I thought pledges worked for congressmen or judges or something like that. I didn't think that we needed to pledge ourselves to a sitting president. It seems that Courtney Cox thinks we need to. That's what she says at the end of the video shown to school children in Farmington, Utah this week.
Why should we be surprised? Hollywood types are typically left of center. What the hell is that? Hollywood types are flaming liberal hippies. That's better. That's more in line with the way I think.
Ok, back to the video. I heard snipets on the radio today and could not believe the things I heard. People pledging to love more, to laugh more, to further stem cell research, to make sure seniors had access to health care and something along the lines of being proud to be an American.
Didn't we laugh and love and didn't seniors have access to health care? I know I was proud as hell to be an American. And I still am. I have been charitable. Our family gives Christmas to a needy family instead of us adults exchanging gifts. My wife and I give to a place called the Road House. It's a homeless shelter for families. It's the kind of place that helps people get back on their feet. Oh yeah, once a week we do "Meals on Wheels." That means we deliver meals to elderly folks. Voluntarily.
Then there's the stem cell research. There's a bunch of folks that don't fancy this idea too much. I don't need to explain what this is, do I? Good, let's move on. Now don't get me wrong. The idea of using blank cells to help generate new cells in an afflicted area to maybe help cure some sorts of diseases is great. It's how these blank cells are collected that gets to folks. The folks that consider themselves conservative or are members of most religious groups are generally against the collection method. I would bet that these folks don't want their children exposed to this idea either.
If you ask me, and I'm sure you didn't, this is all a bunch of crap. This is pure indoctrination. Leftist indoctrination. And I'm against it. You should be too. If this was a video about doing the right things, being a good person and following the rules, then I would have no problem with it. But to tell our kids to embrace things that their parents may not feel is appropriate, is absolutely wrong.
Especially when most of the people in the video are wearing Obama t-shirts. Imagine if they were wearing Palin shirts. What an uproar that would create. As you might imagine she would be spouting horrific things like believing in God and the right to bear arms. Not the right to bare arms as Mrs. Obama would have us believe. She might also say things things that would not promote larger government, but for the need for fiscal responsibility. Blasphemy.
She certainly would not be asking for you to pledge yourself to her. She would pledge herself to you. As she should. As Uncle Barack should be doing. He is the one that is serving. He is supposed to serving in such a way as to leave it better then when he found it. I realize this is a difficult task, but at least he could try.
If I pledge to serve the president, am I to don my best chefs coat, sharpen my best knives and cater a party at the White House? I doubt it. I think he means that we should be promoting his socialist agenda.
Something I refuse to do.
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