Friday, May 14, 2010

You Can't Have My Cheeseburger

That's what I'm telling the Food Police when they come to my door. They can have my junk food when they pry it from my cold dead fingers. Provided I die while eating of course. Why do I care about this? Allow me to explain. Last week Rep. Ron Kind (D-WI), there's a surprise, introduced the Healthy Choices Act aimed at getting Americans, and maybe even a few illegal aliens, to eat healthier.

It seems someone forgot to tell Barry this was happening. Just like our Pres. I enjoy chicken wings, french fries and onion rings, but I wont eat them and then tell you not to. Barry may eat all the right things according to Aunty M at the White House, but when he gets out on his own he seems to just order regular ol' guy food. It's his cholesterol, let him eat what he wants, I really don't care. I just wish he wasn't such a hypocrite. What with the Health Care Bill and Aunty M's crusade against childhood obesity.

Of course as I type this I'm picking at a bag of Harry and David's milk chocolate mix moose munch. It's delightful. Yes it's high in calories, sugar and fat and I'm enjoying every bite. I know it's bad for me, yet still I eat it. I will do a few extra miles on the bike tomorrow. Promise. Do I really need the federal government to tell me what I already know? I don't think so.

One of the things that Rep. Kind's bill does is eliminate direct advertising to children by getting rid of characters that appeal to them. Icons like Tony the Tiger, Ronald McDonald and the Trix rabbit could all go the way of all flesh and just disappear from view. It's sad really. I ate Frosted Flakes, Big Macs and Trix well into my 30's or even my early 40's. I've always been a little husky, but never considered fat. Once I got a little older I changed my ways because I wanted to not necessarily because I had to. As an adult I should be able to make my own decisions.

As far as kids go parents should be more involved with the choices they make. Sometimes going to a fast food joint is a reward or done out of expedience or just maybe Mom doesn't know how to cook and rather than hear about it, goes to McDonald's. I don't agree that kids should eat this stuff all the time. It is high in fat and calories and isn't good for you, but again the feds shouldn't be the ones to tell parents that. Be a freakin' parent and make the kids eat some veggies once in a while!

But the thing that really gets my blood to boiling is the fact that doctors will be mandated to take a body mass index of all children between the ages of 2 and 17 years of age. WTF! Who the hell do they think they are? Plus the information would be collected and shared with the feds. It all sounds a bit big brother-ish to me. If a kids appears to be a bit on the pudgy side, the doctor and parents should be the ones to figure out a course of action, not Big Brother in DC. Period.

Aunty M needs something to do as first lady and this is her cause-du-jour. Good for her, I wish her nothing but success.

Just leave me and my cheeseburgers alone.

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