Sunday, January 31, 2010

The State of the Campaign

I could not have been more wrong when I typed that Obama seemed to be getting the message that we the people were sending to Washington. If you watched the State of the Union Address as I did, then you know exactly what I mean. He was on the campaign trail again saying the same old things wrapped up in a slightly different package.

I call it a campaign speech because that was what it felt like to me. Obama feigned indignation at the banking system that Barney Frank and Chris Dood created, but of course he blamed it on George Bush, he touted the stimulus bill and how it has created two million (2,000,000) jobs, that's a laugh, and told the Republicans that they were showing poor leadership. Why is that, Barry? Is it because they won't let you pass massive legislation that will ultimately turn us into Sweden? The one thing that the One won't say is that the Dems have had total control of Washington for the past year and couldn't get health care and cap and trade passed because of the infighting on their own party.

So Obama yammered on for a while about how we as a country needed to export more of our goods and services. He is correct in that regard, but gave no indication on how to accomplish this goal. He thinks that just by saying this we will automatically start exporting more goods. He said that the goal was to increase exports and thereby creating another two million jobs. Well, here we go back to Economics 101, Barry. First of all if a country is successful exporting it's goods it's because the goods can be produced for less costs than the importing countries. So for America to be a successful exporter we must produce goods for a reasonable price. With our system of labor unions we will fail miserably in this endeavor. Remember how unions have the "what's in it for me" mentality?

We then got to the give away portion of the program. The part that got me was the student loan program. Obama said that he was proposing that a person wouldn't have to spend more than 10% of their annual income to pay back their loans. He also pledged that the loans would be forgiven after 20 years and 10 years if the person went into a "public service" job. Did I mention how there would be no more tax break for banks that give the loans? Yep, that's right, if a bank makes a risky loan at the behest of the government then they get no credit for it and are just expected to maybe eat the loan. Wait a minute, won't the taxpayer get stuck with that bill? I think so.

How could I have waited so long to get to health care. Well, for starters, Obama did. He said that the Congress shouldn't walk away form health care when they are so close. He's right about that, they should run as fast as they can. After all, Auntie M and Jill Biden are starting some program to combat childhood obesity. If they are successful then we will all be healthier and won't need the government to provide our health care.

Speaking of someone named Biden and health care. Did anyone else notice "Bobblehead" Joe as he was listening to the campaign speech? His head was in constant motion, nodding back and forth. I bet he now needs the same surgery I had to replace worn out vertebrae in the neck, plus get a metal plate and a few screws. I'm sure my surgeon can squeeze him in. He does a great job when stitching you back up too. I can hardly see the scar.

Last and certainly least I can give my opinion of the purple pogo stick, Nancy Pelosi. She got a great work out jumping up and down applauding about every other sentence of the One. If the message Obama was delivering wasn't so frightening, then Pelosi's antics would have been comical.

So to sum it all up, it was the usual manure being spread by this pompous president. I hope he continues to campaign for all his liberal buddies this fall.

We've seen how well it's been working so far.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Obama the Populist?

It would seem on the eve of the first State of the Union Address given by Pope Obama that he is now understanding the message that the masses have been aiming at Washington for the better part of the year. Less government, less spending and remember that those elected work for the people not the other way around.

Starting with his town hall meeting on Friday in Elyria, Ohio, Obama's feigned indignity was on display for all to see. He said that the same anger that swept Scott Brown into office in Massachusetts was the same anger that got him elected in 2008. Hah! The people's dismay with George Bush did not get Scott Brown elected. The people's dismay with a year of an overly left wing guy as president got Scott Brown elected. On the Sunday morning talk shows, I think it was, the ultimate pinhead, Robert Gibbs, got on one show and said that the election last week was not a referendum about the Obama agenda and that most people still wanted the health care reform bill. The exit polls showed it according to Bobby. Perhaps someone should have told him that there weren't any exit polls last Tuesday.

Also during this same speech the president said that some people think that if Obama losses, we win. Right. He couldn't have said it any better. If his agenda is allowed to become how we live here in the states, we're screwed. Taxes will go sky high, more jobs will be lost and incentive will wither and die. There is absolutely no way that we can sustain the amount of spending involved with his ideas.

So now Barry wants to freeze the domestic discretionary spending budget for three years starting with the year 2011. Ok, it's a start. This will save ($15,000,000,000) $15 Billion next year and $150 billion over the next ten years. I am listening to Stuart Varney right now say that this is "meaningless." I'm not sure that I agree. Anything is better than nothing when it comes to way this president is spending money that hasn't been printed yet. Now this is a drop in the proverbial bucket when the deficit for this year is over $1.5 trillion ($1,500,000,000,000). The far left is going bonkers and the far right is too because they will never give Barry the benefit of the doubt.

I think this is all a game. This is only bending to the political wind that is blowing today. If the mood of the country shifted tomorrow, then Obama would bend that way. Nothing more than politics as usual. When will we learn?

The idea that Obama will pull a Bill Clinton, no not chasing chubby interns, and move to the right is ludicrous at best. Obama is fully entrenched in the same camp as the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Howard Dean and Barney Frank. He is incapable of a move to the center where most of us live. Clinton moved to the right in 1994 after the defeat of Hillary-care and the Dems suffered massive losses at the ballot box that year. But according to Obama, the difference between '94 and now is that we have him. At least that's what he told Marion Barry.

Marion Barry immediately gave notice that he would not seek re-election this year for his Congressional seat.

Maybe Barry O' should do the same and announce he is not seeking another term. He did say that he would rather be a great one term president than a mediocre two term president. Well, he will never be considered a great president with his way of thinking.

Unless it's only about how well he travels and blames others for his shortcomings.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

One Down, Three To Go

Today marks the end of the first year in office for President Obama. Good. That means that three years from today we will have a new president. I think the election yesterday in Massachusetts is a harbinger of things to come for the Democratic party, not only in the near future, but for the remainder of Obama's only term.

Not long ago Obama gave himself as "solid B+" as a grade for his first year in office. He was asked a bit too soon for a first year evaluation and now it seems that the tide is turning. Now that the first year is actually over, allow me to give the man a fair assessment in his first year as the leader of the "free" world. I can hear some folks groaning because they think I'm an Obama hater, but give it a read, you might be surprised.

On the economy I give the pres. a C-. I didn't agree with TARP I that George Bush handed out to the banks and agreed even less when Obama did the same with TARP II. It seems that it actually helped the banks a bit, but it hasn't done a thing for the mortgage industry. Fannie and Freddie are still on the ropes and we are stuck with the bill whether they survive or continue to struggle. On the banking end of things, the banks have slowed down it seems on giving people loans that they can't afford to pay back, plus most have paid back the TARP money.

On jobs he Obama gets a solid F. The stimulus was supposed to keep unemployment from going over 8% and we see where it gone. If you ask me, most of the money spent to this point is just political payback and Democratic wish list type spending. Not even 1/3 of the money has been distributed and the White House is taking credit for saving or creating over one million jobs this year. That is a stat that cannot be measured. If at first you don't succeed........

On handling the wars he gets another C-. By 1-23-09 he announced the closing of Gitmo within the first year. Oops. He couldn't get it done. It's no surprise, where was he going to put all those scumbags anyways? Gitmo needs to remain open and used to as a place to prosecute those that need it. Pulling a portion of the troops out of Iraq before the mission is completed is a big mistake. Either get it done or just pull out completely. He does get kudos for expanding troop strength in Afghanistan and for the continued use of the drones. He still needs to listen to his military folks and let them do what they do best. What good he has done is outweighed by his idiotic decision to let Eric Holder try terrorist in NYC. This has been a public relations nightmare for him and he refuses to back off. Obama shouldn't let Holder out in public to speak.

For his promise of transparency, an F. No surprise here either. The debates on health care have all been done in private even though he promised they would be on C-SPAN. But according to Nancy Pelosi, Obama said a lot of things on the campaign trail. Plus no bills have been online for five days before he signed them. Another lie being told by a politician.

For overall promise keeping he gets another F. No lobbyist in the administration. Oops. No more earmarks. Do I have to say "Omnibus Spending Bill" with over 9,000 of said earmarks? It's too early to tell on the promise of cutting the deficit by half by the end of his first term, but the deficit has climbed a bit this last year.

For bowing to a misogynistic pig and travelling all over the world to tell how horrible America is, he gets an A. If there is one area that Obama has excelled in, this is it. Never before have I seen such a display of cowardice by an American president. Well, that is if I don't count Jimmy Carter.

As a campaigner he fails again. Come on, he has tried three times to get Dems either elected or re-elected to seats and has failed all three times. Maybe he should just stay in Washington for the next three years. The Conservatives will have a more difficult time if he's not around.

So overall Obama gets an A, two C-'s and four F's. Maybe he shouldn't carry such a heavy load next semester and cut it back to focusing on the economy.

The American people see the same things I do and are fed up with the "Change" already. Nothing has changed, it's politics as usual. Only this time it's Chicago style. Not that Chicago style politics are any different that any other style.

Three more report cards like this Barry and it's back to Chicago for you.

That's change I can believe in.

Friday, January 15, 2010

A Republican Victory in Massachusetts?

Can Scott Brown actually win in Massachusetts? Let's hope so. If you believe the polls, Brown is ahead by three points. Well, at least he is in Coakley's internal poll. So even the Democrat's own poll has her behind the unknown (until now) Brown. Wow! Mass. hasn't had a Republican Senator since 1972 and it's about time they joined the rest of the world.

For starters there was just no way that Kennedy was ever going to lose an election in the People's Republic of Mass. Ok, I know that's more than obvious since he had been in the Senate since 1962. That's before I was born by the way. But now it seems that some of that "Change you can believe in" might just be coming.

Rumor has it that Neo, I mean The One, er....I mean Obama might be coming to town to campaign for the damsel in distress. We can only hope after how much good it did for Corzine in New Jersey and Deeds in Virginia. In an ad Brown tells Obama to stay away and let he and Coakley debate the issues and have the people decide. That's a pretty gutsy move if you ask me, actually calling out the Prez and telling him to stay home. Won't the media and Rahm Emanuel have a hissy fit over that remark?

Of course if the Obama stays in Washington it may just be to shield him from criticism if Coakley loses. It sure wouldn't do his image much good if he goes and Brown wins. Especially after the November elections and the first trip to Copenhagen to try to hustle the Olympics for Chicago. This way if Brown wins then the Dems can just blame Coakley for running a lousy campaign. If she wins then Obama will say it was expected. So it's a no-lose for Obama's image since it has been spun correctly. I guess that's what he pays Axelrod for. No, wait a minute, we pay Axelrod. That's too bad.

I saw a new campaign ad for Coakley today staring none other than Vicki Kennedy. For those that don't know, she is the widow of Ted Kennedy. In the ad she parrots Brown's comment from Monday's debate and says that "it's not the Kennedy seat, it's the people's seat." She is correct, and only four days too late. Once Vicki came out in support for Coakley that's when her numbers started to fall. I hope this ad has the same effect. Don't get me wrong, Mrs. K. seems like a nice lady, it's just that her politics, like those of the rest of the Kennedy family, are out of whack.

The liberals in this country want to give everything to those they think need it. They can't figure out that a whole lot of folks will do nothing just so they can get the freebies from the government. I don't mind helping those that are incapable of helping themselves, I will not help more of the people who will not do for themselves. Teddy Roosevelt summed it up pretty well when he said, "The first requisite of a good citizen in this republic of ours is that he shall be able and willing to pull his own weight."

Brown has said on numerous occasions that he will be the 41st vote against Obama-care. In effect this is a referendum on said Obama-care. For that reason alone I hope he manages to pull out a victory, or for Coakley to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Either way I don't care just as long as Brown wins on Tuesday. If he does win then Obama-care is dead in the water and the Dems will be running scared. Every one of the Representatives and Senators who's terms are up that voted for this monstrosity will have on tough time getting re-elected.

Obama doesn't seem to care. He said today that, "I see the polls" and "If Republicans want to campaign against what we've done by standing up for the status quo and for insurance companies over American families and businesses, that is a fight I want to have." Notice how he thinks that conservatives are against families and business. What a buffoon. If business is thriving then people have jobs. It's not about the banks giving loans to individuals who can't pay it back, it's about the banks making good loans to people and businesses so that the economy can grow. Didn't he take any kind of economics classes at Harvard?

Well Mr. President, you are getting your wish. No matter the outcome on Tuesday, the people will speak out nationally in November. Because even if it's close in Massachusetts, you lose. Massachusetts has been so liberal for so long, that if Brown can make it an interesting race and hang in there against any liberal for the "Kennedy seat" then the liberals are in big trouble.

Wasn't the Boston Massacre really the first battle that started the first revolution in this country?

Tuesday starts the second.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Dead Man Walking

The end seems to be near for Harry Reid (D-NV) only it won't come soon enough. We've all heard his ridiculous comments and his apologies to Barry, now we get to hear from everyone else. Today I got to hear from political pundits from both sides of the aisle. Both sides said what you would expect them to and nothing will come of it.

Republicans are calling for the senile Senator to resign or be fired and the liberals are all saying that it's no big deal. I really don't care if this amounts to anything. Come November 2010 we will all be calling whomever is running against him, Senator-elect. This is the final nail in the political coffin of this ageing buffoon.

With his stance on the health care reform issue, his getting a political payoff in the Stimulus Bill and his penchant for sticking his foot in his mouth, this guy is done. And the nation will be better off when he's gone. I hope he enjoys his retirement.

Was his intent to slur Savior Obama? I doubt it. I think that Reid believes in the One and his agenda. His choice of words is suspect though. Reid freely admits that he could have chosen his words more carefully. In this world of political correctness, he most certainly should have thought a bit longer before opening his mouth.

During the short time I was in the car today I had the opportunity to listen to Sean Hannity. There was a slot where Sean had Juan Williams, whom I enjoy listening to even though he's a liberal, and I believe the other man's name is Mike Meyers. I'm also not sure of the spelling. During this spot Sean played parts of speeches from Al Gore, Hillary Clinton and Barry Obama. All of the speeches were given to predominately black audiences. All three took the persona of a preacher in the middle of a sermon. Meyers laughed and Williams called it condescending and offensive.

My point in the last paragraph is that there is a double standard for Democrats and Republicans. The amazing thing to me is that this standard is acknowledged and accepted. WTF? Imagine, if you dare, if Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity or Bill O'Reilly had said this. There would be a national cry for their head and demands on FOX and EIB to fire whoever had said this and the firestorm would last until the liberals got their way. You know it as well as I.

So, no I don't think that Harry Reid is a racist, I think he's an idiot who needs to lose in the next election cycle and just fade away. Sue Lowden (R) should win the seat and maybe then we can start to undo the damage that this liberal has heaped upon our country.

At least Byron Dorgan (D-ND) and Chris Dodd (D-CT) had the decency to announce their collective retirements. Or were they just trying to save face instead of getting blasted in November? Reid should take a cue from his fellow liberal Senators and just say that he is going to retire.

Nothing would make me happier.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Heroin How To From NYC

It would seem that the collective brain trust in NYC has come out with a new book, 10 ideas on how to safely shoot heroin, or something along those lines. It should come as no surprise that the book was produced with taxpayer money at the behest of Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Way to go Mike.

Now I expect this type of behavior from a Democrat, but Mikey switched parties in 2001. I think just to get elected because he was then mentioned as a possible candidate for president as an Independent. Hey Mike, how about making up your mind and sticking with it. Can you do that or does your ego demand that you waffle between the three parties just so you can be loved? But what the hell, the $100 million ($100,000,000) of personal money you spent on the last mayoral race is a tax deduction, isn't it? It's also a clue as to the megalomania you seem to suffer from.

Okay, back to the main topic. The hippies will say that this is a good thing because it helps the addicts shoot their dope in a safer manner. It will cause less disease and maybe a few overdoses. That's just laughable. There is absolutely no way that this is going to prevent these things from happening on any kind of measurable scale. Dopers will continue to die from being dopers, it's inevitable.

Remember what I do for a living? I've seen dopers come and go. I've seen a lot of them go. For some it takes a while. It looks like a horrible death, but these people don't care. All that matters to them is where the next fix is coming from. Plus they all know how to clean their needles. They know how to find a vein, that is if they have a decent one left. So preaching from the government does no good.

As Counselor Mackey at South Park Elementary says, "Drugs are bad, M'kay." People know it. It gets pounded into their heads from a young age. Hopefully from their parents, maybe from school, public service announcements on TV, from hypocrite celebrities and of course from the police. Remember that these drugs are illegal. So why is the city of New York helping the addicts learn to better perform their craft? I can't figure it out.

So now instead of making stiffer penalties for possession, sale and use of heroin the city is providing a "how to" booklet, how nice. This will only continue to ensure that more people get hooked on dope. I think what keeps some away from heroin is the fact that it's dangerous and now the government wants to take away that fear.

The fact that addicts are a tremendous drain on our society seems to be lost on good ol' Mike. Dopers can't hold a job for more than a few days because they are a slave to their addiction. It's hard to work doing anything when you are high on heroin. So without work what are the dopers to do? Well, they lie, cheat, steal, panhandle and anything else just to get a few bucks together to buy more dope.

Case in point. I had been dealing with a particular person in the city I work in. He admitted that he was a heroin addict. He was unable to hold a job because of his addiction. So I would find him on the side of the road with a cardboard sign with the usual, "will work for food" BS written on it. People would give him money and for a time he was going to a clinic and buying methadone. Now that wasn't going to get him off the heroin, but he could tell himself he was trying. The methadone was costing him $15 a day. If he couldn't get it by begging, he was committing crimes to get the money. Subsequently he was racking up several arrest warrants for those crimes. The last time I saw him he had those several warrants. I arrested him for that. In his possession were two balloons of heroin and several syringes. He told me that he could buy the heroin for $10 a balloon and one would last him two days while he had to go the clinic daily for the methadone. So I guess it was to save money. But anyway he has been in jail since. What have the citizens of this county paid to keep him there? Plus what have the victims of his crimes paid out?

So Mayor Bloomberg should be ashamed of himself and the citizens of NYC should be seriously irritated. It is irresponsible of Mikey to have had this booklet produced. Especially at the expense of the people.

Yesterday here in Utah a police officer was killed by a dope dealer. She was killed by the type of people Mayor Bloomberg wants to continue to help make a profit by getting and keeping more "customers." The suspect hasn't been caught as of this writing, but he will be soon. Then he will get the needle.

Does his Honor have a pamphlet for that?

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Corruption in the Open

Well it has finally come to pass, government corruption and bribery is now legal it seems and the liberals are taking full advantage of it. Senator Nelson (D-NE) has certainly been the one to gain the most so far with the state's lifetime exemption from paying for Medicaid costs starting in 2017. At the moment that little nugget is estimated to be worth about $10 million ($10,000,000) a year for the first ten years. Wanna bet to see if that turns out to be accurate? I'll say this is a gross underestimate. If for no other reason than the government's track record.

I think this is going to be ruled unconstitutional when all is said and done. For starters, how about the 14th Amendment of our Constitution, equal protection under the law. If this socialist policy of the Obama administration actually becomes law then those of us that don't live in Nebraska will have to pay for their Medicaid costs. How is that equal? Why should we be forced to pay their taxes? We shouldn't be, period.

Just for the heck of it, let's say this part of the bill holds up. The next thing you know all 49 other states are going to line up demanding the same treatment. Ok, so now the cost is $500 million ($500,000,000) a year. But wait, is the cost the same for every state? Of course not. This estimation is more than likely based on population. So if that's the case, then in the more populous states- California and New York to name a couple- the costs would be astronomically higher. But then again, even without looking it up, I would guess that Nebraska is not in the top ten of the most populated states.

After typing that last sentence, I looked it up. According to estimates of the US Census Bureau, Nebraska ranks number 39 on the list with 1.7 million residents. So let us do some simple math, shall we? If the same bribe, otherwise known as the Cornhusker Kickback, was offered to the Senators from California (Boxer and Feinstein) with a population of 36.7 million people then the cost for California alone would be $215.9 million ($215,900,000) a year. Remember this is only if the estimated cost is anywhere near the actual number. Plus this is only for the expansion of Medicaid.

Hey, a billion here, a billion there, no big deal, right? But before long you're talking about some serious money. I know it's been said before, by whom I can't remember, but it's worth repeating. All this money has to come from those of us who pay taxes. As we all know, that's not everybody. It's probably not even the majority.

Obama claims that this legislation will reduce our debt. I don't know how. This will only cost the government more and more and will ultimately destroy our entire economy. Our government has for an extremely long period of time been under the illusion that we can just continue to spend and spend without regard for the consequences. No matter how many times our vacuous VP, Joe "gaffe a second" Biden claims that we are going to spend our way out of debt (huh?) there is no possible way to do it. Thank you Dennis Miller for Joe's middle name.

It should also be remembered that for every penny the government spends or gives away it has taken that penny from someone.

Or borrowed it from China.