Monday, February 14, 2011

The 2012 Federal Budget

Is anyone surprised? $3.9 Trillion (3,900,000,000,000) dollars for the next fiscal year? Is it just me or does anyone else grasp the enormity of that number? How in the world are we supposed to stand for this? I know we can't, so do plenty of others, but still we allow our government officials to drive us off the financial cliff. Obviously the last election was not a strong enough message. In two years when we get the opportunity, we need to vote them all out. If we don't, then we can blame no one but ourselves.

Barry seems to think that we can spend our way out of debt. If you ask me, and you did by reading this, that is delusional. A case can certainly be made that Obama is clinically insane. That's a nice way of saying that he is completely nuts. I believe that's that technical term for the affliction he suffers from. But then again, it's pretty normal for our pompous politicians these days.

Barry had a chance to do something this year. He completely blew it. All he had to do was to eliminate unnecessary entitlement programs. He wouldn't do it. In this budget his version of an unnecessary entitlement is home heating oil subsidies for the poor. If a Republican votes for that........I can see the headlines now about how the Republicans are all for freezing the poor by cutting their heating oil. It's a can't win situation on that. So it won't happen.

Barry also said that he was going to cut the federal deficit by 50% at the end of his first term. That would have required a reduction of almost $6,000,000,000,000 over that time. During his first three years he has raised the deficit by almost $5,000,000,000,000. He has no grasp of basic math. I'm sure there is someone in the White House who knows how to do simple arithmetic. I wish one of them would show their father how to add and subtract.

The Big "O" has said that he would rather be a great one term president than a mediocre two termer. Well, he's been a lousy one termer to this point. It's up to us to make sure he doesn't get another chance to ruin our economy, our reputation and ultimately our entire way of life. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Pepsi Max and Michelle Obama

As I was watching the Super Bowl last week I was struck by one of the Pepsi Max commercials. It was the one where a woman continually was taking food from her husband because it is what we consider "junk food." Towards the end of the commercial the man is sitting on a park bench drinking a Pepsi Max when his wife comes by. The man gets a horrified look on his face until he notices that his wife is also drinking a Pepsi Max. Things are fine until the man notices a jogger and the wife trows the can of soda at him. He ducks and the can hits the jogger in the head knocking her out.

The commercial was only mildly amusing because the wife reminded me of our First Lady, Michelle Obama, heretofore referred to lovingly (sort of) as Auntie M. It reminded me of how Auntie M is on her healthy eating campaign and trying to get her hubby and the rest of us to go along. This ad would have made more sense if it showed folks jogging or exercising another way and having a cold Pepsi Max after they were finished. This way was nothing more than a homage to Auntie M.

Now, Auntie M needs her cause, just like every First Lady. Nancy Reagan had her anti drug message, Laura Bush had literacy, Hillary Clinton had self promotion and now Auntie M has childhood obesity. Okay, let's help the kids stay a bit leaner, get them off the couch and outside a bit more, but leave us grown ups alone. If she let Barry be then maybe the rest of us could catch a break. Probably not, he's not stupid enough to say anything against his wife, at least I don't think he is. Well, I hope not anyways.

What it all comes down to is choice. I want to able to decide what I eat and how much. I don't need the liberal media or the government telling me what to do. Or at the least trying to make me feel guilty if I decide to eat a cheeseburger like the poor fellow in the commercial.

Now that Obamacare has been declared unconstitutional by the Federal Courts maybe Auntie M will start to lay off a bit. I realize that it's only a pipe dream, but a guy can still dream.

So after all that, I think I will head out to one of the many local burger joints and get me a double bacon cheeseburger and salute Auntie M and Pepsico while I eat.