Saturday, August 14, 2010

A Penny Saved

There is a business in the city I work in that has a marquee out front. Every now and then they put up some funny saying. Last week the sign read, "A penny saved is a Congressional oversight." I about crashed my car laughing when I first saw it. But I thought that it was a very appropriate statement. Especially in light of what our government has been doing.

The last time we had no federal deficit, Andrew Jackson was president. You remember him, don't you? His is the face on the $20 bill. He was also the 7th president. That was quite a long time ago. Since then our government has been in the practice of deficit spending. Our debt now stands at roughly 13 Trillion dollars. And rising.

This isn't just a jab directed at our current administration, but a statement of fact. Since Barry and his version of check kiters have taken office, our deficit has grown by almost two trillion ($2,000,000,000,000) bucks. That's a lot of zeros. I like to type it out so people can see what a huge number that is. Now remember, Barry has only been in office for 19 months. Newt Gingrich referred to Barry as a teenager with a credit card. That's a good comparison if you ask me. One day the bill will come in the mail. I doubt we will be able make the minimum payment.

Last week Barry and his cronies passed a $26 billion ($26,000,000,000) bailout for states aimed at teachers. Barry trotted out the sentiment that this was for the children because teachers were going to lose their jobs. Only partially true. This was for the teachers unions. I bet that most of that money goes straight to the unions to help pay for pensions. That's not the state retirement systems, that's the labor unions. I wonder how that works here in Utah, a right to work state, not a collective bargaining state. Unions have very little place in society today. Teaching, just like police work, firefighting, military life, et al, are more of a calling, not a way to amass wealth.

Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) claims that this is deficit neutral and completely paid for. Do you mean to tell me that the liberals were willing to cut other federal entitlement programs to pay for this? It may appear that way up front, but rest assured they will find away to spend that money again by attaching that money to other spending bills. If anyone disagrees, please say so.

So with unemployment hovering around %9.5, Auntie M flying around the world and the lame duck congress on a continued spending spree, I wonder what this country will look like after the current administration is done with us.

Oh yeah, did I mention that my insurance premiums went up?

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