I heard today that Khalid Sheik Muhammed and four others that are responsible or the 9/11 attacks are being returned to New York to stand trial in civilian court. I about crashed my car. Then there was Attorney General Eric "the coward" Holder continually referring to the "alleged" crimes of these scumbags. I just couldn't believe what I was hearing as the words came through the speakers of my car radio.
Who thinks this is a good idea? But of course, it could only be Uncle Barack. What does the master manipulator have up his sleeve? Is this just another way to victimize the people of New York?
Then with these lowlifes being tried in civilian court many other issues come into play. One of the most important is discovery. Scumbags 1-5 get a free civilian lawyer who will immediately ask for a change of venue and then for everything the government has as far as evidence goes. I don't care about the change of venue but discovery could very well expose our intelligence gathering processes as well as confidential informants. In a military trial these things would be kept under wraps because the media would not be allowed in. Unless Obama says they can come in.
Then there is the security issue. How much will it cost just to shuttle the terrorists between the jail and the courthouse? I think that because of the lengthy process ahead of us, it will be astronomical. Of course we also need to be concerned of a possible attempt to free the terrorists by their comrades.
Of course the life of the judge, jury and prosecutors will be threatened. It happened before in the case of the blind Shiek who was tried for the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993. When will we as a nation learn form the past? Or should I say, when will the liberals learn from the past?
Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-TX) is thinking about working up a bill that would prohibit the terrorists from being brought to New York for trial. He says that he has been to Gitmo and they have a state of the art courtroom that has security as the primary focus. Millions were spent on this project and now Uncle Barack wants to eschew Gitmo to spend millions more by having the show in New York.
These terrorists are not bank robbers or kidnappers or money launderers, they are terrorist murderers. They were at war with the United States and committed an act of murder during wartime. They should therefor be tried by a military court before their executions.
I would by a ticket to that.
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