Monday, September 19, 2011

Eat the Rich

Was anyone surprised? I wasn't. Barry takes to the Rose Garden and announces that he has a plan to pay for his Jobs Bill by taxing the wealthiest of Americans. I should say increasing their taxes. Barry said that he would veto any bill that came to his desk that put the burden on the middle class. My question to the Prez, how much more is enough for you and the radical left?

Barry claims that he has already given a tax break to the middle class, excuse me, the working class. Yes, my payroll taxes decreased by about $30 a paycheck, but at the end of the year I still owed money to the Feds. How does that happen? Oh yeah, I had to help pay for the folks that don't pay any taxes at all.

As it is, only about half of Americans pay any tax at all. Now why don't we require something from everyone instead of all from some? I've said it before, I'll say it again, I don't mind helping those that are unable to help themselves, I refuse to pay for those who refuse to do for themselves.

If the Prez really wants to bring more money into the federal coffers then he needs to consider a flat tax. It just might be that simple. %10 of my paycheck can be divided by the Feds and the State (that means the State I live in) and they have to make it work. That would reduce my burden by about $25,000. Just think how I could set myself up for retirement with that amount of extra money every year. Or maybe I could be reckless and just spend that money. That would mean more money into the economy, more taxes flowing to Washington. Doesn't he get it? Obviously not. Now if everyone that had a job had to pony up something, can you imagine the amount of money the government would collect? Or should I say, everyone that was willing to work?

No more deductions, for anyone or any entity. That means that if you make a dollar that 10 cents was your tax liability. Period. Simple. The IRS could actually shrink in size. Tax forms could be so simple that anyone with a calculator could file their own taxes.

Just look to Europe if you want to see our future with Barry in charge. Greece on the verge of economic collapse. Italy and Spain not too far behind. As I type I hear that S&P has just downgraded Italy's credit rating. What does it say that it happened to us first?

Eat the rich, eat the rich
Out of the gutter and into the ditch

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