Thursday, July 16, 2009

National Health Care II

Where do I start now? Is the government really going to force people to sign up for their health care plan even if they don't want to? Then if they still refuse, tax them an exorbitant amount of money until they do? Doesn't sound legal to me. At least that's what I put into an e-mail to the president. Man, wait until next tax year and I get the audit from hell. Oh well, I keep all my receipts.

This has gotten way out of hand. The NY Times I think it was posted what will probably be the new tax tables if this crazy thing gets passed. If it's true then most of us will be living in the streets and on public assistance. Even with our jobs we wont be able to keep our house and still afford to put gas in the car to go to work. That's before state taxes. Even before Cap and Trade taxes. Wow, this feels like 200 years ago. Not that I'm advocating a trip to Boston to dump tea in the harbor. Who wants to go to Boston anyway?

What we need to do is make sure our elected officials hear us loud and clear. Write them often. Like I said, I have sent an e-mail to the president and also to Nancy Pelosi and Congressman Chaffetz and to Senators Hatch and Bennett. On Sunday they can expect another epistle from cyberspace with my name on it. We have to keep the pressure up so they know exactly how we feel. If you don't want to participate, that's fine. I just don't want to hear any complaining if things don't go our way.

Reform through regulation is the way to go in my opinion. Get rid of the waste and the fraud. And make damn sure the people who are receiving benefits are actually deserving. Case in point, I know a guy who has adopted two children. My hat's off to him for taking in these children and giving them a shot at a decent life. He tells me that both of these kids are covered by Medicare until they are 18. Now he has a good job and health insurance comes with it. But he wonders why he should put these kids on his insurance when he gets it from the government for free. It's not free. Other people pay for it. He has the ability to cover these kids, he refuses to, but will allow us to do it for him. That's irresponsible on his part. Neglect on the part of the government for allowing it.

But unless we do something to stop the economy killing idea from coming to fruition, it may be a moot point. After all, if this happens no one will have private insurance after a while anyways. Written into this government takeover plan is the provision that all Americans would be required to have insurance of some sort. If you start a new job after the first day of the first year that the bill becomes law, you will not be allowed to have private insurance. Your provider will be the federal government and you will be required to buy it. Don't believe me, page 16 of the bill. Happy reading.

I have often wondered how politicians sleep at night. Then I remember, they're nothing but a bunch of bloodsuckers.

Vampires sleep during the day.

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