Friday, August 7, 2009

American Nazis

I think the title says it all. The speaker of the house, Nancy Pelosi, said so the other day. When asked if the town hall meetings on health care showed a grass roots movement Mrs. Pelosi said that it was more like astroturf and that people were showing up with swastikas and other things. Now I have searched the net and can't find any instances of this happening. Is this another case of Nancy opening her mouth without having any facts and just trying to be inflammatory? Probably. What am I saying? Of course it is. Uncle Barack needs to put a muzzle on the woman.

Now does anyone know what the word nazi is short for? Anyone? Anyone? It's short for national socialist workers party. I can't remember the extremely long German word. So who does that more closely represent these days? Republicans or conservatives, or the current administration? I will give you two guesses and the first doesn't count. Give up? Of course it's the current administration. The key word is socialist. That is our president and the rest of the kool-aid drinkers. Nancy included.

Is she blinded by the president's stunning good looks, or his easy demeanor? Or maybe it's that she is just trying to curry favor from Uncle Barack. Or she is just so far left that she is rubbing elbows with the extreme right. Who knows exactly? She and people like her make me glad that I moved out of California.

I have heard people refer to California as the cereal state. Nothing but fruits, nuts and flakes. Nancy certainly falls into the nut category. And also as the People's Republic of California. Kinda like China only closer to home. Not too surprising when one sees what is happening there. I don't mind visiting for a day or two, but I'm glad when I get to leave.

Maybe she's had too many face lifts and the skin is so tight that it's cutting of the flow of blood to her brain. Ok, I'm only kidding. I apologize madam. Truth be told, in the right light she is actually not a bad looking woman. Hey, just because she is a completely out of her mind doesn't mean that she can't be attractive.

Ok, ok, I'll get to the town hall meetings. I agree that folks should be righteously pissed about what the government is trying to do, but yelling and screaming and continually interrupting can be counter productive. Let them speak, record their lies and then call them on the BS. Email Uncle Barack, Nancy, Harry Reid, Harvey Waxman and your local politicians early and often, just like voting in Chicago, and let them know just how you feel. I do. Who knows, maybe you too can get e-mails from our Uncle in Washington.

So all of you who don't want the government making your decisions for you on the most important issue in your life get up and say something. Write letters, send e-mails, inform yourself and let the world know that we are not Europe, we are not communist, we are a free people and will remain that way.

Then there is the issue of people being reported to the government that do not agree with and say disparaging things about the proposed health care takeover. That also sounds like 1930's Germany. Or in other words, UnAmerican. Inform on your neighbors and you will be rewarded. Didn't Stalin use this tactic too? Let it be known that I will turn myself in to the government and will continue to speak and type whatever I want concerning our current president and his gang of lunatics. Nancy included.

I'm no Nazi.

I"m an American.

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