Wednesday, June 30, 2010

More on What We Can Eat

Yesterday Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan was asked about a hypothetical law. She was asked Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) about a law that would require each person to eat three servings of fruits and vegetables everyday if that would violate the Commerce Clause. She paused for a few seconds and replied that it sounds like a "dumb law." Whatta ya know, Ms. Kagan actually said something intelligent.

I have to agree with Ms. Kagan on this, it would be a dumb law. How in the hell would it be enforced? Would the Veggie Cops be knocking on my door everyday to make sure that I'm eating my broccoli? I doubt it. Obviously this was a slam on Obama-care and a gauge of how Ms. Kagan would rule on it as a sitting Justice. She managed to side step the issue nicely as she gave a non-answer.

But my hat is off to Sen. Coburn for coming up with an appropriate type of question. Of course the left will lambaste the Senator for asking what they will call an idiotic question, but what do they know? After they're liberals.

Now for the idea of  telling people what they can eat. It's laughable at best. To think that any administration can dictate what folks are going to buy at the grocery store and then eat is ludicrous. People need to be responsible for themselves. If I want to eat a piece of cake, I will. I don't give a damn about what the government thinks about it. So take that, Obama-care.

The last time I typed about the government wanting to take away me cheeseburgers I received an e-mail from Orit Sklar at I encourage you to take a look at this site and decide for yourself if you like what you see. If you do, sign their petition. I did. I don't want anyone telling me what I'm going to eat. Long before I got into law enforcement I was a cook. I've worked in some pretty nice places and developed some decent skills in the kitchen. I love to eat. I love to cook. I love it when I make a meal for my family and see that they enjoy it.

This past Father's Day, my dad came over for dinner. The menu, orange glazed wild boar chops with roasted red potatos and corn. For dessert we had a selection of Cheesecake Factory cheesecakes. Dad went for the key lime. I had the lemon raspberry. Dad really enjoyed it, especially since we hunted the hogs ourselves. That's another edition.

I put in a bit of extra time on the treadmill the next day. Hopefully the food police will leave me alone.

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