Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Communist in Our Government

Believe it? I didn't at first, but we have one as our green jobs czar. Van Jones has this job and he only reports to the president. He was not approved by congress. All he had to do to get the job was move to DC. Scary, isn't it?

Van Jones became a communist in prison while serving his sentence for actions during the Rodney King riots. He has since reinvented himself as an environmentalist. But a racist environmentalist.

He thinks that "white polluters" are directing the poison to neighborhoods of color. Excuse me, what the hell is that? Is he saying that white people are only driving their cars in black neighborhoods? Is that where all the garbage is being dumped? No, no, no, It's gotta be where all the spent nuclear fuel is being stored. Or maybe all the chemical weapons. It can't be that one because that's being stored right here in Utah. No neighborhoods of color in the west desert. No neighborhoods at all.

Then there's the matter of Jones being a 9/11 Truther. Meaning that he thinks that the terror attacks were the work of the US government. He signed a letter to that effect. What? He really thinks that our government killed 3,000 of our own citizens just so we could start a war? What a nut. That's a fact, because after all Jeanene Garafolo signed the same letter. Need I say more?

I want to know where Uncle Barak gets off appointing this lunatic to any post in our government. But he did win the election and gets to do whatever he wants, right? No he doesn't. BHO should remember that when he was growing up in Hawaii that we were fighting a cold war against the communist. Why would he remember that? He's never worn a uniform has he? And by that I mean one that belongs to a group that defends our country. And besides, his dad was a Marxist so this is right in line with his radical thinking.

The fact that we have a commie at such a high level in our federal government is overly offensive to me. It should be to you too. It's not like the American people wanted him there by voting him into office. It's the guy who campaigned as a moderate and now governing like a radical, just put him there.

I for one think this system of czars is ridiculous anyway. I believe this system was started by President Reagan when he appointed a drug czar back in the '80's. That was one guy. Now we have over 30 czars. That's more than the Russians had from being to end of the Romanov Dynasty. That covered almost 300 years.

The czars are appointed by the president with no oversight at all. They report to him and him alone. There is no congressional approval of these folks. And the pres can appoint as many as he wants, or so it seems. Something needs to be done.

Here's an idea. Maybe all these nuts should move to Europe. If they need directions, go to DC and drive east.

I think that Mr. Jones sat next to Uncle Barak in the Reverend Wright's church listening to all that anti-American racist drivel. He seems to think that all white folk are evil and trying to commit genocide on people of color. BS.

It's people like Jones that continue to drive a wedge between the races and keep tensions high. He should be ashamed of himself. It's too bad he doesn't have a mind of his own and has been indoctrinated by the radical left.

After all, green is the new red.

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