Saturday, August 29, 2009

Eric Holder and the CIA

I can't believe that Eric Holder wants an investigation into possible abuses by CIA personnel during interrogations of terrorist suspects in bases overseas. Here it is, I just can't stop myself, "what the hell is he thinking?" And why is the president allowing this?

Let's look at a few things. First, if the interrogation is taking place in a foreign country, then that country's rule of law is in effect. So in other words, Miranda and the US Constitution don't come into play. In effect, a US law enforcement officer can use different techniques to obtain a confession that would not be legal in the US and the confession would hold up in an American court. If beating a prisoner is legal in, whatever country, then it can be used. Am I suggesting that we beat prisoners? Of course not, but what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

There is nothing good that comes from this. The bandits now know to keep their mouths shut and/or ask for a lawyer. The amount and quality of the intel that is gathered diminishes greatly. That only means one thing. We as a country will not be as safe. Why, you ask? Let me tell you. The CIA officers are not going to be as aggressive in gathering information. And why should they be? Especially if the threat of prosecution from our own government is hanging over their heads.

Who thinks this is just a political move? Anyone? Well I sure do. To me this is nothing more than another slap at George Bush. What more do these bleeding heart liberal hippies want? They have the white house, the congress and the senate. Just because they have a hard on for Bush they think that this is necessary. What a croc.

And guess who now interrogates the bandits? A combination of folks that doesn't include CIA. And the White House has oversight of this group. This is nothing more than Uncle Barack continuing his fundamental changing of our country. One from a rule of law and strong national defense to a country where we will have to say "please" and "thank you" to terrorist.

I for one refuse to coddle these scumbags. The only thing they deserve is to have every last bit of information gleaned from their minuscule brains and a last meal before their execution. If anyone takes up arms against the United States and they are not smart enough to surrender then they should be suffer a quick and painless death. No quarter should be given. Period.

Go figure I e-mailed the president and voiced my opinion. A lot of good it will do. After all, they won the election. As our march towards social justice continues, we have to suffer with a weaker national defense. Just so some folks with a smugger sense of self can feel better about themselves. Doesn't sound right to me.

How about you?

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