I have to give it to President Obama on this one. He has stood firm on his decision to not release the so called detainee abuse photos. He was right to listen to his military leaders as well as the CIA. Releasing these pictures serve no good purpose. They would only inflame the Arab world and foster more anti American sentiment.
People like Nancy Pelosi and Barney Frank should be ashamed of themselves. Playing politics with the lives of American soldiers is reprehensible. In the case of Mrs. Pelosi it could be nothing more than a slap back at the president since he said nothing when Leon Panetta put her in her place over the CIA lying to Congress remark. And of course Mr. Frank is so far left that anything he thinks might be embarrassing to the former administration he will gladly stand up for. What more do people like these want? There is a Democrat in the White House and they control both the House and the Senate.
Hopefully now this will set them straight and they will support the war spending bill and give our troops what they need to complete their mission. Even if they do not support the current actions in Iraq and Afghanistan they should at least support the troops. After all those fine folks are there fighting for people like Pelosi and Frank as well as the rest of us.
Of course I have selfish reason for my opinion. My nephew is getting ready to deploy for the second time. I want him to have the best equipment, intelligence, medical care, food and the complete support of my government. Is this too much to ask?
So again I tip my hat to you Mr. President for keeping the pictures out of the media. Now how about rethinking the idea about giving Miranda to captured enemy combatants half way around the world.
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