Friday, June 11, 2010

Oil, Oil Everywhere

Well, it's been two months since this began, it's about time I spouted off. First let me extend my sincerest condolences to the families of the 11 people that died when the rig exploded. It's the least I can do. It's definitely more than Barry did.

Fiorelo LaGuardia (former mayor of New York) said that there was no Democratic or no Republican way to clean the streets. There was only a right way and a wrong way. He was right. This oil spill in the Gulf is a perfect example. I don't think Barry and his left wing green goons blew up the rig, but he surely doesn't seem to care that this spill isn't getting cleaned up very fast.

I think that this is a prelude to the next incarnation of a Cap and Trade type bill. The big bad oil companies need to be reigned in and then put out of business. This opens the door to "green" energy. Solar and wind power, electric cars, that is if we don't go back to riding horses, of course we can't have nuclear power, but Barry and Van Jones will come up with something.

The tax increases that will come with this will cripple the country. This will be worse than Obamacare. Not only that, gas will probably go to around $8-$9 a gallon. That means that before electric cars are mass produced, and affordable for us mere mortals, all of our extra cash will go into the gas tank of our current cars. That is if we have any extra cash.

What makes me say, er..I mean, type this? Well, it seems that the Dutch government had offered some pretty cool stuff to help clean up and our government refused. I've also seen stories of warehouses full of items to soak up some oil and in the warehouses they continue to sit. Why? So this can become the worst environmental disaster of all time, that's why. That gives the environmentalist wackos the ammunition they think they need to push their idiotic agenda. After all global warming is killing the polar bears.

And since I'm back on global warming, it is currently 49 degrees at the Salt Lake City airport. No that is not a typo, it is 49 chilly degrees. Today is June 11, 2010. Thank you Al Gore.

Now Barry and Attorney Pretender Holder are acting upset and threatening to put folks in prison over this. Hah! BP is open to massive civil liability that if it doesn't bankrupt the company will certainly tarnish it's reputation beyond redemption in our lifetimes. And Barry is looking for an ass to kick. Look no further than your own mirror, Barry. You've had opportunities to do something and instead you've taken time to vacation in Chi-town while claiming to have been on top of things since "Day One."

It's time to admit that you're in over your head. Step back, shut up and let those that know do their thing.

After all Ken Salazar has his boot on the neck of BP. Doesn't he?

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