Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Maria to Sean, "Communist"

I just finished listening to a radio interview done by Maria Conchita Alonso about her recent run in with Sean Penn at the LA airport. It's no secret that Maria does not care much for Sean's politics or his man love for Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez. In the past Ms. Alonso put an open letter to Penn on the internet chastising him for his position. So now I'm sure that the consternation goes both ways.

During the interview Maria says that their conversation started reasonably enough but soon voices were raised. She then admits that she called Penn a "communist "@$$hole." Good for you, Maria. If I was wearing a hat I would give you a tip of said hat. No one could have said it better if you ask me. And you must have because here you are.

Now in fairness Ms. Alonso went on to say that Penn is a gifted actor, although she said that it was a shame he was. She mentioned that it is difficult for her to watch a movie that he is in. She also mentioned voting, I'm not sure what she would be voting on, but she votes for something that Penn is involved in. I would have to agree that it would be hard to watch a movie that Penn was in, because I refuse to watch his movies. If Maria can, then she is probably better person than me because she can put her personal feelings aside. I just find it difficult to patronize someone that I don't care for. I'm not saying anything about his acting ability, but about his personal opinions.

So why is Chavez such a fan of Penn's? Didn't Penn win an award for playing openly gay San Francisco councilman Harvey Milk? I think he did and in his acceptance speech blasted folks that oppose gay marriage. Now Mr. Penn's views are certainly liberal, but I didn't think that commies were cool with homosexuals. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm not. Maybe I'm not as up on what commies like as I should be.

I don't harbor any illusions that either of the participants will read this, but I can only hope they do. Sean Penn would know how conservatives see him and Maria Conchita Alonso could see the praise I at least am sending her way. I know nothing of Ms. Alonso's politics, but I'm guessing they are not near as left as Sean Penn's.

But then again, who's are?

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