Monday, April 6, 2009

The Beginning

I needed a space to voice my opinion on the current state of affairs in our country. I'm confident that some people will not agree with me on many of the issues. That's fine. Believe it or not I would like to hear some of those dissenting opinions. I hope that at least once a week I will be able to post my thoughts. So let's get started.

First on the agenda is our new president's recent European trip. I have to say that I am appalled at his actions. Who does he think he is to tell the word that America is arrogant. America has been protecting the free world for a long time now. Go almost anywhere in the world and find a grave of an American soldier that gave a life in defense of freedom. So according to him I am now supposed to feel guilty for being an American? I think not. There is a difference between confidence and arrogance. Americans are confident that we can stand up to anyone and prevail using toughness, fairness and a desire to make things better for everyone. Maybe the next time the president is in France he should take the time to visit the beaches at Normandy and pay his respects to the 9,000 or so who are buried there. I think the French should be required to go to Normandy and even visit the Somme once in a while and remember how others have stood up for them.

Now let's get to the damage that has been done internally over the last two months by our president and the others that either he has selected for his cabinet and of course the others that we have elected. Where to start?

How about the Treasury Department. How many jobs still need to be filled there? At least he found someone who understands the tax code to run the department. Yes, that last comment was drenched in sarcasm. I've heard some of his comments made during an interview yesterday. He said that CEO's of banks that received TARP money could be removed if the government deemed necessary. After the budget that was recently passed and the debt we all will inherit from that, the current federal government has no business telling financial professionals how to run their businesses. Yes, I'm aware that it was the avarice of the banks as well as the American people that helped to create the current situation, but I believe that someone that has worked in the financial sector might know a little more than the average politician. I can say the American people because in the last five years I have both purchased and refinanced a home. Both times I was offered more money than I needed or asked for. I can see that some folks saw all the money they were offered and just could not refuse. Now they are certainly paying the price.

Now let's explore the president's decision to close Guantanimo Bay. When I first heard of this the only thing I could think of was, "What the hell is he thinking?" Sorry for the language, just trying to be accurate. These people are the worst of the worst. They are committed to the destruction of our country and way of life. Now he wants to give them their day in an American court. These wackos should be given a fair trial by a military tribunal before they are executed. Not given a trial at our expense and then be sent back to where ever they came from to continue to plot to murder our citizens. If that sounds too harsh to you, maybe you should ask yourself where the day in court was for people like Daniel Pearl and others who were beheaded by these terrorists.

Many of us have had a family member serve in either Iraq or Afghanistan during the last six years. I have a nephew in Iraq now. We are all counting the days before Alex comes home. I know another who went and was seriously wounded by a suicide bomber. Jeff will carry those scars forever. And naturally I remember my friend Stan who lost a son. If this isn't "the good fight" I don't know what is. I'm eternally grateful for all who have gone. My heart goes out to the families of those that have not come back. We all need to let Mr. Obama know how we feel about his decision to close Gitmo.

I think that's a good start. Please leave me your thoughts on these subjects. If you want a response, let me know. I will be happy to discuss anything with you.

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