Tuesday, August 4, 2009

And the Spending Continues

Today I heard on the news Senate Majority Leader Harry Reed announce that he has the votes to put $2,000,000,000 (two billion) more of our tax dollars into the cash for clunkers program. I hope he's mistaken about that. Another chunk of money for a social welfare program. Shameful.

In a time when the federal government should not even consider spending any more money, they have this brilliant idea to give some away. Go figure it was such a huge success in the first week. Who doesn't like free money? I know I do. But then again I don't need a new car. I like the cars that my wife and I have. So why would I want to buy a car payment, even at a discount?

That's right, buy a car payment. Now if you own you car(s) outright, no monthly payment is required to keep them, right? You might even have some extra cash laying around at the end of the month to squirrel away for a vacation, or a special night out or anything else you might desire. But if you fall into the government's trap, you now own an additional payment due on the first or fifteenth of the month. I would also venture a guess that it is more than you could have saved. And since the federal government now owns portions of an American car company or two, guess who gets your money. That's right, Uncle Barack.

But here's what got my blood pressure up to begin with. Since when is it okay to tax me so that I can help you buy a car? I don't think this is right. When I bought my last car no one gave me any money. If I remember correctly my lovely wife and I went to the dealer, looked around for a while, haggled a bit with the salesman and eventually wrote out a check on our account. We didn't get money from the government. Now I have to help someone that probably has the ability to do what I just described and the money to do it. What a crock!

Silly me. What am I thinking? This is the way now. To each according to their need, from each according to his ability. Marx would be so proud of our latest version of socialism. I bet our founders are spinning in their graves.

Then there's what's being done with the "clunkers". They are being destroyed. That's right, crushed and shredded with engines and drive trains intact. Now the most profitable parts of used cars are not even being harvested and parted out so folks that might need spare parts can't get them. What does this mean? Gather 'round and let me tell you.

It means that there will be fewer and fewer used cars. Not unlike the ones that most people drove as first cars or fixer uppers or just cheaper ones that for some folks are all that they can afford. Now those types of cars are going to be harder to find and more expensive. Exactly the same for spare parts. So let's just start the destruction of an entire industry right now, shall we? How many folks will lose their jobs over this Obamanation? It remains to be seen, but I will guess...................a lot. Thanks, Uncle Barack.

So let's review, the government wants to spend a total of $3,000,000,000 in tax dollars to get people to buy their cars, get them deeper in debt, eliminate and industry and put more people out of work. Did I get that right?

Here's an idea, how about we all let the government know just what we think of this idea of another welfare program. Especially one for folks who probably don't need it. And tell them that this insane spending must stop before it's too late.

If it isn't already.

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