Monday, February 15, 2010

Bye Bye Evan Bayh

Well, another Democrat has a moment of clarity and decides not to run for re-election this year. Good. Evan Bayh always tried to paint himself as a "moderate" democrat or at least a fiscally conservative one. Both monikers are misleading at best. At least for this year. Bayh had an entire year to stand up against the Obama administration and he didn't do it. Bad move Evan. Now he has seen the writing on the wall and is getting out.

Bayh mentioned in his self serving speech that partisan politics are a big reason for his departure. Huh? I will say it again, the Dems had both houses and the White House and couldn't get their more liberal agenda through due to infighting. But when it came time to vote, Bayh was right there with the rest of the left-bots and voted for the things that Obama, Reid and Pelosi wanted. So his argument doesn't hold water.

Still, it's one down, 58 to go. I think this is going to be trend among Democratic Senators. At any time I fully expect Harry Reid (D-NV) to announce that he won't be running again. He shouldn't run anyway. He should save the money and the headaches and just retire. I know a few people in Nevada and all I hear from them is that Reid is toast come November. Maybe Obama could ensure a Reid defeat and go out there to campaign for good ol' Harry. Please.

Blanche Lincoln and Ben Nelson should reconsider their positions as well. Lately they both seem to be changing their collective tunes and spouting off a bit, but I think it's too little, too late. The people in this country have finally woken up to the dealings in Washington and we don't like what we see. I'm sure that these types of deals have been being made since the beginning of time in this country, but now we know how things are done.

I'm not just blaming Democrats here, Republicans share equally in this debacle. In my lifetime the presidents have been, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush and now Obama. The deficits have gotten bigger every year as well as the national debt. It has got to stop before we drop over the cliff into oblivion. If it isn't too late already.

So yes, I am a member of the "throw the bums out" constituency. They all need to go. We need regular folks to go to Washington for us to get back on track. Fewer lawyers and more people that can read a spread sheet and a bottom line.

So bye, bye Evan Bayh and good riddance. Two terms was enough for the folks to see that you were actually a very liberal guy just waiting for your chance to show your true self. In a case of political expedience you decide to drop out before being voted out.

That's the only decent thing you've done since 1-20-09.

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