Earlier in the week the latest unemployment number came out. 8.9% is the new number and the White House and the liberal media are just giddy. Listening to some talk, you would think that all conservatives have committed a mass suicide. But after all, we know that it is the liberals that are the kool-aid drinkers.
Now that unemployment is under 9% again people think that the recession is over and Obama saved the world. Let's take a closer look at this, shall we? First of all after Barry committed us to a one trillion dollar ($1,000,000,000,000) democratic wish list spending spree and claimed that unemployment would not go over 8%. With the stimulus it would surely climb over 10%. Even with the stimulus, unemployment still climbed to 10%. Did he not notice that? Then the administration told us that we could expect unemployment to stay there for an extended period of time. The new normal we were told.
Did anyone take into consideration the number of people that have quit looking for work? Has anyone noticed how many folks have finally run out of 99 weeks of unemployment insurance? I bet not. These numbers should be looked at to determine and accurate account. I don't look at the number of underemployed because at least these folks are working. I realize they might not be working in a field of their choosing or training, but they have a job.
I saw that the stock market lost over 80 points that day that the new numbers came out. How does that happen? One would think that the market would go crazy of such good news. But when the Dow in artificially high this is what happens. Artificially high, you say incredulously? Two words, oil futures. Need I say more?
Speaking of oil. I have noticed a sharp increase in oil prices lately. The other day I paid $3.29 a gallon for mid-grade. I realize that's low compared to some, but substantially higher here. Then I noticed the price for my groceries started to increase. Weird, huh? Guess what come next. If you guessed layoffs, well you win the prize. If it cost more to do business, then business has less people to do what needs to be done. Unemployment goes back up and we are told that this is again the new normal. What a bunch of BS. Or should I say the normal for this administration?
I wonder how Barry is going to blame GWB for this.
Now that unemployment is under 9% again people think that the recession is over and Obama saved the world. Let's take a closer look at this, shall we? First of all after Barry committed us to a one trillion dollar ($1,000,000,000,000) democratic wish list spending spree and claimed that unemployment would not go over 8%. With the stimulus it would surely climb over 10%. Even with the stimulus, unemployment still climbed to 10%. Did he not notice that? Then the administration told us that we could expect unemployment to stay there for an extended period of time. The new normal we were told.
Did anyone take into consideration the number of people that have quit looking for work? Has anyone noticed how many folks have finally run out of 99 weeks of unemployment insurance? I bet not. These numbers should be looked at to determine and accurate account. I don't look at the number of underemployed because at least these folks are working. I realize they might not be working in a field of their choosing or training, but they have a job.
I saw that the stock market lost over 80 points that day that the new numbers came out. How does that happen? One would think that the market would go crazy of such good news. But when the Dow in artificially high this is what happens. Artificially high, you say incredulously? Two words, oil futures. Need I say more?
Speaking of oil. I have noticed a sharp increase in oil prices lately. The other day I paid $3.29 a gallon for mid-grade. I realize that's low compared to some, but substantially higher here. Then I noticed the price for my groceries started to increase. Weird, huh? Guess what come next. If you guessed layoffs, well you win the prize. If it cost more to do business, then business has less people to do what needs to be done. Unemployment goes back up and we are told that this is again the new normal. What a bunch of BS. Or should I say the normal for this administration?
I wonder how Barry is going to blame GWB for this.
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