Thursday, April 1, 2010

Chapter Three

Being thin skinned and lying are two more traits that are generally associated with children. And our current federal administration suffer from both of these. What, you don't think so? It was appear if you think this then you haven't been watching the news during the last year. Let's recap.

Not long after the ascension to the throne, Obama started his war on the Fox News Channel. Remember how he wouldn't give the network an interview for a while? He was basically throwing a tantrum because they are the most critical of him. I've seen my grandchildren act the same way. Plus Fox has Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck, two of Obama's biggest critics. When the Republicans were in the white house it was okay to be critical of the president. It was a fundamental part of free speech and our privilege as Americans. Now it's seen as nothing more than hateful rhetoric and racist.

That's another thing. Just because I'm white, have a job, am not dependent on the government and am critical of Obama, I'm labeled a racist. I've covered this previously, but it seems that this subject has come up once again. The kool-aid drinkers have dusted off this old chestnut and are trying it again. Anyone that doesn't agree with the president is a racist just because the One is black. Then we have the fact that Pelosi is a woman and Speaker of the House and Barney Frank being gay and in charge of the banking committe and since not one conservative thinks they are capable of doing their jobs, we are all now misogynist and homo-phobes. Hah!

This is what the left and children do. If they don't get their way they throw a hissy fit and then the name calling starts. well, maybe not with Pelosi. I'm not sure if she can cry. Her skin appears to be stretched so tight over her face, I wonder if her tear ducts have an opening anymore. But she sure can try to make others look bad in an attempt to hide her inadequacies. It's too bad that she represents the hippie capital of the world. Getting her voted out of the Congress is going to be difficult. But the thought of her still being there in November when she no longer gets to be speaker will almost be worth having to put with her for a while longer. I can't wait to see the look on her face when that happens.

So we have an administration that will not listen to anyone else's point of view, can't take criticism, cuss like a bunch of drunken buffoons and name call because they have no viable argument for their position. That sounds about right, doesn't it? I think so.

If this wasn't such a difficult time, they might be considered humorous.

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