Does this mean that we get to go to the doctor whenever we want and not have to pay for it? Even if I don't have a job, an income (legitimate anyway) or any other form of medical coverage? Man, that sounds sweet. Where do I sign up? And since I don't have to pay for it, I'm going twice a week.
Ok, I know that's a gross oversimplification, but come on, who on earth thinks this can work? I mean besides the president, Hillary, Ted Kennedy and Waxman? I surely don't. Surprised? I didn't think so. If this passes we might all as well quit or jobs and refuse to work. After all, isn't that who this is mainly for? Certainly there are those that are working and don't have medical insurance, I was in that boat for several years myself, but they knew that going in.
I see that the House just passed a resolution for health care reform to the tune of 1.5 Trillion dollars over the next ten years. Excuse me? 150 Billion dollars a year? Once again, What the hell are they thinking? Free health care for the indigent and the worthless (not necessarily the same folks) for the 50 million people without coverage and the rest of us pay for it. That works out to $3,000 per person per year for the next ten years. My insurance doesn't cost nearly that much now and I have decent coverage. If the government wants to insure these folks then they should be able to find cheaper ways. Plus, when has the government ever guessed right on the cost of anything? Guaranteed, the cost will be at least twice the estimate.
Wait a minute, there is a cheaper way, Medicare and Medicaid. No, the government couldn't run those programs either. Well, not unless you consider running them into the ground as running them.
How about this, let's enforce the fraud laws we have in place a go after the corruption. If the waste and the fraud were brought into check then the insurance companies wouldn't charge so much and health care would be more affordable for everyone. After all they are just businesses trying to make a buck. Isn't that the American way? Or is that just a fading memory?
But wait, there's more. Who can afford to pay the taxes that will be needed to pay for all of the money this government has committed us to? If this monstrosity becomes a reality, with the inflation and higher taxes coming our way, who can afford to live anymore? It will cost more money to go to work than it's worth. So what will be the point?
My wife and I already pay over %30 of our income in state and federal taxes. That doesn't include the taxes we pay on everything we purchase. I realize that this is low compared to some countries in Europe and even Canada. I have been to several countries in Europe and I can tell you first hand that they do not enjoy the same standard of living that we do here. A house like mine is only available to the super rich in Europe. Most folks live in apartments and condos. When on my last fishing trip to Canada I asked how much they paid in federal tax. I was told that it was in the neighborhood of %60. If asked to pay that much I would lose my house. I would be forced to move back into an apartment. Everything that I have worked for would be for naught. So much for the American dream.
I think that's unfair to ask of anyone, not just me. My kids would probably be in the same situation. I guess we could all live in the same complex, huh? But we would could feel good about ourselves because those that refused to work and those that knew they did not get medical insurance at their current job could now go to the doctor on us.
My wife had four children and no insurance. Her husband at the time was working a job where it was not offered. They paid the hospital and the doctors out of their own pocket. In full. When the kids needed to see the doctor, they went. And the doctor was paid. Maybe a payment plan had to be worked out, but still they took care of their obligations. Not just to the kids, but to the doctor. I call that personal responsibility.
That seems to be what the government is lacking today. Or at least doesn't care if their constituents possess any. After all the socialist way is to just take care of everybody.
Now don't get me wrong, the idea sounds good, but it's just not feasible. The money it would take on top of everything else is just too much to ask.
Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Congressman Waxman need to sit back and reflect on what they are proposing. What will this do to our country? Our already struggling economy? And to the taxpayers? Oh, did I fail to mention that %43 of folks don't pay taxes. Yeah, then they really get health care for free. But also to the people that are thinking of becoming doctors. Sure they make a pile of money, but isn't that equal to their level of education? They go to college for 30 years or so it seems. Let them make a good living.
I really think the whole idea is unconstitutional. After all doesn't this interfere with my right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? I mean, if I can't get to the doctor, I'm dead, right? That's a no brainer. If I'm poor as a church mouse because the government takes most of my earnings, I don't have the liberty that I had. And if I can't choose my level of coverage and my own doctor and how best to take care of me, then I'm surely not happy.
But then again I work hard and make a decent wage, so the government thinks I should take care of those that wont take care of themselves. It's been said before, I'll help the helpless, not the clueless.
Let's make sure we vote these people out of office at the first chance we get. Maybe we can limit the damage they're doing.
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