I was on Facebook this morning and found this cause. I joined. You should think about it too. Especially if you are as tired of the crap coming from there as I am. Now don't get me wrong, I'm certainly no prude, but the movies being made today are just awful for the most part and I certainly don't want my grandchildren seeing most of it.
Case in point. Yesterday my wife and I took four of our grandkids to see the movie Aliens in the Attic. Now the premise was fine about an advanced team coming to earth to prepare for an invasion, but some of the content was inappropriate. One of the characters is a 16 year old girl. What I didn't get was why she needed to be running around in a skimpy bikini most of the time. And I mean skimpy. Not something that I felt comfortable with my six year old grandson watching. If the movie was geared more towards teenagers or young adults it wouldn't have been so bad, but come on, this movie's target audience is children.
My wife thinks I'm nuts. When the wee ones are at my house there is plenty that is on network TV that I will not allow them to watch. The reason why, it's because the content is no appropriate for the kids.
I've felt this way for the last 20 years or so. The language, the sexual content and the violence is out of hand. And this is just the "family" time viewing. Get to late night or cable channels and it gets worse.
I like some shows that are politically incorrect because I have a dry, warped sense of humor. Always have. But that doesn't mean that I watch these shows with the kids. And even some of these go too far and I am reconsidering continuing to watch.
If you don't like the permissive society we have turned into, then just look to the west aim your anger that way. Between Hollywood, the music industry, network TV and the mainstream media, we have become a country that allows just about anything.
And I blame the parents. Those of us that are in our mid 40's to mid 50's remember the hippie movement. The Summer of Love, Woodstock, burning draft cards and the burn your bra demonstrations all contributed to the atmosphere of today.
Those that sympathized with these movements brought up their children with some of these same values. Now those children are the middle aged, or past middle age because how many 90+ year old people do you know. They have raised their kids with the same attitudes. So free love, drug use and just doing what you feel without regard for the consequences seems to be prevalent in our society.
Don't believe me, just turn on prime time TV and tell me I'm wrong. Almost all the sitcoms just seem to be about people trying to get laid. It's nothing but locker room humor and innuendo. Then listen to today's top 40 music. If you can call it that. I can't. It's crap. Nothing but heavy bass lines and the "F" word three times in every line. Ok, maybe it's not every sentence, but quite a bit. Even the metal music that I like is turning that way.
A while ago Tipper Gore tried to censor the music industry. She was only partially successful. Albums with questionable lyrics now have to have a warning label. How about a rating system like we have for movies. Then a kid under 18 couldn't buy this crap. Who knows, it might help.
Now like I said before I hold the parents of today responsible for the things that their children are exposed to. After all they are supposed to be the responsible ones. But if the parents are permissive, liberal and/or dope smoking hippies, then our kids and grandkids wont have a chance.
So I will continue to boycott the crap that the entertainment and news media is trying to sell to our kids. I hope you might do the same.
Otherwise nothing will change.
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