There is a business in the city I work in that has a marquee out front. Every now and then they put up some funny saying. Last week the sign read, "A penny saved is a Congressional oversight." I about crashed my car laughing when I first saw it. But I thought that it was a very appropriate statement. Especially in light of what our government has been doing.
The last time we had no federal deficit, Andrew Jackson was president. You remember him, don't you? His is the face on the $20 bill. He was also the 7th president. That was quite a long time ago. Since then our government has been in the practice of deficit spending. Our debt now stands at roughly 13 Trillion dollars. And rising.
This isn't just a jab directed at our current administration, but a statement of fact. Since Barry and his version of check kiters have taken office, our deficit has grown by almost two trillion ($2,000,000,000,000) bucks. That's a lot of zeros. I like to type it out so people can see what a huge number that is. Now remember, Barry has only been in office for 19 months. Newt Gingrich referred to Barry as a teenager with a credit card. That's a good comparison if you ask me. One day the bill will come in the mail. I doubt we will be able make the minimum payment.
Last week Barry and his cronies passed a $26 billion ($26,000,000,000) bailout for states aimed at teachers. Barry trotted out the sentiment that this was for the children because teachers were going to lose their jobs. Only partially true. This was for the teachers unions. I bet that most of that money goes straight to the unions to help pay for pensions. That's not the state retirement systems, that's the labor unions. I wonder how that works here in Utah, a right to work state, not a collective bargaining state. Unions have very little place in society today. Teaching, just like police work, firefighting, military life, et al, are more of a calling, not a way to amass wealth.
Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) claims that this is deficit neutral and completely paid for. Do you mean to tell me that the liberals were willing to cut other federal entitlement programs to pay for this? It may appear that way up front, but rest assured they will find away to spend that money again by attaching that money to other spending bills. If anyone disagrees, please say so.
So with unemployment hovering around %9.5, Auntie M flying around the world and the lame duck congress on a continued spending spree, I wonder what this country will look like after the current administration is done with us.
Oh yeah, did I mention that my insurance premiums went up?
Blog Archive
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
What a Whiner
Today Barry took to what looks like the Rose Garden and feigned indignation at the Republicans in the Senate for not rubber stamping extended unemployment benefits. As it stands, unemployment benefits last for 99 weeks. That's almost two years. Ok, 1 year 10 months and 3 weeks, that's just under two years. The GOP wants to make this extension deficit neutral and force Barry to cut back on something else first. It doesn't seem that he's willing to do that.
If I remember correctly, and I know I do, Barry wanted Congress to "pay as you go" so as not to add to the federal deficit. I guess that was open to interpretation too. Maybe he meant that would only be the case for things that he wasn't that keen on. And that would be anything that wasn't all about the Nanny State.
Pay as you go is a good idea when for the second year in a row we will have a deficit that tops more than a Trillion dollars (1,000,000,000,000). It looks pretty scary when all the zeros are laid out, doesn't it? Barry promised that he would cut the deficit in half by the end of his, what he describes as his first term and I know will be his only term, and he continues to spend us into oblivion.
Of course Barry took a cheap shot at GWB by saying that the former administration extended benefits and spent more money than they brought in and now the GOP wants to cut people off. That is complete BS and Barry knows it. He is politicizing this issue instead of looking for a responsible way to deal with it.
I feel for the folks that really need this benefit. I'm sure that most of these want to work, but are finding it difficult to find a job. I want to make sure that they get something to help them get by. But I'm sure that there are those that are taking advantage of this situation and just taking our money and siting on the behinds. I'm sure that they are the minority, but they are still there. For the One to say that those that think that never ending benefits will destroy worker incentive are not having enough faith in the American people is reprehensible. Barry is completely out of touch. Come ride a shift with me Mr. President, you might change your mind.
Barry says that it's time to do what's right, not for the next election, but for the middle class. He's absolutely correct. First, stop spending money that we don't have and come up with a deficit neutral; plan for extending the benefits.
Then fire Biden and announce that you're not seeking another term.
If I remember correctly, and I know I do, Barry wanted Congress to "pay as you go" so as not to add to the federal deficit. I guess that was open to interpretation too. Maybe he meant that would only be the case for things that he wasn't that keen on. And that would be anything that wasn't all about the Nanny State.
Pay as you go is a good idea when for the second year in a row we will have a deficit that tops more than a Trillion dollars (1,000,000,000,000). It looks pretty scary when all the zeros are laid out, doesn't it? Barry promised that he would cut the deficit in half by the end of his, what he describes as his first term and I know will be his only term, and he continues to spend us into oblivion.
Of course Barry took a cheap shot at GWB by saying that the former administration extended benefits and spent more money than they brought in and now the GOP wants to cut people off. That is complete BS and Barry knows it. He is politicizing this issue instead of looking for a responsible way to deal with it.
I feel for the folks that really need this benefit. I'm sure that most of these want to work, but are finding it difficult to find a job. I want to make sure that they get something to help them get by. But I'm sure that there are those that are taking advantage of this situation and just taking our money and siting on the behinds. I'm sure that they are the minority, but they are still there. For the One to say that those that think that never ending benefits will destroy worker incentive are not having enough faith in the American people is reprehensible. Barry is completely out of touch. Come ride a shift with me Mr. President, you might change your mind.
Barry says that it's time to do what's right, not for the next election, but for the middle class. He's absolutely correct. First, stop spending money that we don't have and come up with a deficit neutral; plan for extending the benefits.
Then fire Biden and announce that you're not seeking another term.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
More on What We Can Eat
Yesterday Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan was asked about a hypothetical law. She was asked Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) about a law that would require each person to eat three servings of fruits and vegetables everyday if that would violate the Commerce Clause. She paused for a few seconds and replied that it sounds like a "dumb law." Whatta ya know, Ms. Kagan actually said something intelligent.
I have to agree with Ms. Kagan on this, it would be a dumb law. How in the hell would it be enforced? Would the Veggie Cops be knocking on my door everyday to make sure that I'm eating my broccoli? I doubt it. Obviously this was a slam on Obama-care and a gauge of how Ms. Kagan would rule on it as a sitting Justice. She managed to side step the issue nicely as she gave a non-answer.
But my hat is off to Sen. Coburn for coming up with an appropriate type of question. Of course the left will lambaste the Senator for asking what they will call an idiotic question, but what do they know? After they're liberals.
Now for the idea of telling people what they can eat. It's laughable at best. To think that any administration can dictate what folks are going to buy at the grocery store and then eat is ludicrous. People need to be responsible for themselves. If I want to eat a piece of cake, I will. I don't give a damn about what the government thinks about it. So take that, Obama-care.
The last time I typed about the government wanting to take away me cheeseburgers I received an e-mail from Orit Sklar at I encourage you to take a look at this site and decide for yourself if you like what you see. If you do, sign their petition. I did. I don't want anyone telling me what I'm going to eat. Long before I got into law enforcement I was a cook. I've worked in some pretty nice places and developed some decent skills in the kitchen. I love to eat. I love to cook. I love it when I make a meal for my family and see that they enjoy it.
This past Father's Day, my dad came over for dinner. The menu, orange glazed wild boar chops with roasted red potatos and corn. For dessert we had a selection of Cheesecake Factory cheesecakes. Dad went for the key lime. I had the lemon raspberry. Dad really enjoyed it, especially since we hunted the hogs ourselves. That's another edition.
I put in a bit of extra time on the treadmill the next day. Hopefully the food police will leave me alone.
I have to agree with Ms. Kagan on this, it would be a dumb law. How in the hell would it be enforced? Would the Veggie Cops be knocking on my door everyday to make sure that I'm eating my broccoli? I doubt it. Obviously this was a slam on Obama-care and a gauge of how Ms. Kagan would rule on it as a sitting Justice. She managed to side step the issue nicely as she gave a non-answer.
But my hat is off to Sen. Coburn for coming up with an appropriate type of question. Of course the left will lambaste the Senator for asking what they will call an idiotic question, but what do they know? After they're liberals.
Now for the idea of telling people what they can eat. It's laughable at best. To think that any administration can dictate what folks are going to buy at the grocery store and then eat is ludicrous. People need to be responsible for themselves. If I want to eat a piece of cake, I will. I don't give a damn about what the government thinks about it. So take that, Obama-care.
The last time I typed about the government wanting to take away me cheeseburgers I received an e-mail from Orit Sklar at I encourage you to take a look at this site and decide for yourself if you like what you see. If you do, sign their petition. I did. I don't want anyone telling me what I'm going to eat. Long before I got into law enforcement I was a cook. I've worked in some pretty nice places and developed some decent skills in the kitchen. I love to eat. I love to cook. I love it when I make a meal for my family and see that they enjoy it.
This past Father's Day, my dad came over for dinner. The menu, orange glazed wild boar chops with roasted red potatos and corn. For dessert we had a selection of Cheesecake Factory cheesecakes. Dad went for the key lime. I had the lemon raspberry. Dad really enjoyed it, especially since we hunted the hogs ourselves. That's another edition.
I put in a bit of extra time on the treadmill the next day. Hopefully the food police will leave me alone.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Learn to Read!
I was watching the news last night when a blurb came on about the first day of hearings for Elena Kagan as she tries to become the next Supreme Court Justice. Now I'm not going to mention her manner of dress. Was it a dress? Nope, it was something that resembled a Navy P-coat with over sized buttons in a deep shade of blue. And who could miss the monsterous pearl necklace. It may have hidden one of her chins. But I digress, and I probably should apologize about that last remark. Maybe later.
What I am going to mention is her inability to read her own notes in a coherent manner. I-will-work-hard. I-will-listen-hard-to-my-colleagues. WTF! I thought she was reading a first grade book. Something along the lines of See Spot Run. I thought Ms. Kagan was supposed to be as smart as The One. At least Barry can read a tele-prompter. How is it that Ms. Kagan can't read from prepared notes? I'm sure that Ms. Kagan is a fairly smart person, after all she spent quite a bit of time as Dean of Harvard Law. Oh, wait a minute, I forgot, Harvard Law hasn't exactly produced a plethora of good lawyers lately. Alright, that's mean. She has spent most of her adult life at school so she has to have some smarts. She can read court decisions, she just hasn't made any having never been a judge. I would think that this would be a pre-requisite.
I'm sure that she will get confirmed and soon begin to interpret the Constitution in ways that I just can't imagine. Hopefully she takes a public speaking course first. That had to be the worst performance ever before Congress.
It's too bad that the position of Supreme Court Justice has become such a politically ideological one. I do believe that the court is there to make sure that new laws are constitutional and that the decisions made by lower courts are the correct ones. It's not supposed to be about doing what someone believes is right. Too many opinions for that to work. Many believe that Ms. Kagan is getting this spot to advance the Obama agenda. Are they correct? Only time will tell. I am putting my money on the fact that she is a far left gal and she will be right there with Justice Ginsburg. Ok, after grouping Ms. Kagan in with RBG I will take back the crack about her several chins.
This is just what we need, another bellicose Justice with a penchant for attempting to dismantle the document that separates us from the lower mammals.
Or in other words, liberals.
What I am going to mention is her inability to read her own notes in a coherent manner. I-will-work-hard. I-will-listen-hard-to-my-colleagues. WTF! I thought she was reading a first grade book. Something along the lines of See Spot Run. I thought Ms. Kagan was supposed to be as smart as The One. At least Barry can read a tele-prompter. How is it that Ms. Kagan can't read from prepared notes? I'm sure that Ms. Kagan is a fairly smart person, after all she spent quite a bit of time as Dean of Harvard Law. Oh, wait a minute, I forgot, Harvard Law hasn't exactly produced a plethora of good lawyers lately. Alright, that's mean. She has spent most of her adult life at school so she has to have some smarts. She can read court decisions, she just hasn't made any having never been a judge. I would think that this would be a pre-requisite.
I'm sure that she will get confirmed and soon begin to interpret the Constitution in ways that I just can't imagine. Hopefully she takes a public speaking course first. That had to be the worst performance ever before Congress.
It's too bad that the position of Supreme Court Justice has become such a politically ideological one. I do believe that the court is there to make sure that new laws are constitutional and that the decisions made by lower courts are the correct ones. It's not supposed to be about doing what someone believes is right. Too many opinions for that to work. Many believe that Ms. Kagan is getting this spot to advance the Obama agenda. Are they correct? Only time will tell. I am putting my money on the fact that she is a far left gal and she will be right there with Justice Ginsburg. Ok, after grouping Ms. Kagan in with RBG I will take back the crack about her several chins.
This is just what we need, another bellicose Justice with a penchant for attempting to dismantle the document that separates us from the lower mammals.
Or in other words, liberals.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Chicago Shootout
It seems that the Supreme Court issued a ruling today that, in effect, says that the ban on handguns in Chicago is unconstitutional. Good for them. But it also leaves open that other types of restrictions on guns in general would still be allowed. Again, good for them. Well, at least for the five justices that voted in favor of this decision. They voted for the Constitution, the dissenters voted against it.
This should be no surprise to anyone, but I own guns. Several guns in fact. I own three handguns. Two I carry for work, one for off duty. I have a rifle for work, one for target shooting. I also own three shotguns, one for home defense, two for hunting either birds or other small game. As I typed this, I must admit that I was surprised by the total number. But still, I am an advocate for gun ownership.
I don't care that folks own guns for home and/or self defense, target shooting and hunting. I do care that folks might own guns that aren't for any of the aforementioned activities. I don't think that a person should have fully automatic weapons or weapons that are used only for the hunting of people. I do own a rifle (the one I carry at work) that is not necessarily one used for hunting. On the magazine well it is stamped, "Restricted military/government law enforcement use only." If I wasn't a police officer there would be no reason for me to own this rifle. It has no other practical purpose.
But the other guns that I own do have a practical purpose. So if the government tried to take my guns away because they deem them to be offensive, then we have a real problem. The Constitution guarantees us the right to "keep and bear Arms" and that this right, "shall not be infringed." The Chicago ban on handguns did infringe on that right.
I am okay if Chicago wants to ban the carrying of concealed weapons. That is an issue for each individual state and/or city. But the state cannot prohibit ownership of guns to those that are eligible. Period. The four dissenters should read the Second Amendment.
So after Elana Kagan takes a course in public speaking, she can read the decision and take her place on the left side of the court.
This should be no surprise to anyone, but I own guns. Several guns in fact. I own three handguns. Two I carry for work, one for off duty. I have a rifle for work, one for target shooting. I also own three shotguns, one for home defense, two for hunting either birds or other small game. As I typed this, I must admit that I was surprised by the total number. But still, I am an advocate for gun ownership.
I don't care that folks own guns for home and/or self defense, target shooting and hunting. I do care that folks might own guns that aren't for any of the aforementioned activities. I don't think that a person should have fully automatic weapons or weapons that are used only for the hunting of people. I do own a rifle (the one I carry at work) that is not necessarily one used for hunting. On the magazine well it is stamped, "Restricted military/government law enforcement use only." If I wasn't a police officer there would be no reason for me to own this rifle. It has no other practical purpose.
But the other guns that I own do have a practical purpose. So if the government tried to take my guns away because they deem them to be offensive, then we have a real problem. The Constitution guarantees us the right to "keep and bear Arms" and that this right, "shall not be infringed." The Chicago ban on handguns did infringe on that right.
I am okay if Chicago wants to ban the carrying of concealed weapons. That is an issue for each individual state and/or city. But the state cannot prohibit ownership of guns to those that are eligible. Period. The four dissenters should read the Second Amendment.
So after Elana Kagan takes a course in public speaking, she can read the decision and take her place on the left side of the court.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Hillary Speaks Out of Turn
I think this is what Barry has told Hillary since he found out that she let it be known that the White House is actually going to sue Arizona for SB1070. That's the bill that allows the local cops to ask about someones immigration status. And imagine that she blabbed to an Ecuadorian newspaper, wow. I'm sure Barry was plenty chapped over this.
I don't see what the problem is with Barry anyway. After all this bill just forces the federal government to do their job on the issue of illegal immigration. It is, after all way past due for a state to say that enough is enough. Again, I don't mean to sound like this is all Barry's fault. I know that the federal government hasn't really done much of anything to solve this problem. It's just happening on Barry's watch.
I know that it irritates me that it was revealed to a foreign newspaper rather than to Americans first. Maybe it was because that Barry realizes that since the majority of Americans support this law that they would strongly oppose the litigation. Yes, I'm sure that Hillary jumped the gun, but still, she had to know that her comments were going to be picked up here in this country and spread like wildfire.
But then again, maybe that was her plan. Is she contemplating another run in 2012? Is she trying to undermine her boss so the Dems lose big in the mid-term elections? I do remember her saying that she would only be Secretary of State for one term. The big loss of seats this November could be enough for Hillary to publicly say that Barry is an ineffective leader and announce that she is going to run against him in the next presidential election. If this is the case she is doing a bang up job. You go girl. Keep up the good work. Imagine that, I just paid Hillary a compliment.
But now that the cat is out of the bag, so to speak, let's get to the real issue here. This new law, that hasn't even taken effect yet, does not encourage racial profiling. Why don't we take a look at one possible way that things might happen on the streets of any Arizona city on 7-29-10, the day after the law takes effect.
A police officer makes a traffic stop for a violation. The car has Arizona plates and is registered to an address in Arizona. The driver does not speak English and when asked for a drivers license only produces one from whatever country he/she is from. Then the name on the DL matches that on the registration. Doesn't common sense say that something is going on here? I think it does. And since not going through the proper procedures to enter this country is a crime this particular police officer should be asking some questions about this person's immigration status to determine if a crime has been committed. If one has then the officer should act, if not then the totality of the stop is not extended for an unreasonable amount of time. This is only one of a myriad of ways that a police officer could come into contact with someone that is in this country illegally.
So if people think that this is going to lead to the police stopping people on the street and asking for their passports, they are nuts. In this country probable cause must be established before a custodial detention can be made. If not, then any evidence obtained from the detention will be thrown out of court. I don't know how to put it any plainer.
So Barry is a nut for thinking that this is going to make folks happy and continue to vote for him and his cronies. Well, the Hispanic population will be happy, but not too many others. Ok, the committed left will also be pretty giddy, but they don't have the numbers to really make much of a difference.
So in my opinion let Barry continue down this path and dooming his party to defeat in the November elections. This year and in 2012.
Jan Brewer for president.
I don't see what the problem is with Barry anyway. After all this bill just forces the federal government to do their job on the issue of illegal immigration. It is, after all way past due for a state to say that enough is enough. Again, I don't mean to sound like this is all Barry's fault. I know that the federal government hasn't really done much of anything to solve this problem. It's just happening on Barry's watch.
I know that it irritates me that it was revealed to a foreign newspaper rather than to Americans first. Maybe it was because that Barry realizes that since the majority of Americans support this law that they would strongly oppose the litigation. Yes, I'm sure that Hillary jumped the gun, but still, she had to know that her comments were going to be picked up here in this country and spread like wildfire.
But then again, maybe that was her plan. Is she contemplating another run in 2012? Is she trying to undermine her boss so the Dems lose big in the mid-term elections? I do remember her saying that she would only be Secretary of State for one term. The big loss of seats this November could be enough for Hillary to publicly say that Barry is an ineffective leader and announce that she is going to run against him in the next presidential election. If this is the case she is doing a bang up job. You go girl. Keep up the good work. Imagine that, I just paid Hillary a compliment.
But now that the cat is out of the bag, so to speak, let's get to the real issue here. This new law, that hasn't even taken effect yet, does not encourage racial profiling. Why don't we take a look at one possible way that things might happen on the streets of any Arizona city on 7-29-10, the day after the law takes effect.
A police officer makes a traffic stop for a violation. The car has Arizona plates and is registered to an address in Arizona. The driver does not speak English and when asked for a drivers license only produces one from whatever country he/she is from. Then the name on the DL matches that on the registration. Doesn't common sense say that something is going on here? I think it does. And since not going through the proper procedures to enter this country is a crime this particular police officer should be asking some questions about this person's immigration status to determine if a crime has been committed. If one has then the officer should act, if not then the totality of the stop is not extended for an unreasonable amount of time. This is only one of a myriad of ways that a police officer could come into contact with someone that is in this country illegally.
So if people think that this is going to lead to the police stopping people on the street and asking for their passports, they are nuts. In this country probable cause must be established before a custodial detention can be made. If not, then any evidence obtained from the detention will be thrown out of court. I don't know how to put it any plainer.
So Barry is a nut for thinking that this is going to make folks happy and continue to vote for him and his cronies. Well, the Hispanic population will be happy, but not too many others. Ok, the committed left will also be pretty giddy, but they don't have the numbers to really make much of a difference.
So in my opinion let Barry continue down this path and dooming his party to defeat in the November elections. This year and in 2012.
Jan Brewer for president.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Oil, Oil Everywhere
Well, it's been two months since this began, it's about time I spouted off. First let me extend my sincerest condolences to the families of the 11 people that died when the rig exploded. It's the least I can do. It's definitely more than Barry did.
Fiorelo LaGuardia (former mayor of New York) said that there was no Democratic or no Republican way to clean the streets. There was only a right way and a wrong way. He was right. This oil spill in the Gulf is a perfect example. I don't think Barry and his left wing green goons blew up the rig, but he surely doesn't seem to care that this spill isn't getting cleaned up very fast.
I think that this is a prelude to the next incarnation of a Cap and Trade type bill. The big bad oil companies need to be reigned in and then put out of business. This opens the door to "green" energy. Solar and wind power, electric cars, that is if we don't go back to riding horses, of course we can't have nuclear power, but Barry and Van Jones will come up with something.
The tax increases that will come with this will cripple the country. This will be worse than Obamacare. Not only that, gas will probably go to around $8-$9 a gallon. That means that before electric cars are mass produced, and affordable for us mere mortals, all of our extra cash will go into the gas tank of our current cars. That is if we have any extra cash.
What makes me say, er..I mean, type this? Well, it seems that the Dutch government had offered some pretty cool stuff to help clean up and our government refused. I've also seen stories of warehouses full of items to soak up some oil and in the warehouses they continue to sit. Why? So this can become the worst environmental disaster of all time, that's why. That gives the environmentalist wackos the ammunition they think they need to push their idiotic agenda. After all global warming is killing the polar bears.
And since I'm back on global warming, it is currently 49 degrees at the Salt Lake City airport. No that is not a typo, it is 49 chilly degrees. Today is June 11, 2010. Thank you Al Gore.
Now Barry and Attorney Pretender Holder are acting upset and threatening to put folks in prison over this. Hah! BP is open to massive civil liability that if it doesn't bankrupt the company will certainly tarnish it's reputation beyond redemption in our lifetimes. And Barry is looking for an ass to kick. Look no further than your own mirror, Barry. You've had opportunities to do something and instead you've taken time to vacation in Chi-town while claiming to have been on top of things since "Day One."
It's time to admit that you're in over your head. Step back, shut up and let those that know do their thing.
After all Ken Salazar has his boot on the neck of BP. Doesn't he?
Fiorelo LaGuardia (former mayor of New York) said that there was no Democratic or no Republican way to clean the streets. There was only a right way and a wrong way. He was right. This oil spill in the Gulf is a perfect example. I don't think Barry and his left wing green goons blew up the rig, but he surely doesn't seem to care that this spill isn't getting cleaned up very fast.
I think that this is a prelude to the next incarnation of a Cap and Trade type bill. The big bad oil companies need to be reigned in and then put out of business. This opens the door to "green" energy. Solar and wind power, electric cars, that is if we don't go back to riding horses, of course we can't have nuclear power, but Barry and Van Jones will come up with something.
The tax increases that will come with this will cripple the country. This will be worse than Obamacare. Not only that, gas will probably go to around $8-$9 a gallon. That means that before electric cars are mass produced, and affordable for us mere mortals, all of our extra cash will go into the gas tank of our current cars. That is if we have any extra cash.
What makes me say, er..I mean, type this? Well, it seems that the Dutch government had offered some pretty cool stuff to help clean up and our government refused. I've also seen stories of warehouses full of items to soak up some oil and in the warehouses they continue to sit. Why? So this can become the worst environmental disaster of all time, that's why. That gives the environmentalist wackos the ammunition they think they need to push their idiotic agenda. After all global warming is killing the polar bears.
And since I'm back on global warming, it is currently 49 degrees at the Salt Lake City airport. No that is not a typo, it is 49 chilly degrees. Today is June 11, 2010. Thank you Al Gore.
Now Barry and Attorney Pretender Holder are acting upset and threatening to put folks in prison over this. Hah! BP is open to massive civil liability that if it doesn't bankrupt the company will certainly tarnish it's reputation beyond redemption in our lifetimes. And Barry is looking for an ass to kick. Look no further than your own mirror, Barry. You've had opportunities to do something and instead you've taken time to vacation in Chi-town while claiming to have been on top of things since "Day One."
It's time to admit that you're in over your head. Step back, shut up and let those that know do their thing.
After all Ken Salazar has his boot on the neck of BP. Doesn't he?
Monday, June 7, 2010
Enough of the Wackos
I've finally had more than enough of the environmentalist wackos spreading their version of reality. Or in other words, their lines of BS. It's been going on since I was kid with the first Earth Day and then saving the whales was all the rage, who could ever forget Woodsy Owl and his catch phrase of "Give a hoot, don't pollute" and now it's all the "green" commercials on TV.
I have been laughing at the wackos over the past year with all the global warming crap and how the polar bears are drowning. But last weekend I had enough. My wife and I were playing host to our three grandsons. We had fun all day long and were sitting down to the boys favorite dinner, thin crust pizza, when one of the seven year olds told us that his teacher told his class that if we all just painted our roofs white, it would save the planet. I literally felt my heart skip a beat. I also told him in no uncertain terms that his teacher was wrong, period. She is a pinhead.
I'm glad that I live in a country that allows people to think stupid things, but as a teacher this woman is not allowed to bring her liberal political views into the classroom in an attempt to indoctrinate our children. I don't know how to make that any clearer.
Wasn't it Interior Sec. Ken Salazar that made this comment originally? I think it was. Ken "keep our boot on the neck" Salazar telling the world that he thinks if we paint the roofs of our homes and all of our streets white, it would reduce global warming. How #*&^ing ridiculous is this? I don't think this is the answer. Now Ken and the rest of the hippies would like nothing more than to rid the world of the oil industry and go to a complete "green" energy system, but guess what, it aint gonna happen. If it ever becomes cost effective it will take hold, but until then it's drill, baby, drill.
While as of this writing I don't know the name of my grandson's second grade teacher, rest assured that I will find out before the next school year. I will also encourage her to learn about was she is trying to teach before spewing this bunch of crap.
I will also invite her read this blog. Maybe she will learn a thing or two.
I have been laughing at the wackos over the past year with all the global warming crap and how the polar bears are drowning. But last weekend I had enough. My wife and I were playing host to our three grandsons. We had fun all day long and were sitting down to the boys favorite dinner, thin crust pizza, when one of the seven year olds told us that his teacher told his class that if we all just painted our roofs white, it would save the planet. I literally felt my heart skip a beat. I also told him in no uncertain terms that his teacher was wrong, period. She is a pinhead.
I'm glad that I live in a country that allows people to think stupid things, but as a teacher this woman is not allowed to bring her liberal political views into the classroom in an attempt to indoctrinate our children. I don't know how to make that any clearer.
Wasn't it Interior Sec. Ken Salazar that made this comment originally? I think it was. Ken "keep our boot on the neck" Salazar telling the world that he thinks if we paint the roofs of our homes and all of our streets white, it would reduce global warming. How #*&^ing ridiculous is this? I don't think this is the answer. Now Ken and the rest of the hippies would like nothing more than to rid the world of the oil industry and go to a complete "green" energy system, but guess what, it aint gonna happen. If it ever becomes cost effective it will take hold, but until then it's drill, baby, drill.
While as of this writing I don't know the name of my grandson's second grade teacher, rest assured that I will find out before the next school year. I will also encourage her to learn about was she is trying to teach before spewing this bunch of crap.
I will also invite her read this blog. Maybe she will learn a thing or two.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Pretender in Chief
Today is Memorial Day. It is the day we remember the members of our military that have fought and died for our freedoms. At least that's what it's supposed to mean. To some it probably means the community pool opens, to others it's another three day weekend. Which is too bad.
We as Americas need to remember these fine people that have fought our country's battles against tyranny, oppression and now jihad. It started with, at the very least, the five people killed in the Boston Massacre before the start of the Revolutionary War. It continues today with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Since the country's first war through today more than 1 million people have died in combat. We as a people have benefited form the valor of these people. Shame on those who cannot appreciate this fact.
This would include our current president. Today at the Tomb of the Unknown it wasn't Barry that laid the wreath. Today it was Bobblehead Joe. That's the Vice President. It seems that Barack Hussein Obama, mmm, mmm, mmm, couldn't be bothered to do what other presidents have done before him. No, not the One. He was on yet another vacation. Now I realize that the guy has a job with a bit of potential stress, but come on. How many days of vacation does he get a year?
I don't know what irritates me more about this guy. He has spent the last 18 months bowing to foreign leaders, apologizing for America's past, trying to fundamentally change this country and allowing the President of Mexico to come into the halls of Congress to badmouth America while his far left base applauds. For all of these reasons and more I firmly believe that this man is unqualified to be president and he might even be borderline seditious. I realize that sedition requires a bit more, but his actions are certainly un-American.
Sending Bubblehead Joe, oops, I mean Bobblehead Joe is the final straw for me. As of now I have to concede the fact that Barry O is a hypocrite. To some that is a fancy word for liar, but I'm trying to be civil. Barry says that he is concerned for the safety of this nation and is a supporter of the military. BS, he absence today at Arlington is a slap in the face to all that have served and especially to those that have died.
He is nothing more than a pretender.
We as Americas need to remember these fine people that have fought our country's battles against tyranny, oppression and now jihad. It started with, at the very least, the five people killed in the Boston Massacre before the start of the Revolutionary War. It continues today with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Since the country's first war through today more than 1 million people have died in combat. We as a people have benefited form the valor of these people. Shame on those who cannot appreciate this fact.
This would include our current president. Today at the Tomb of the Unknown it wasn't Barry that laid the wreath. Today it was Bobblehead Joe. That's the Vice President. It seems that Barack Hussein Obama, mmm, mmm, mmm, couldn't be bothered to do what other presidents have done before him. No, not the One. He was on yet another vacation. Now I realize that the guy has a job with a bit of potential stress, but come on. How many days of vacation does he get a year?
I don't know what irritates me more about this guy. He has spent the last 18 months bowing to foreign leaders, apologizing for America's past, trying to fundamentally change this country and allowing the President of Mexico to come into the halls of Congress to badmouth America while his far left base applauds. For all of these reasons and more I firmly believe that this man is unqualified to be president and he might even be borderline seditious. I realize that sedition requires a bit more, but his actions are certainly un-American.
Sending Bubblehead Joe, oops, I mean Bobblehead Joe is the final straw for me. As of now I have to concede the fact that Barry O is a hypocrite. To some that is a fancy word for liar, but I'm trying to be civil. Barry says that he is concerned for the safety of this nation and is a supporter of the military. BS, he absence today at Arlington is a slap in the face to all that have served and especially to those that have died.
He is nothing more than a pretender.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Let Me See Your Papers
This is how the left reacts to the new Arizona law confronting illegal immigration. I wonder how many have read the law. I tried finding it on the Internet and was unsuccessful. Probably because I'm a computer idiot, but I digress. I would bet a substantial amount of money that if any politician in Washington wanted to read the law that they could get a copy.
Today I heard what had to be the most disturbing thing associated with this new legislation. It seems that Aunty M was in Silver Springs Md. doing whatever it is that first ladies do and a comment was made by what had to be a 6-7 year old girl who said that her mother tells her that Barry is getting rid of the people that don't have papers. To which Aunty M replies that this is something that Congress needs to work on. To make sure that everybody has the right papers so they can stay.
Once again the uber-left is using children as marketers. This is designed to tear at out hearts because this little girl is so concerned that people are being sent out of the country because the Nazi-esque Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is fed up with illegals coming into her state. And of course any of us that think this is anything but a planted question should have their heads examined.
I like the idea of Gov. Brewer forcing the hand of the federal government. For too long the border has been a sieve and stopping anyone from coming in has been almost impossible. I'm not just slamming Barry and his ilk, I mean that the federal government hasn't done a damn thing in my lifetime that amounts to much. So now Gov. Brewer is showing some back bone and making Washington pay attention.
Attorney Pretender Holder and Homeland Security Czar Janet Incompetano both admit to not having read the bill and blast it for being racist and unfair. How does one do that? I realize that is the position of their boss, who thinks that law is "irresponsible" but they could at least read it before making stupid comments.
Isn't it the job of these two to keep our borders safe and then prosecute those that invade our country? I think it is and these two are completely incapable of doing their jobs. Holder is not cut out for his job and Incompetano looks like she's in over her head.
Somebody let me know where I can find the bill online and we can read it together. Then we can have an open discussion about what the bill contains and how it might adversely effect the folks. Until then get your mouths shut and quit calling for boycotts of Arizona.
Jan Brewer for President 2012.
Today I heard what had to be the most disturbing thing associated with this new legislation. It seems that Aunty M was in Silver Springs Md. doing whatever it is that first ladies do and a comment was made by what had to be a 6-7 year old girl who said that her mother tells her that Barry is getting rid of the people that don't have papers. To which Aunty M replies that this is something that Congress needs to work on. To make sure that everybody has the right papers so they can stay.
Once again the uber-left is using children as marketers. This is designed to tear at out hearts because this little girl is so concerned that people are being sent out of the country because the Nazi-esque Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is fed up with illegals coming into her state. And of course any of us that think this is anything but a planted question should have their heads examined.
I like the idea of Gov. Brewer forcing the hand of the federal government. For too long the border has been a sieve and stopping anyone from coming in has been almost impossible. I'm not just slamming Barry and his ilk, I mean that the federal government hasn't done a damn thing in my lifetime that amounts to much. So now Gov. Brewer is showing some back bone and making Washington pay attention.
Attorney Pretender Holder and Homeland Security Czar Janet Incompetano both admit to not having read the bill and blast it for being racist and unfair. How does one do that? I realize that is the position of their boss, who thinks that law is "irresponsible" but they could at least read it before making stupid comments.
Isn't it the job of these two to keep our borders safe and then prosecute those that invade our country? I think it is and these two are completely incapable of doing their jobs. Holder is not cut out for his job and Incompetano looks like she's in over her head.
Somebody let me know where I can find the bill online and we can read it together. Then we can have an open discussion about what the bill contains and how it might adversely effect the folks. Until then get your mouths shut and quit calling for boycotts of Arizona.
Jan Brewer for President 2012.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Obama the Dictator
This is what actor/director/comedian/pervert Woody Allen wants. He was quoted in a Spanish language newspaper, La Vanguardia as saying, "it would be good....if he could be dictator for a few years he could a lot of good things quickly." WTF! Now I know that Woody has totally lost it. If making awful movies for years wasn't enough, he is now willing to give up every bit of freedom he and the rest of us have just so Obama can push his socialist agenda through.
I don't know why I even pay attention to this guy. Wasn't he taking lewd pictures of his now wife/then step-daughter when she was only 17? I think that's called sexual exploitation of a minor. Or maybe even kiddie porn. So who the hell is he to tell anyone how to run our political system?
Besides let's take a look at some of the dictatorial systems through time, shall we? How about the Chinese for starters? How many folks has the Chinese government killed? And I am talking about just Chinese. 10 million? 20 million? The number may never be known because getting accurate information from China is about impossible, but I bet the number is incredible. Isn't this the country with the worst record on human rights ever? I think so and Woody wants to be like the Chinese. Great.
As far as this and other dictatorial regimes go if I remember correctly they also stifle things such as free speech, individuality, capitalism and a point of view different from the government. Meaning a guy like me could get thrown in jail or even shot for writing this blog. We are well on our way as it is so why would we want to go past the point of no return? True Americans don't want to go there.
Woody Allen is an idiot along with everything else. If he wants this country to become Europe he is out of luck. I think with a comment such as this one Woody should be shipped of to the poorest country in the world, without access to his bank account of course, and be forced to live there for a few years before being allowed back into the place that made his fortune and allows him to act the fool that he is.
Isn't Soon-Yi from Korea? Maybe they could move there.
I hear Pyongyang is beautiful this time of year.
I don't know why I even pay attention to this guy. Wasn't he taking lewd pictures of his now wife/then step-daughter when she was only 17? I think that's called sexual exploitation of a minor. Or maybe even kiddie porn. So who the hell is he to tell anyone how to run our political system?
Besides let's take a look at some of the dictatorial systems through time, shall we? How about the Chinese for starters? How many folks has the Chinese government killed? And I am talking about just Chinese. 10 million? 20 million? The number may never be known because getting accurate information from China is about impossible, but I bet the number is incredible. Isn't this the country with the worst record on human rights ever? I think so and Woody wants to be like the Chinese. Great.
As far as this and other dictatorial regimes go if I remember correctly they also stifle things such as free speech, individuality, capitalism and a point of view different from the government. Meaning a guy like me could get thrown in jail or even shot for writing this blog. We are well on our way as it is so why would we want to go past the point of no return? True Americans don't want to go there.
Woody Allen is an idiot along with everything else. If he wants this country to become Europe he is out of luck. I think with a comment such as this one Woody should be shipped of to the poorest country in the world, without access to his bank account of course, and be forced to live there for a few years before being allowed back into the place that made his fortune and allows him to act the fool that he is.
Isn't Soon-Yi from Korea? Maybe they could move there.
I hear Pyongyang is beautiful this time of year.
Friday, May 14, 2010
You Can't Have My Cheeseburger
That's what I'm telling the Food Police when they come to my door. They can have my junk food when they pry it from my cold dead fingers. Provided I die while eating of course. Why do I care about this? Allow me to explain. Last week Rep. Ron Kind (D-WI), there's a surprise, introduced the Healthy Choices Act aimed at getting Americans, and maybe even a few illegal aliens, to eat healthier.
It seems someone forgot to tell Barry this was happening. Just like our Pres. I enjoy chicken wings, french fries and onion rings, but I wont eat them and then tell you not to. Barry may eat all the right things according to Aunty M at the White House, but when he gets out on his own he seems to just order regular ol' guy food. It's his cholesterol, let him eat what he wants, I really don't care. I just wish he wasn't such a hypocrite. What with the Health Care Bill and Aunty M's crusade against childhood obesity.
Of course as I type this I'm picking at a bag of Harry and David's milk chocolate mix moose munch. It's delightful. Yes it's high in calories, sugar and fat and I'm enjoying every bite. I know it's bad for me, yet still I eat it. I will do a few extra miles on the bike tomorrow. Promise. Do I really need the federal government to tell me what I already know? I don't think so.
One of the things that Rep. Kind's bill does is eliminate direct advertising to children by getting rid of characters that appeal to them. Icons like Tony the Tiger, Ronald McDonald and the Trix rabbit could all go the way of all flesh and just disappear from view. It's sad really. I ate Frosted Flakes, Big Macs and Trix well into my 30's or even my early 40's. I've always been a little husky, but never considered fat. Once I got a little older I changed my ways because I wanted to not necessarily because I had to. As an adult I should be able to make my own decisions.
As far as kids go parents should be more involved with the choices they make. Sometimes going to a fast food joint is a reward or done out of expedience or just maybe Mom doesn't know how to cook and rather than hear about it, goes to McDonald's. I don't agree that kids should eat this stuff all the time. It is high in fat and calories and isn't good for you, but again the feds shouldn't be the ones to tell parents that. Be a freakin' parent and make the kids eat some veggies once in a while!
But the thing that really gets my blood to boiling is the fact that doctors will be mandated to take a body mass index of all children between the ages of 2 and 17 years of age. WTF! Who the hell do they think they are? Plus the information would be collected and shared with the feds. It all sounds a bit big brother-ish to me. If a kids appears to be a bit on the pudgy side, the doctor and parents should be the ones to figure out a course of action, not Big Brother in DC. Period.
Aunty M needs something to do as first lady and this is her cause-du-jour. Good for her, I wish her nothing but success.
Just leave me and my cheeseburgers alone.
It seems someone forgot to tell Barry this was happening. Just like our Pres. I enjoy chicken wings, french fries and onion rings, but I wont eat them and then tell you not to. Barry may eat all the right things according to Aunty M at the White House, but when he gets out on his own he seems to just order regular ol' guy food. It's his cholesterol, let him eat what he wants, I really don't care. I just wish he wasn't such a hypocrite. What with the Health Care Bill and Aunty M's crusade against childhood obesity.
Of course as I type this I'm picking at a bag of Harry and David's milk chocolate mix moose munch. It's delightful. Yes it's high in calories, sugar and fat and I'm enjoying every bite. I know it's bad for me, yet still I eat it. I will do a few extra miles on the bike tomorrow. Promise. Do I really need the federal government to tell me what I already know? I don't think so.
One of the things that Rep. Kind's bill does is eliminate direct advertising to children by getting rid of characters that appeal to them. Icons like Tony the Tiger, Ronald McDonald and the Trix rabbit could all go the way of all flesh and just disappear from view. It's sad really. I ate Frosted Flakes, Big Macs and Trix well into my 30's or even my early 40's. I've always been a little husky, but never considered fat. Once I got a little older I changed my ways because I wanted to not necessarily because I had to. As an adult I should be able to make my own decisions.
As far as kids go parents should be more involved with the choices they make. Sometimes going to a fast food joint is a reward or done out of expedience or just maybe Mom doesn't know how to cook and rather than hear about it, goes to McDonald's. I don't agree that kids should eat this stuff all the time. It is high in fat and calories and isn't good for you, but again the feds shouldn't be the ones to tell parents that. Be a freakin' parent and make the kids eat some veggies once in a while!
But the thing that really gets my blood to boiling is the fact that doctors will be mandated to take a body mass index of all children between the ages of 2 and 17 years of age. WTF! Who the hell do they think they are? Plus the information would be collected and shared with the feds. It all sounds a bit big brother-ish to me. If a kids appears to be a bit on the pudgy side, the doctor and parents should be the ones to figure out a course of action, not Big Brother in DC. Period.
Aunty M needs something to do as first lady and this is her cause-du-jour. Good for her, I wish her nothing but success.
Just leave me and my cheeseburgers alone.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Radical Islamist?
I think that we can most assuredly say that the wacko, Fasil Shazad, is a radical Islamist. Will Barry call him that? I doubt it. But what else would you call someone that puts cans of gas, propane cylinders and fireworks in a car and parks it in the middle of Time Square? Thank goodness that Shazad doesn't know how to set an alarm clock.
I'm quite sure that as soon as Shazad was arrested today he was given his Miranda warnings. I've heard that he has admitted his culpability and is insistent that he worked alone. That I doubt as well, but he is trying to be a stand up guy and not giving up his counterparts. I have nothing but my opinion to back up that last statement.
I have also heard on the news today that Attorney Pretender Holder has a laundry list of charges ready to file against Shazad. When did he get a spine? I don't think that he has but has to look tough for the moment. Once the initial shock of this blows over, AP Holder will offer some sweetheart deal so Shazad only gets 15-20 years in prison. Naturally I think that the death penalty is appropriate here. At the very least, life with no parole should be the sentence once he is convicted.
If he only gets prison time it will be hard to deport Shazad since he is an American citizen and a registered Democrat, but we should try. One less radical Islamist and democrat in this country would be a good thing. Wouldn't it? I think it would.
It's too bad for Constance Brewer and Micheal Bloomberg that Shazad is a Pakistani by birth. I know both were hoping that he was a conservative member of the Tea Party, but alas he is a member of your own party. Come on, no one and I mean no one believes that Bloomberg is a Republican. He changed parties so he wouldn't have to face a tough primary. Plus didn't he spend about $100,000,000 of his own money in the last mayoral race?
Brewer said that she was disappointed that Shazad had ties to a Muslim country and Bloomberg thought it was someone that was a conservative that was upset about the Health Care bill. Hah! If Bloomy would pay closer attention it is usually the left the resorts to violence when it protests whatever is upsetting them this week.
I wonder if the SUV had an Obama sticker on it.
I'm quite sure that as soon as Shazad was arrested today he was given his Miranda warnings. I've heard that he has admitted his culpability and is insistent that he worked alone. That I doubt as well, but he is trying to be a stand up guy and not giving up his counterparts. I have nothing but my opinion to back up that last statement.
I have also heard on the news today that Attorney Pretender Holder has a laundry list of charges ready to file against Shazad. When did he get a spine? I don't think that he has but has to look tough for the moment. Once the initial shock of this blows over, AP Holder will offer some sweetheart deal so Shazad only gets 15-20 years in prison. Naturally I think that the death penalty is appropriate here. At the very least, life with no parole should be the sentence once he is convicted.
If he only gets prison time it will be hard to deport Shazad since he is an American citizen and a registered Democrat, but we should try. One less radical Islamist and democrat in this country would be a good thing. Wouldn't it? I think it would.
It's too bad for Constance Brewer and Micheal Bloomberg that Shazad is a Pakistani by birth. I know both were hoping that he was a conservative member of the Tea Party, but alas he is a member of your own party. Come on, no one and I mean no one believes that Bloomberg is a Republican. He changed parties so he wouldn't have to face a tough primary. Plus didn't he spend about $100,000,000 of his own money in the last mayoral race?
Brewer said that she was disappointed that Shazad had ties to a Muslim country and Bloomberg thought it was someone that was a conservative that was upset about the Health Care bill. Hah! If Bloomy would pay closer attention it is usually the left the resorts to violence when it protests whatever is upsetting them this week.
I wonder if the SUV had an Obama sticker on it.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
What's it Gonna Be?
I can't figure Obama out. First he wants to change the name of the War on Terror to an overseas contingency plan. Then he goes on an apology tour, or two, to try to make amends for America's shortcomings. Once that is complete he sends 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan. At least that I could agree with. Now he green lights an American citizen for assassination and with practically the same breath Barry says that we won't use nukes against countries that don't have them even if chemical weapons are used against us.
WTF! Make up your mind Barry. First of all if a foreign country wants to take on the big boys on the block, then they should be prepared to face the consequences, whatever they may be. I'm not saying we should use nukes to settle the drug wars on our southern border, but if some rogue state wants to use a chemical agent against us, then we should use whatever we have at our disposal. If that means nukes, then so be it. Don't rule it out completely just because it offends your liberal sensibilities.
Or should I say, your Muslim sensibilities? After all you have now stricken the term Islamic Radicalism from the lexicon of those fighting against the radical Islamist. Why can't we just call it what it is? We aren't against the entire Muslim world, just the whackos that want to destroy us because we won't live by Sharia law. Even they (Muslims) know it. The normal folks that just want to live their lives may not always agree with us, but they don't want a war with us.
Barry, you did away this with this term while you agree to kill a US citizen that is a recruiter for the bad guys. Don't even try the "I didn't know about this" BS because no one is going to believe that you didn't sign off on this. I have to ask, what took so long? This guy, Anwar al-Awaki, has been a POS for quite some time. Of course he's running his mouth, or e-mails, from his safe haven in Yemen, but now his days are numbered. That is if you let the military do what they do best and realize that you just need to stay out of the way. But I have to give you credit for at least appearing to piss off the uber-left.
So as the headline asks, what's it gonna be? Which path are you taking us down? Are you trying to beat these guys into submission or not? Are you just trying to appear tough while tying the hands of our brave soldiers? Make up your mind. About 300 million of us are counting on you to do the right thing.
And if you ask me, that means unleashing Hell on our enemies.
WTF! Make up your mind Barry. First of all if a foreign country wants to take on the big boys on the block, then they should be prepared to face the consequences, whatever they may be. I'm not saying we should use nukes to settle the drug wars on our southern border, but if some rogue state wants to use a chemical agent against us, then we should use whatever we have at our disposal. If that means nukes, then so be it. Don't rule it out completely just because it offends your liberal sensibilities.
Or should I say, your Muslim sensibilities? After all you have now stricken the term Islamic Radicalism from the lexicon of those fighting against the radical Islamist. Why can't we just call it what it is? We aren't against the entire Muslim world, just the whackos that want to destroy us because we won't live by Sharia law. Even they (Muslims) know it. The normal folks that just want to live their lives may not always agree with us, but they don't want a war with us.
Barry, you did away this with this term while you agree to kill a US citizen that is a recruiter for the bad guys. Don't even try the "I didn't know about this" BS because no one is going to believe that you didn't sign off on this. I have to ask, what took so long? This guy, Anwar al-Awaki, has been a POS for quite some time. Of course he's running his mouth, or e-mails, from his safe haven in Yemen, but now his days are numbered. That is if you let the military do what they do best and realize that you just need to stay out of the way. But I have to give you credit for at least appearing to piss off the uber-left.
So as the headline asks, what's it gonna be? Which path are you taking us down? Are you trying to beat these guys into submission or not? Are you just trying to appear tough while tying the hands of our brave soldiers? Make up your mind. About 300 million of us are counting on you to do the right thing.
And if you ask me, that means unleashing Hell on our enemies.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Chapter Three
Being thin skinned and lying are two more traits that are generally associated with children. And our current federal administration suffer from both of these. What, you don't think so? It was appear if you think this then you haven't been watching the news during the last year. Let's recap.
Not long after the ascension to the throne, Obama started his war on the Fox News Channel. Remember how he wouldn't give the network an interview for a while? He was basically throwing a tantrum because they are the most critical of him. I've seen my grandchildren act the same way. Plus Fox has Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck, two of Obama's biggest critics. When the Republicans were in the white house it was okay to be critical of the president. It was a fundamental part of free speech and our privilege as Americans. Now it's seen as nothing more than hateful rhetoric and racist.
That's another thing. Just because I'm white, have a job, am not dependent on the government and am critical of Obama, I'm labeled a racist. I've covered this previously, but it seems that this subject has come up once again. The kool-aid drinkers have dusted off this old chestnut and are trying it again. Anyone that doesn't agree with the president is a racist just because the One is black. Then we have the fact that Pelosi is a woman and Speaker of the House and Barney Frank being gay and in charge of the banking committe and since not one conservative thinks they are capable of doing their jobs, we are all now misogynist and homo-phobes. Hah!
This is what the left and children do. If they don't get their way they throw a hissy fit and then the name calling starts. well, maybe not with Pelosi. I'm not sure if she can cry. Her skin appears to be stretched so tight over her face, I wonder if her tear ducts have an opening anymore. But she sure can try to make others look bad in an attempt to hide her inadequacies. It's too bad that she represents the hippie capital of the world. Getting her voted out of the Congress is going to be difficult. But the thought of her still being there in November when she no longer gets to be speaker will almost be worth having to put with her for a while longer. I can't wait to see the look on her face when that happens.
So we have an administration that will not listen to anyone else's point of view, can't take criticism, cuss like a bunch of drunken buffoons and name call because they have no viable argument for their position. That sounds about right, doesn't it? I think so.
If this wasn't such a difficult time, they might be considered humorous.
Not long after the ascension to the throne, Obama started his war on the Fox News Channel. Remember how he wouldn't give the network an interview for a while? He was basically throwing a tantrum because they are the most critical of him. I've seen my grandchildren act the same way. Plus Fox has Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck, two of Obama's biggest critics. When the Republicans were in the white house it was okay to be critical of the president. It was a fundamental part of free speech and our privilege as Americans. Now it's seen as nothing more than hateful rhetoric and racist.
That's another thing. Just because I'm white, have a job, am not dependent on the government and am critical of Obama, I'm labeled a racist. I've covered this previously, but it seems that this subject has come up once again. The kool-aid drinkers have dusted off this old chestnut and are trying it again. Anyone that doesn't agree with the president is a racist just because the One is black. Then we have the fact that Pelosi is a woman and Speaker of the House and Barney Frank being gay and in charge of the banking committe and since not one conservative thinks they are capable of doing their jobs, we are all now misogynist and homo-phobes. Hah!
This is what the left and children do. If they don't get their way they throw a hissy fit and then the name calling starts. well, maybe not with Pelosi. I'm not sure if she can cry. Her skin appears to be stretched so tight over her face, I wonder if her tear ducts have an opening anymore. But she sure can try to make others look bad in an attempt to hide her inadequacies. It's too bad that she represents the hippie capital of the world. Getting her voted out of the Congress is going to be difficult. But the thought of her still being there in November when she no longer gets to be speaker will almost be worth having to put with her for a while longer. I can't wait to see the look on her face when that happens.
So we have an administration that will not listen to anyone else's point of view, can't take criticism, cuss like a bunch of drunken buffoons and name call because they have no viable argument for their position. That sounds about right, doesn't it? I think so.
If this wasn't such a difficult time, they might be considered humorous.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
And it Continues
In the last post I lambasted the left for being children that have never grown up. Today I will continue down that path. In this exposition I will concentrate on the way the media and special interest groups has been acting for the last few years.
It started with the way the media attacked GWB relentlessly for the entire time he was in office. Now I understand that the media is filled primarily with more liberal thinkers, but they are supposed to be neutral and just report the news. But in the last few years with the outright cheer leading for the left it has cost the "mainstream" media any vestige of credibility. Don't pretend that you are after the truth and then just present one point of view. During the last presidential campaign I was unable to watch the network news due to their blatant bias for Obama.
Teenagers think that the world is unfair and that they should be given more before accomplishing anything. Sounds Like Barack Obama to me. After all what had he accomplished before be elected POTUS? I can't think of anything, can you? I thought not. Now with the entitlement mentality taking over in Washington we are setting ourselves up for teenagers not growing up for another generation. We can barely stand the thought of teenagers driving the family car, how can we have them running our government?
On the subject of special interest groups, one my favorites has got to be Code Pink. These lovely ladies are liberal women that couldn't get a date at a Star Wars convention. Last night one of these femme fatales was at a book signing event for Karl Rove. I don't care if you have a high opinion of Rove or not, but chances are he has accomplished more than this particular mental midget from last night. As Rove was pitching his book the Code Pink "lady" started to harangue Rove about how he lied us into war and ruined the country. Naturally she wouldn't stop and had to be physically removed. It was reminiscent of a woman that accosted Donald Rumsfeld as he and his wife were entering a formal event by getting into his face and screaming that Donald was a war criminal. She also had to be physically removed.
Children throw fits like this, adults aren't supposed to, but this seems to be a trait of the loony left. Notice how I said the loony left. Even though there aren't many moderate leftists, I just couldn't include them with the wacko left. Yes I realize that there are crazies on the far right, but not in the numbers evident on the fringe left.
Until we meet again for some more truths about the intolerant left.
It started with the way the media attacked GWB relentlessly for the entire time he was in office. Now I understand that the media is filled primarily with more liberal thinkers, but they are supposed to be neutral and just report the news. But in the last few years with the outright cheer leading for the left it has cost the "mainstream" media any vestige of credibility. Don't pretend that you are after the truth and then just present one point of view. During the last presidential campaign I was unable to watch the network news due to their blatant bias for Obama.
Teenagers think that the world is unfair and that they should be given more before accomplishing anything. Sounds Like Barack Obama to me. After all what had he accomplished before be elected POTUS? I can't think of anything, can you? I thought not. Now with the entitlement mentality taking over in Washington we are setting ourselves up for teenagers not growing up for another generation. We can barely stand the thought of teenagers driving the family car, how can we have them running our government?
On the subject of special interest groups, one my favorites has got to be Code Pink. These lovely ladies are liberal women that couldn't get a date at a Star Wars convention. Last night one of these femme fatales was at a book signing event for Karl Rove. I don't care if you have a high opinion of Rove or not, but chances are he has accomplished more than this particular mental midget from last night. As Rove was pitching his book the Code Pink "lady" started to harangue Rove about how he lied us into war and ruined the country. Naturally she wouldn't stop and had to be physically removed. It was reminiscent of a woman that accosted Donald Rumsfeld as he and his wife were entering a formal event by getting into his face and screaming that Donald was a war criminal. She also had to be physically removed.
Children throw fits like this, adults aren't supposed to, but this seems to be a trait of the loony left. Notice how I said the loony left. Even though there aren't many moderate leftists, I just couldn't include them with the wacko left. Yes I realize that there are crazies on the far right, but not in the numbers evident on the fringe left.
Until we meet again for some more truths about the intolerant left.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Arrested Development
This seems to be what liberals suffer from. For those who do not understand the term it means a state where development has stopped prematurely. In layman terms it means people that do not mature, in other words it means that they never grow up. Sort of like Peter Pan. These people never get out of the childlike idyllic state.
Some folks want to classify liberalism as a mental disease. That's going a bit far, but not by much. Liberals are basically children that have never grown up. Just look at Joe "big f'ing deal" Biden. Here's a guy who isn't smart enough or grown up enough to curb his language in front of potentially the entire country. C'mon, he had to know that his intro of the One might show up on the evening news. I don't care that he swears, hell, I swear too. But this guy is a dunce for using that type of language where others outside of the inner circle can hear it. I remember when GWB said something inappropriate while engaged in conversation with Tony Blair that caused him a fair amount of grief, why not this for Biden?
The pompous Speaker of the House is nothing more than a woman-child herself. Just look at the way she has acted this last year. Throwing around unsubstantiated accusations at the CIA and her demeanor over the entire health care debate. Smarmy doesn't even begin to describe her. Children act like this, not adults.
The gloating POTUS this week has been almost unbearable. It might partly be because I think that this monstrosity of a health care reform bill passed the House, but he has seemed to be breaking his arm patting himself on the back. Plus flying around on a victory tour of sorts is a bit much.
But besides that, let's just look at what has now become the typical liberal agenda. For starters it's the want of a single payer health care system. Don't think that this isn't the first step because it is. The liberals think that health insurance is a god given right. I hate to burst your bubble, but it isn't. Health insurance is a business, no different than a furniture store, a car dealership or a hotel. In order to purchase goods or services from any of these business, you must have a certain amount of money. If I want to spend the night in a Fairmont Hotel, I better have plenty of room on the credit card, if not, I stay at the Motel 6.
Insurance companies are no different than any other business. They exist to make money, period. If they are now required to play by a new set of rules that will cost them more money than they make, well, you know what happens, they cease to exist. If I want to buy insurance, I can. If I want to try to pay the doctor on my own, I can do that to. If I just want to go to the emergency room when I'm really in pain, I can do that. Then I work out payments with the doctor or hospital. Until Tuesday there was no law requiring me to have insurance.
As far as I know, if a hospital is accepting either Medicare or Medicaid payments from the government then they cannot turn people away that need life saving care. If a person wants more than that then they need to make arrangements to pay for services rendered. I know that sounds cold, but if people had been taking care of their obligations all along then medical costs would not have risen to today's current levels. If someone doesn't pay for the services they receive then the rest of us make up the difference. It's simple economics, but it seems that this is one course not taught at Ivy League schools.
The thought that the government will take care of us from the "womb to the tomb" is great for the lazy ones, but it does nothing for those of us that are willing to take care of ourselves. I for one have suffered for the poor choices that I have made in my life. I have since learned not to make those same choices and my life has improved significantly. So don't tell me it can't be done, that's BS pure and simple.
In the interest of brevity I will stop here for now.
But don't worry, I haven't said the last on this subject yet.
Some folks want to classify liberalism as a mental disease. That's going a bit far, but not by much. Liberals are basically children that have never grown up. Just look at Joe "big f'ing deal" Biden. Here's a guy who isn't smart enough or grown up enough to curb his language in front of potentially the entire country. C'mon, he had to know that his intro of the One might show up on the evening news. I don't care that he swears, hell, I swear too. But this guy is a dunce for using that type of language where others outside of the inner circle can hear it. I remember when GWB said something inappropriate while engaged in conversation with Tony Blair that caused him a fair amount of grief, why not this for Biden?
The pompous Speaker of the House is nothing more than a woman-child herself. Just look at the way she has acted this last year. Throwing around unsubstantiated accusations at the CIA and her demeanor over the entire health care debate. Smarmy doesn't even begin to describe her. Children act like this, not adults.
The gloating POTUS this week has been almost unbearable. It might partly be because I think that this monstrosity of a health care reform bill passed the House, but he has seemed to be breaking his arm patting himself on the back. Plus flying around on a victory tour of sorts is a bit much.
But besides that, let's just look at what has now become the typical liberal agenda. For starters it's the want of a single payer health care system. Don't think that this isn't the first step because it is. The liberals think that health insurance is a god given right. I hate to burst your bubble, but it isn't. Health insurance is a business, no different than a furniture store, a car dealership or a hotel. In order to purchase goods or services from any of these business, you must have a certain amount of money. If I want to spend the night in a Fairmont Hotel, I better have plenty of room on the credit card, if not, I stay at the Motel 6.
Insurance companies are no different than any other business. They exist to make money, period. If they are now required to play by a new set of rules that will cost them more money than they make, well, you know what happens, they cease to exist. If I want to buy insurance, I can. If I want to try to pay the doctor on my own, I can do that to. If I just want to go to the emergency room when I'm really in pain, I can do that. Then I work out payments with the doctor or hospital. Until Tuesday there was no law requiring me to have insurance.
As far as I know, if a hospital is accepting either Medicare or Medicaid payments from the government then they cannot turn people away that need life saving care. If a person wants more than that then they need to make arrangements to pay for services rendered. I know that sounds cold, but if people had been taking care of their obligations all along then medical costs would not have risen to today's current levels. If someone doesn't pay for the services they receive then the rest of us make up the difference. It's simple economics, but it seems that this is one course not taught at Ivy League schools.
The thought that the government will take care of us from the "womb to the tomb" is great for the lazy ones, but it does nothing for those of us that are willing to take care of ourselves. I for one have suffered for the poor choices that I have made in my life. I have since learned not to make those same choices and my life has improved significantly. So don't tell me it can't be done, that's BS pure and simple.
In the interest of brevity I will stop here for now.
But don't worry, I haven't said the last on this subject yet.
Monday, March 22, 2010
The Beginning of the End
I can't believe what the U.S. House of Representatives did last night. I've been in shock all day. I haven't listened to the radio or watched the news or anything. This wasn't supposed to have been able to happen in this country. The United States of America becoming western Europe? This isn't the country I grew up in or have had the privilege to defend.
There are a few things that I am most certainly sure of. The first is that this will not be allowed to stand. The first time I heard that folks would be required to purchase insurance I knew it was unconstitutional and eventually I will be proved correct because this will go to the US Supreme Court.
The next thing is that this bill is a public option bill. If people are required to buy insurance, who the hell are they supposed to get it from? Blue Cross? I don't think that Obama would allow that. So who does that leave? The only answer is, the government. If anyone has a different opinion I would love to hear it.
Then there is the fact that the American people will rise up at the polls in November. Not only are the folks upset that this massive entitlement package has passed, but the way votes were secured is found to be reprehensible. I understand that deals have been made since the times of the first Continental Congress, but the way it was done in the past year, so openly and with no regard to decency was just despicable. I have heard many people call this bribery, I can't say that they're wrong. Every Representative and Senator that voted for this bill had better run for cover. Almost all have cut their political throats. They're just too dense to see it.
Another reason people will revolt in November 2010 and November 2012 is that the majority of people now know Barack Obama is a liar. Joe Wilson was right. Almost everything this president said on the campaign trail has been proven to be a lie. There has been no transparency in this administration. There has been no change in the way Washington operates. There is no way in hell that Obama can reduce the deficit after four years the way that he has obligated us to almost eight trillion dollars ($8,000,000,000,000) this year. He was going to be the most bi-partisan president ever, remember? We see how well that's worked.
So I hope that the pinheads enjoy themselves for the next little while. It won't last long.
The American people won't let you.
There are a few things that I am most certainly sure of. The first is that this will not be allowed to stand. The first time I heard that folks would be required to purchase insurance I knew it was unconstitutional and eventually I will be proved correct because this will go to the US Supreme Court.
The next thing is that this bill is a public option bill. If people are required to buy insurance, who the hell are they supposed to get it from? Blue Cross? I don't think that Obama would allow that. So who does that leave? The only answer is, the government. If anyone has a different opinion I would love to hear it.
Then there is the fact that the American people will rise up at the polls in November. Not only are the folks upset that this massive entitlement package has passed, but the way votes were secured is found to be reprehensible. I understand that deals have been made since the times of the first Continental Congress, but the way it was done in the past year, so openly and with no regard to decency was just despicable. I have heard many people call this bribery, I can't say that they're wrong. Every Representative and Senator that voted for this bill had better run for cover. Almost all have cut their political throats. They're just too dense to see it.
Another reason people will revolt in November 2010 and November 2012 is that the majority of people now know Barack Obama is a liar. Joe Wilson was right. Almost everything this president said on the campaign trail has been proven to be a lie. There has been no transparency in this administration. There has been no change in the way Washington operates. There is no way in hell that Obama can reduce the deficit after four years the way that he has obligated us to almost eight trillion dollars ($8,000,000,000,000) this year. He was going to be the most bi-partisan president ever, remember? We see how well that's worked.
So I hope that the pinheads enjoy themselves for the next little while. It won't last long.
The American people won't let you.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
A Politician That Gets It
It may surprise some when I reveal the person I reference in the title of this entry. Last night I saw watching Hannity on Fox News and he was conducting an interview with Representative Jason Altmire (D-PA) and I just couldn't believe what I was hearing. Altmire has not yet committed to voting either for or against the health care reform bill. That is a good thing in and of itself, but it was his reasoning that stood out.
It seems that Rep. Altmire wants to see what's in the bill first. Then he wants to make sure that all the back room deals have been removed. Then he wants to see the numbers from the CBO (congressional budget office). He also wants to hear from his constituency before making a decision. Who the hell is this guy and where are the normal politicians that seem to have infected Washington over the last 200 years?
I was amazed. I haven't heard anyone say these things in quite some time. Even though Rep. Altmire is a Democrat and we would probably disagree on most issues I have to give him credit for his comments and his actions. Now if he ultimately votes for this bill at least he will have done so after getting the information on it and listen to his employers, that is the voters of Pennsylvania. Of course I want him to vote against it, but I don't live in his district. So it matters more what they think.
Rep. Altmire said in this interview that he would be unable to vote for this bill if the items such as the Cornhusker Kickback and the Louisiana Purchase were not removed. Wow, a politician with some principles. Again, kudos for Jason. For me it's not that deals have been made to secure votes, that has been going on since the beginning of political time. It's just that the arrogance of this administration believes that these can now be made out in the open and the people will ignore it or won't get it. Jason Altmire seems to agree with me on this and is standing up against it. Good for him.
Rep. Altmire is also against the "Deem and Pass" system being used on this piece of legislation. He agrees with most people that this is just too big a bill to have anything but a straight up and down vote on this. Just like the president said in the latest of his speeches on the subject.
I just hope that the rest of our elected officials take notice of the actions and comments of Rep. Jason Altmire (D-PA) and begin to conduct themselves more in this manner. He understands that he works for the people that sent him to Washington. He is there for them, not because of them.
Again Rep. Altmire and I probably wouldn't agree on much in the way of political ideology, but based on last night's interview he definitely gained my respect.
Can you believe it? I said something nice about a Democrat.
It seems that Rep. Altmire wants to see what's in the bill first. Then he wants to make sure that all the back room deals have been removed. Then he wants to see the numbers from the CBO (congressional budget office). He also wants to hear from his constituency before making a decision. Who the hell is this guy and where are the normal politicians that seem to have infected Washington over the last 200 years?
I was amazed. I haven't heard anyone say these things in quite some time. Even though Rep. Altmire is a Democrat and we would probably disagree on most issues I have to give him credit for his comments and his actions. Now if he ultimately votes for this bill at least he will have done so after getting the information on it and listen to his employers, that is the voters of Pennsylvania. Of course I want him to vote against it, but I don't live in his district. So it matters more what they think.
Rep. Altmire said in this interview that he would be unable to vote for this bill if the items such as the Cornhusker Kickback and the Louisiana Purchase were not removed. Wow, a politician with some principles. Again, kudos for Jason. For me it's not that deals have been made to secure votes, that has been going on since the beginning of political time. It's just that the arrogance of this administration believes that these can now be made out in the open and the people will ignore it or won't get it. Jason Altmire seems to agree with me on this and is standing up against it. Good for him.
Rep. Altmire is also against the "Deem and Pass" system being used on this piece of legislation. He agrees with most people that this is just too big a bill to have anything but a straight up and down vote on this. Just like the president said in the latest of his speeches on the subject.
I just hope that the rest of our elected officials take notice of the actions and comments of Rep. Jason Altmire (D-PA) and begin to conduct themselves more in this manner. He understands that he works for the people that sent him to Washington. He is there for them, not because of them.
Again Rep. Altmire and I probably wouldn't agree on much in the way of political ideology, but based on last night's interview he definitely gained my respect.
Can you believe it? I said something nice about a Democrat.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Axelrod and Gibbs Step in it Again
I didn't take long to find a subject to rant about today. I shouldn't say "rant" it sounds like I'm a liberal from New York. I guess I should have typed "commented on" instead. I think that sounds better. Ok, on with the commenting. I had read two different articles published by "The Hill" today and noticed a disturbing trend. The democratic talking heads believe that Obamacare will be passed in the House this week. Shortly thereafter being signed by the president and thus becoming law.
Pinhead Hall of Fame member Robert Gibbs thinks that Obamacare will be the "law of the land" by next Sunday. Axelrod is getting a nomination for the Hall of Fame by saying that he hopes the Republicans make the mid-term elections about repealing Obamacare. As he puts it this will "Make my day." Axelrod wants the Republicans to explain why we should allow things to go on as they are. He "relishes" the thought.
Ok, Davey my boy, let's take another look at the monstrosity known as "Health Care Reform." It cost $900 Billion ($900,000,000,000) for starters. My only question about the initial cost is how in the hell does it cost that much? Common sense ( I know that's in short supply in Washington) says that if insurance companies are being forced to insure everyone, then it shouldn't be costing taxpayers anything. If the bill requires everyone to buy insurance or pay a fine to the government, shouldn't revenues go up? Oh yeah, and since when has the government accurately predicted the cost of anything?
Besides we already have government run health care. It's called Medicare and Medicaid. Both appear to have been horribly mismanaged by the government for quite some time now. So why in the world would we trust the government with another entitlement program? This type of thing may work in Sweden where there are only 9 million (9,000,000) people, but here in America there are over 350 million (350,000,000) people. Do you notice the difference in the size of those numbers?
Another question I have is what happens after the first ten years? I haven't heard anyone address that issue yet. We get taxed for four years before getting any "benefit", then we get six years of "benefits." How do we pay for the next ten years? It's my guess that we can't.
So Ax, you and your buddy Gibbs welcome the mid-terms being about repealing the health care debacle. You're going to get your wish.
As well as your political heads handed to you.
Pinhead Hall of Fame member Robert Gibbs thinks that Obamacare will be the "law of the land" by next Sunday. Axelrod is getting a nomination for the Hall of Fame by saying that he hopes the Republicans make the mid-term elections about repealing Obamacare. As he puts it this will "Make my day." Axelrod wants the Republicans to explain why we should allow things to go on as they are. He "relishes" the thought.
Ok, Davey my boy, let's take another look at the monstrosity known as "Health Care Reform." It cost $900 Billion ($900,000,000,000) for starters. My only question about the initial cost is how in the hell does it cost that much? Common sense ( I know that's in short supply in Washington) says that if insurance companies are being forced to insure everyone, then it shouldn't be costing taxpayers anything. If the bill requires everyone to buy insurance or pay a fine to the government, shouldn't revenues go up? Oh yeah, and since when has the government accurately predicted the cost of anything?
Besides we already have government run health care. It's called Medicare and Medicaid. Both appear to have been horribly mismanaged by the government for quite some time now. So why in the world would we trust the government with another entitlement program? This type of thing may work in Sweden where there are only 9 million (9,000,000) people, but here in America there are over 350 million (350,000,000) people. Do you notice the difference in the size of those numbers?
Another question I have is what happens after the first ten years? I haven't heard anyone address that issue yet. We get taxed for four years before getting any "benefit", then we get six years of "benefits." How do we pay for the next ten years? It's my guess that we can't.
So Ax, you and your buddy Gibbs welcome the mid-terms being about repealing the health care debacle. You're going to get your wish.
As well as your political heads handed to you.
Friday, March 12, 2010
2010 Census
Did anyone else get a letter from the Census Bureau? Of course you did. I got one addresses to "resident" so I bet you got one too. How many of these went out? 80 million? 90 million? I would guess that it's somewhere around that number. If a stamp cost $0.47 then I estimate that this cost the government, or maybe I should say the taxpayer, somewhere in the neighborhood of $40 million (40,000,000).
Did I mention that the letter states we will be getting our Census form soon? I didn't? How careless of me. What the hell are they thinking in Washington? First there was the 30 second spot during the Super Bowl, then there have been the commercials with Ed Begley Jr. What has all that cost just to tell us something we already know? The Census Bureau was formed in 1903 and the Constitution even states that the population will be counted every ten years. So why all the letters and commercials?
Now I would understand if Press Secretary Gibbs (as you know one of my favorite people) mentioned it about once every day for a while. Maybe someone would pick up on it and mention it during a news cast. I might be more understanding if a public service announcement was made, but not during the Super Bowl at $2.5 million for 30 seconds. And without that goofball Begley. Yes, I think he's a goofy guy, but I have to give him credit for being one that walks the walk when it comes to going green.
Then there's the fact that there is a post script of sorts that is written in six different languages including English. The other languages appear to be Spanish, I can't tell if it's Chinese or Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese and Russian. I didn't realize that we were counting people in these countries too. I know somebody who doesn't know me will call me a racist for this next remark, but I thought we spoke English here in America. I realize we have immigrants from all over the world, but come on, when does this end?
The idea we needed a letter to let us know something we already knew is ludicrous. Even the people that legally immigrated here during the last 10 years would have figured out that we count the folks every time we have a year that ends in the number zero. I don't care about the illegal immigrants being counted. They shouldn't be, period. I believe that groups like the ACLU, ACORN and the DNC would like to count these folks if for no other reason than to increase their base, but as they are here illegally they are criminals and shouldn't be counted.
So once again we have a government that is just spending our money without a care and we are supposed to be thankful that they are doing it. BS. I am tired of these idiots just doing whatever they want without fear of the consequences. It's time we hold them accountable for their collective actions and vote all of them out of office in November.
It's too bad we have to wait two more Novembers after that to get rid of the biggest problem in Washington.
Did I mention that the letter states we will be getting our Census form soon? I didn't? How careless of me. What the hell are they thinking in Washington? First there was the 30 second spot during the Super Bowl, then there have been the commercials with Ed Begley Jr. What has all that cost just to tell us something we already know? The Census Bureau was formed in 1903 and the Constitution even states that the population will be counted every ten years. So why all the letters and commercials?
Now I would understand if Press Secretary Gibbs (as you know one of my favorite people) mentioned it about once every day for a while. Maybe someone would pick up on it and mention it during a news cast. I might be more understanding if a public service announcement was made, but not during the Super Bowl at $2.5 million for 30 seconds. And without that goofball Begley. Yes, I think he's a goofy guy, but I have to give him credit for being one that walks the walk when it comes to going green.
Then there's the fact that there is a post script of sorts that is written in six different languages including English. The other languages appear to be Spanish, I can't tell if it's Chinese or Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese and Russian. I didn't realize that we were counting people in these countries too. I know somebody who doesn't know me will call me a racist for this next remark, but I thought we spoke English here in America. I realize we have immigrants from all over the world, but come on, when does this end?
The idea we needed a letter to let us know something we already knew is ludicrous. Even the people that legally immigrated here during the last 10 years would have figured out that we count the folks every time we have a year that ends in the number zero. I don't care about the illegal immigrants being counted. They shouldn't be, period. I believe that groups like the ACLU, ACORN and the DNC would like to count these folks if for no other reason than to increase their base, but as they are here illegally they are criminals and shouldn't be counted.
So once again we have a government that is just spending our money without a care and we are supposed to be thankful that they are doing it. BS. I am tired of these idiots just doing whatever they want without fear of the consequences. It's time we hold them accountable for their collective actions and vote all of them out of office in November.
It's too bad we have to wait two more Novembers after that to get rid of the biggest problem in Washington.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Domestic Terrorism
When nuts fly planes into buildings to make a political statement it's terrorism plain and simple. Is that clear enough? Websters defines terrorism as "the practice of coercing governments to accede to political demands by committing violence on civilian targets." I believe that Joe Stack was trying to coerce the government by his actions. Anyone disagree?
There is one thing this lowlife forgot, you've got to pay your taxes. Now, I think I pay too much to my Uncle in Washington every year as well as to the state, but until the tax code is reworked, I'm stuck. So is everyone else. I don't mind paying some tax and neither should anyone else. We need an infrastructure, a military and our elected officials should make a decent living, but when our money is mismanaged and our government does not live within it's means, then we should all be a bit peeved. But destroying buildings and killing people is not the answer.
Did Joey think that he was starting a revolution? Did he think that the people would rise up en masse and refuse to pay their taxes? If he did then he was crazier than anybody could ever know. According to his "manifesto", as the media calls it, he thought that this was his only way out. He refused to live up to his responsibility and now the way to get around it is to commit suicide. What a nut.
So now we have a family in mourning for the loss of a loved one who did nothing more than go to work that morning and plenty of people injured due to the actions of this amoral lunatic. I hope he rots in Hell. Joe Stack is no different than any of the Jihadist that have killed themselves for what is ultimately a political reason.
I guess Andy Warhol was right, everyone gets 15 minutes of fame. Maybe Andy should have included infamy as well.
The US tax code is too complicated. No one can understand it all. If the tax code was simplified so that most could understand it, including the director, I doubt the IRS would be so reviled. This has needed to happen for quite some time and I hope that someday soon an administration will get around to it.
We don't need the events in Austin to be repeated.
There is one thing this lowlife forgot, you've got to pay your taxes. Now, I think I pay too much to my Uncle in Washington every year as well as to the state, but until the tax code is reworked, I'm stuck. So is everyone else. I don't mind paying some tax and neither should anyone else. We need an infrastructure, a military and our elected officials should make a decent living, but when our money is mismanaged and our government does not live within it's means, then we should all be a bit peeved. But destroying buildings and killing people is not the answer.
Did Joey think that he was starting a revolution? Did he think that the people would rise up en masse and refuse to pay their taxes? If he did then he was crazier than anybody could ever know. According to his "manifesto", as the media calls it, he thought that this was his only way out. He refused to live up to his responsibility and now the way to get around it is to commit suicide. What a nut.
So now we have a family in mourning for the loss of a loved one who did nothing more than go to work that morning and plenty of people injured due to the actions of this amoral lunatic. I hope he rots in Hell. Joe Stack is no different than any of the Jihadist that have killed themselves for what is ultimately a political reason.
I guess Andy Warhol was right, everyone gets 15 minutes of fame. Maybe Andy should have included infamy as well.
The US tax code is too complicated. No one can understand it all. If the tax code was simplified so that most could understand it, including the director, I doubt the IRS would be so reviled. This has needed to happen for quite some time and I hope that someday soon an administration will get around to it.
We don't need the events in Austin to be repeated.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Bye Bye Evan Bayh
Well, another Democrat has a moment of clarity and decides not to run for re-election this year. Good. Evan Bayh always tried to paint himself as a "moderate" democrat or at least a fiscally conservative one. Both monikers are misleading at best. At least for this year. Bayh had an entire year to stand up against the Obama administration and he didn't do it. Bad move Evan. Now he has seen the writing on the wall and is getting out.
Bayh mentioned in his self serving speech that partisan politics are a big reason for his departure. Huh? I will say it again, the Dems had both houses and the White House and couldn't get their more liberal agenda through due to infighting. But when it came time to vote, Bayh was right there with the rest of the left-bots and voted for the things that Obama, Reid and Pelosi wanted. So his argument doesn't hold water.
Still, it's one down, 58 to go. I think this is going to be trend among Democratic Senators. At any time I fully expect Harry Reid (D-NV) to announce that he won't be running again. He shouldn't run anyway. He should save the money and the headaches and just retire. I know a few people in Nevada and all I hear from them is that Reid is toast come November. Maybe Obama could ensure a Reid defeat and go out there to campaign for good ol' Harry. Please.
Blanche Lincoln and Ben Nelson should reconsider their positions as well. Lately they both seem to be changing their collective tunes and spouting off a bit, but I think it's too little, too late. The people in this country have finally woken up to the dealings in Washington and we don't like what we see. I'm sure that these types of deals have been being made since the beginning of time in this country, but now we know how things are done.
I'm not just blaming Democrats here, Republicans share equally in this debacle. In my lifetime the presidents have been, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush and now Obama. The deficits have gotten bigger every year as well as the national debt. It has got to stop before we drop over the cliff into oblivion. If it isn't too late already.
So yes, I am a member of the "throw the bums out" constituency. They all need to go. We need regular folks to go to Washington for us to get back on track. Fewer lawyers and more people that can read a spread sheet and a bottom line.
So bye, bye Evan Bayh and good riddance. Two terms was enough for the folks to see that you were actually a very liberal guy just waiting for your chance to show your true self. In a case of political expedience you decide to drop out before being voted out.
That's the only decent thing you've done since 1-20-09.
Bayh mentioned in his self serving speech that partisan politics are a big reason for his departure. Huh? I will say it again, the Dems had both houses and the White House and couldn't get their more liberal agenda through due to infighting. But when it came time to vote, Bayh was right there with the rest of the left-bots and voted for the things that Obama, Reid and Pelosi wanted. So his argument doesn't hold water.
Still, it's one down, 58 to go. I think this is going to be trend among Democratic Senators. At any time I fully expect Harry Reid (D-NV) to announce that he won't be running again. He shouldn't run anyway. He should save the money and the headaches and just retire. I know a few people in Nevada and all I hear from them is that Reid is toast come November. Maybe Obama could ensure a Reid defeat and go out there to campaign for good ol' Harry. Please.
Blanche Lincoln and Ben Nelson should reconsider their positions as well. Lately they both seem to be changing their collective tunes and spouting off a bit, but I think it's too little, too late. The people in this country have finally woken up to the dealings in Washington and we don't like what we see. I'm sure that these types of deals have been being made since the beginning of time in this country, but now we know how things are done.
I'm not just blaming Democrats here, Republicans share equally in this debacle. In my lifetime the presidents have been, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush and now Obama. The deficits have gotten bigger every year as well as the national debt. It has got to stop before we drop over the cliff into oblivion. If it isn't too late already.
So yes, I am a member of the "throw the bums out" constituency. They all need to go. We need regular folks to go to Washington for us to get back on track. Fewer lawyers and more people that can read a spread sheet and a bottom line.
So bye, bye Evan Bayh and good riddance. Two terms was enough for the folks to see that you were actually a very liberal guy just waiting for your chance to show your true self. In a case of political expedience you decide to drop out before being voted out.
That's the only decent thing you've done since 1-20-09.
Monday, February 8, 2010
The Idiocy of the Global Warming Debate
When I walked into my bedroom last night preparing for bed, I heard that the TV was on. My wife was fast asleep. On the tube was a woman saying that it had been unusually cold in Georgia and Florida this winter as a direct result of global warming. WTF is that? It's been colder because of global warming? I wonder if this woman realizes just how stupid she sounded. Probably not.
But this is how the left has brainwashed their followers. Or should I say, this is how Al Gore makes money? What has the Wooden One made off of this lunacy? Isn't in the neighborhood of a hundred million ($100,000,000)? What a racket. OK, back to the brainwashing. The media has fueled this craze by pushing the far left agenda because the media itself is nothing more than a shill for the Democratic party. Obama says that their is global warming and all the little far left robots fall in line and start spouting the party line.
I would suggest that liberals start embracing the science that they so adore. Over the course of this planet's history it has heated up and cooled down on several occasions. The last ice age was about 12,000 years ago. In the period when the dinosaurs were at the zenith of their existence the world was actually a much hotter place than it is now. How do the warming nuts explain that? They can't, plain and simple.
So in other words, heating and cooling of the planet seems to happen on it's own. Wow, what a concept. Do the "warmers" (that's what I'm calling them from now on) realize this? Do they know that the earth's travels around the sun are not set in a specific orbit? That's right, the earth is not always 93 million (93,000,000) miles from the sun. At times the earth moves closer to the sun and then moves away. Right now the earth is on it's inward journey. That means we're getting closer to the sun. Or in other words, we will be getting warmer.
The warmers are concerned about the polar bears dying out. I get it, I don't like the idea either, but there have been times when there were no ice caps. I doubt we had polar bears then. The thing I'm getting to is that of all the species that have inhabited this planet, over 95% of them are extinct. Has the burning of fossil fuels been responsible for that? The warmers need to get a grip. And I don't mean onto their bongs.
A few years ago I took a cruise to Alaska. During this trip we went to Glacier Bay National Park. When European explorers first discovered this natural wonder, the glaciers reach the coast and emptied into the Pacific. Now it is quite a boat ride to get to the glaciers. I explicitly asked the naturalist guide if the glaciers had been receding since before of the industrial revolution of the 1880's. She told me that they have. In other words the glaciers were melting before man started spewing carbon emissions into the atmosphere.
Now Obama wants to have an agency to monitor global warming. He already has one, it's called NASA. Since in this years budget Obama has scrapped plans to send us back to the moon, NASA has been relegated to chart the world's temperature. Now I really don't care about going back to the moon without a plan for the next step, unless the astronauts land on July 20th again, but to make the agency nothing more than Obama's personal climate change watchdog is idiocy at best.
But that's what this president and his followers do best, idiocy.
But this is how the left has brainwashed their followers. Or should I say, this is how Al Gore makes money? What has the Wooden One made off of this lunacy? Isn't in the neighborhood of a hundred million ($100,000,000)? What a racket. OK, back to the brainwashing. The media has fueled this craze by pushing the far left agenda because the media itself is nothing more than a shill for the Democratic party. Obama says that their is global warming and all the little far left robots fall in line and start spouting the party line.
I would suggest that liberals start embracing the science that they so adore. Over the course of this planet's history it has heated up and cooled down on several occasions. The last ice age was about 12,000 years ago. In the period when the dinosaurs were at the zenith of their existence the world was actually a much hotter place than it is now. How do the warming nuts explain that? They can't, plain and simple.
So in other words, heating and cooling of the planet seems to happen on it's own. Wow, what a concept. Do the "warmers" (that's what I'm calling them from now on) realize this? Do they know that the earth's travels around the sun are not set in a specific orbit? That's right, the earth is not always 93 million (93,000,000) miles from the sun. At times the earth moves closer to the sun and then moves away. Right now the earth is on it's inward journey. That means we're getting closer to the sun. Or in other words, we will be getting warmer.
The warmers are concerned about the polar bears dying out. I get it, I don't like the idea either, but there have been times when there were no ice caps. I doubt we had polar bears then. The thing I'm getting to is that of all the species that have inhabited this planet, over 95% of them are extinct. Has the burning of fossil fuels been responsible for that? The warmers need to get a grip. And I don't mean onto their bongs.
A few years ago I took a cruise to Alaska. During this trip we went to Glacier Bay National Park. When European explorers first discovered this natural wonder, the glaciers reach the coast and emptied into the Pacific. Now it is quite a boat ride to get to the glaciers. I explicitly asked the naturalist guide if the glaciers had been receding since before of the industrial revolution of the 1880's. She told me that they have. In other words the glaciers were melting before man started spewing carbon emissions into the atmosphere.
Now Obama wants to have an agency to monitor global warming. He already has one, it's called NASA. Since in this years budget Obama has scrapped plans to send us back to the moon, NASA has been relegated to chart the world's temperature. Now I really don't care about going back to the moon without a plan for the next step, unless the astronauts land on July 20th again, but to make the agency nothing more than Obama's personal climate change watchdog is idiocy at best.
But that's what this president and his followers do best, idiocy.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
A Real Slow Learner
That's how Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman described President Obama after his latest comments using Vegas as a pejorative. It seems that Obama has a dislike for Sin City and has no problem letting it be known. Although I agree in principle with his statement, as the president Obama should know better than to single out a city such as Vegas that only exist because of tourism. His previous comments hurt the city and this one probably will too.
Believe it or not even Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) seems a bit miffed at Obama. I'm sure only after getting permission from the White House did Reid come out publicly in defense of the city. I've read an article or two about the situation and the comments seem to indicate that Reid is done as a senator. Obama is killing Reid's chances for re-election, not that the chances were good to begin with. I see that as a good thing. After all Reid has been there too long and he's a liberal democrat.
But the comments for Goodman come as a bit of a surprise. Goodman had spent his life as an attorney before turning to politics. He was a mob attorney. His list of high profile clients reads like a who's who of gangsters in Vegas. Plus Goodman is now an Independent after leaving the Democrat party. As a defense attorney he never really left the party, but that's only an opinion. Oh well, Goodman can represent Obama at his competency hearing. But still it took guts for Goodman to say what he did and I applaud him for it.
The other person who seems to have a case of "hoof in mouth" that is attached to the White House is Rahm Emanuel. It's not only because I don't care for the ballerina, it's just that someone in his position should chose his words more carefully. Was Emanuel trying to offend people with learning disabilities? I doubt it. Do I care that he used the "F" word? No. Anyone who knows me is aware of my ability to swear. So what's my problem with Rahm?
Let me tell you. Rahm is one of those guys with a bad case of little man syndrome. This guy must have taken a lot of flack when he was a kid and now thinks he can issue some payback because he thinks he is the BMOC. That's big man on campus. He's just a smarmy little punk with a huge chip on his shoulder. I think he should just dig his pretty pink tights out of wherever he is keeping them and go back to dancing Swan Lake.
What makes this gaffe even more egregious is he does this after The One made the crack about the Special Olympics on the Tonight Show last year. Does Rahm not remember this? Or maybe he just thinks that he can say anything he wants and no one can say anything to him. Maybe this will be a wake up call for Rahm and he will chose his words more carefully next time, but I hope not. I can only hope he continues to be the complete jerk he has been to this point and gives me and those like me more ammunition to use against him. No one is more deserving.
Of course I am critical of the One and his policies, but when he was elected I was hoping that he would gather intelligent people to be in his cabinet and staff. I have been seriously disappointed by his choices. Look at some of the people he has chosen, David Axlerod, Rahm Emanuel, Van Jones, Eric Holder and the ultimate pinhead Robert Gibbs. Poor choices all. One would have thought by now that Obama would have seen the error of his ways.
But no, Oscar Goodman is right, Obama is a slow learner. Do you think Rahm was talking about the president?
Believe it or not even Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) seems a bit miffed at Obama. I'm sure only after getting permission from the White House did Reid come out publicly in defense of the city. I've read an article or two about the situation and the comments seem to indicate that Reid is done as a senator. Obama is killing Reid's chances for re-election, not that the chances were good to begin with. I see that as a good thing. After all Reid has been there too long and he's a liberal democrat.
But the comments for Goodman come as a bit of a surprise. Goodman had spent his life as an attorney before turning to politics. He was a mob attorney. His list of high profile clients reads like a who's who of gangsters in Vegas. Plus Goodman is now an Independent after leaving the Democrat party. As a defense attorney he never really left the party, but that's only an opinion. Oh well, Goodman can represent Obama at his competency hearing. But still it took guts for Goodman to say what he did and I applaud him for it.
The other person who seems to have a case of "hoof in mouth" that is attached to the White House is Rahm Emanuel. It's not only because I don't care for the ballerina, it's just that someone in his position should chose his words more carefully. Was Emanuel trying to offend people with learning disabilities? I doubt it. Do I care that he used the "F" word? No. Anyone who knows me is aware of my ability to swear. So what's my problem with Rahm?
Let me tell you. Rahm is one of those guys with a bad case of little man syndrome. This guy must have taken a lot of flack when he was a kid and now thinks he can issue some payback because he thinks he is the BMOC. That's big man on campus. He's just a smarmy little punk with a huge chip on his shoulder. I think he should just dig his pretty pink tights out of wherever he is keeping them and go back to dancing Swan Lake.
What makes this gaffe even more egregious is he does this after The One made the crack about the Special Olympics on the Tonight Show last year. Does Rahm not remember this? Or maybe he just thinks that he can say anything he wants and no one can say anything to him. Maybe this will be a wake up call for Rahm and he will chose his words more carefully next time, but I hope not. I can only hope he continues to be the complete jerk he has been to this point and gives me and those like me more ammunition to use against him. No one is more deserving.
Of course I am critical of the One and his policies, but when he was elected I was hoping that he would gather intelligent people to be in his cabinet and staff. I have been seriously disappointed by his choices. Look at some of the people he has chosen, David Axlerod, Rahm Emanuel, Van Jones, Eric Holder and the ultimate pinhead Robert Gibbs. Poor choices all. One would have thought by now that Obama would have seen the error of his ways.
But no, Oscar Goodman is right, Obama is a slow learner. Do you think Rahm was talking about the president?
Sunday, January 31, 2010
The State of the Campaign
I could not have been more wrong when I typed that Obama seemed to be getting the message that we the people were sending to Washington. If you watched the State of the Union Address as I did, then you know exactly what I mean. He was on the campaign trail again saying the same old things wrapped up in a slightly different package.
I call it a campaign speech because that was what it felt like to me. Obama feigned indignation at the banking system that Barney Frank and Chris Dood created, but of course he blamed it on George Bush, he touted the stimulus bill and how it has created two million (2,000,000) jobs, that's a laugh, and told the Republicans that they were showing poor leadership. Why is that, Barry? Is it because they won't let you pass massive legislation that will ultimately turn us into Sweden? The one thing that the One won't say is that the Dems have had total control of Washington for the past year and couldn't get health care and cap and trade passed because of the infighting on their own party.
So Obama yammered on for a while about how we as a country needed to export more of our goods and services. He is correct in that regard, but gave no indication on how to accomplish this goal. He thinks that just by saying this we will automatically start exporting more goods. He said that the goal was to increase exports and thereby creating another two million jobs. Well, here we go back to Economics 101, Barry. First of all if a country is successful exporting it's goods it's because the goods can be produced for less costs than the importing countries. So for America to be a successful exporter we must produce goods for a reasonable price. With our system of labor unions we will fail miserably in this endeavor. Remember how unions have the "what's in it for me" mentality?
We then got to the give away portion of the program. The part that got me was the student loan program. Obama said that he was proposing that a person wouldn't have to spend more than 10% of their annual income to pay back their loans. He also pledged that the loans would be forgiven after 20 years and 10 years if the person went into a "public service" job. Did I mention how there would be no more tax break for banks that give the loans? Yep, that's right, if a bank makes a risky loan at the behest of the government then they get no credit for it and are just expected to maybe eat the loan. Wait a minute, won't the taxpayer get stuck with that bill? I think so.
How could I have waited so long to get to health care. Well, for starters, Obama did. He said that the Congress shouldn't walk away form health care when they are so close. He's right about that, they should run as fast as they can. After all, Auntie M and Jill Biden are starting some program to combat childhood obesity. If they are successful then we will all be healthier and won't need the government to provide our health care.
Speaking of someone named Biden and health care. Did anyone else notice "Bobblehead" Joe as he was listening to the campaign speech? His head was in constant motion, nodding back and forth. I bet he now needs the same surgery I had to replace worn out vertebrae in the neck, plus get a metal plate and a few screws. I'm sure my surgeon can squeeze him in. He does a great job when stitching you back up too. I can hardly see the scar.
Last and certainly least I can give my opinion of the purple pogo stick, Nancy Pelosi. She got a great work out jumping up and down applauding about every other sentence of the One. If the message Obama was delivering wasn't so frightening, then Pelosi's antics would have been comical.
So to sum it all up, it was the usual manure being spread by this pompous president. I hope he continues to campaign for all his liberal buddies this fall.
We've seen how well it's been working so far.
I call it a campaign speech because that was what it felt like to me. Obama feigned indignation at the banking system that Barney Frank and Chris Dood created, but of course he blamed it on George Bush, he touted the stimulus bill and how it has created two million (2,000,000) jobs, that's a laugh, and told the Republicans that they were showing poor leadership. Why is that, Barry? Is it because they won't let you pass massive legislation that will ultimately turn us into Sweden? The one thing that the One won't say is that the Dems have had total control of Washington for the past year and couldn't get health care and cap and trade passed because of the infighting on their own party.
So Obama yammered on for a while about how we as a country needed to export more of our goods and services. He is correct in that regard, but gave no indication on how to accomplish this goal. He thinks that just by saying this we will automatically start exporting more goods. He said that the goal was to increase exports and thereby creating another two million jobs. Well, here we go back to Economics 101, Barry. First of all if a country is successful exporting it's goods it's because the goods can be produced for less costs than the importing countries. So for America to be a successful exporter we must produce goods for a reasonable price. With our system of labor unions we will fail miserably in this endeavor. Remember how unions have the "what's in it for me" mentality?
We then got to the give away portion of the program. The part that got me was the student loan program. Obama said that he was proposing that a person wouldn't have to spend more than 10% of their annual income to pay back their loans. He also pledged that the loans would be forgiven after 20 years and 10 years if the person went into a "public service" job. Did I mention how there would be no more tax break for banks that give the loans? Yep, that's right, if a bank makes a risky loan at the behest of the government then they get no credit for it and are just expected to maybe eat the loan. Wait a minute, won't the taxpayer get stuck with that bill? I think so.
How could I have waited so long to get to health care. Well, for starters, Obama did. He said that the Congress shouldn't walk away form health care when they are so close. He's right about that, they should run as fast as they can. After all, Auntie M and Jill Biden are starting some program to combat childhood obesity. If they are successful then we will all be healthier and won't need the government to provide our health care.
Speaking of someone named Biden and health care. Did anyone else notice "Bobblehead" Joe as he was listening to the campaign speech? His head was in constant motion, nodding back and forth. I bet he now needs the same surgery I had to replace worn out vertebrae in the neck, plus get a metal plate and a few screws. I'm sure my surgeon can squeeze him in. He does a great job when stitching you back up too. I can hardly see the scar.
Last and certainly least I can give my opinion of the purple pogo stick, Nancy Pelosi. She got a great work out jumping up and down applauding about every other sentence of the One. If the message Obama was delivering wasn't so frightening, then Pelosi's antics would have been comical.
So to sum it all up, it was the usual manure being spread by this pompous president. I hope he continues to campaign for all his liberal buddies this fall.
We've seen how well it's been working so far.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Obama the Populist?
It would seem on the eve of the first State of the Union Address given by Pope Obama that he is now understanding the message that the masses have been aiming at Washington for the better part of the year. Less government, less spending and remember that those elected work for the people not the other way around.
Starting with his town hall meeting on Friday in Elyria, Ohio, Obama's feigned indignity was on display for all to see. He said that the same anger that swept Scott Brown into office in Massachusetts was the same anger that got him elected in 2008. Hah! The people's dismay with George Bush did not get Scott Brown elected. The people's dismay with a year of an overly left wing guy as president got Scott Brown elected. On the Sunday morning talk shows, I think it was, the ultimate pinhead, Robert Gibbs, got on one show and said that the election last week was not a referendum about the Obama agenda and that most people still wanted the health care reform bill. The exit polls showed it according to Bobby. Perhaps someone should have told him that there weren't any exit polls last Tuesday.
Also during this same speech the president said that some people think that if Obama losses, we win. Right. He couldn't have said it any better. If his agenda is allowed to become how we live here in the states, we're screwed. Taxes will go sky high, more jobs will be lost and incentive will wither and die. There is absolutely no way that we can sustain the amount of spending involved with his ideas.
So now Barry wants to freeze the domestic discretionary spending budget for three years starting with the year 2011. Ok, it's a start. This will save ($15,000,000,000) $15 Billion next year and $150 billion over the next ten years. I am listening to Stuart Varney right now say that this is "meaningless." I'm not sure that I agree. Anything is better than nothing when it comes to way this president is spending money that hasn't been printed yet. Now this is a drop in the proverbial bucket when the deficit for this year is over $1.5 trillion ($1,500,000,000,000). The far left is going bonkers and the far right is too because they will never give Barry the benefit of the doubt.
I think this is all a game. This is only bending to the political wind that is blowing today. If the mood of the country shifted tomorrow, then Obama would bend that way. Nothing more than politics as usual. When will we learn?
The idea that Obama will pull a Bill Clinton, no not chasing chubby interns, and move to the right is ludicrous at best. Obama is fully entrenched in the same camp as the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Howard Dean and Barney Frank. He is incapable of a move to the center where most of us live. Clinton moved to the right in 1994 after the defeat of Hillary-care and the Dems suffered massive losses at the ballot box that year. But according to Obama, the difference between '94 and now is that we have him. At least that's what he told Marion Barry.
Marion Barry immediately gave notice that he would not seek re-election this year for his Congressional seat.
Maybe Barry O' should do the same and announce he is not seeking another term. He did say that he would rather be a great one term president than a mediocre two term president. Well, he will never be considered a great president with his way of thinking.
Unless it's only about how well he travels and blames others for his shortcomings.
Starting with his town hall meeting on Friday in Elyria, Ohio, Obama's feigned indignity was on display for all to see. He said that the same anger that swept Scott Brown into office in Massachusetts was the same anger that got him elected in 2008. Hah! The people's dismay with George Bush did not get Scott Brown elected. The people's dismay with a year of an overly left wing guy as president got Scott Brown elected. On the Sunday morning talk shows, I think it was, the ultimate pinhead, Robert Gibbs, got on one show and said that the election last week was not a referendum about the Obama agenda and that most people still wanted the health care reform bill. The exit polls showed it according to Bobby. Perhaps someone should have told him that there weren't any exit polls last Tuesday.
Also during this same speech the president said that some people think that if Obama losses, we win. Right. He couldn't have said it any better. If his agenda is allowed to become how we live here in the states, we're screwed. Taxes will go sky high, more jobs will be lost and incentive will wither and die. There is absolutely no way that we can sustain the amount of spending involved with his ideas.
So now Barry wants to freeze the domestic discretionary spending budget for three years starting with the year 2011. Ok, it's a start. This will save ($15,000,000,000) $15 Billion next year and $150 billion over the next ten years. I am listening to Stuart Varney right now say that this is "meaningless." I'm not sure that I agree. Anything is better than nothing when it comes to way this president is spending money that hasn't been printed yet. Now this is a drop in the proverbial bucket when the deficit for this year is over $1.5 trillion ($1,500,000,000,000). The far left is going bonkers and the far right is too because they will never give Barry the benefit of the doubt.
I think this is all a game. This is only bending to the political wind that is blowing today. If the mood of the country shifted tomorrow, then Obama would bend that way. Nothing more than politics as usual. When will we learn?
The idea that Obama will pull a Bill Clinton, no not chasing chubby interns, and move to the right is ludicrous at best. Obama is fully entrenched in the same camp as the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Howard Dean and Barney Frank. He is incapable of a move to the center where most of us live. Clinton moved to the right in 1994 after the defeat of Hillary-care and the Dems suffered massive losses at the ballot box that year. But according to Obama, the difference between '94 and now is that we have him. At least that's what he told Marion Barry.
Marion Barry immediately gave notice that he would not seek re-election this year for his Congressional seat.
Maybe Barry O' should do the same and announce he is not seeking another term. He did say that he would rather be a great one term president than a mediocre two term president. Well, he will never be considered a great president with his way of thinking.
Unless it's only about how well he travels and blames others for his shortcomings.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
One Down, Three To Go
Today marks the end of the first year in office for President Obama. Good. That means that three years from today we will have a new president. I think the election yesterday in Massachusetts is a harbinger of things to come for the Democratic party, not only in the near future, but for the remainder of Obama's only term.
Not long ago Obama gave himself as "solid B+" as a grade for his first year in office. He was asked a bit too soon for a first year evaluation and now it seems that the tide is turning. Now that the first year is actually over, allow me to give the man a fair assessment in his first year as the leader of the "free" world. I can hear some folks groaning because they think I'm an Obama hater, but give it a read, you might be surprised.
On the economy I give the pres. a C-. I didn't agree with TARP I that George Bush handed out to the banks and agreed even less when Obama did the same with TARP II. It seems that it actually helped the banks a bit, but it hasn't done a thing for the mortgage industry. Fannie and Freddie are still on the ropes and we are stuck with the bill whether they survive or continue to struggle. On the banking end of things, the banks have slowed down it seems on giving people loans that they can't afford to pay back, plus most have paid back the TARP money.
On jobs he Obama gets a solid F. The stimulus was supposed to keep unemployment from going over 8% and we see where it gone. If you ask me, most of the money spent to this point is just political payback and Democratic wish list type spending. Not even 1/3 of the money has been distributed and the White House is taking credit for saving or creating over one million jobs this year. That is a stat that cannot be measured. If at first you don't succeed........
On handling the wars he gets another C-. By 1-23-09 he announced the closing of Gitmo within the first year. Oops. He couldn't get it done. It's no surprise, where was he going to put all those scumbags anyways? Gitmo needs to remain open and used to as a place to prosecute those that need it. Pulling a portion of the troops out of Iraq before the mission is completed is a big mistake. Either get it done or just pull out completely. He does get kudos for expanding troop strength in Afghanistan and for the continued use of the drones. He still needs to listen to his military folks and let them do what they do best. What good he has done is outweighed by his idiotic decision to let Eric Holder try terrorist in NYC. This has been a public relations nightmare for him and he refuses to back off. Obama shouldn't let Holder out in public to speak.
For his promise of transparency, an F. No surprise here either. The debates on health care have all been done in private even though he promised they would be on C-SPAN. But according to Nancy Pelosi, Obama said a lot of things on the campaign trail. Plus no bills have been online for five days before he signed them. Another lie being told by a politician.
For overall promise keeping he gets another F. No lobbyist in the administration. Oops. No more earmarks. Do I have to say "Omnibus Spending Bill" with over 9,000 of said earmarks? It's too early to tell on the promise of cutting the deficit by half by the end of his first term, but the deficit has climbed a bit this last year.
For bowing to a misogynistic pig and travelling all over the world to tell how horrible America is, he gets an A. If there is one area that Obama has excelled in, this is it. Never before have I seen such a display of cowardice by an American president. Well, that is if I don't count Jimmy Carter.
As a campaigner he fails again. Come on, he has tried three times to get Dems either elected or re-elected to seats and has failed all three times. Maybe he should just stay in Washington for the next three years. The Conservatives will have a more difficult time if he's not around.
So overall Obama gets an A, two C-'s and four F's. Maybe he shouldn't carry such a heavy load next semester and cut it back to focusing on the economy.
The American people see the same things I do and are fed up with the "Change" already. Nothing has changed, it's politics as usual. Only this time it's Chicago style. Not that Chicago style politics are any different that any other style.
Three more report cards like this Barry and it's back to Chicago for you.
That's change I can believe in.
Not long ago Obama gave himself as "solid B+" as a grade for his first year in office. He was asked a bit too soon for a first year evaluation and now it seems that the tide is turning. Now that the first year is actually over, allow me to give the man a fair assessment in his first year as the leader of the "free" world. I can hear some folks groaning because they think I'm an Obama hater, but give it a read, you might be surprised.
On the economy I give the pres. a C-. I didn't agree with TARP I that George Bush handed out to the banks and agreed even less when Obama did the same with TARP II. It seems that it actually helped the banks a bit, but it hasn't done a thing for the mortgage industry. Fannie and Freddie are still on the ropes and we are stuck with the bill whether they survive or continue to struggle. On the banking end of things, the banks have slowed down it seems on giving people loans that they can't afford to pay back, plus most have paid back the TARP money.
On jobs he Obama gets a solid F. The stimulus was supposed to keep unemployment from going over 8% and we see where it gone. If you ask me, most of the money spent to this point is just political payback and Democratic wish list type spending. Not even 1/3 of the money has been distributed and the White House is taking credit for saving or creating over one million jobs this year. That is a stat that cannot be measured. If at first you don't succeed........
On handling the wars he gets another C-. By 1-23-09 he announced the closing of Gitmo within the first year. Oops. He couldn't get it done. It's no surprise, where was he going to put all those scumbags anyways? Gitmo needs to remain open and used to as a place to prosecute those that need it. Pulling a portion of the troops out of Iraq before the mission is completed is a big mistake. Either get it done or just pull out completely. He does get kudos for expanding troop strength in Afghanistan and for the continued use of the drones. He still needs to listen to his military folks and let them do what they do best. What good he has done is outweighed by his idiotic decision to let Eric Holder try terrorist in NYC. This has been a public relations nightmare for him and he refuses to back off. Obama shouldn't let Holder out in public to speak.
For his promise of transparency, an F. No surprise here either. The debates on health care have all been done in private even though he promised they would be on C-SPAN. But according to Nancy Pelosi, Obama said a lot of things on the campaign trail. Plus no bills have been online for five days before he signed them. Another lie being told by a politician.
For overall promise keeping he gets another F. No lobbyist in the administration. Oops. No more earmarks. Do I have to say "Omnibus Spending Bill" with over 9,000 of said earmarks? It's too early to tell on the promise of cutting the deficit by half by the end of his first term, but the deficit has climbed a bit this last year.
For bowing to a misogynistic pig and travelling all over the world to tell how horrible America is, he gets an A. If there is one area that Obama has excelled in, this is it. Never before have I seen such a display of cowardice by an American president. Well, that is if I don't count Jimmy Carter.
As a campaigner he fails again. Come on, he has tried three times to get Dems either elected or re-elected to seats and has failed all three times. Maybe he should just stay in Washington for the next three years. The Conservatives will have a more difficult time if he's not around.
So overall Obama gets an A, two C-'s and four F's. Maybe he shouldn't carry such a heavy load next semester and cut it back to focusing on the economy.
The American people see the same things I do and are fed up with the "Change" already. Nothing has changed, it's politics as usual. Only this time it's Chicago style. Not that Chicago style politics are any different that any other style.
Three more report cards like this Barry and it's back to Chicago for you.
That's change I can believe in.
Friday, January 15, 2010
A Republican Victory in Massachusetts?
Can Scott Brown actually win in Massachusetts? Let's hope so. If you believe the polls, Brown is ahead by three points. Well, at least he is in Coakley's internal poll. So even the Democrat's own poll has her behind the unknown (until now) Brown. Wow! Mass. hasn't had a Republican Senator since 1972 and it's about time they joined the rest of the world.
For starters there was just no way that Kennedy was ever going to lose an election in the People's Republic of Mass. Ok, I know that's more than obvious since he had been in the Senate since 1962. That's before I was born by the way. But now it seems that some of that "Change you can believe in" might just be coming.
Rumor has it that Neo, I mean The One, er....I mean Obama might be coming to town to campaign for the damsel in distress. We can only hope after how much good it did for Corzine in New Jersey and Deeds in Virginia. In an ad Brown tells Obama to stay away and let he and Coakley debate the issues and have the people decide. That's a pretty gutsy move if you ask me, actually calling out the Prez and telling him to stay home. Won't the media and Rahm Emanuel have a hissy fit over that remark?
Of course if the Obama stays in Washington it may just be to shield him from criticism if Coakley loses. It sure wouldn't do his image much good if he goes and Brown wins. Especially after the November elections and the first trip to Copenhagen to try to hustle the Olympics for Chicago. This way if Brown wins then the Dems can just blame Coakley for running a lousy campaign. If she wins then Obama will say it was expected. So it's a no-lose for Obama's image since it has been spun correctly. I guess that's what he pays Axelrod for. No, wait a minute, we pay Axelrod. That's too bad.
I saw a new campaign ad for Coakley today staring none other than Vicki Kennedy. For those that don't know, she is the widow of Ted Kennedy. In the ad she parrots Brown's comment from Monday's debate and says that "it's not the Kennedy seat, it's the people's seat." She is correct, and only four days too late. Once Vicki came out in support for Coakley that's when her numbers started to fall. I hope this ad has the same effect. Don't get me wrong, Mrs. K. seems like a nice lady, it's just that her politics, like those of the rest of the Kennedy family, are out of whack.
The liberals in this country want to give everything to those they think need it. They can't figure out that a whole lot of folks will do nothing just so they can get the freebies from the government. I don't mind helping those that are incapable of helping themselves, I will not help more of the people who will not do for themselves. Teddy Roosevelt summed it up pretty well when he said, "The first requisite of a good citizen in this republic of ours is that he shall be able and willing to pull his own weight."
Brown has said on numerous occasions that he will be the 41st vote against Obama-care. In effect this is a referendum on said Obama-care. For that reason alone I hope he manages to pull out a victory, or for Coakley to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Either way I don't care just as long as Brown wins on Tuesday. If he does win then Obama-care is dead in the water and the Dems will be running scared. Every one of the Representatives and Senators who's terms are up that voted for this monstrosity will have on tough time getting re-elected.
Obama doesn't seem to care. He said today that, "I see the polls" and "If Republicans want to campaign against what we've done by standing up for the status quo and for insurance companies over American families and businesses, that is a fight I want to have." Notice how he thinks that conservatives are against families and business. What a buffoon. If business is thriving then people have jobs. It's not about the banks giving loans to individuals who can't pay it back, it's about the banks making good loans to people and businesses so that the economy can grow. Didn't he take any kind of economics classes at Harvard?
Well Mr. President, you are getting your wish. No matter the outcome on Tuesday, the people will speak out nationally in November. Because even if it's close in Massachusetts, you lose. Massachusetts has been so liberal for so long, that if Brown can make it an interesting race and hang in there against any liberal for the "Kennedy seat" then the liberals are in big trouble.
Wasn't the Boston Massacre really the first battle that started the first revolution in this country?
Tuesday starts the second.
For starters there was just no way that Kennedy was ever going to lose an election in the People's Republic of Mass. Ok, I know that's more than obvious since he had been in the Senate since 1962. That's before I was born by the way. But now it seems that some of that "Change you can believe in" might just be coming.
Rumor has it that Neo, I mean The One, er....I mean Obama might be coming to town to campaign for the damsel in distress. We can only hope after how much good it did for Corzine in New Jersey and Deeds in Virginia. In an ad Brown tells Obama to stay away and let he and Coakley debate the issues and have the people decide. That's a pretty gutsy move if you ask me, actually calling out the Prez and telling him to stay home. Won't the media and Rahm Emanuel have a hissy fit over that remark?
Of course if the Obama stays in Washington it may just be to shield him from criticism if Coakley loses. It sure wouldn't do his image much good if he goes and Brown wins. Especially after the November elections and the first trip to Copenhagen to try to hustle the Olympics for Chicago. This way if Brown wins then the Dems can just blame Coakley for running a lousy campaign. If she wins then Obama will say it was expected. So it's a no-lose for Obama's image since it has been spun correctly. I guess that's what he pays Axelrod for. No, wait a minute, we pay Axelrod. That's too bad.
I saw a new campaign ad for Coakley today staring none other than Vicki Kennedy. For those that don't know, she is the widow of Ted Kennedy. In the ad she parrots Brown's comment from Monday's debate and says that "it's not the Kennedy seat, it's the people's seat." She is correct, and only four days too late. Once Vicki came out in support for Coakley that's when her numbers started to fall. I hope this ad has the same effect. Don't get me wrong, Mrs. K. seems like a nice lady, it's just that her politics, like those of the rest of the Kennedy family, are out of whack.
The liberals in this country want to give everything to those they think need it. They can't figure out that a whole lot of folks will do nothing just so they can get the freebies from the government. I don't mind helping those that are incapable of helping themselves, I will not help more of the people who will not do for themselves. Teddy Roosevelt summed it up pretty well when he said, "The first requisite of a good citizen in this republic of ours is that he shall be able and willing to pull his own weight."
Brown has said on numerous occasions that he will be the 41st vote against Obama-care. In effect this is a referendum on said Obama-care. For that reason alone I hope he manages to pull out a victory, or for Coakley to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Either way I don't care just as long as Brown wins on Tuesday. If he does win then Obama-care is dead in the water and the Dems will be running scared. Every one of the Representatives and Senators who's terms are up that voted for this monstrosity will have on tough time getting re-elected.
Obama doesn't seem to care. He said today that, "I see the polls" and "If Republicans want to campaign against what we've done by standing up for the status quo and for insurance companies over American families and businesses, that is a fight I want to have." Notice how he thinks that conservatives are against families and business. What a buffoon. If business is thriving then people have jobs. It's not about the banks giving loans to individuals who can't pay it back, it's about the banks making good loans to people and businesses so that the economy can grow. Didn't he take any kind of economics classes at Harvard?
Well Mr. President, you are getting your wish. No matter the outcome on Tuesday, the people will speak out nationally in November. Because even if it's close in Massachusetts, you lose. Massachusetts has been so liberal for so long, that if Brown can make it an interesting race and hang in there against any liberal for the "Kennedy seat" then the liberals are in big trouble.
Wasn't the Boston Massacre really the first battle that started the first revolution in this country?
Tuesday starts the second.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Dead Man Walking
The end seems to be near for Harry Reid (D-NV) only it won't come soon enough. We've all heard his ridiculous comments and his apologies to Barry, now we get to hear from everyone else. Today I got to hear from political pundits from both sides of the aisle. Both sides said what you would expect them to and nothing will come of it.
Republicans are calling for the senile Senator to resign or be fired and the liberals are all saying that it's no big deal. I really don't care if this amounts to anything. Come November 2010 we will all be calling whomever is running against him, Senator-elect. This is the final nail in the political coffin of this ageing buffoon.
With his stance on the health care reform issue, his getting a political payoff in the Stimulus Bill and his penchant for sticking his foot in his mouth, this guy is done. And the nation will be better off when he's gone. I hope he enjoys his retirement.
Was his intent to slur Savior Obama? I doubt it. I think that Reid believes in the One and his agenda. His choice of words is suspect though. Reid freely admits that he could have chosen his words more carefully. In this world of political correctness, he most certainly should have thought a bit longer before opening his mouth.
During the short time I was in the car today I had the opportunity to listen to Sean Hannity. There was a slot where Sean had Juan Williams, whom I enjoy listening to even though he's a liberal, and I believe the other man's name is Mike Meyers. I'm also not sure of the spelling. During this spot Sean played parts of speeches from Al Gore, Hillary Clinton and Barry Obama. All of the speeches were given to predominately black audiences. All three took the persona of a preacher in the middle of a sermon. Meyers laughed and Williams called it condescending and offensive.
My point in the last paragraph is that there is a double standard for Democrats and Republicans. The amazing thing to me is that this standard is acknowledged and accepted. WTF? Imagine, if you dare, if Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity or Bill O'Reilly had said this. There would be a national cry for their head and demands on FOX and EIB to fire whoever had said this and the firestorm would last until the liberals got their way. You know it as well as I.
So, no I don't think that Harry Reid is a racist, I think he's an idiot who needs to lose in the next election cycle and just fade away. Sue Lowden (R) should win the seat and maybe then we can start to undo the damage that this liberal has heaped upon our country.
At least Byron Dorgan (D-ND) and Chris Dodd (D-CT) had the decency to announce their collective retirements. Or were they just trying to save face instead of getting blasted in November? Reid should take a cue from his fellow liberal Senators and just say that he is going to retire.
Nothing would make me happier.
Republicans are calling for the senile Senator to resign or be fired and the liberals are all saying that it's no big deal. I really don't care if this amounts to anything. Come November 2010 we will all be calling whomever is running against him, Senator-elect. This is the final nail in the political coffin of this ageing buffoon.
With his stance on the health care reform issue, his getting a political payoff in the Stimulus Bill and his penchant for sticking his foot in his mouth, this guy is done. And the nation will be better off when he's gone. I hope he enjoys his retirement.
Was his intent to slur Savior Obama? I doubt it. I think that Reid believes in the One and his agenda. His choice of words is suspect though. Reid freely admits that he could have chosen his words more carefully. In this world of political correctness, he most certainly should have thought a bit longer before opening his mouth.
During the short time I was in the car today I had the opportunity to listen to Sean Hannity. There was a slot where Sean had Juan Williams, whom I enjoy listening to even though he's a liberal, and I believe the other man's name is Mike Meyers. I'm also not sure of the spelling. During this spot Sean played parts of speeches from Al Gore, Hillary Clinton and Barry Obama. All of the speeches were given to predominately black audiences. All three took the persona of a preacher in the middle of a sermon. Meyers laughed and Williams called it condescending and offensive.
My point in the last paragraph is that there is a double standard for Democrats and Republicans. The amazing thing to me is that this standard is acknowledged and accepted. WTF? Imagine, if you dare, if Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity or Bill O'Reilly had said this. There would be a national cry for their head and demands on FOX and EIB to fire whoever had said this and the firestorm would last until the liberals got their way. You know it as well as I.
So, no I don't think that Harry Reid is a racist, I think he's an idiot who needs to lose in the next election cycle and just fade away. Sue Lowden (R) should win the seat and maybe then we can start to undo the damage that this liberal has heaped upon our country.
At least Byron Dorgan (D-ND) and Chris Dodd (D-CT) had the decency to announce their collective retirements. Or were they just trying to save face instead of getting blasted in November? Reid should take a cue from his fellow liberal Senators and just say that he is going to retire.
Nothing would make me happier.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
The Heroin How To From NYC
It would seem that the collective brain trust in NYC has come out with a new book, 10 ideas on how to safely shoot heroin, or something along those lines. It should come as no surprise that the book was produced with taxpayer money at the behest of Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Way to go Mike.
Now I expect this type of behavior from a Democrat, but Mikey switched parties in 2001. I think just to get elected because he was then mentioned as a possible candidate for president as an Independent. Hey Mike, how about making up your mind and sticking with it. Can you do that or does your ego demand that you waffle between the three parties just so you can be loved? But what the hell, the $100 million ($100,000,000) of personal money you spent on the last mayoral race is a tax deduction, isn't it? It's also a clue as to the megalomania you seem to suffer from.
Okay, back to the main topic. The hippies will say that this is a good thing because it helps the addicts shoot their dope in a safer manner. It will cause less disease and maybe a few overdoses. That's just laughable. There is absolutely no way that this is going to prevent these things from happening on any kind of measurable scale. Dopers will continue to die from being dopers, it's inevitable.
Remember what I do for a living? I've seen dopers come and go. I've seen a lot of them go. For some it takes a while. It looks like a horrible death, but these people don't care. All that matters to them is where the next fix is coming from. Plus they all know how to clean their needles. They know how to find a vein, that is if they have a decent one left. So preaching from the government does no good.
As Counselor Mackey at South Park Elementary says, "Drugs are bad, M'kay." People know it. It gets pounded into their heads from a young age. Hopefully from their parents, maybe from school, public service announcements on TV, from hypocrite celebrities and of course from the police. Remember that these drugs are illegal. So why is the city of New York helping the addicts learn to better perform their craft? I can't figure it out.
So now instead of making stiffer penalties for possession, sale and use of heroin the city is providing a "how to" booklet, how nice. This will only continue to ensure that more people get hooked on dope. I think what keeps some away from heroin is the fact that it's dangerous and now the government wants to take away that fear.
The fact that addicts are a tremendous drain on our society seems to be lost on good ol' Mike. Dopers can't hold a job for more than a few days because they are a slave to their addiction. It's hard to work doing anything when you are high on heroin. So without work what are the dopers to do? Well, they lie, cheat, steal, panhandle and anything else just to get a few bucks together to buy more dope.
Case in point. I had been dealing with a particular person in the city I work in. He admitted that he was a heroin addict. He was unable to hold a job because of his addiction. So I would find him on the side of the road with a cardboard sign with the usual, "will work for food" BS written on it. People would give him money and for a time he was going to a clinic and buying methadone. Now that wasn't going to get him off the heroin, but he could tell himself he was trying. The methadone was costing him $15 a day. If he couldn't get it by begging, he was committing crimes to get the money. Subsequently he was racking up several arrest warrants for those crimes. The last time I saw him he had those several warrants. I arrested him for that. In his possession were two balloons of heroin and several syringes. He told me that he could buy the heroin for $10 a balloon and one would last him two days while he had to go the clinic daily for the methadone. So I guess it was to save money. But anyway he has been in jail since. What have the citizens of this county paid to keep him there? Plus what have the victims of his crimes paid out?
So Mayor Bloomberg should be ashamed of himself and the citizens of NYC should be seriously irritated. It is irresponsible of Mikey to have had this booklet produced. Especially at the expense of the people.
Yesterday here in Utah a police officer was killed by a dope dealer. She was killed by the type of people Mayor Bloomberg wants to continue to help make a profit by getting and keeping more "customers." The suspect hasn't been caught as of this writing, but he will be soon. Then he will get the needle.
Does his Honor have a pamphlet for that?
Now I expect this type of behavior from a Democrat, but Mikey switched parties in 2001. I think just to get elected because he was then mentioned as a possible candidate for president as an Independent. Hey Mike, how about making up your mind and sticking with it. Can you do that or does your ego demand that you waffle between the three parties just so you can be loved? But what the hell, the $100 million ($100,000,000) of personal money you spent on the last mayoral race is a tax deduction, isn't it? It's also a clue as to the megalomania you seem to suffer from.
Okay, back to the main topic. The hippies will say that this is a good thing because it helps the addicts shoot their dope in a safer manner. It will cause less disease and maybe a few overdoses. That's just laughable. There is absolutely no way that this is going to prevent these things from happening on any kind of measurable scale. Dopers will continue to die from being dopers, it's inevitable.
Remember what I do for a living? I've seen dopers come and go. I've seen a lot of them go. For some it takes a while. It looks like a horrible death, but these people don't care. All that matters to them is where the next fix is coming from. Plus they all know how to clean their needles. They know how to find a vein, that is if they have a decent one left. So preaching from the government does no good.
As Counselor Mackey at South Park Elementary says, "Drugs are bad, M'kay." People know it. It gets pounded into their heads from a young age. Hopefully from their parents, maybe from school, public service announcements on TV, from hypocrite celebrities and of course from the police. Remember that these drugs are illegal. So why is the city of New York helping the addicts learn to better perform their craft? I can't figure it out.
So now instead of making stiffer penalties for possession, sale and use of heroin the city is providing a "how to" booklet, how nice. This will only continue to ensure that more people get hooked on dope. I think what keeps some away from heroin is the fact that it's dangerous and now the government wants to take away that fear.
The fact that addicts are a tremendous drain on our society seems to be lost on good ol' Mike. Dopers can't hold a job for more than a few days because they are a slave to their addiction. It's hard to work doing anything when you are high on heroin. So without work what are the dopers to do? Well, they lie, cheat, steal, panhandle and anything else just to get a few bucks together to buy more dope.
Case in point. I had been dealing with a particular person in the city I work in. He admitted that he was a heroin addict. He was unable to hold a job because of his addiction. So I would find him on the side of the road with a cardboard sign with the usual, "will work for food" BS written on it. People would give him money and for a time he was going to a clinic and buying methadone. Now that wasn't going to get him off the heroin, but he could tell himself he was trying. The methadone was costing him $15 a day. If he couldn't get it by begging, he was committing crimes to get the money. Subsequently he was racking up several arrest warrants for those crimes. The last time I saw him he had those several warrants. I arrested him for that. In his possession were two balloons of heroin and several syringes. He told me that he could buy the heroin for $10 a balloon and one would last him two days while he had to go the clinic daily for the methadone. So I guess it was to save money. But anyway he has been in jail since. What have the citizens of this county paid to keep him there? Plus what have the victims of his crimes paid out?
So Mayor Bloomberg should be ashamed of himself and the citizens of NYC should be seriously irritated. It is irresponsible of Mikey to have had this booklet produced. Especially at the expense of the people.
Yesterday here in Utah a police officer was killed by a dope dealer. She was killed by the type of people Mayor Bloomberg wants to continue to help make a profit by getting and keeping more "customers." The suspect hasn't been caught as of this writing, but he will be soon. Then he will get the needle.
Does his Honor have a pamphlet for that?
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Corruption in the Open
Well it has finally come to pass, government corruption and bribery is now legal it seems and the liberals are taking full advantage of it. Senator Nelson (D-NE) has certainly been the one to gain the most so far with the state's lifetime exemption from paying for Medicaid costs starting in 2017. At the moment that little nugget is estimated to be worth about $10 million ($10,000,000) a year for the first ten years. Wanna bet to see if that turns out to be accurate? I'll say this is a gross underestimate. If for no other reason than the government's track record.
I think this is going to be ruled unconstitutional when all is said and done. For starters, how about the 14th Amendment of our Constitution, equal protection under the law. If this socialist policy of the Obama administration actually becomes law then those of us that don't live in Nebraska will have to pay for their Medicaid costs. How is that equal? Why should we be forced to pay their taxes? We shouldn't be, period.
Just for the heck of it, let's say this part of the bill holds up. The next thing you know all 49 other states are going to line up demanding the same treatment. Ok, so now the cost is $500 million ($500,000,000) a year. But wait, is the cost the same for every state? Of course not. This estimation is more than likely based on population. So if that's the case, then in the more populous states- California and New York to name a couple- the costs would be astronomically higher. But then again, even without looking it up, I would guess that Nebraska is not in the top ten of the most populated states.
After typing that last sentence, I looked it up. According to estimates of the US Census Bureau, Nebraska ranks number 39 on the list with 1.7 million residents. So let us do some simple math, shall we? If the same bribe, otherwise known as the Cornhusker Kickback, was offered to the Senators from California (Boxer and Feinstein) with a population of 36.7 million people then the cost for California alone would be $215.9 million ($215,900,000) a year. Remember this is only if the estimated cost is anywhere near the actual number. Plus this is only for the expansion of Medicaid.
Hey, a billion here, a billion there, no big deal, right? But before long you're talking about some serious money. I know it's been said before, by whom I can't remember, but it's worth repeating. All this money has to come from those of us who pay taxes. As we all know, that's not everybody. It's probably not even the majority.
Obama claims that this legislation will reduce our debt. I don't know how. This will only cost the government more and more and will ultimately destroy our entire economy. Our government has for an extremely long period of time been under the illusion that we can just continue to spend and spend without regard for the consequences. No matter how many times our vacuous VP, Joe "gaffe a second" Biden claims that we are going to spend our way out of debt (huh?) there is no possible way to do it. Thank you Dennis Miller for Joe's middle name.
It should also be remembered that for every penny the government spends or gives away it has taken that penny from someone.
Or borrowed it from China.
I think this is going to be ruled unconstitutional when all is said and done. For starters, how about the 14th Amendment of our Constitution, equal protection under the law. If this socialist policy of the Obama administration actually becomes law then those of us that don't live in Nebraska will have to pay for their Medicaid costs. How is that equal? Why should we be forced to pay their taxes? We shouldn't be, period.
Just for the heck of it, let's say this part of the bill holds up. The next thing you know all 49 other states are going to line up demanding the same treatment. Ok, so now the cost is $500 million ($500,000,000) a year. But wait, is the cost the same for every state? Of course not. This estimation is more than likely based on population. So if that's the case, then in the more populous states- California and New York to name a couple- the costs would be astronomically higher. But then again, even without looking it up, I would guess that Nebraska is not in the top ten of the most populated states.
After typing that last sentence, I looked it up. According to estimates of the US Census Bureau, Nebraska ranks number 39 on the list with 1.7 million residents. So let us do some simple math, shall we? If the same bribe, otherwise known as the Cornhusker Kickback, was offered to the Senators from California (Boxer and Feinstein) with a population of 36.7 million people then the cost for California alone would be $215.9 million ($215,900,000) a year. Remember this is only if the estimated cost is anywhere near the actual number. Plus this is only for the expansion of Medicaid.
Hey, a billion here, a billion there, no big deal, right? But before long you're talking about some serious money. I know it's been said before, by whom I can't remember, but it's worth repeating. All this money has to come from those of us who pay taxes. As we all know, that's not everybody. It's probably not even the majority.
Obama claims that this legislation will reduce our debt. I don't know how. This will only cost the government more and more and will ultimately destroy our entire economy. Our government has for an extremely long period of time been under the illusion that we can just continue to spend and spend without regard for the consequences. No matter how many times our vacuous VP, Joe "gaffe a second" Biden claims that we are going to spend our way out of debt (huh?) there is no possible way to do it. Thank you Dennis Miller for Joe's middle name.
It should also be remembered that for every penny the government spends or gives away it has taken that penny from someone.
Or borrowed it from China.
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