this type of incident in the future. Did he read this off a teleprompter? I think so. Wow Barry, what a leader you have become.
Don't we have safeguards in place to do this anyway? I think we do, but the folks working security at the airports around the world need to quit dropping the ball. How in the hell does Barry think that what we do here will stop a motivated terrorist scumbag from flying in from another country? It won't as the Christmas Day incident proves. Quit grandstanding.
Besides I think we get to lay this one at the feet of our president. Didn't the father of this lowlife call the US Embassy in Nigeria and tell that he feared his son was now a terror threat? I think so. Wasn't this guy on a terror watch list? Yep. Then how in the hell did he get a visa to enter the US? Of course it was because of the fact that since Obama took office the whole world loves us now and there is no need to worry about terrorist.
Or as Pinhead in Chief Robert Gibbs said during his Sunday morning interview, there are over 500,00o people on that list, how can they watch them all?
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