Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Let Me See Your Papers

This is how the left reacts to the new Arizona law confronting illegal immigration. I wonder how many have read the law. I tried finding it on the Internet and was unsuccessful. Probably because I'm a computer idiot, but I digress. I would bet a substantial amount of money that if any politician in Washington wanted to read the law that they could get a copy.

Today I heard what had to be the most disturbing thing associated with this new legislation. It seems that Aunty M was in Silver Springs Md. doing whatever it is that first ladies do and a comment was made by what had to be a 6-7 year old girl who said that her mother tells her that Barry is getting rid of the people that don't have papers. To which Aunty M replies that this is something that Congress needs to work on. To make sure that everybody has the right papers so they can stay.

Once again the uber-left is using children as marketers. This is designed to tear at out hearts because this little girl is so concerned that people are being sent out of the country because the Nazi-esque Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is fed up with illegals coming into her state. And of course any of us that think this is anything but a planted question should have their heads examined.

I like the idea of Gov. Brewer forcing the hand of the federal government. For too long the border has been a sieve and stopping anyone from coming in has been almost impossible. I'm not just slamming Barry and his ilk, I mean that the federal government hasn't done a damn thing in my lifetime that amounts to much. So now Gov. Brewer is showing some back bone and making Washington pay attention.

Attorney Pretender Holder and Homeland Security Czar Janet Incompetano both admit to not having read the bill and blast it for being racist and unfair. How does one do that? I realize that is the position of their boss, who thinks that law is "irresponsible" but they could at least read it before making stupid comments.

Isn't it the job of these two to keep our borders safe and then prosecute those that invade our country? I think it is and these two are completely incapable of doing their jobs. Holder is not cut out for his job and Incompetano looks like she's in over her head.

Somebody let me know where I can find the bill online and we can read it together. Then we can have an open discussion about what the bill contains and how it might adversely effect the folks. Until then get your mouths shut and quit calling for boycotts of Arizona.

Jan Brewer for President 2012.

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