Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Biden's First Week

The first day that the Potted Plant of the United States was in office, he nixed the Keystone XL Pipeline and got us back into the Paris Climate Change BS Accords. 

With the Keystone Pipeline being shut down, over 11,000 people lost their jobs. That translates into approximately 1.6B in salaries. That's a lot of money that wont be spent in our economy. That's also a lot of people out of work, now more than likely dependent on the government to put food on the tables of their families. 8,000 of these jobs were union jobs. When will the Liberals that dominate the union roles wake up to the fact that this guy was the wrong choice, as is every Democrat, and realize that it's the Republicans that are more capitalistic and actually know how to create jobs and run an economy?

Then  the Plant got us back into the Paris Climate Change BS Accord appointing John Kerry as the point man on this. So now I have to listen to someone who  married into the Heinz family, that flies around in a private jet tell me what I have to do? Doesn't make sense to me.

Today the Plant signed an executive order that states that Climate Change will be the center our domestic, national security and foreign policy. I laughed out loud at that. He went on to say that the government will invest in clean energy jobs. Solyndra immediately came to mind and again I laughed out loud. 

During this address, the Plant stumbled and stuttered all the while obviously reading off of a prompter. The Plant looked confused at times and as if he had no idea what he was saying. Nothing new there.

It's been an interesting first week. Let's see what the next one brings.


Wednesday, January 20, 2021

The Death of the Republican Party

Today, January 20, 2021, a new Socialist Regime took the reigns of power in Washington DC. The Potted Plant of the United States, PPOTUS, or otherwise known as Joe Biden and his Commie Tart, Kamala Harris are now installed as President and VP. If this doesn't concern you, it should. With the Socialist having control of all three branches of the Federal Government there is now practically no way to stop their radical agenda. 

I still feel, like many others, that this election was stolen from the 75 million of us that voted for Donald Trump. Of course there was no way the courts were going to allow an actual forensic exam of the votes, the voting machines or even listen to the over 1,000 separate affidavits signed by people who witnessed the fraud. Okay, that's over and done with now and time for us to move on.

It is time to remove all so called Republicans that now hold office. We can do this by first leaving the Republican Party and start a new one. I don't care if it's called the Patriot Party or the Constitution Party or whatever you want to call it. Form it! Then we find people willing to primary every incumbent. And I mean every damned one of them! We can start with Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney and Mitch McConnel. The behavior of these people over the course of the last four years has been abhorrent. Romney and Cheney voting to impeach President Trump and today McConnell cozying up to the Potted Plant and his Commie Tart.

The people of Utah should be furious with Romney. First he loses an election to the second worst president in my lifetime and then can't beat a first timer in a primary. The only way he can remain relevant is to go to Utah and use his religious affiliation to get elected as Senator. Then he bucks the President as often as he thinks he can get away with it. Romney is the worst kind of hypocrite. At least now we know who he is. I'm so glad I no longer live in Utah and have to be represented by this snake. Just go ahead and switch parties. Quit lying to all of us and even yourself. 

None of you have lived up to your promise of representing the people who elected you. We will not forget. And when you come up for re-election, We the People are coming for your seat. It's time you all started looking for another line of work.