Today I heard something on the radio that almost made me crash my car. Imagine my surprise when it was reported that the FBI is now giving Miranda warnings to captured enemy combatants in Afghanistan. Once again my response was, what are they thinking! According to an article by Steve Hayes of the Weekly Standard a senior member of the House Intelligence Committee says that the FBI was ordered by the current administration to Mirandize these folks.
Does anyone else see the insanity in this? These wackos are not stealing cars or burglarizing a business or anything along those lines, they are actively engaged in attempting to kill US military personnel and plotting attacks against the US mainland. Since when do POW's get treated like common criminals? They should be kept in POW camps like Guantanamo Bay, gleaned for information and turned loose in their country of origin after the end of hostilities.
I'm sure the rational for this is that someone believes that the information obtained this way can be used in future prosecutions. Now who really believes that our current form of government would ever consider bringing these terrorist to the states and giving them their day in an American court? Again, since when do we try the enemy in our courts? If it is a military action then they should be held, interrogated and released when things are over. This is pure insanity.
Plus, who thinks we are going to get any useful intelligence after they are informed that they really don't have to say anything and they get a free lawyer. What was Kahlid Shiek Muhammad's response when he was first captured? I believe it was something along the lines of waiting to get to New York and speaking to a lawyer. Good thing he was captured before the touchy-feely administration came to power.
This has got to stop. President Obama and Attorney General Holder need to step back, listen to the military and let them do what they do. They are the pros, they are the ones that have trained for this and more importantly they are the ones in the field laying it all on the line.
What could possibly be next? Are we going to send the ACLU over there to represent the enemy? Maybe I shouldn't type that. I wouldn't want to give anyone any ideas.
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