Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tea Parties

Did you see this yesterday? Hundreds of thousands of people at about 1000 gatherings across the country. What a display. People fed up with the unparalleled spending of our current federal administration along with the way that the money is spent. And when watching the liberal mainstream media I couldn't find a single episode of people acting out in an inappropriate way buy burning flags or throwing things, in other words, acting like liberals.

It's things like this that make me glad I live in the United States. It also makes me reflect on the people who gave us the right to gather and speak our minds. Our founding fathers and the men and women who have served in our military cannot be thanked enough. If you liked what you saw, thank a veteran.

Back to the content of yesterday's protests. The way I see it is that normal hard working folks are tired of the way our tax dollars are spent. The way the president and congress are demanding that those of us that pay taxes pony up even more to help those that refuse to help themselves. Dennis Miller said it best, to paraphrase, I don't mind helping the helpless, but not the clueless. Well said, sir.

Now Oregon wants to raise the tax on beer almost %2000. Yes you read that right, %2000. I can't say that I'm too surprised, after all Oregon was the first state to legalize marijuana. Maybe they should quit smoking that stuff and think about what they are doing. They think this will help close the 3 Billion dollar shortfall in their budget. If I lived in Oregon I would quit drinking beer. Really I would have moved a long time ago, but if I still lived there I wouldn't buy beer. What buffoonery.

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