Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Reviews of "Going Rogue"

In case you live under a rock you've heard that Sarah Palin's new book, Going Rouge, came out yesterday. As you might imagine, the liberal media is lambasting the former Governor's efforts. But this is nothing new, the media has been in non-stop attack mode for more than a year now against her. So when I read some of the reviews, I was not surprised in the least.

Michiko Kakutani of the always impartial New York Times (notice the sarcasm there?) writes, "Going Rogue is part campaign spin, part earnest autobiography, part payback hit job." I'm guessing the last bit is about Governor Palin's remarks about some McCain campaign staffers.

Speaking of which, former McCain aid John Weaver comments, "the score settling by someone who wants to be considered a serious national player is petty and pathetic. " Is Mr. Weaver suggesting that scores need to be settled? I'm thinking so. Maybe Mr. weaver should of thought of how he was acting during the campaign.

And to continue along the same lines, we this comment form the Associated Press fact checkers, "Going Rogue has all the characteristics of a pre-campaign manifesto, the requisite autobiography of the future candidate." And this from the 11 folks that the AP put on this.

What a joke. The AP should feel as silly as CNN for fact checking the SNL skit on Obama's accomplishments.

The only even slightly positive review I've seen comes from Melanie Kirkpatric of the Wall Street Journal, "As a politician she comes across as a prodigious worker capable of of mastering complicated issues." Wow, someone that gives her some credit for being more than a hockey mom.

Well, it seems that the reviews by the NYT, AP and a former McCain aide are not surprising at all, but are they fair? I guess when you read the book you can make up your own mind. I have yet to read the book, but I will when the copy I ordered arrives. Unlike the president I plan to read the book, mainly because I like some of the things I've heard from Governor Palin and the way she just seems to speak from the heart and as a regular person is a nice break from all the political double speak we usually get from politicians. But I have to give the president credit for admitting that this book won't adorn his nightstand for the next week.

What I still can't understand is all of the media's acrimony directed at Sarah Palin. If the left is so sure that Palin is a non factor in any future political race then why is the press so hard on her? Yes, I equate the left with the media. But still this is something I don't understand. I saw an article by Eugene Robinson on the Hot Air website yesterday that compares Palin to a "lite" version of Eva Peron.

Is Sarah Palin going to run for president in 2012? Only she knows for sure. One thing I do know is that if she survives this publicity tour she will definitely be a force to be reckoned with.

Don't count out the pit bull with lipstick.

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