Monday, March 7, 2022


  Today as I was out and about running errands with Mrs. Conservative we noticed that the price for one gallon of regular unleaded gas is $4.19-9. So basically, $4.20. That's a 20 cent jump from just yesterday. 20 cents in just one day! This is getting out of hand. Before long I wont leave the house unless it's absolutely necessary. I don't know how people that have to drive to work are able to. 

 Since Joe and his cronies have assumed control gas has increased $2.23 a gallon where I live here in central Florida. Of course since that has happened it costs more to go the grocery store, the hardware store, restaurants and even the dollar store, which has raised its prices to $1.25.

 Don't try to blame this on the XL Pipeline being shut down, or the fact that new leases on government lands have been eliminated and existing leases will not be renewed, and don't you dare try to blame this on the Russian aggression in Ukraine. Nope, this is all down to oil companies wanting more profits. I don't know how Senator Fuaxcahontas Liz Warren or Jen "Peppermint Patty" Psaki can say that with a straight face. I know I either laugh out loud or cry whenever I hear these two clowns speak. 

 I've said it before and I'll say it again, the one thing not taught in a liberal arts education is economics. Since the Potted Plant formerly known as Joe Biden handed off this country's energy policy to the far left kooks, this was foreseeable. Some might even say, inevitable. 

 On the lunchtime news I saw that the national average for gas was an even $4. This is the highest since 2008. Who was in the White House then with asinine energy policies? None other that Barrack Hussein Obama! And there was Creepy Joe standing right along side of him. I'm not really all that surprised by this, just at the speed in which it happened. 

 Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it. Those of us that do remember the past are condemned to watch the idiot left repeat it.