Saturday, June 19, 2010

Hillary Speaks Out of Turn

I think this is what Barry has told Hillary since he found out that she let it be known that the White House is actually going to sue Arizona for SB1070. That's the bill that allows the local cops to ask about someones immigration status. And imagine that she blabbed to an Ecuadorian newspaper, wow. I'm sure Barry was plenty chapped over this.

I don't see what the problem is with Barry anyway. After all this bill just forces the federal government to do their job on the issue of illegal immigration. It is, after all way past due for a state to say that enough is enough. Again, I don't mean to sound like this is all Barry's fault. I know that the federal government hasn't really done much of anything to solve this problem. It's just happening on Barry's watch.

I know that it irritates me that it was revealed to a foreign newspaper rather than to Americans first. Maybe it was because that Barry realizes that since the majority of Americans support this law that they would strongly oppose the litigation. Yes, I'm sure that Hillary jumped the gun, but still, she had to know that her comments were going to be picked up here in this country and spread like wildfire.

But then again, maybe that was her plan. Is she contemplating another run in 2012? Is she trying to undermine her boss so the Dems lose big in the mid-term elections? I do remember her saying that she would only be Secretary of State for one term. The big loss of seats this November could be enough for Hillary to publicly say that Barry is an ineffective leader and announce that she is going to run against him in the next presidential election. If this is the case she is doing a bang up job. You go girl. Keep up the good work. Imagine that, I just paid Hillary a compliment.

But now that the cat is out of the bag, so to speak, let's get to the real issue here. This new law, that hasn't even taken effect yet, does not encourage racial profiling. Why don't we take a look at one possible way that things might happen on the streets of any Arizona city on 7-29-10, the day after the law takes effect.

A police officer makes a traffic stop for a violation. The car has Arizona plates and is registered to an address in Arizona. The driver does not speak English and when asked for a drivers license only produces one from whatever country he/she is from. Then the name on the DL matches that on the registration. Doesn't common sense say that something is going on here? I think it does. And since not going through the proper procedures to enter this country is a crime this particular police officer should be asking some questions about this person's immigration status to determine if a crime has been committed. If one has then the officer should act, if not then the totality of the stop is not extended for an unreasonable amount of time. This is only one of a myriad of ways that a police officer could come into contact with someone that is in this country illegally.

So if people think that this is going to lead to the police stopping people on the street and asking for their passports, they are nuts. In this country probable cause must be established before a custodial detention can be made. If not, then any evidence obtained from the detention will be thrown out of court. I don't know how to put it any plainer.

So Barry is a nut for thinking that this is going to make folks happy and continue to vote for him and his cronies. Well, the Hispanic population will be happy, but not too many others. Ok, the committed left will also be pretty giddy, but they don't have the numbers to really make much of a difference.

So in my opinion let Barry continue down this path and dooming his party to defeat in the November elections. This year and in 2012.

Jan Brewer for president.

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