Friday, August 14, 2009

Immigraton and National Health Care

I know, I know, here I go again running the risk of being called a racist. But come on, this insanity has got to stop. The latest that I hear that is in part of the health bill is that illegal immigrants will be given the same coverage as everyone else. Does anyone else think this is crazy? Anyone?

I certainly do. I don't have a problem with legal immigration. Notice that it's "legal" not illegal. If people want to come to this country for a better way of life and hopefully a better future for their children, then I say "welcome." But if folks that come here don't want to follow the rules and just want to sponge off of our charitable nature and suck up our government's resources, then I say, "get the hell out." That includes everyone.

I don't care if your from Mexico, Russia, Canada, Nigeria or anywhere else in the world. If you get here illegally then you are not welcomed to stay. Of course you should get to stay long enough to finish your prison sentence. Then you can go back to where ever the hell you came from. Naturally on your dime, not mine.

Of course most of the folks that come here are decent people. I'm sure that the American dream of a better life is what draws folks here. It's what brought my family here about 100 years ago. So if these decent people just want to live here and work and raise their families, then why don't they do what is needed to get legal status? And I'm not suggesting just having a baby so they can stay with their American citizen child. That's right, the child is a citizen, the parents still are not. But the child is immediately eligible for welfare benefits, including housing that the parents and other siblings are allowed to live in. Dare I say that others that can get here one way or another might find a place to sleep as well?

How about this. Instead of just another amnesty that the liberals want, why don't we come up with an idea that allows people to admit to their wrongdoing and then making an act of contrition with the outcome being that now they get to stay.

I propose this. Have the folks here illegally, come to the state government offices and apply to stay here. Have them pay a fine for their criminal conduct. Then and only then will they be allowed to stay without fear of deportation. Part of the application process is obtaining a real social security number so they can pay their fair share of taxes. Not a fake number that can be bought off the streets. Yeah, that really happens. There should also be the caveat, that if they commit certain types of criminal offenses then they can still be deported unless they have become an American citizen. Maybe requiring them to become citizens should also be a part of this. Who knows?

One thing I'm sure of though is that the illegal folks should not have any access to any of our social programs. If allowing illegal aliens to partake in any type of national health care happens, then just watch the flood of people coming to America for everything. After all we have the best medical care in the world here. Well, except for Cuba, if you believe some people in our government.

The children of the folks here illegally are in our schools getting an education. Some of the illegal folks are sitting in our jails and prisons. They are working and not paying taxes. I'm sure some are collecting welfare. How much more are we to allow? The way I see it, my tax dollars are doing plenty for them now. I'm not inclined to pay for more of their medical bills too. As it is now, all hospitals that receive medicaid payments are required by law to give anyone that comes in lifesaving medical care regardless of their ability to pay or their insurance status. It even provides for transfer to another facility if needed. No wonder aspirins in a hospital are ten bucks each.

Guess who pays for it.

We do.

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