Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What's it Gonna Be?

I can't figure Obama out. First he wants to change the name of the War on Terror to an overseas contingency plan. Then he goes on an apology tour, or two, to try to make amends for America's shortcomings. Once that is complete he sends 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan. At least that I could agree with. Now he green lights an American citizen for assassination and with practically the same breath Barry says that we won't use nukes against countries that don't have them even if chemical weapons are used against us.

WTF! Make up your mind Barry. First of all if a foreign country wants to take on the big boys on the block, then they should be prepared to face the consequences, whatever they may be. I'm not saying we should use nukes to settle the drug wars on our southern border, but if some rogue state wants to use a chemical agent against us, then we should use whatever we have at our disposal. If that means nukes, then so be it. Don't rule it out completely just because it offends your liberal sensibilities.

Or should I say, your Muslim sensibilities? After all you have now stricken the term Islamic Radicalism from the lexicon of those fighting against the radical Islamist. Why can't we just call it what it is? We aren't against the entire Muslim world, just the whackos that want to destroy us because we won't live by Sharia law. Even they (Muslims) know it. The normal folks that just want to live their lives may not always agree with us, but they don't want a war with us.

Barry, you did away this with this term while you agree to kill a US citizen that is a recruiter for the bad guys. Don't even try the "I didn't know about this" BS because no one is going to believe that you didn't sign off on this. I have to ask, what took so long? This guy, Anwar al-Awaki, has been a POS for quite some time. Of course he's running his mouth, or e-mails, from his safe haven in Yemen, but now his days are numbered. That is if you let the military do what they do best and realize that you just need to stay out of the way. But I have to give you credit for at least appearing to piss off the uber-left.

So as the headline asks, what's it gonna be? Which path are you taking us down? Are you trying to beat these guys into submission or not? Are you just trying to appear tough while tying the hands of our brave soldiers? Make up your mind. About 300 million of us are counting on you to do the right thing.

And if you ask me, that means unleashing Hell on our enemies.

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