When I walked into my bedroom last night preparing for bed, I heard that the TV was on. My wife was fast asleep. On the tube was a woman saying that it had been unusually cold in Georgia and Florida this winter as a direct result of global warming. WTF is that? It's been colder because of global warming? I wonder if this woman realizes just how stupid she sounded. Probably not.
But this is how the left has brainwashed their followers. Or should I say, this is how Al Gore makes money? What has the Wooden One made off of this lunacy? Isn't in the neighborhood of a hundred million ($100,000,000)? What a racket. OK, back to the brainwashing. The media has fueled this craze by pushing the far left agenda because the media itself is nothing more than a shill for the Democratic party. Obama says that their is global warming and all the little far left robots fall in line and start spouting the party line.
I would suggest that liberals start embracing the science that they so adore. Over the course of this planet's history it has heated up and cooled down on several occasions. The last ice age was about 12,000 years ago. In the period when the dinosaurs were at the zenith of their existence the world was actually a much hotter place than it is now. How do the warming nuts explain that? They can't, plain and simple.
So in other words, heating and cooling of the planet seems to happen on it's own. Wow, what a concept. Do the "warmers" (that's what I'm calling them from now on) realize this? Do they know that the earth's travels around the sun are not set in a specific orbit? That's right, the earth is not always 93 million (93,000,000) miles from the sun. At times the earth moves closer to the sun and then moves away. Right now the earth is on it's inward journey. That means we're getting closer to the sun. Or in other words, we will be getting warmer.
The warmers are concerned about the polar bears dying out. I get it, I don't like the idea either, but there have been times when there were no ice caps. I doubt we had polar bears then. The thing I'm getting to is that of all the species that have inhabited this planet, over 95% of them are extinct. Has the burning of fossil fuels been responsible for that? The warmers need to get a grip. And I don't mean onto their bongs.
A few years ago I took a cruise to Alaska. During this trip we went to Glacier Bay National Park. When European explorers first discovered this natural wonder, the glaciers reach the coast and emptied into the Pacific. Now it is quite a boat ride to get to the glaciers. I explicitly asked the naturalist guide if the glaciers had been receding since before of the industrial revolution of the 1880's. She told me that they have. In other words the glaciers were melting before man started spewing carbon emissions into the atmosphere.
Now Obama wants to have an agency to monitor global warming. He already has one, it's called NASA. Since in this years budget Obama has scrapped plans to send us back to the moon, NASA has been relegated to chart the world's temperature. Now I really don't care about going back to the moon without a plan for the next step, unless the astronauts land on July 20th again, but to make the agency nothing more than Obama's personal climate change watchdog is idiocy at best.
But that's what this president and his followers do best, idiocy.
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