Last night I watched President Obama in his now almost monthly news conference. This one concerning his push for nationalized health care. It was the same old talking points, hammering on the former president and down right fabrication.
One thing that struck me was that he said 14,000 people a day were losing their insurance coverage. That's 420,000 people a month. Or 5,040,000 a year. I would like to see where he gets the numbers for that. Of course that can never happen because who knows what the numbers really are.
It was hard to pay close attention because he just rambled on and on, not really saying much of anything. The answer to the first question lasted in the neighborhood of eight minutes and didn't even answer the question. Normal for this president, I guess.
What made me sit straight up in disbelief was his answer to the last question of the evening. The one concerning his friend Dr. Gates of Harvard University. Now Dr. Gates is distinguished in his field of African American studies, considered to be the foremost authority in the country. Mr. Obama admitted that they are friends, but also that he did not have all the facts surrounding this case. In case you don't know, Dr. Gates was arrested for disorderly conduct by a white police officer in his own home. He had forgotten his keys and when returning home from a trip had to force his way into the home. A neighbor had called police about a possible burglary. All I know is that the police arrived and after determining that this was Dr. Gate's residence he was arrested for disorderly conduct. I don't know the particulars and will not guess. I will leave that to the president.
Now, the president recounted the reason for the police presence and was fine with that. What gets to me is the following. Mr. Obama, the president of these United States, said on national television that the police "acted stupidly" in arresting Dr. Gates. He tried to cover it up by saying the he did not know if race played a part, but stated the long history of racism by police in detaining black and Latino people. He even tried to say the word Latino with a Spanish accent. Pathetic.
I believe that I said that I didn't know what happened inside the house and so did Obama. I wont guess as to what happened, so why should he? What kind of message did he send to people last night? I think it was that the police are stupid and racist. I almost fell off the couch when I heard this and I was laying down.
Then I heard that moron Robert Gibbs say that the president wasn't calling the officer stupid. What the hell do you call it then?
Let me ask the president this, I work as a police officer in a city with a large Latino population, is it fair to say that when I pull over a car that has a Latino driver that I'm using racial profiling? Or am I just pulling someone over for a traffic violation? What about the gangs in my city? What if most of the members are Latino? Am I just being prejudiced when I arrest one of them for a crime? Or how about the fact that I'm just doing my job and I pull over cars and arrest people that need it no matter the color of their skin?
I'm sick and tired of people that have watched one too many episodes of their favorite cop show thinking they know everything about my job and how to do it. Here's an idea for all the pinhead street corner lawyers out there. Why don't you try being a police officer for the next ten years or so and then tell me what you think. Until then you can all just shut your mouths because just like President Obama last night, you have no clue as to what you are talking about.
It's no wonder he isn't allowed off the tele-prompter very often.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
National Health Care II
Where do I start now? Is the government really going to force people to sign up for their health care plan even if they don't want to? Then if they still refuse, tax them an exorbitant amount of money until they do? Doesn't sound legal to me. At least that's what I put into an e-mail to the president. Man, wait until next tax year and I get the audit from hell. Oh well, I keep all my receipts.
This has gotten way out of hand. The NY Times I think it was posted what will probably be the new tax tables if this crazy thing gets passed. If it's true then most of us will be living in the streets and on public assistance. Even with our jobs we wont be able to keep our house and still afford to put gas in the car to go to work. That's before state taxes. Even before Cap and Trade taxes. Wow, this feels like 200 years ago. Not that I'm advocating a trip to Boston to dump tea in the harbor. Who wants to go to Boston anyway?
What we need to do is make sure our elected officials hear us loud and clear. Write them often. Like I said, I have sent an e-mail to the president and also to Nancy Pelosi and Congressman Chaffetz and to Senators Hatch and Bennett. On Sunday they can expect another epistle from cyberspace with my name on it. We have to keep the pressure up so they know exactly how we feel. If you don't want to participate, that's fine. I just don't want to hear any complaining if things don't go our way.
Reform through regulation is the way to go in my opinion. Get rid of the waste and the fraud. And make damn sure the people who are receiving benefits are actually deserving. Case in point, I know a guy who has adopted two children. My hat's off to him for taking in these children and giving them a shot at a decent life. He tells me that both of these kids are covered by Medicare until they are 18. Now he has a good job and health insurance comes with it. But he wonders why he should put these kids on his insurance when he gets it from the government for free. It's not free. Other people pay for it. He has the ability to cover these kids, he refuses to, but will allow us to do it for him. That's irresponsible on his part. Neglect on the part of the government for allowing it.
But unless we do something to stop the economy killing idea from coming to fruition, it may be a moot point. After all, if this happens no one will have private insurance after a while anyways. Written into this government takeover plan is the provision that all Americans would be required to have insurance of some sort. If you start a new job after the first day of the first year that the bill becomes law, you will not be allowed to have private insurance. Your provider will be the federal government and you will be required to buy it. Don't believe me, page 16 of the bill. Happy reading.
I have often wondered how politicians sleep at night. Then I remember, they're nothing but a bunch of bloodsuckers.
Vampires sleep during the day.
This has gotten way out of hand. The NY Times I think it was posted what will probably be the new tax tables if this crazy thing gets passed. If it's true then most of us will be living in the streets and on public assistance. Even with our jobs we wont be able to keep our house and still afford to put gas in the car to go to work. That's before state taxes. Even before Cap and Trade taxes. Wow, this feels like 200 years ago. Not that I'm advocating a trip to Boston to dump tea in the harbor. Who wants to go to Boston anyway?
What we need to do is make sure our elected officials hear us loud and clear. Write them often. Like I said, I have sent an e-mail to the president and also to Nancy Pelosi and Congressman Chaffetz and to Senators Hatch and Bennett. On Sunday they can expect another epistle from cyberspace with my name on it. We have to keep the pressure up so they know exactly how we feel. If you don't want to participate, that's fine. I just don't want to hear any complaining if things don't go our way.
Reform through regulation is the way to go in my opinion. Get rid of the waste and the fraud. And make damn sure the people who are receiving benefits are actually deserving. Case in point, I know a guy who has adopted two children. My hat's off to him for taking in these children and giving them a shot at a decent life. He tells me that both of these kids are covered by Medicare until they are 18. Now he has a good job and health insurance comes with it. But he wonders why he should put these kids on his insurance when he gets it from the government for free. It's not free. Other people pay for it. He has the ability to cover these kids, he refuses to, but will allow us to do it for him. That's irresponsible on his part. Neglect on the part of the government for allowing it.
But unless we do something to stop the economy killing idea from coming to fruition, it may be a moot point. After all, if this happens no one will have private insurance after a while anyways. Written into this government takeover plan is the provision that all Americans would be required to have insurance of some sort. If you start a new job after the first day of the first year that the bill becomes law, you will not be allowed to have private insurance. Your provider will be the federal government and you will be required to buy it. Don't believe me, page 16 of the bill. Happy reading.
I have often wondered how politicians sleep at night. Then I remember, they're nothing but a bunch of bloodsuckers.
Vampires sleep during the day.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
National Health Care
Does this mean that we get to go to the doctor whenever we want and not have to pay for it? Even if I don't have a job, an income (legitimate anyway) or any other form of medical coverage? Man, that sounds sweet. Where do I sign up? And since I don't have to pay for it, I'm going twice a week.
Ok, I know that's a gross oversimplification, but come on, who on earth thinks this can work? I mean besides the president, Hillary, Ted Kennedy and Waxman? I surely don't. Surprised? I didn't think so. If this passes we might all as well quit or jobs and refuse to work. After all, isn't that who this is mainly for? Certainly there are those that are working and don't have medical insurance, I was in that boat for several years myself, but they knew that going in.
I see that the House just passed a resolution for health care reform to the tune of 1.5 Trillion dollars over the next ten years. Excuse me? 150 Billion dollars a year? Once again, What the hell are they thinking? Free health care for the indigent and the worthless (not necessarily the same folks) for the 50 million people without coverage and the rest of us pay for it. That works out to $3,000 per person per year for the next ten years. My insurance doesn't cost nearly that much now and I have decent coverage. If the government wants to insure these folks then they should be able to find cheaper ways. Plus, when has the government ever guessed right on the cost of anything? Guaranteed, the cost will be at least twice the estimate.
Wait a minute, there is a cheaper way, Medicare and Medicaid. No, the government couldn't run those programs either. Well, not unless you consider running them into the ground as running them.
How about this, let's enforce the fraud laws we have in place a go after the corruption. If the waste and the fraud were brought into check then the insurance companies wouldn't charge so much and health care would be more affordable for everyone. After all they are just businesses trying to make a buck. Isn't that the American way? Or is that just a fading memory?
But wait, there's more. Who can afford to pay the taxes that will be needed to pay for all of the money this government has committed us to? If this monstrosity becomes a reality, with the inflation and higher taxes coming our way, who can afford to live anymore? It will cost more money to go to work than it's worth. So what will be the point?
My wife and I already pay over %30 of our income in state and federal taxes. That doesn't include the taxes we pay on everything we purchase. I realize that this is low compared to some countries in Europe and even Canada. I have been to several countries in Europe and I can tell you first hand that they do not enjoy the same standard of living that we do here. A house like mine is only available to the super rich in Europe. Most folks live in apartments and condos. When on my last fishing trip to Canada I asked how much they paid in federal tax. I was told that it was in the neighborhood of %60. If asked to pay that much I would lose my house. I would be forced to move back into an apartment. Everything that I have worked for would be for naught. So much for the American dream.
I think that's unfair to ask of anyone, not just me. My kids would probably be in the same situation. I guess we could all live in the same complex, huh? But we would could feel good about ourselves because those that refused to work and those that knew they did not get medical insurance at their current job could now go to the doctor on us.
My wife had four children and no insurance. Her husband at the time was working a job where it was not offered. They paid the hospital and the doctors out of their own pocket. In full. When the kids needed to see the doctor, they went. And the doctor was paid. Maybe a payment plan had to be worked out, but still they took care of their obligations. Not just to the kids, but to the doctor. I call that personal responsibility.
That seems to be what the government is lacking today. Or at least doesn't care if their constituents possess any. After all the socialist way is to just take care of everybody.
Now don't get me wrong, the idea sounds good, but it's just not feasible. The money it would take on top of everything else is just too much to ask.
Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Congressman Waxman need to sit back and reflect on what they are proposing. What will this do to our country? Our already struggling economy? And to the taxpayers? Oh, did I fail to mention that %43 of folks don't pay taxes. Yeah, then they really get health care for free. But also to the people that are thinking of becoming doctors. Sure they make a pile of money, but isn't that equal to their level of education? They go to college for 30 years or so it seems. Let them make a good living.
I really think the whole idea is unconstitutional. After all doesn't this interfere with my right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? I mean, if I can't get to the doctor, I'm dead, right? That's a no brainer. If I'm poor as a church mouse because the government takes most of my earnings, I don't have the liberty that I had. And if I can't choose my level of coverage and my own doctor and how best to take care of me, then I'm surely not happy.
But then again I work hard and make a decent wage, so the government thinks I should take care of those that wont take care of themselves. It's been said before, I'll help the helpless, not the clueless.
Let's make sure we vote these people out of office at the first chance we get. Maybe we can limit the damage they're doing.
Ok, I know that's a gross oversimplification, but come on, who on earth thinks this can work? I mean besides the president, Hillary, Ted Kennedy and Waxman? I surely don't. Surprised? I didn't think so. If this passes we might all as well quit or jobs and refuse to work. After all, isn't that who this is mainly for? Certainly there are those that are working and don't have medical insurance, I was in that boat for several years myself, but they knew that going in.
I see that the House just passed a resolution for health care reform to the tune of 1.5 Trillion dollars over the next ten years. Excuse me? 150 Billion dollars a year? Once again, What the hell are they thinking? Free health care for the indigent and the worthless (not necessarily the same folks) for the 50 million people without coverage and the rest of us pay for it. That works out to $3,000 per person per year for the next ten years. My insurance doesn't cost nearly that much now and I have decent coverage. If the government wants to insure these folks then they should be able to find cheaper ways. Plus, when has the government ever guessed right on the cost of anything? Guaranteed, the cost will be at least twice the estimate.
Wait a minute, there is a cheaper way, Medicare and Medicaid. No, the government couldn't run those programs either. Well, not unless you consider running them into the ground as running them.
How about this, let's enforce the fraud laws we have in place a go after the corruption. If the waste and the fraud were brought into check then the insurance companies wouldn't charge so much and health care would be more affordable for everyone. After all they are just businesses trying to make a buck. Isn't that the American way? Or is that just a fading memory?
But wait, there's more. Who can afford to pay the taxes that will be needed to pay for all of the money this government has committed us to? If this monstrosity becomes a reality, with the inflation and higher taxes coming our way, who can afford to live anymore? It will cost more money to go to work than it's worth. So what will be the point?
My wife and I already pay over %30 of our income in state and federal taxes. That doesn't include the taxes we pay on everything we purchase. I realize that this is low compared to some countries in Europe and even Canada. I have been to several countries in Europe and I can tell you first hand that they do not enjoy the same standard of living that we do here. A house like mine is only available to the super rich in Europe. Most folks live in apartments and condos. When on my last fishing trip to Canada I asked how much they paid in federal tax. I was told that it was in the neighborhood of %60. If asked to pay that much I would lose my house. I would be forced to move back into an apartment. Everything that I have worked for would be for naught. So much for the American dream.
I think that's unfair to ask of anyone, not just me. My kids would probably be in the same situation. I guess we could all live in the same complex, huh? But we would could feel good about ourselves because those that refused to work and those that knew they did not get medical insurance at their current job could now go to the doctor on us.
My wife had four children and no insurance. Her husband at the time was working a job where it was not offered. They paid the hospital and the doctors out of their own pocket. In full. When the kids needed to see the doctor, they went. And the doctor was paid. Maybe a payment plan had to be worked out, but still they took care of their obligations. Not just to the kids, but to the doctor. I call that personal responsibility.
That seems to be what the government is lacking today. Or at least doesn't care if their constituents possess any. After all the socialist way is to just take care of everybody.
Now don't get me wrong, the idea sounds good, but it's just not feasible. The money it would take on top of everything else is just too much to ask.
Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Congressman Waxman need to sit back and reflect on what they are proposing. What will this do to our country? Our already struggling economy? And to the taxpayers? Oh, did I fail to mention that %43 of folks don't pay taxes. Yeah, then they really get health care for free. But also to the people that are thinking of becoming doctors. Sure they make a pile of money, but isn't that equal to their level of education? They go to college for 30 years or so it seems. Let them make a good living.
I really think the whole idea is unconstitutional. After all doesn't this interfere with my right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? I mean, if I can't get to the doctor, I'm dead, right? That's a no brainer. If I'm poor as a church mouse because the government takes most of my earnings, I don't have the liberty that I had. And if I can't choose my level of coverage and my own doctor and how best to take care of me, then I'm surely not happy.
But then again I work hard and make a decent wage, so the government thinks I should take care of those that wont take care of themselves. It's been said before, I'll help the helpless, not the clueless.
Let's make sure we vote these people out of office at the first chance we get. Maybe we can limit the damage they're doing.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Utah's Concealed Firearms Law
The other day I saw the daily "Bobcast" of Bob Lonsberry about how he is packing heat. And he means carrying a gun. Mr. Lonsberry is a morning talk show host on AM 570KNRS. I like the show, his daily column and the video column otherwise known as the Bobcast. On the days that the two of us are both working, I listen. Mr. Lonsberry is a pretty funny guy with a dry sense of humor. He can also be dead serious, passionate, compassionate and a guy who can make you think. He is also very conservative, patriotic and a strong supporter of the police. I admire those qualities in a person.
Bob admits in the video that he carries a pistol almost everywhere. I'm quite sure he has a permit to do so as is required by state statute. I have heard Bob mention on several occasions of his membership in the NRA as well. So I bet he has a pretty good knowledge of his guns and is at the very least a pretty decent shot. But I bet that not everyone that has a permit possesses theses same qualities.
You see, where I have a problem with the law is that a live fire exercise is not required. It's not even mentioned in the law. All the law says a person needs to have is a "general familiarity" with the safe loading, unloading and storage of the type of firearm to be concealed and the current laws pertaining to self defense with a firearm by a private citizen. So to me that means if you can put the bullets in and take them out without putting a hole in something that didn't have one before, you're half way home. The second half is to know that you can only shoot someone if your life or that of someone else's is in imminent threat of death or serious bodily injury. That's it. No need to show that you can actually shoot your gun with a modicum of proficiency.
This is not enough. It's one thing to take your favorite pistol out to the west desert and shoot up some soda cans or a cactus or pictures of your ex-wife, or even pictures of my ex-wife, and completely another to carry that same pistol into the grocery store or when picking up the kids from school or having to display it in a situation where it is warranted without the proper training. Live fire exercises must be made mandatory. Period.
The legislature should come up with a hard date and make everyone who is applying for a permit for the first time and everyone that now holds a permit, when they renew, to pass a live fire exercise. I think that I'll write my local congressman and suggest that.
Yes, I'm a police officer. Yes, I am a firearms instructor in my department. Yes, I have been under scrutiny from the DA's office after having been involved in a situation where a man lost his life after being shot by an officer. I was not the one who fired, but was right in the middle of things and I can say that the shooting was justified by self defense.
Now remember, those of us that were there that night have had a lot of state approved training between us and I was also a member of the military in the early 80's. I'm not sure of the others, but I have been handling firearms since I was five years old when I started hunting with my father and grandfather. Even so the stress afterwards was almost intolerable. A person who shoots another and kills him is looked at as a possible homicide suspect until the investigation shows otherwise. I'm okay with that. To do differently would not be prudent.
Imagine if it's Joe Citizen that has been through the state concealed carry class, gets the permit, but because they didn't have to show proficiency, isn't and then gets involved in a shooting. What do you think the scrutiny level would be then? I would guess it would be great.
We all are taught that behind every bullet down range a lawyer is standing behind it. If you think you wont be sued afterwards, you are living in a fantasy world. It's more than likely coming shortly after the dust settles. I think that if a person is better trained and can articulate well why the action taken was necessary, then the better off they will be.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think that everyone should have to get as much training as I did in the academy or as I do now, but they need some and should have to continue to show proficiency at least once a year. After all, some folks take their guns everywhere.
And I take two with me to work every day.
Bob admits in the video that he carries a pistol almost everywhere. I'm quite sure he has a permit to do so as is required by state statute. I have heard Bob mention on several occasions of his membership in the NRA as well. So I bet he has a pretty good knowledge of his guns and is at the very least a pretty decent shot. But I bet that not everyone that has a permit possesses theses same qualities.
You see, where I have a problem with the law is that a live fire exercise is not required. It's not even mentioned in the law. All the law says a person needs to have is a "general familiarity" with the safe loading, unloading and storage of the type of firearm to be concealed and the current laws pertaining to self defense with a firearm by a private citizen. So to me that means if you can put the bullets in and take them out without putting a hole in something that didn't have one before, you're half way home. The second half is to know that you can only shoot someone if your life or that of someone else's is in imminent threat of death or serious bodily injury. That's it. No need to show that you can actually shoot your gun with a modicum of proficiency.
This is not enough. It's one thing to take your favorite pistol out to the west desert and shoot up some soda cans or a cactus or pictures of your ex-wife, or even pictures of my ex-wife, and completely another to carry that same pistol into the grocery store or when picking up the kids from school or having to display it in a situation where it is warranted without the proper training. Live fire exercises must be made mandatory. Period.
The legislature should come up with a hard date and make everyone who is applying for a permit for the first time and everyone that now holds a permit, when they renew, to pass a live fire exercise. I think that I'll write my local congressman and suggest that.
Yes, I'm a police officer. Yes, I am a firearms instructor in my department. Yes, I have been under scrutiny from the DA's office after having been involved in a situation where a man lost his life after being shot by an officer. I was not the one who fired, but was right in the middle of things and I can say that the shooting was justified by self defense.
Now remember, those of us that were there that night have had a lot of state approved training between us and I was also a member of the military in the early 80's. I'm not sure of the others, but I have been handling firearms since I was five years old when I started hunting with my father and grandfather. Even so the stress afterwards was almost intolerable. A person who shoots another and kills him is looked at as a possible homicide suspect until the investigation shows otherwise. I'm okay with that. To do differently would not be prudent.
Imagine if it's Joe Citizen that has been through the state concealed carry class, gets the permit, but because they didn't have to show proficiency, isn't and then gets involved in a shooting. What do you think the scrutiny level would be then? I would guess it would be great.
We all are taught that behind every bullet down range a lawyer is standing behind it. If you think you wont be sued afterwards, you are living in a fantasy world. It's more than likely coming shortly after the dust settles. I think that if a person is better trained and can articulate well why the action taken was necessary, then the better off they will be.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think that everyone should have to get as much training as I did in the academy or as I do now, but they need some and should have to continue to show proficiency at least once a year. After all, some folks take their guns everywhere.
And I take two with me to work every day.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Oh no, the "R" word. I think it's time for a frank (sorry about that) discussion on the subject and who seems to be the racists of today. Ever since the campaign for the 2008 presidential elections this subject has once again reared its ugly head. So here we go.
Let's start at the beginning. Early on in our country's history slavery was a common practice in the southern states. Thomas Jefferson had hoped that this issue could be resolved and the practice ended peacefully by slowly phasing it out. His idea was to have a hard date that in which all black people were born after would be free and southern farmers could replace the slave labor with hired hands. Needless to say this did not happen and it took the civil war and a courageous President Lincoln to end slavery.
Now in this country there are those that are still closed minded and have problems with people of color. Not just blacks, but every other race. In my opinion these people are morons. I was born in the 1960's. When I was a little boy I saw the battle for equality on the evening news. I did not understand why it was happening then and I still don't today. Everyone has seen the bit of Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech were he says that one day he hopes that people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. Even as a small child this made sense to me. I hope this is how I have treated people along the way.
What has made this country great is the contributions that we have gotten from folks that have come from all over the world. In the fields of science, technology, medicine and any other field you can think of, people of all races and backgrounds have achieved great things. Needless to say our lives would be much different without these advances.
In this day and age though it seems that if you are a white person it is okay if you are discriminated against. Take the recent case of the firefighters in New Haven, Ct. The city threw out promotional exams passed by 17 white men and 2 Hispanics and no blacks. For some reason the city thought the folks who didn't pass would sue and great trouble would follow. Lo and behold it was the white firefighters who sued and the second circuit court agreed with the city. Guess who wrote the opinion, Sonia Sotomayor. She ignored the law that says discrimination based on race is illegal. Naturally the Supreme Court overturned her decision. This is not the first time either.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Sonia Sotomayor is a racist. She thinks that since she is a Latina woman that she has had the deck stacked against her since the beginning. Yet she then goes on to say that she is a product of affirmative action, that she was not the most qualified to get into an Ivy League school, but since she was considered a minority she got in. Now she is being considered for the highest court in the land. What a shame.
I could also start in on people like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Jeremiah Wright, Spike Lee, George Lopez, Jeanene Garafolo and others who do nothing but spew forth hatred and keep us divided, but there are only so many hours in a day.
But again this is the age we live in. If a white male had said something along these lines, he would have been eaten alive by the national press and every special interest group in the country. As he should be. But why do we allow anyone to say these kinds of things at all? I believe in free speech, but when it comes to folks that preach hatred, something needs to be done.
I understand that the history of discrimination against people of color in this country is long. But I do believe that we as a nation have made great strides to correct the errors of the past.
What really gets to me is the fact that we allow groups like the NAACP, La Raza, a "fill in the blank" Chamber of Commerce or any other group with a race or nationality in it's title to exist. Isn't this discriminatory? Doesn't this send the message that it is okay to tell people outside of your group that they are not welcome?
I think it does. I think that in today's society that this is unacceptable. If the tables were turned and these were white only groups, they would all be branded as racist organizations. I would really like to know what makes these groups any different.
Hopefully someone noticed that I did not once use the term African-American or Hispanic-American or Native-American or any others to categorize a group of people. That's because I don't believe in those terms. I believe that we are all Americans. If you were born here then you are by definition an American. If you have immigrated here, then you are a(n), whatever country you came from until you become a citizen. Any other label that you put on yourself just means that you think you are different and deserve special treatment. If a goal is equality, then these labels shoot the argument for equality right in the foot.
It's time that we let the issue of color go. It no longer applies.
If the people that I have mentioned earlier and those that agree with them really want to see where the majority of racists are in this country, all they need to do is look in the mirror.
Let's start at the beginning. Early on in our country's history slavery was a common practice in the southern states. Thomas Jefferson had hoped that this issue could be resolved and the practice ended peacefully by slowly phasing it out. His idea was to have a hard date that in which all black people were born after would be free and southern farmers could replace the slave labor with hired hands. Needless to say this did not happen and it took the civil war and a courageous President Lincoln to end slavery.
Now in this country there are those that are still closed minded and have problems with people of color. Not just blacks, but every other race. In my opinion these people are morons. I was born in the 1960's. When I was a little boy I saw the battle for equality on the evening news. I did not understand why it was happening then and I still don't today. Everyone has seen the bit of Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech were he says that one day he hopes that people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. Even as a small child this made sense to me. I hope this is how I have treated people along the way.
What has made this country great is the contributions that we have gotten from folks that have come from all over the world. In the fields of science, technology, medicine and any other field you can think of, people of all races and backgrounds have achieved great things. Needless to say our lives would be much different without these advances.
In this day and age though it seems that if you are a white person it is okay if you are discriminated against. Take the recent case of the firefighters in New Haven, Ct. The city threw out promotional exams passed by 17 white men and 2 Hispanics and no blacks. For some reason the city thought the folks who didn't pass would sue and great trouble would follow. Lo and behold it was the white firefighters who sued and the second circuit court agreed with the city. Guess who wrote the opinion, Sonia Sotomayor. She ignored the law that says discrimination based on race is illegal. Naturally the Supreme Court overturned her decision. This is not the first time either.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Sonia Sotomayor is a racist. She thinks that since she is a Latina woman that she has had the deck stacked against her since the beginning. Yet she then goes on to say that she is a product of affirmative action, that she was not the most qualified to get into an Ivy League school, but since she was considered a minority she got in. Now she is being considered for the highest court in the land. What a shame.
I could also start in on people like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Jeremiah Wright, Spike Lee, George Lopez, Jeanene Garafolo and others who do nothing but spew forth hatred and keep us divided, but there are only so many hours in a day.
But again this is the age we live in. If a white male had said something along these lines, he would have been eaten alive by the national press and every special interest group in the country. As he should be. But why do we allow anyone to say these kinds of things at all? I believe in free speech, but when it comes to folks that preach hatred, something needs to be done.
I understand that the history of discrimination against people of color in this country is long. But I do believe that we as a nation have made great strides to correct the errors of the past.
What really gets to me is the fact that we allow groups like the NAACP, La Raza, a "fill in the blank" Chamber of Commerce or any other group with a race or nationality in it's title to exist. Isn't this discriminatory? Doesn't this send the message that it is okay to tell people outside of your group that they are not welcome?
I think it does. I think that in today's society that this is unacceptable. If the tables were turned and these were white only groups, they would all be branded as racist organizations. I would really like to know what makes these groups any different.
Hopefully someone noticed that I did not once use the term African-American or Hispanic-American or Native-American or any others to categorize a group of people. That's because I don't believe in those terms. I believe that we are all Americans. If you were born here then you are by definition an American. If you have immigrated here, then you are a(n), whatever country you came from until you become a citizen. Any other label that you put on yourself just means that you think you are different and deserve special treatment. If a goal is equality, then these labels shoot the argument for equality right in the foot.
It's time that we let the issue of color go. It no longer applies.
If the people that I have mentioned earlier and those that agree with them really want to see where the majority of racists are in this country, all they need to do is look in the mirror.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Yesterday was the birthday of our great nation. I attended a function known as the Stadium of Fire in Provo. I went because two of my grand daughters were performing as part of the Stadium dance team. Along with about 300 other young ladies. With the aid of some binoculars I was able to find them in the crowd. They seemed to have enjoyed themselves after all the hard work they had put in and I must admit I enjoyed watching them.
Also performing last night was a local group called SHeDAISY and some brothers named Jonas. It would appear that every girl under the age of 13 knows who the brothers are. They screamed non stop and my ears will ring for days after that. It was fun to watch my eight year old grand daughter mouth the words to all of the songs.
The master of ceremonies was a guy named Glenn Beck. In case someone has not heard of Mr. Beck, he is a conservative talk show host on the Fox News Network. He is kind of a nutty guy, with a warped sense of humor, he gets pretty emotional when he speaks to issues close to his heart concerning our great nation and wears Converse All Stars tennis shoes with a suit and tie. I listen to Glenn Beck on occasion because of his sense of humor and because of his passion. I don't always agree, but hey, that's what we get to do in this country.
Part of the show last night was the retiring of an American flag. It is the flag that was sent to Utah in early 2002 from New York to be flown over the Olympics in February of that year. The flag unfortunately was showing some wear after years of faithful service. Now the proper method of retiring a flag is to burn it. After all one cannot expect that a flag is to just be thrown into a garbage can now can they?
So the flag was brought into the stadium by a military honor guard and placed into a cauldron. During this time a choir was singing a somber rendition of "It's a Grand Ol' Flag", the lights were dim and Mr. Beck was speaking of the flag and it's meaning. During this time I picked up my six year old grandson and asked him to listen to the story and watch what was happening. By the time the flag had reached the cauldron and the song was over I felt the tears running down my face. I was reflecting on what the flag means to me, what it means to our country, what ideals it stands for and the people that have stood up in defense of this country. I'm not sure he grasped the entire meaning of the moment, but in years to come I'm sure he will.
So today I read both local papers online to include articles about last nights festivities. Imagine my surprise when I read comments about this was just a partisan political rally and how it's disgusting that Glenn Beck wraps himself in the flag and then just collects a paycheck and that unless you're a member of the GOP and the Mormon Church you were not welcome.
These people just don't get it. And I would hazard a guess to say that most who commented weren't even there. Not once did I hear Mr. Beck say anything that could be considered partisan politics. I heard him speak of the greatness of our country and the things we have and can continue to accomplish. He also spoke highly of the men and women who serve our country in the military. The one's who are willing to fight the rights of people all over the world. Nothing partisan about that.
It also sounds to me that these young (I'm guessing) ideologues have never considered wearing that uniform in service of their country. I guess now all it takes is a grandiose idea of a Utopian society and an Internet connection and they think they can save the world.
Obviously by the title of this blog, I don't agree with the left. I know that the cost of freedom is human blood. Like my grandfathers and my father before me I chose to serve in the military to stand up for freedom. Now I chose to continue to serve as a police officer, as my father also did and my oldest son does as well. I also have a nephew that has served one tour in Iraq and is readying himself for a deployment to Afghanistan.
So although I don't agree with these folks my family I have been willing to fight for their right to say what they want. I hope that they are willing to do the same.
Yes, I consider myself a Patriot. Nothing wrong with that. After all I'm willing to make sacrifices to help ensure the safety and security of my country. I have missed family events such as birthdays, school plays, plenty of holidays and the like. I have bled for this choice and have a scar or two to show for it. I don't complain, and if given a choice I would do it all over again.
What do you choose?
Also performing last night was a local group called SHeDAISY and some brothers named Jonas. It would appear that every girl under the age of 13 knows who the brothers are. They screamed non stop and my ears will ring for days after that. It was fun to watch my eight year old grand daughter mouth the words to all of the songs.
The master of ceremonies was a guy named Glenn Beck. In case someone has not heard of Mr. Beck, he is a conservative talk show host on the Fox News Network. He is kind of a nutty guy, with a warped sense of humor, he gets pretty emotional when he speaks to issues close to his heart concerning our great nation and wears Converse All Stars tennis shoes with a suit and tie. I listen to Glenn Beck on occasion because of his sense of humor and because of his passion. I don't always agree, but hey, that's what we get to do in this country.
Part of the show last night was the retiring of an American flag. It is the flag that was sent to Utah in early 2002 from New York to be flown over the Olympics in February of that year. The flag unfortunately was showing some wear after years of faithful service. Now the proper method of retiring a flag is to burn it. After all one cannot expect that a flag is to just be thrown into a garbage can now can they?
So the flag was brought into the stadium by a military honor guard and placed into a cauldron. During this time a choir was singing a somber rendition of "It's a Grand Ol' Flag", the lights were dim and Mr. Beck was speaking of the flag and it's meaning. During this time I picked up my six year old grandson and asked him to listen to the story and watch what was happening. By the time the flag had reached the cauldron and the song was over I felt the tears running down my face. I was reflecting on what the flag means to me, what it means to our country, what ideals it stands for and the people that have stood up in defense of this country. I'm not sure he grasped the entire meaning of the moment, but in years to come I'm sure he will.
So today I read both local papers online to include articles about last nights festivities. Imagine my surprise when I read comments about this was just a partisan political rally and how it's disgusting that Glenn Beck wraps himself in the flag and then just collects a paycheck and that unless you're a member of the GOP and the Mormon Church you were not welcome.
These people just don't get it. And I would hazard a guess to say that most who commented weren't even there. Not once did I hear Mr. Beck say anything that could be considered partisan politics. I heard him speak of the greatness of our country and the things we have and can continue to accomplish. He also spoke highly of the men and women who serve our country in the military. The one's who are willing to fight the rights of people all over the world. Nothing partisan about that.
It also sounds to me that these young (I'm guessing) ideologues have never considered wearing that uniform in service of their country. I guess now all it takes is a grandiose idea of a Utopian society and an Internet connection and they think they can save the world.
Obviously by the title of this blog, I don't agree with the left. I know that the cost of freedom is human blood. Like my grandfathers and my father before me I chose to serve in the military to stand up for freedom. Now I chose to continue to serve as a police officer, as my father also did and my oldest son does as well. I also have a nephew that has served one tour in Iraq and is readying himself for a deployment to Afghanistan.
So although I don't agree with these folks my family I have been willing to fight for their right to say what they want. I hope that they are willing to do the same.
Yes, I consider myself a Patriot. Nothing wrong with that. After all I'm willing to make sacrifices to help ensure the safety and security of my country. I have missed family events such as birthdays, school plays, plenty of holidays and the like. I have bled for this choice and have a scar or two to show for it. I don't complain, and if given a choice I would do it all over again.
What do you choose?
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Orrin Hatch and the BCS
I heard today that within the next week or so the United States Senate at the behest of Utah Senator Orrin G. Hatch will conduct hearings into the B(owl) C(hampionship) S(eries) to determine if there are any anti-trust violations. Really? Can this be true? A Republican US Senator spending time on this when there are certainly more important things he could be doing.
Ok, lets start at the beginning. Last college football season the University of Utah Utes had what can only be described as their best season ever, going undefeated and beating some good teams along the way. When it came time for the "national championship game" the Utes were not invited. They did go to the Sugar Bowl and beat the Crimson Tide of Alabama. No small feat as the Tide were tough all season before falling a bit at the end. Some folks here in Utah were quite upset about the Utes not getting a shot at the big prize. But the way that the BCS was set up the conference that the Utes play in does not receive an automatic did to BCS games.
Starting shortly after the game we heard our Attorney General Mark Shurtleff start making noise about suing the BCS. It didn't last too long. I hope it was because folks let Mr. Shurtleff know that he was elected to prosecute criminals and not to use his office to pursue some personal grievance with a body that determines who plays in what college bowl games. Now Mr. Shurtleff has announced that he is running for the US Senate. Naturally not against Mr. Hatch, but against the other US Senator, Bob Bennett. Things that make you go "Hummm."
The way that I see it is at this time in our country's history that Mr. Hatch could make a better use of his time. Let's see what we can suggest. Oh, here's a good one, how about trying to block the confirmation of the uber-radical racist Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court. Or maybe figuring out a way to stop the president from spending more money than can ever be printed. Here's another one, fighting against universal health care, the nationalization of any more businesses and helping with the 2010 and 2012 elections so we can get the radicals out of office and return to some semblance of sanity.
I did send Mr. Hatch an e-mail voicing my concerns. I was a little more polite than I was here, but...............................I encourage everyone that feels the same way to also communicate with Senator Hatch and make sure that he hears you.
During the last six months Senator Hatch voted to confirm Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, Eric Holder as Attorney General and Tim Geithner for Treasury Secretary. Those have worked out well haven't they? Mrs. Clinton begging China to buy our debt and blaming America's drug appetite on the Mexican border violence, Mr. Holder calling America cowards on the issue of race and of course Geithner's complete incompetence.
If this is how Senator Hatch is going to continue to act then maybe it's time for him to think about retiring. After all at the end of his current term he will have been in the Senate for 36 years. I think I ranted earlier about term limits for every elected official, here is a perfect example.
Ok, lets start at the beginning. Last college football season the University of Utah Utes had what can only be described as their best season ever, going undefeated and beating some good teams along the way. When it came time for the "national championship game" the Utes were not invited. They did go to the Sugar Bowl and beat the Crimson Tide of Alabama. No small feat as the Tide were tough all season before falling a bit at the end. Some folks here in Utah were quite upset about the Utes not getting a shot at the big prize. But the way that the BCS was set up the conference that the Utes play in does not receive an automatic did to BCS games.
Starting shortly after the game we heard our Attorney General Mark Shurtleff start making noise about suing the BCS. It didn't last too long. I hope it was because folks let Mr. Shurtleff know that he was elected to prosecute criminals and not to use his office to pursue some personal grievance with a body that determines who plays in what college bowl games. Now Mr. Shurtleff has announced that he is running for the US Senate. Naturally not against Mr. Hatch, but against the other US Senator, Bob Bennett. Things that make you go "Hummm."
The way that I see it is at this time in our country's history that Mr. Hatch could make a better use of his time. Let's see what we can suggest. Oh, here's a good one, how about trying to block the confirmation of the uber-radical racist Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court. Or maybe figuring out a way to stop the president from spending more money than can ever be printed. Here's another one, fighting against universal health care, the nationalization of any more businesses and helping with the 2010 and 2012 elections so we can get the radicals out of office and return to some semblance of sanity.
I did send Mr. Hatch an e-mail voicing my concerns. I was a little more polite than I was here, but...............................I encourage everyone that feels the same way to also communicate with Senator Hatch and make sure that he hears you.
During the last six months Senator Hatch voted to confirm Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, Eric Holder as Attorney General and Tim Geithner for Treasury Secretary. Those have worked out well haven't they? Mrs. Clinton begging China to buy our debt and blaming America's drug appetite on the Mexican border violence, Mr. Holder calling America cowards on the issue of race and of course Geithner's complete incompetence.
If this is how Senator Hatch is going to continue to act then maybe it's time for him to think about retiring. After all at the end of his current term he will have been in the Senate for 36 years. I think I ranted earlier about term limits for every elected official, here is a perfect example.
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