Today is the anniversary of the day that I consider to be the worst day for our country in my lifetime. It is the day heroes were born. September 11, 2001, the day 3000+ people were killed in a cowardly attack on our country. This is my day that will live in infamy.
I got out of bed about 1PM that day after working a graveyard shift the night before. I called a co-worker to tell her that I would be late to training at the office. She asked if I heard that the towers were gone and the pentagon had been attacked. I didn't believe her at the moment. She told me to turn on the TV. Any channel would do. I turned it on just as a replay of the second plane crashing into one of the towers was being shown. I felt my blood run cold. Literally, I felt my blood run cold.
Then it started to boil.
By the time I got to work the SWAT team was there just in case some nut tried something here. I asked the Sergeant why the Air Force hadn't sent the flying wings over Afghanistan to drop just about every nuclear bomb we had to make sure we killed every single terrorist SOB there. Like me, he didn't know either.
What I did know was that for no reason other than these lowlifes don't like our way of life, they felt is necessary to kill innocent people. Sounds cowardly to me. But then again these are the types that strap bombs to themselves and walk into a crowded market and blow themselves up hoping to take out as many noncombatants as possible. Just to get a ticket to there vision of heaven. That has got to be the most perverted thing I have ever heard.
People in the towers started to help one another out of the building. Police and Fire personnel rush in. Then the buildings collapsed one at a time. Over 2,700 people were still inside. Including over 400 members of the NYPD, NYFD and Port Authority PD.
Heroes all.
Shortly thereafter the Pentagon came under attack by flight 77. Also hijacked and killing 184 people in the plane and in the building.
I don't include the terrorist because I don't consider them people.
Flight 93 was also taken and headed back towards Washington DC. 40 passengers and crew fought back. They knew by now what was happening. They knew they would probably die. They decided that if they were to die, they would die fighting. And they did. The plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. Everyone one that flight is an American hero.
We were at war.
The next day was the birthday of my second oldest granddaughter. She turned four years old. She didn't understand what was happening. She wasn't the only one. I still don't know how to explain it to her.
Now it was our turn. These bastards were going to pay a dear price for what they had done. The American people galvanized. To quote President Bush, "they cannot dent the steel of the American resolve." The terrorists were about to find out what is what like to have the full weight of the American military fall directly onto them.
We started by telling the Pakistani government that we were flying over their country to get to Afghanistan. If they sent up any planes they would immediately be shot down. Then it would be their turn. They wisely decided not to get in the way.
Ground troops began to arrive. The Taliban lived a short life in Kabul after that. We drove them into the hills, into their caves to hide like the rats they are. We're still there today.
People volunteered for the military knowing they would probably be sent to fight. It certainly didn't seem to be a deterrent. Most of them have gone, some have not come back. Iraq is a free country now, as well as Afghanistan. Only thanks to the American military.
People I work with have served a tour or two in one country or both. My nephew is currently in training now preparing for his second tour. This one in Afghanistan.
Eight years later we are still fighting, still trying to defeat radical Islam. I wont quit supporting our troops. I will never forget those that died on September 11th. Nor will I forget those that have died fighting for us in the days since. I will always be grateful for all of them. As I will be grateful to President Bush and those who worked to keep our country safe over these last eight years.
For it is people like these that give us the freedoms we have.
Heroes all.
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