Monday, August 22, 2011

The President's Vacation

My suggestion to you Mr. President, stay on it.

Okay, I know that's a bit harsh, but he deserves it, doesn't he? The job of POTUS has got some inherent stress built into it and anyone would need a bit of a break. The man does have two young children that he needs to spend some quality time with. I certainly don't begrudge Barry that. Plus, he has an economy in the toilet, along with his poll numbers, a declining national credit rating, amnesty for illegal aliens and Joe Biden looking to pick on his political carcass. Who wouldn't want to get away?

Look, nothing this man has done for the economy has worked. Unemployment is still high, the latest unemployment numbers were on the rise, spending is still out of control, Obamacare will most certainly keep employers from hiring and we've even had a tax increase during a recession. So how as the stimulus helped us? In short, it hasn't.

So if Barry wants to work on his golf game, let him. The longer he is away from Washington, the less damage he does. The only problem while he's away is the cost to those of us that pay taxes. His 40 car motorcade is a bit much. How much do you think it cost to keep The One and his family safe on Martha's Vineyard? Yes, I believe that any siting president deserves a security detail, but come on, how much is too much?

Oh yeah, how could I have forgotten? He also needs this time to work on his job creation proposal that is due  next month. Or at least he said it would be ready next month. Isn't this something he needed to have, or at least have a reasonable facsimile of, the day he ascended to the throne? I think so. Ooh, maybe Barry and Huntsman are working on this project together. Wouldn't that be great?

So Mr. President, enjoy your time away from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

With any luck it won't be your address much longer. 

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