Wednesday, September 30, 2009

King of the World

Well, tomorrow Uncle Barack heads to Copenhagen to meet up with his wife Michelle, Oprah and other various folks trying to get the International Olympic Committee to award the 2016 summer games to Chicago. What timing, eh? Chi-town trying to get the games while this guy is the pres. Amazing.

I hear that the town itself is pretty much split on the issue. No surprise there. It was almost the same here in Salt Lake City for the 2002 winter games. I was one of those opposed. I would guess that the reasons are similar for the residents of Chicago. Sure it will create a short lived economic boom, but the games don't seem to pay for themselves anymore. With each passing set of games, it only seems to be about outdoing the last ones. Hotels, restaurants and transport companies get fat, but the regular folks just have to put up with the hassle for about six weeks. Downtown here was a nightmare for that amount of time. I can't imagine what it would be for Chicago.

But let's get back to the trip. Is the US Olympic Committee paying for this? What about Oprah? I'm sure she's got the dough to finance it. But because it's Uncle Barack and Michelle, they need to take the official government planes. don't they? And of course the necessary amount of secret service folks. Plus the aides and nanny's and the so called journalist and a spokesman or two. So I'm guessing that it is we the tax payers that are picking up the tab. Anyone disagree?

I've heard people on both sides of this say their piece. Most that don't have a problem with it say that the president can do his work from the plane via phone and fax. True though that may be, what is he thinking going to Denmark only to be on the ground for four total hours before heading back? Seems like a waste of time and our money to me.

Now if Obama was paying for this out of his own pocket I wouldn't care in the least. Or if this was a side bar to an official meeting of some kind, then again I wouldn't care. But it isn't. He should just stay in Washington and continue to address this country's problems. However much I disagree with his handling of said problems.

I understand that heads of state will be there representing the others in the final four, but we sent Oprah. No one is bigger than she is. At least to her. Now don't get me wrong, I don't begrudge her the success she enjoys. She earned it. I just can't stand her overly inflated opinion of herself. Besides, I really don't have a problem with Mrs. Obama going. It's kind of expected.

But if Chicago gets the games, I can hear Uncle Barack doing his best Ali-esque impersonation saying, " I'm King of the world."

Only he will really mean it.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Nuclear Venezuela

Scary? It is to me. Imagine what has been going through my mind since I read the AP story about how Iran is helping Venezuela search for uranium deposits. That's right, Iran. Oh goody, just what we need, isn't it? Imanutjob and Chavez working together to obtain nuclear energy and then weapons. Anyone believe that it's just for energy? I certainly don't.

This comes only days after Uncle Barack, Sarkozy of France and PM Brown of Great Britain publicly deriding Iran for having a secret uranium enrichment facility just outside of Qom. At the G20 Summit in Pittsburgh, the three of them took to the podium two days ago and let Imanutjob have it. With Sarkozy even laying down a timeline for Iran to come into compliance. I almost laughed. The only ones the French have stood up against are Dolly Madison and Lil Debbie, when the government removed vending machines from public schools. I guess they are looking to raise and healthier generation of cowards. Plus Sarkozy can't even keep west Tehran, I mean Paris, in line. How does he expect to strike fear into the hearts of radicals? But wait, there's Gordon Brown of the UK. He wouldn't do anything that Uncle Barack hasn't told him to.

And speaking of Uncle Barack, now that his good buddy Chavez has entered the nuclear arms race, what do you think he'll do? My guess, nothing. Unless of course it happens to totally drain what ever is left of our money. Well, he can print more, can't he? No, he just wont do anything. He should completely alienate himself from the radical left in this country. And since they got him elected...............

So here we have two of the biggest nuts in the world going into business with each other. Chavez just inked a deal with Tehran where he will deliver 20,000 barrels of gasoline a day to Iran just in case the UN sanctions go through. Iran is helping Chavez find the uranium in Venezuela. Nice. Granted it would be years before Chavez has an actual bomb, but who wants to wait? Of course he says that he is only interested in developing nuclear energy for his country. Anyone believe it? I don't. No more than I believe Imanutjob.

Imanutjob gives a press conference saying that Uncle Barack will regret his statement. He is in cahoots with bin Laden? It wouldn't surprise me in the least. After all didn't bin Laden just release a statement that Europe better watch it's backside when the Americans pull out? Sounded like a direct threat to me.

Something needs to be done and done fast about these two clowns. On their own they are bad enough, but together, who knows what they are capable of. Well, I think we do know, but who is going to have the political guts to do anything? Besides the Israelis?

Chavez is well on his way to having the rest of South America bullied into his way of thinking. Or at least his way of dictating. The Bolivian president said that the way to save the planet is to do away with capitalism. Sounds to me like he got a sneak peak at the new Micheal Moore movie.
Capitalism is evil and must be destroyed is the message we are getting from Venezuela and other parts of South America. Unless it's from Brazil. They announced today that they would like a nuclear weapon. When does it end? With Argentina, Columbia or some other place on the planet where one is not needed?

The Iranian facility will be bombed by Israel. Hopefully sooner than later. A new president is needed in Venezuela.

As well as here. The election is only 3 1/2 years away.

Who will have a bomb by then?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

More on the UN

I called it two days ago, Chavez, Imanutjob and Quack-daffi all addressed the general assembly of the UN and did nothing but badmouth the US. Well, that's not entirely true. Quack-daffi did talk about jet lag, Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby. This clown just bloviated on nothing in particular for over 90 minutes. I saw some of the lowlights and he showed what an idiot he most assuredly is.

When Uncle Barack's good friend Chavez took the stage, he did say that the smell of sulphur has left the podium. He now smells hope. Of course this buffoon makes the now obligatory remarks that anyone criticizing Uncle Barack is only doing so because he is black. He asked that Obama be spared the bullets that killed JFK. What the hell is that? Is that an insinuated threat? Does Chavez know something the Warren Commission didn't? No, that can't be. Chavez doesn't know anything.

Another thing that got to me was the fact that the assembly hall didn't empty completely when Imanutjob got up to speak. A few folks left at the beginning. more left part way through. But why did anyone sit through the first few words? Israeli PM Netanyahu was particularly bent. I don't blame him. He asked why anyone stayed, asking if they had no shame. Of course the Iranians boycotted his speech.

So today Uncle Barack chairs the UN security council meeting. Naturally his meeting is about nuclear proliferation. Trying to condemn the Iranians for what they are doing. Here's the thing, without the Russians on board the president wasted his breath. We all know that the Russian's biggest trading partner is Iran. So of course they will not back up any sanctions that the UN comes up with.

So this just makes my point that the UN is a waste of time.

It surely is a waste of our tax dollars.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The UN

This week we have as guest in our country the leaders, or dictators, of some of our enemies. They are here to speak at the UN. More than likely they will just continue their anti-American rhetoric and badmouth their host.

With clowns like the Iranian president, Imanutjob, Hugo Chavez, Colonel Quack-daffi of Libya and other ilk in town, just how much is this costing the American taxpayer to allow these fools to talk smack to us? Remember that we as taxpayers give the UN $500,000,000 a year for their budget, plus the city of New York gets stuck with the bill for the security.

Does anyone think that being a part of the UN is still a good idea? After all, how many countries are a part of the UN? Why doesn't every country pony up the same amount to belong? Since they can afford to have people here to represent them, doesn't it seem logical that they can pay their fair share?

The thing that gets me is that we pay hundreds of millions of dollars to this organization only to have the Chinese, the Russians and usually anymore the French vote against us in the security council and the rest of the world just gives us a bunch of crap.

I hear that some of the talking heads on TV are worried about Imanutjob approaching Uncle Barack. They shouldn't be, Uncle Barack will more than likely seek out Imanutjob to shake his hand. Along with his good buddy Chavez and of course Quack-daffi.

I do have to give it to the folks in Englewood, NJ for not allowing Quack-daffi to stay in their town and as well as the City of New York for not allowing him to pitch a Bedouin tent in Central Park. To me that request was laughable anyway. The way that the hotels banded together and refused to accept this abbetor of a mass murderer was terrific.

I believe that Quck-daffi is only making his first trip to the US to flaunt the fact that Megrahi is now home and out of that awful Scottish prison. Why was this lowlife even granted a visa to enter? Oh yeah, it's because we are a kinder, gentler, more enlightened America now.

It's too bad that Imanutjob was able to find accommodations in New York. It's looks like a pretty swanky place too. How can this be an appropriate place for a hardcore Muslim man to stay? I bet unaccompanied women are walking around in the lobby, alcohol will most undoubtedly be served in the restaurants and bars and is there a mosque in the hotel? Probably not.

So if the UN is to remain an entity then it needs to find a new home. I bet Canada would take them. Venezuela certainly would. How about Russia. After all, if the countries that belong can have people stationed here, then why can't they have them anywhere else? New York has to be one of the more expensive places to live. Almost anywhere else has to be cheaper.

Especially for us.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


A few days ago I first heard of the John Adams Project. This insidious group is trying to take photos of covert CIA operatives and showing them to prisoners at Gitmo in an effort to find out who may have "illegally" tortured them. Did I mention that this is a group of lawyers from the ACLU? You know, the American Criminal Lovers Union.

My question is this, why do these bandits at Gitmo have American civilian lawyers? Are they prisoners of war or are they common murderers? Has anyone read the 9/11 Commission report that says that Al-Qaeda was at war with the US, but we were not at war with them? Ok, that's three questions, but you get where I'm coming from.

Back to the main point. ACLU members are photographing undercover CIA folks and showing them to the enemy. Even if they eventually find one of these zealots to identify an agent as one who may have gotten their face wet or kept them up too long, what about the others? Now they have been outed and are at grave risk of being singled out for violent repercussions just because of their jobs at Langley.

This is a violation of federal law. These folks at the John Adams Project are now traitors and should be treated as such. Why are they not in jail awaiting their trials? They should be tried in an American court because their crimes started in this country. Once found guilty they should be executed. Period. These folks are aiding the enemy and giving them quarter. They should suffer a traitor's fate.

I can remember when the ACLU was screaming bloody murder when Valerie Plame's identity was leaked and printed in the paper, what is so different now? Oh yeah, these leftist whack jobs are against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan because they were started by a Republican president. And since they are so adverse to having someone get their kisser wet when being interrogated or being deprived of a little sleep they feel the need to make any kind of a stink. They think we should ask them "pretty please" in an effort to get the information.

To me one of the most perverse things about this "project" is the taking of the name of John Adams. They did this because Adams was the lawyer for the British soldiers that were tried for the Boston Massacre prior to the Revolutionary War. They forget that Adams is also considered one of the founding fathers who stood up against tyranny and unfair government taxes and intrusions.

Granted, I believe that anyone in the country that is accused of a crime should have competent representation and a fair trial. To me that means that the crime is committed in the US by a criminal, not an enemy combatant. Then they can have a lawyer, at our expense if necessary. A fair trial means leaving politics and personal feelings out of it. That goes for the jury too.

If you ask me none of the "detainees" at Gitmo are not entitled to an attorney. They are to be considered prisoners of war for starters. If these folks give up information that implicates them in attacks on America or our interests then that confession should be used. The hard part will be to determine if this was an act carried out against a military installation/target during recognized combat or was it an act of actual terrorism. If terrorism is the determination, then there are no rules concerning how this person is treated or eventually executed. I doubt that anyone will be working too hard to get the information now anyways. What with the Attorney General Eric "Americans are cowards" Holder investigating the CIA and now this from the ACLU, who can blame them. Unless they are the true warriors I believe the agents to be and will do the right thing and interrogate these scumbags and continue to keep us safe.

But what if someone thinks that no matter what it is an act of war? Well, even the act of war has rules. There was some convention in Geneva, Switzerland a while ago where civilized countries got together and came up with the rules. We should follow the rules when dealing with enemy combatants, not with terrorists.

If people like Nina Ginsberg and the other ilk at the "project" want to continue down this path, then they should be ready to suffer the consequences of their actions. When the arrest warrants are issued I hope I get to serve those warrants. If they are not executed for treasonous acts then I hope they enjoy spending the rest of their lives in a federal prison.

Or Gitmo.

Unless AG Holder proves to be a coward and refuses to do anything.

Friday, September 18, 2009

A Killer on the Loose

So yesterday a group from the Eastern State Hospital in Washington state go to the county fair. By a group I mean a bunch of inmates. One of this group was Phillip Paul, incarcerated for life for a murder committed in 1987. He killed an elderly woman because the voices in his head told him she was a witch. He doused her body in gasoline and buried her in her garden. He thought it would throw off the dogs. In 1991 he tries to escape and knocks out a deputy and dislocates the man's shoulder in the process. Sounds pretty sane to me.

So here he is at the fair with a bunch of fellow inmates and he quietly slips away form the group and disappears into the night. So now we have a pshyco killer running around without his meds. I have said it before and here we go again, what the hell were they thinking? Who in their right minds (sorry about that) thought this was a good idea?

The people that were supposedly watching this group should all be fired. Immediately. If anyone is hurt by this murderous thug, then the admin at the hospital as well as the now recently fired folks (hopefully) should be held criminally and civilly responsible.

Authorities believe that this kook is headed for his parents home in Sunnyside, Wa. I'm not so sure he is. He has got to think that the police will be looking for him there. I believe he will try to hide somewhere else.

If this wacko actually needs medication to keep himself in line, then he is more dangerous now than ever. Without his meds Paul's ever so slight hold on sanity will surely slip away before he knows it. The people in Washington are in grave danger.

I hope the police find this guy before he goes completely over the edge. It wouldn't bother me in the slightest of he put up a fight and there by becomes a fading memory. I know that sounds harsh, but what good comes from a solution of Paul just going back to the hospital? Absolutely none if you ask me. Did you? You must have, you've read this far.

So once again the barn door has been closed after the horse has left. The state has suspended all outings for hospital patients or inmates. Well, duh. They never should have been allowed out in the first place. To me that's a no brainer. If the mental health pros think that to assimilate people back into society, they need to be turned loose into society, then they are the ones that need to be locked up.

Just look at the Department of Corrections for if you think I'm out of line. The folks that are released to halfway houses that supposedly have control of their faculties are doing things that get them sent back to prison all the time. Imagine what a lunatic without his meds is capable of.

I hate to think of the possibilities.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sand Dunes National Park

I think this sounds like a good name for Iran. After we take over, of course. How we do that is by bombing the living snot of them. Don't we have a bunch of nukes laying around just taking up space? My wife thinks we should make Iran a glass factory. Sand turns to glass when melted. Nukes would melt the sand and turn it to glass. That also sounds good to me.

Harsh, you say? Let's take a closer look at the current form of Iran. 30 years ago there was a revolution and the Shah was deposed. Ok, none of my business, but Iran at the time was an ally of the US. Then the current thug-ocracy took over. Since then every Friday after the afternoon prayers, crowds gather in the main square in Tehran and chant, "death to America." I still remember that for 444 days terrorists held 50+ Americans hostage in our embassy. One of those scumbags is the current president of Iran, Mahmoud Imanutjob (I'm a nut job). I know that's not his name, but I can't spell his actual name and I really don't care. I got this name from Jay Leno of all people.

Oh yeah, the only reason the hostages were released was because Ronald Regan was sworn in as president and he said that he would end the saga one way or another. The terrorists listened and within an hour of Regan's inauguration, the hostages were on a plane out of Iran.

Now Imanutjob has repeatedly threatened to wipe Israel off the map. Only because of their religion and how the Jews are an affront to Islam. So much for Islam being about perfecting one's humanity. It seems that now this has become more likely that an attempt will be made. You see, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency, Iran now has sufficient information to build a nuclear bomb. The IAEA also thinks they are making strides on a viable delivery system. Scary, isn't it?

It is for Israel. It should be for the rest of the region. And it should be for the rest of the world. Iran has the ability to put a satellite in space, so they certainly have missiles that can reach Israel and southern Europe. So after nuking Israel, what do they do next. How about bullying the rest of the middle east and gaining control of the majority of the world's oil? Does that get your attention?

So what do you think our president, Uncle Barack, is doing about this? Well, today he announced that the missile shield that was to be in the Czech Republic and Poland is not going to happen. The heads of these countries wouldn't take calls from Secretary of State Clinton today. I am not surprised. They should be righteously bent. The president thinks he has a better plan, he was unable to convince me today.

I would bet a large amount of money that within the next six months Israel takes out the Iranian facilities just like they did to the Iraqis. I hope so. I hope they succeed. I hope they do enough damage that the Iranians are unable to get their nuclear program going again for years. I also hope they drive a missile up the backside of Imanutjob and the ruling religious fanatics that are running that country.

Do I care that the Iranians are going to hate the US seemingly forever? Of course not. The ruling thug-ocracy has brainwashed the folks for the last 30 years so how are they to know the truth? My problem is with the government of Iran. If you can call it that. If you and your folks want to live a strict Islamic lifestyle, go right ahead. Why should I care? The second you want to impose your religious ideals on the rest of the world and then threaten them with annihilation, that's when you can expect the rest of the world to react.

The country of Iran is large enough that an invasion is not viable. So they have nothing to worry about there. Beside, what the hell is in Iran that anyone would want? So why do they need nukes? If they want to use nuclear power, ok. The ability to make a bomb is out of the question.

Israel will defend itself.

We should have the political stones to help them.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Jimmy Carter

This man just needs to fade into obscurity. Almost every time he opens his mouth he makes another controversial statement. Today's comment was that the majority of people that oppose Uncle Barack's policies are doing so for no other reason than their racist thoughts. If you ask me, as you should, Mr. Carter is just trying to stay on TV by making these idiotic remarks.

Let's look at the history of our former president, shall we? This is the guy who while he was president, the unemployment rate went over %10, interest rates for a home loan were at %21 and our embassy in Tehran had been held hostage for 444 days. One hell of a job, wasn't it? Thankfully he was only a one term president.

Since he left office Mr. Carter has authored several books and spends a great deal of time doing charitable works with the Habitat for Humanity. Hats off to Mr. Carter for the HFH works, but he needs to stop writing. I believe it was his latest book that called for a Palestinian state. Israel has been one of our closest allies over the last 60 years and here he is calling for them to give up part of their country to appease the Palestinians. There are only two words for that, in-sane.

Let's see if I can get the history of Israel right. They came about after WW2 when Great Britain carved out a piece of the middle east. Before that happened it was the Jewish folks that were throwing bombs and the like. Now they are the target of the bombs. I don't agree with the Jews for being the bomb throwers just like I don't agree with the Palestinians now. Hamas is a terrorist group and should be treated as such. Jimmy Carter thinks he should have meetings with these guys and give them credence. Foolish.

Now with his calling folks racist for disagreeing with our current president, he should really consider just retiring from public view and quit thinking that people actually give a damn about what he has to say. Granted he is a private citizen now, but he is also a former president. How he is acting is certainly not presidential. It's not even decent.

Today Robert Gibbs, my favorite person in the world, said that the president doesn't agree with Carter's statements about folks being racist. Good for the president. At last something we can agree on. Hard to believe, isn't it?

The fact that the former president thinks that I'm a racist is deeply offensive to me. I wasn't raised that way and certainly don't think that way now. The only group of people I have a problem with are criminals. Ok, and the folks that refuse to do anything for themselves and think that the government only exists to take care of them. If that makes me a bigot, then ok. But I don't think it does.

So the only thing I have to say to former president Jimmy Carter is, go back to Georgia, farm your nuts, build your houses and shut the hell up.

And stay away from the Billy Beer.

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Falling ACORN

I see today that the Senate voted 83-7 to cut funding to ACORN for housing projects. Well it's about time. What the hell took so long? This organization has been corrupt for a long time. Longer than we know of I'm sure. After all, how many times can members be indicted on crimes concerning voter fraud before they are considered to be corrupt?

It should come as no surprise that folks like Rolan Burris (IL), Dick Durbin (IL) and Kirsten Gillibrand (NY) voted agianst this proposal. Remember that Burris took the seat vacated by Uncle Barack and Gillibrand got the seat after Hillary left to be Secretary of State. Gee, I wonder why they would stick up for ACORN. I should have looked up the other four senators names before typing this, but I doubt it was anyone from Utah. At least it better not have been. Maybe I will look this info up after I finish.

My hat is off to the two youngsters, James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles, that went into the belly of the beast, so to speak, and got such damning evidence on tape. These two showed tremendous intestinal fortitude. What gets me is how the ACORN folks bought their story. How could someone look at these two and believe them? But to think that they were able to do it at least two more times is incredible.

I think O'Keefe is well on his way to a career in filmaking. Ms. Giles wants to be an investigative journalist. I think they both have one hell of a resume at this point, don't you?

Now ACORN is threatening legal action against O'Keefe and Giles. What a joke! Their employees caught on tape telling people that they believe to be a pimp and a prostitute how to avoid detection while running a brothel financed with ACORN money, want to have these two prosecuted? For what? Telling the truth? Sounds like liberal BS to me. Actually it stems from the fact that it is illegal to tape someone without their knowledge in Maryland. Hopefully the authorities decide not to take that route.

Over the years ACORN has received over $50,000,000 (50 Million) in our tax dollars. And believe it or not, they are slated for $8,000,000,000 (8 Billion) of the Stimulus Bill. I just can't believe it. Uncle Barack knows this organization better than anyone and he signed this bill. Did he read the bill before hand? Doubtful. But he knew about the provision. Of that I'm sure.

At least this criminal organization is no longer part of the 2010 census and now they are losing part of their funding. Good. It's not enough. There should be a full scale IRS audit and Justice Department investigation. Does the term RICO mean anything to anyone?

I am watching Sean Hannity while typing this and Andrew Breitbart and Hannah Giles are guests speaking about this. Breitbart says that there is another tape being released tomorrow. Amazing. I can't wait to see it. Also mentioned was the fact that the Brooklyn DA is now going to investigate the New York office. Good for him.

This group needs a lawyer. Oh yeah, they had one.

Barack Obama.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Today is the anniversary of the day that I consider to be the worst day for our country in my lifetime. It is the day heroes were born. September 11, 2001, the day 3000+ people were killed in a cowardly attack on our country. This is my day that will live in infamy.

I got out of bed about 1PM that day after working a graveyard shift the night before. I called a co-worker to tell her that I would be late to training at the office. She asked if I heard that the towers were gone and the pentagon had been attacked. I didn't believe her at the moment. She told me to turn on the TV. Any channel would do. I turned it on just as a replay of the second plane crashing into one of the towers was being shown. I felt my blood run cold. Literally, I felt my blood run cold.

Then it started to boil.

By the time I got to work the SWAT team was there just in case some nut tried something here. I asked the Sergeant why the Air Force hadn't sent the flying wings over Afghanistan to drop just about every nuclear bomb we had to make sure we killed every single terrorist SOB there. Like me, he didn't know either.

What I did know was that for no reason other than these lowlifes don't like our way of life, they felt is necessary to kill innocent people. Sounds cowardly to me. But then again these are the types that strap bombs to themselves and walk into a crowded market and blow themselves up hoping to take out as many noncombatants as possible. Just to get a ticket to there vision of heaven. That has got to be the most perverted thing I have ever heard.

People in the towers started to help one another out of the building. Police and Fire personnel rush in. Then the buildings collapsed one at a time. Over 2,700 people were still inside. Including over 400 members of the NYPD, NYFD and Port Authority PD.

Heroes all.

Shortly thereafter the Pentagon came under attack by flight 77. Also hijacked and killing 184 people in the plane and in the building.

I don't include the terrorist because I don't consider them people.

Flight 93 was also taken and headed back towards Washington DC. 40 passengers and crew fought back. They knew by now what was happening. They knew they would probably die. They decided that if they were to die, they would die fighting. And they did. The plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. Everyone one that flight is an American hero.

We were at war.

The next day was the birthday of my second oldest granddaughter. She turned four years old. She didn't understand what was happening. She wasn't the only one. I still don't know how to explain it to her.

Now it was our turn. These bastards were going to pay a dear price for what they had done. The American people galvanized. To quote President Bush, "they cannot dent the steel of the American resolve." The terrorists were about to find out what is what like to have the full weight of the American military fall directly onto them.

We started by telling the Pakistani government that we were flying over their country to get to Afghanistan. If they sent up any planes they would immediately be shot down. Then it would be their turn. They wisely decided not to get in the way.

Ground troops began to arrive. The Taliban lived a short life in Kabul after that. We drove them into the hills, into their caves to hide like the rats they are. We're still there today.

People volunteered for the military knowing they would probably be sent to fight. It certainly didn't seem to be a deterrent. Most of them have gone, some have not come back. Iraq is a free country now, as well as Afghanistan. Only thanks to the American military.

People I work with have served a tour or two in one country or both. My nephew is currently in training now preparing for his second tour. This one in Afghanistan.

Eight years later we are still fighting, still trying to defeat radical Islam. I wont quit supporting our troops. I will never forget those that died on September 11th. Nor will I forget those that have died fighting for us in the days since. I will always be grateful for all of them. As I will be grateful to President Bush and those who worked to keep our country safe over these last eight years.

For it is people like these that give us the freedoms we have.

Heroes all.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Last Gasp

I just finished watching Uncle Barak's last attempt at getting support for his health care reform plan. I don't think that he made up enough ground to get the American people to go for it. The idea sounds great, but there just doesn't seem to be the means to get it done.

The two things that did irreparable harm are the public option and the total cost. A public option is no option. Period. He said that it would only insure less than %5 of Americans. Maybe to start. How many folks do you think will dump their existing insurance to get on the Obama-plan? I bet it will be.................................................alot. He mentioned a "marketplace" where folks could shop for an affordable plan. Who runs that? I bet it will be the Feds.

How about the cost? It was no longer the $1,000,000,000,000, (that's one trillion dollars) bit only $900,000,000,000 (900 Billion) over the next ten years. Tell me he's kidding. How in the hell does he expect to come up with the money? Oh yeah, he said that he find the money in cutting out the inefficiencies in the Medicare and Medicaid programs. And that would pay for most of it. I hope he can do it. It was something I suggested to him in an e-mail. But still, this is his final speech and he can't figure out how to get the cost down any farther than that.

But there was also the issue of requiring everyone to get insurance just like most states require auto insurance. What I think that Uncle Barak fails to realise is that fact that driving a car is a state created liberty interest, not a right granted by the Constitution. By driving a car you are not only taking a chance yourself, but also for others. In my opinion car insurance is a requirement. But health insurance is my business only. If I want to take a chance, that's on me. I don't need some pencil pusher in Washington telling me that I have to buy insurance or face a hefty fine.

I'm told that it's the people that don't have insurance that go to an emergency room that drive up the cost. That's only partially true. Sure people get help that don't have insurance or can't pay for it. But the biggest thing to me is personal responsibility when we go see our doctors. When your doctor offers a treatment plan, make sure that there is not a cheaper route.

Of course he took his obligatory shots at George Bush. Time to let it go Uncle Barak and start taking some responsibility for your actions, dreams and agenda. What's that, personal responsibility? Novel idea for a liberal.

I don't think we need the government involved in any more of our businesses. We need to make them sell our interests in Fannie and Freddie and Government Motors. Because after all they are doing so well with these companies, aren't they?

I wonder what plan Van Jones would have come up with.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Slinking Away

In the dead of the night on a holiday weekend a government "official" resigns his post and sneaks out of town. Hooray! That communist, racist, environmentalist, ex-convict Van Jones is no longer a Czar in my government. I know the tree huggers love him as well as the black nationalists, but certainly no one else did. I got offended almost every time he opened his mouth. This is one conservative ***hole that is happy he is gone.

I had thought that we had spent 50 years or so fighting communism. Then this country elects a socialist for a president and seems surprised when he appoints radicals to positions in our government. But notice that Jones was in a position that needed no approval other than that of Uncle Barack.

Jones mentioned in his resignation that the media had been engaged in a smear campaign against him. Really? The liberal mainstream media? Against Uncle Barack or anyone in his administration? I find that hard to believe. It was conservative talk radio that was speaking out against Van Jones. Since when does he consider those voices to be those of the media?

The mainstream media, and by that I mean ABC, CBS, NBC, and certainly the liberal New York Times, hardly said a negative word about Jones. It was only in the last few days did CBS even mention the things that had folks concerned. Even if they had provided more coverage to him, I don't think that reporting the facts can be considered a smear campaign.

The fact that he is a 9/11 truther, or that he said that republicans are ***holes, or that he said that white polluters were poisoning neighborhoods of color, that he is an admitted communist are not slanderous. He is on tape saying these things and there is a letter with his signature on it concerning the 9/11 attacks. He later said that he misunderstood what was in the letter and that it did not really reflect his views, then or now. My response to that, BS.

As I'm sure you have gathered, I am not a fan of Van Jones. I do not agree with one word I have heard the man say. But I will defend to the death his right to say it. After all this is America. If Mr. Jones hates this country so much he should move to another. I'm sure Hugo Chavez or Fidel Castro would welcome him with open arms.

Then there is the matter of how he left his position. To me this says all I ever needed to know about the man. He is a coward along with everything else. He couldn't take the heat of a little media scrutiny and he runs away in the middle of the night on a holiday weekend. Hoping no one would notice, I'm sure.

I am surprised that Van Jones didn't have had the guts to stand before the press and announce his resignation like a man. He didn't have to take questions afterwards. He says that he didn't want to be a distraction for Uncle Barack. What the hell does he thinks he's just become? The mainstream media wont say much about it, but the guys that put the pressure on him to begin with, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are going to make him look even worse in the coming weeks and give the president nothing but grief over it. As they should.

Smooth Van, real smooth.

Friday, September 4, 2009


I thought pledges worked for congressmen or judges or something like that. I didn't think that we needed to pledge ourselves to a sitting president. It seems that Courtney Cox thinks we need to. That's what she says at the end of the video shown to school children in Farmington, Utah this week.

Why should we be surprised? Hollywood types are typically left of center. What the hell is that? Hollywood types are flaming liberal hippies. That's better. That's more in line with the way I think.

Ok, back to the video. I heard snipets on the radio today and could not believe the things I heard. People pledging to love more, to laugh more, to further stem cell research, to make sure seniors had access to health care and something along the lines of being proud to be an American.

Didn't we laugh and love and didn't seniors have access to health care? I know I was proud as hell to be an American. And I still am. I have been charitable. Our family gives Christmas to a needy family instead of us adults exchanging gifts. My wife and I give to a place called the Road House. It's a homeless shelter for families. It's the kind of place that helps people get back on their feet. Oh yeah, once a week we do "Meals on Wheels." That means we deliver meals to elderly folks. Voluntarily.

Then there's the stem cell research. There's a bunch of folks that don't fancy this idea too much. I don't need to explain what this is, do I? Good, let's move on. Now don't get me wrong. The idea of using blank cells to help generate new cells in an afflicted area to maybe help cure some sorts of diseases is great. It's how these blank cells are collected that gets to folks. The folks that consider themselves conservative or are members of most religious groups are generally against the collection method. I would bet that these folks don't want their children exposed to this idea either.

If you ask me, and I'm sure you didn't, this is all a bunch of crap. This is pure indoctrination. Leftist indoctrination. And I'm against it. You should be too. If this was a video about doing the right things, being a good person and following the rules, then I would have no problem with it. But to tell our kids to embrace things that their parents may not feel is appropriate, is absolutely wrong.

Especially when most of the people in the video are wearing Obama t-shirts. Imagine if they were wearing Palin shirts. What an uproar that would create. As you might imagine she would be spouting horrific things like believing in God and the right to bear arms. Not the right to bare arms as Mrs. Obama would have us believe. She might also say things things that would not promote larger government, but for the need for fiscal responsibility. Blasphemy.

She certainly would not be asking for you to pledge yourself to her. She would pledge herself to you. As she should. As Uncle Barack should be doing. He is the one that is serving. He is supposed to serving in such a way as to leave it better then when he found it. I realize this is a difficult task, but at least he could try.

If I pledge to serve the president, am I to don my best chefs coat, sharpen my best knives and cater a party at the White House? I doubt it. I think he means that we should be promoting his socialist agenda.

Something I refuse to do.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Communist in Our Government

Believe it? I didn't at first, but we have one as our green jobs czar. Van Jones has this job and he only reports to the president. He was not approved by congress. All he had to do to get the job was move to DC. Scary, isn't it?

Van Jones became a communist in prison while serving his sentence for actions during the Rodney King riots. He has since reinvented himself as an environmentalist. But a racist environmentalist.

He thinks that "white polluters" are directing the poison to neighborhoods of color. Excuse me, what the hell is that? Is he saying that white people are only driving their cars in black neighborhoods? Is that where all the garbage is being dumped? No, no, no, It's gotta be where all the spent nuclear fuel is being stored. Or maybe all the chemical weapons. It can't be that one because that's being stored right here in Utah. No neighborhoods of color in the west desert. No neighborhoods at all.

Then there's the matter of Jones being a 9/11 Truther. Meaning that he thinks that the terror attacks were the work of the US government. He signed a letter to that effect. What? He really thinks that our government killed 3,000 of our own citizens just so we could start a war? What a nut. That's a fact, because after all Jeanene Garafolo signed the same letter. Need I say more?

I want to know where Uncle Barak gets off appointing this lunatic to any post in our government. But he did win the election and gets to do whatever he wants, right? No he doesn't. BHO should remember that when he was growing up in Hawaii that we were fighting a cold war against the communist. Why would he remember that? He's never worn a uniform has he? And by that I mean one that belongs to a group that defends our country. And besides, his dad was a Marxist so this is right in line with his radical thinking.

The fact that we have a commie at such a high level in our federal government is overly offensive to me. It should be to you too. It's not like the American people wanted him there by voting him into office. It's the guy who campaigned as a moderate and now governing like a radical, just put him there.

I for one think this system of czars is ridiculous anyway. I believe this system was started by President Reagan when he appointed a drug czar back in the '80's. That was one guy. Now we have over 30 czars. That's more than the Russians had from being to end of the Romanov Dynasty. That covered almost 300 years.

The czars are appointed by the president with no oversight at all. They report to him and him alone. There is no congressional approval of these folks. And the pres can appoint as many as he wants, or so it seems. Something needs to be done.

Here's an idea. Maybe all these nuts should move to Europe. If they need directions, go to DC and drive east.

I think that Mr. Jones sat next to Uncle Barak in the Reverend Wright's church listening to all that anti-American racist drivel. He seems to think that all white folk are evil and trying to commit genocide on people of color. BS.

It's people like Jones that continue to drive a wedge between the races and keep tensions high. He should be ashamed of himself. It's too bad he doesn't have a mind of his own and has been indoctrinated by the radical left.

After all, green is the new red.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Gay Marriage

Now why would I be typing about this? I have an opinion, that's why. And believe it or not, it might not be in line with the title of this blog or with my other postings. I really don't see what all the commotion is about. But since as of yesterday, with Vermont becoming the fifth state in the Union to legalize same sex marriage, I thought, why not. After all I don't really care about the issue.

Here's why. If you know me very well, you know that I'm a secular person. So the argument that this is against a certain religion doesn't effect me. I realize that for most folks this is the main point. That's okay. No one should hold your religious beliefs against you. I certainly don't. So here is the my opinion on the whole mess and why I think that same sex couples ought to have some sort of options.

First of all there are gay folks in the world. I don't know if it's a wiring problem or a personal choice and frankly I don't care because they are here to stay no matter what. They are living together as we speak, or type. Nothing we can do about that. They purchase property together. Again, there's nothing to stop them.

Then there's the part that gets to most folks. They say that the feelings they have for each other are the same as I have for my wife. I don't claim to understand it either, but there it is. These folks just want to live together as a couple.

Then there's the issues of insurance coverage for same sex partners and the ability to chose who gets to make decisions for you if you become incapacitated. Now I think that it should be up to an individual company to decide if they want to cover same sex partners. A person would know that going into a job and that would be part of the decision making process for that person. But what can be more important is the decisions made for each other.

If I were unable to make a choice for myself concerning some health issue, then due to my being married, it would defer to my wife. I knew that when we married and I trust her judgement. That is possible only due to the marriage certificate. Now for a same sex couple, that choice is not available to them. In a country of free will such as ours, it should be. By virtue of my marriage I have chosen my wife to make that decision. If I wasn't married I should still be able to decide who has that power.

Although I don't support gay marriage, I think that some sort of civil union should be available to same sex couples. As much as some would argue, in reality a marriage certificate is really a business agreement. Don't believe me, just try getting divorced. If you have ever been in business with another person, then you also know what it's like with the business relationship ends. I think that if folks looked at it that way instead of as a "marriage" it might not seem so bad.

Here in Utah gay marriage isn't much of an issue since it was on the ballot during the last election and an amendment was added to the state constitution banning the possibility. That's the will of the people and I'm good with that.

But let folks decide for themselves on how to live their lives.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I felt that I should start the new month on a happy note. After all it can't be doom and gloom all the time, can it? Unfortunately it can be a good bit of the time and today is no exception. It has become evident to me that President Obama, Attorney General Holder and several members of Congress don't read my blog. I am disappointed. Doesn't my opinion count? On the off chance that it does, here I go again.

Today I hear that a call has been made for the prosecution, or persecution if you will, of former VP Dick Cheney stemming from the interrogations of terrorists. Even National Security Advisor Jim Jones thinks this would be okay. Another kool-aid drinker, what a shame. Sorry about the pun. If you don't get it, so what.

It's nice to see that people that now have some responsibility are going to try to punish the folks that they perceive as having wronged them for so long. So a guy that thinks white folk are cowards and a guy whose wife is finally proud of her country are thinking that this might be a good idea. No surprises there.

This is what I think. If these two guys think they can do a better job in the field interviewing suspects, then put on a uniform, go through the training and get your collectives asses over there and show us how it's done. What's that? You're too good for that? Too important? So you're telling me that you can make the decisions on how it's done, but don't want to get your hands dirty. Is that right? Pretty poor leadership skills if you ask me. That's right, you wont ask me, because I believe in strong defense and not giving quarter to the enemy.

This idea of giving Miranda warnings to terrorist on foreign soil and persecuting CIA personnel as well as former Bush administration officials is ridiculous. We get it already, you won the election. But that doesn't mean that you get to destroy our country just to make a political statement.

Being the commander in chief of the armed forces and the chief law enforcement officer in the country mean that you two are responsible for the safety of our country and the prosecution of criminals. That means when we are at war with either a country or an entity, it means that you use the necessary means to win that war. It doesn't mean that you appease the uber-liberals and play patty-cake with the bad guys.

That's right, they're the bad guys. They hate us because of our lifestyle, our support of Israel, at least our former support of Israel and for our economic prowess. If memory serves me right, weren't the towers bombed in 1993, our embassies bombed shortly thereafter killing 200 people or so, and what about the Marine barracks in Beirut, the USS Cole in Yemen and of course September 11, 2001. And this is just the short list.

So after this, the enemies of our country need to be dealt with. And dealt with severely. Our reaction should be such that no one ever considers taking up arms against us again. No one would ever consider a cowardly attack on innocent civilians by flying planes into buildings. The world should know that attacking the United States will bring the most horrific response imaginable.

That being said, the folks that bring about that response should not be vilified just because you are a pacifist. Am I a fan of armed conflict? Of course not. But, I am not afraid to fight the battle. I am willing to stand up for everyone in this country no matter their opinion. I don't know if Dick Cheney was a soldier, but the man was willing to make tough decisions to make sure that our country suffered no more attacks on our cities. The men and women of the CIA were on the front lines of the fight getting the information to ensure our safety. They should be revered, not excoriated by a bunch of liberal sissies.

I dare Eric Holder to call Dick Cheney a coward to his face. I bet Cheney would kick Holders arse all the way to Islamabad. I know I would buy a ticket to watch. I realize that Holder called all us white folk cowards on the issue of race, but isn't everyone that disagrees with anything this administration does a racist?

Then there's the issue of if this will go anywhere. I doubt it will. I really think this is nothing more than trying to get the attention off the president's failing health care reform. See, I was nice calling it reform instead of a takeover. But still I think this is the real reason behind all of this.

At least it better be. If we get attacked again because of the new policies adopted by this administration, there will be hell to pay at the polls in 2010 and 2012.

But there may be anyway with the reckless spending and the name calling.

At least I hope.