Yesterday Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan was asked about a hypothetical law. She was asked Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) about a law that would require each person to eat three servings of fruits and vegetables everyday if that would violate the Commerce Clause. She paused for a few seconds and replied that it sounds like a "dumb law." Whatta ya know, Ms. Kagan actually said something intelligent.
I have to agree with Ms. Kagan on this, it would be a dumb law. How in the hell would it be enforced? Would the Veggie Cops be knocking on my door everyday to make sure that I'm eating my broccoli? I doubt it. Obviously this was a slam on Obama-care and a gauge of how Ms. Kagan would rule on it as a sitting Justice. She managed to side step the issue nicely as she gave a non-answer.
But my hat is off to Sen. Coburn for coming up with an appropriate type of question. Of course the left will lambaste the Senator for asking what they will call an idiotic question, but what do they know? After they're liberals.
Now for the idea of telling people what they can eat. It's laughable at best. To think that any administration can dictate what folks are going to buy at the grocery store and then eat is ludicrous. People need to be responsible for themselves. If I want to eat a piece of cake, I will. I don't give a damn about what the government thinks about it. So take that, Obama-care.
The last time I typed about the government wanting to take away me cheeseburgers I received an e-mail from Orit Sklar at I encourage you to take a look at this site and decide for yourself if you like what you see. If you do, sign their petition. I did. I don't want anyone telling me what I'm going to eat. Long before I got into law enforcement I was a cook. I've worked in some pretty nice places and developed some decent skills in the kitchen. I love to eat. I love to cook. I love it when I make a meal for my family and see that they enjoy it.
This past Father's Day, my dad came over for dinner. The menu, orange glazed wild boar chops with roasted red potatos and corn. For dessert we had a selection of Cheesecake Factory cheesecakes. Dad went for the key lime. I had the lemon raspberry. Dad really enjoyed it, especially since we hunted the hogs ourselves. That's another edition.
I put in a bit of extra time on the treadmill the next day. Hopefully the food police will leave me alone.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Learn to Read!
I was watching the news last night when a blurb came on about the first day of hearings for Elena Kagan as she tries to become the next Supreme Court Justice. Now I'm not going to mention her manner of dress. Was it a dress? Nope, it was something that resembled a Navy P-coat with over sized buttons in a deep shade of blue. And who could miss the monsterous pearl necklace. It may have hidden one of her chins. But I digress, and I probably should apologize about that last remark. Maybe later.
What I am going to mention is her inability to read her own notes in a coherent manner. I-will-work-hard. I-will-listen-hard-to-my-colleagues. WTF! I thought she was reading a first grade book. Something along the lines of See Spot Run. I thought Ms. Kagan was supposed to be as smart as The One. At least Barry can read a tele-prompter. How is it that Ms. Kagan can't read from prepared notes? I'm sure that Ms. Kagan is a fairly smart person, after all she spent quite a bit of time as Dean of Harvard Law. Oh, wait a minute, I forgot, Harvard Law hasn't exactly produced a plethora of good lawyers lately. Alright, that's mean. She has spent most of her adult life at school so she has to have some smarts. She can read court decisions, she just hasn't made any having never been a judge. I would think that this would be a pre-requisite.
I'm sure that she will get confirmed and soon begin to interpret the Constitution in ways that I just can't imagine. Hopefully she takes a public speaking course first. That had to be the worst performance ever before Congress.
It's too bad that the position of Supreme Court Justice has become such a politically ideological one. I do believe that the court is there to make sure that new laws are constitutional and that the decisions made by lower courts are the correct ones. It's not supposed to be about doing what someone believes is right. Too many opinions for that to work. Many believe that Ms. Kagan is getting this spot to advance the Obama agenda. Are they correct? Only time will tell. I am putting my money on the fact that she is a far left gal and she will be right there with Justice Ginsburg. Ok, after grouping Ms. Kagan in with RBG I will take back the crack about her several chins.
This is just what we need, another bellicose Justice with a penchant for attempting to dismantle the document that separates us from the lower mammals.
Or in other words, liberals.
What I am going to mention is her inability to read her own notes in a coherent manner. I-will-work-hard. I-will-listen-hard-to-my-colleagues. WTF! I thought she was reading a first grade book. Something along the lines of See Spot Run. I thought Ms. Kagan was supposed to be as smart as The One. At least Barry can read a tele-prompter. How is it that Ms. Kagan can't read from prepared notes? I'm sure that Ms. Kagan is a fairly smart person, after all she spent quite a bit of time as Dean of Harvard Law. Oh, wait a minute, I forgot, Harvard Law hasn't exactly produced a plethora of good lawyers lately. Alright, that's mean. She has spent most of her adult life at school so she has to have some smarts. She can read court decisions, she just hasn't made any having never been a judge. I would think that this would be a pre-requisite.
I'm sure that she will get confirmed and soon begin to interpret the Constitution in ways that I just can't imagine. Hopefully she takes a public speaking course first. That had to be the worst performance ever before Congress.
It's too bad that the position of Supreme Court Justice has become such a politically ideological one. I do believe that the court is there to make sure that new laws are constitutional and that the decisions made by lower courts are the correct ones. It's not supposed to be about doing what someone believes is right. Too many opinions for that to work. Many believe that Ms. Kagan is getting this spot to advance the Obama agenda. Are they correct? Only time will tell. I am putting my money on the fact that she is a far left gal and she will be right there with Justice Ginsburg. Ok, after grouping Ms. Kagan in with RBG I will take back the crack about her several chins.
This is just what we need, another bellicose Justice with a penchant for attempting to dismantle the document that separates us from the lower mammals.
Or in other words, liberals.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Chicago Shootout
It seems that the Supreme Court issued a ruling today that, in effect, says that the ban on handguns in Chicago is unconstitutional. Good for them. But it also leaves open that other types of restrictions on guns in general would still be allowed. Again, good for them. Well, at least for the five justices that voted in favor of this decision. They voted for the Constitution, the dissenters voted against it.
This should be no surprise to anyone, but I own guns. Several guns in fact. I own three handguns. Two I carry for work, one for off duty. I have a rifle for work, one for target shooting. I also own three shotguns, one for home defense, two for hunting either birds or other small game. As I typed this, I must admit that I was surprised by the total number. But still, I am an advocate for gun ownership.
I don't care that folks own guns for home and/or self defense, target shooting and hunting. I do care that folks might own guns that aren't for any of the aforementioned activities. I don't think that a person should have fully automatic weapons or weapons that are used only for the hunting of people. I do own a rifle (the one I carry at work) that is not necessarily one used for hunting. On the magazine well it is stamped, "Restricted military/government law enforcement use only." If I wasn't a police officer there would be no reason for me to own this rifle. It has no other practical purpose.
But the other guns that I own do have a practical purpose. So if the government tried to take my guns away because they deem them to be offensive, then we have a real problem. The Constitution guarantees us the right to "keep and bear Arms" and that this right, "shall not be infringed." The Chicago ban on handguns did infringe on that right.
I am okay if Chicago wants to ban the carrying of concealed weapons. That is an issue for each individual state and/or city. But the state cannot prohibit ownership of guns to those that are eligible. Period. The four dissenters should read the Second Amendment.
So after Elana Kagan takes a course in public speaking, she can read the decision and take her place on the left side of the court.
This should be no surprise to anyone, but I own guns. Several guns in fact. I own three handguns. Two I carry for work, one for off duty. I have a rifle for work, one for target shooting. I also own three shotguns, one for home defense, two for hunting either birds or other small game. As I typed this, I must admit that I was surprised by the total number. But still, I am an advocate for gun ownership.
I don't care that folks own guns for home and/or self defense, target shooting and hunting. I do care that folks might own guns that aren't for any of the aforementioned activities. I don't think that a person should have fully automatic weapons or weapons that are used only for the hunting of people. I do own a rifle (the one I carry at work) that is not necessarily one used for hunting. On the magazine well it is stamped, "Restricted military/government law enforcement use only." If I wasn't a police officer there would be no reason for me to own this rifle. It has no other practical purpose.
But the other guns that I own do have a practical purpose. So if the government tried to take my guns away because they deem them to be offensive, then we have a real problem. The Constitution guarantees us the right to "keep and bear Arms" and that this right, "shall not be infringed." The Chicago ban on handguns did infringe on that right.
I am okay if Chicago wants to ban the carrying of concealed weapons. That is an issue for each individual state and/or city. But the state cannot prohibit ownership of guns to those that are eligible. Period. The four dissenters should read the Second Amendment.
So after Elana Kagan takes a course in public speaking, she can read the decision and take her place on the left side of the court.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Hillary Speaks Out of Turn
I think this is what Barry has told Hillary since he found out that she let it be known that the White House is actually going to sue Arizona for SB1070. That's the bill that allows the local cops to ask about someones immigration status. And imagine that she blabbed to an Ecuadorian newspaper, wow. I'm sure Barry was plenty chapped over this.
I don't see what the problem is with Barry anyway. After all this bill just forces the federal government to do their job on the issue of illegal immigration. It is, after all way past due for a state to say that enough is enough. Again, I don't mean to sound like this is all Barry's fault. I know that the federal government hasn't really done much of anything to solve this problem. It's just happening on Barry's watch.
I know that it irritates me that it was revealed to a foreign newspaper rather than to Americans first. Maybe it was because that Barry realizes that since the majority of Americans support this law that they would strongly oppose the litigation. Yes, I'm sure that Hillary jumped the gun, but still, she had to know that her comments were going to be picked up here in this country and spread like wildfire.
But then again, maybe that was her plan. Is she contemplating another run in 2012? Is she trying to undermine her boss so the Dems lose big in the mid-term elections? I do remember her saying that she would only be Secretary of State for one term. The big loss of seats this November could be enough for Hillary to publicly say that Barry is an ineffective leader and announce that she is going to run against him in the next presidential election. If this is the case she is doing a bang up job. You go girl. Keep up the good work. Imagine that, I just paid Hillary a compliment.
But now that the cat is out of the bag, so to speak, let's get to the real issue here. This new law, that hasn't even taken effect yet, does not encourage racial profiling. Why don't we take a look at one possible way that things might happen on the streets of any Arizona city on 7-29-10, the day after the law takes effect.
A police officer makes a traffic stop for a violation. The car has Arizona plates and is registered to an address in Arizona. The driver does not speak English and when asked for a drivers license only produces one from whatever country he/she is from. Then the name on the DL matches that on the registration. Doesn't common sense say that something is going on here? I think it does. And since not going through the proper procedures to enter this country is a crime this particular police officer should be asking some questions about this person's immigration status to determine if a crime has been committed. If one has then the officer should act, if not then the totality of the stop is not extended for an unreasonable amount of time. This is only one of a myriad of ways that a police officer could come into contact with someone that is in this country illegally.
So if people think that this is going to lead to the police stopping people on the street and asking for their passports, they are nuts. In this country probable cause must be established before a custodial detention can be made. If not, then any evidence obtained from the detention will be thrown out of court. I don't know how to put it any plainer.
So Barry is a nut for thinking that this is going to make folks happy and continue to vote for him and his cronies. Well, the Hispanic population will be happy, but not too many others. Ok, the committed left will also be pretty giddy, but they don't have the numbers to really make much of a difference.
So in my opinion let Barry continue down this path and dooming his party to defeat in the November elections. This year and in 2012.
Jan Brewer for president.
I don't see what the problem is with Barry anyway. After all this bill just forces the federal government to do their job on the issue of illegal immigration. It is, after all way past due for a state to say that enough is enough. Again, I don't mean to sound like this is all Barry's fault. I know that the federal government hasn't really done much of anything to solve this problem. It's just happening on Barry's watch.
I know that it irritates me that it was revealed to a foreign newspaper rather than to Americans first. Maybe it was because that Barry realizes that since the majority of Americans support this law that they would strongly oppose the litigation. Yes, I'm sure that Hillary jumped the gun, but still, she had to know that her comments were going to be picked up here in this country and spread like wildfire.
But then again, maybe that was her plan. Is she contemplating another run in 2012? Is she trying to undermine her boss so the Dems lose big in the mid-term elections? I do remember her saying that she would only be Secretary of State for one term. The big loss of seats this November could be enough for Hillary to publicly say that Barry is an ineffective leader and announce that she is going to run against him in the next presidential election. If this is the case she is doing a bang up job. You go girl. Keep up the good work. Imagine that, I just paid Hillary a compliment.
But now that the cat is out of the bag, so to speak, let's get to the real issue here. This new law, that hasn't even taken effect yet, does not encourage racial profiling. Why don't we take a look at one possible way that things might happen on the streets of any Arizona city on 7-29-10, the day after the law takes effect.
A police officer makes a traffic stop for a violation. The car has Arizona plates and is registered to an address in Arizona. The driver does not speak English and when asked for a drivers license only produces one from whatever country he/she is from. Then the name on the DL matches that on the registration. Doesn't common sense say that something is going on here? I think it does. And since not going through the proper procedures to enter this country is a crime this particular police officer should be asking some questions about this person's immigration status to determine if a crime has been committed. If one has then the officer should act, if not then the totality of the stop is not extended for an unreasonable amount of time. This is only one of a myriad of ways that a police officer could come into contact with someone that is in this country illegally.
So if people think that this is going to lead to the police stopping people on the street and asking for their passports, they are nuts. In this country probable cause must be established before a custodial detention can be made. If not, then any evidence obtained from the detention will be thrown out of court. I don't know how to put it any plainer.
So Barry is a nut for thinking that this is going to make folks happy and continue to vote for him and his cronies. Well, the Hispanic population will be happy, but not too many others. Ok, the committed left will also be pretty giddy, but they don't have the numbers to really make much of a difference.
So in my opinion let Barry continue down this path and dooming his party to defeat in the November elections. This year and in 2012.
Jan Brewer for president.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Oil, Oil Everywhere
Well, it's been two months since this began, it's about time I spouted off. First let me extend my sincerest condolences to the families of the 11 people that died when the rig exploded. It's the least I can do. It's definitely more than Barry did.
Fiorelo LaGuardia (former mayor of New York) said that there was no Democratic or no Republican way to clean the streets. There was only a right way and a wrong way. He was right. This oil spill in the Gulf is a perfect example. I don't think Barry and his left wing green goons blew up the rig, but he surely doesn't seem to care that this spill isn't getting cleaned up very fast.
I think that this is a prelude to the next incarnation of a Cap and Trade type bill. The big bad oil companies need to be reigned in and then put out of business. This opens the door to "green" energy. Solar and wind power, electric cars, that is if we don't go back to riding horses, of course we can't have nuclear power, but Barry and Van Jones will come up with something.
The tax increases that will come with this will cripple the country. This will be worse than Obamacare. Not only that, gas will probably go to around $8-$9 a gallon. That means that before electric cars are mass produced, and affordable for us mere mortals, all of our extra cash will go into the gas tank of our current cars. That is if we have any extra cash.
What makes me say, er..I mean, type this? Well, it seems that the Dutch government had offered some pretty cool stuff to help clean up and our government refused. I've also seen stories of warehouses full of items to soak up some oil and in the warehouses they continue to sit. Why? So this can become the worst environmental disaster of all time, that's why. That gives the environmentalist wackos the ammunition they think they need to push their idiotic agenda. After all global warming is killing the polar bears.
And since I'm back on global warming, it is currently 49 degrees at the Salt Lake City airport. No that is not a typo, it is 49 chilly degrees. Today is June 11, 2010. Thank you Al Gore.
Now Barry and Attorney Pretender Holder are acting upset and threatening to put folks in prison over this. Hah! BP is open to massive civil liability that if it doesn't bankrupt the company will certainly tarnish it's reputation beyond redemption in our lifetimes. And Barry is looking for an ass to kick. Look no further than your own mirror, Barry. You've had opportunities to do something and instead you've taken time to vacation in Chi-town while claiming to have been on top of things since "Day One."
It's time to admit that you're in over your head. Step back, shut up and let those that know do their thing.
After all Ken Salazar has his boot on the neck of BP. Doesn't he?
Fiorelo LaGuardia (former mayor of New York) said that there was no Democratic or no Republican way to clean the streets. There was only a right way and a wrong way. He was right. This oil spill in the Gulf is a perfect example. I don't think Barry and his left wing green goons blew up the rig, but he surely doesn't seem to care that this spill isn't getting cleaned up very fast.
I think that this is a prelude to the next incarnation of a Cap and Trade type bill. The big bad oil companies need to be reigned in and then put out of business. This opens the door to "green" energy. Solar and wind power, electric cars, that is if we don't go back to riding horses, of course we can't have nuclear power, but Barry and Van Jones will come up with something.
The tax increases that will come with this will cripple the country. This will be worse than Obamacare. Not only that, gas will probably go to around $8-$9 a gallon. That means that before electric cars are mass produced, and affordable for us mere mortals, all of our extra cash will go into the gas tank of our current cars. That is if we have any extra cash.
What makes me say, er..I mean, type this? Well, it seems that the Dutch government had offered some pretty cool stuff to help clean up and our government refused. I've also seen stories of warehouses full of items to soak up some oil and in the warehouses they continue to sit. Why? So this can become the worst environmental disaster of all time, that's why. That gives the environmentalist wackos the ammunition they think they need to push their idiotic agenda. After all global warming is killing the polar bears.
And since I'm back on global warming, it is currently 49 degrees at the Salt Lake City airport. No that is not a typo, it is 49 chilly degrees. Today is June 11, 2010. Thank you Al Gore.
Now Barry and Attorney Pretender Holder are acting upset and threatening to put folks in prison over this. Hah! BP is open to massive civil liability that if it doesn't bankrupt the company will certainly tarnish it's reputation beyond redemption in our lifetimes. And Barry is looking for an ass to kick. Look no further than your own mirror, Barry. You've had opportunities to do something and instead you've taken time to vacation in Chi-town while claiming to have been on top of things since "Day One."
It's time to admit that you're in over your head. Step back, shut up and let those that know do their thing.
After all Ken Salazar has his boot on the neck of BP. Doesn't he?
Monday, June 7, 2010
Enough of the Wackos
I've finally had more than enough of the environmentalist wackos spreading their version of reality. Or in other words, their lines of BS. It's been going on since I was kid with the first Earth Day and then saving the whales was all the rage, who could ever forget Woodsy Owl and his catch phrase of "Give a hoot, don't pollute" and now it's all the "green" commercials on TV.
I have been laughing at the wackos over the past year with all the global warming crap and how the polar bears are drowning. But last weekend I had enough. My wife and I were playing host to our three grandsons. We had fun all day long and were sitting down to the boys favorite dinner, thin crust pizza, when one of the seven year olds told us that his teacher told his class that if we all just painted our roofs white, it would save the planet. I literally felt my heart skip a beat. I also told him in no uncertain terms that his teacher was wrong, period. She is a pinhead.
I'm glad that I live in a country that allows people to think stupid things, but as a teacher this woman is not allowed to bring her liberal political views into the classroom in an attempt to indoctrinate our children. I don't know how to make that any clearer.
Wasn't it Interior Sec. Ken Salazar that made this comment originally? I think it was. Ken "keep our boot on the neck" Salazar telling the world that he thinks if we paint the roofs of our homes and all of our streets white, it would reduce global warming. How #*&^ing ridiculous is this? I don't think this is the answer. Now Ken and the rest of the hippies would like nothing more than to rid the world of the oil industry and go to a complete "green" energy system, but guess what, it aint gonna happen. If it ever becomes cost effective it will take hold, but until then it's drill, baby, drill.
While as of this writing I don't know the name of my grandson's second grade teacher, rest assured that I will find out before the next school year. I will also encourage her to learn about was she is trying to teach before spewing this bunch of crap.
I will also invite her read this blog. Maybe she will learn a thing or two.
I have been laughing at the wackos over the past year with all the global warming crap and how the polar bears are drowning. But last weekend I had enough. My wife and I were playing host to our three grandsons. We had fun all day long and were sitting down to the boys favorite dinner, thin crust pizza, when one of the seven year olds told us that his teacher told his class that if we all just painted our roofs white, it would save the planet. I literally felt my heart skip a beat. I also told him in no uncertain terms that his teacher was wrong, period. She is a pinhead.
I'm glad that I live in a country that allows people to think stupid things, but as a teacher this woman is not allowed to bring her liberal political views into the classroom in an attempt to indoctrinate our children. I don't know how to make that any clearer.
Wasn't it Interior Sec. Ken Salazar that made this comment originally? I think it was. Ken "keep our boot on the neck" Salazar telling the world that he thinks if we paint the roofs of our homes and all of our streets white, it would reduce global warming. How #*&^ing ridiculous is this? I don't think this is the answer. Now Ken and the rest of the hippies would like nothing more than to rid the world of the oil industry and go to a complete "green" energy system, but guess what, it aint gonna happen. If it ever becomes cost effective it will take hold, but until then it's drill, baby, drill.
While as of this writing I don't know the name of my grandson's second grade teacher, rest assured that I will find out before the next school year. I will also encourage her to learn about was she is trying to teach before spewing this bunch of crap.
I will also invite her read this blog. Maybe she will learn a thing or two.
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