Saturday, July 9, 2016

One Night in Dallas

Two nights ago in Dallas, Texas five of my brothers were murdered by a racist thug that only wanted to kill white people. Especially white cops. Well, he killed five and wounded six others, plus a civilian woman that was trying to protect her children. Then more of my brothers tried to get him to give himself up. The racist thug refused. He was killed by a robot carrying an explosive device.

As we all know this thug was upset because two other black men had been killed by police earlier in the week. It didn't matter that we really don't know all the facts yet, he had made up his mind that the police murdered these men and he was going to take his revenge. Well, this POS got his revenge and then he got his due.

In the shooting in LA, there is some cell phone video. I've seen what is online, but it doesn't show the first part of the contact nor do we know what was said. The fact that police were responding to a man with a gun call already put them on heightened alert. After shots were fired, it appears that a gun was in fact removed from the pocket of the suspect. The Sheriff immediately sells his men down the river by calling for a DOJ investigation. Remember, this is the same DOJ that refused to indict Hillary Clinton.

For the incident in MN I have seen no video, not even the Facebook video of the woman that was in the car. I've read conflicting reports about why the car was stopped from a broken tail light to the driver looked similar to an armed robbery suspect that occurred four days earlier. But in the end a man was dead and even the Governor was calling for this officer's head before the investigation had really begun. White Democratic Governor Mark Dayton stated that the shooting was racially motivated and promised that there would be justice for the dead man. Did he not realize that the officer is Hispanic? Or does that matter? Is every cop just looking for an excuse to shoot black men? Somehow I don't think so.

Philando Castile and Alton Sterling are dead after being shot by the police. That much I do know. The rest, I don't. The important thing to remember here is that, neither do you. Neither did Micah Johnson. Yet he choose to take the lives of five men that had nothing to do with either shooting. How does that compute. In the disturbed mind of Johnson this somehow did.

Now people are debating using the robot to dispatch Johnson. Some are saying that this is akin to warfare and not police work. They blew him up instead of shooting him. Dead is dead. He wasn't going to give up, he wanted to keep killing and he probably didn't care if he died that night. He had to figure that he would. So how he went is really of no consequence.

Now my Dallas family is hurting. So is the rest of my family, here and around the world. I've heard from a brother officer in Greece and he and the rest of his department were shocked to hear what had happened. Now we must bury our brothers. We will and pay them the respect they deserve.

The last two days I haven't really felt like going to work. Not many of us have. Yet I still got up early, went to the gym, put my uniform on and reported for duty by 0600. I'll do it again tomorrow too, as will the rest of my brothers and sisters.

The people chanting "Pigs in a blanket, fry "em like bacon" will not prevail. They are domestic terrorist. They have racist motivations. Tonight they are calling for a "purge" of officers. Meaning to kill as many as they can.

Don't think that we as an organization aren't aware. We will be ready. We will continue to do our jobs. We are not afraid.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

An Open Letter to James Comey

Director Comey,

I have watched with interest the case involving Hillary Clinton's email. I was appalled by your decision. You laid out the case against Sec. Clinton and then let her off the hook. I have lost all faith in the criminal justice system. And I say that as a 20 year veteran of law enforcement. It appears that there are one set of rules for the Clintons and another for the rest of us.

The timing is what gets to me the most. Only days after Bill Clinton meets with Loretta Lynch in an empty plane in the middle of an airport you make this decision. It appears that you were told to make this decision. I believe that either AG Lynch or the president himself was in on this. Of course you will never admit that, but your reputation is now forever tarnished.

I'm watching your testimony today. You are falling on your sword admirably. Your bosses will be proud of you. If you really believe the things you are saying, then you are incompetent. If you don't, then you're a liar.

You sir, need to resign. Nothing you say anymore will be believed. The outcome of this could have been predicted and you went along. You caved to the political pressure and let a criminal go. I don't believe that Mrs. Clinton would have ever seen the inside of a jail cell, she's too big for that, but you could have held her accountable for her actions. I expected the President to stand up for her, but you sir should have put your politics in your pocket and done the right thing.

How does Sec. Clinton not know that what she did is illegal? Why is she not being held accountable? As Sec. State isn't just about everything she receives classified? That alone means she had the necessary "mens rea" and should have been indicted. I'm sorry, the reasonableness standard does apply here.

I will be contacting all of my representatives at the federal level calling for you to be removed from your position. I'm not worried about being able to find another job.

Hillary will always need another lawyer.

Friday, June 17, 2016

The Horrifying, Menacing and Very Loud AR-15

I read an article by Gersh Kuntzman of the New York Daily Herald in which he relates a story of how he fired an AR-15 and found it to be menacing, horrifying and very, very loud. Mr. Kuntzman claims that his shoulder was bruised, he was disoriented by the brass flying by his face and that he was left with a sense of PTSD after the experience. He was in a gun store that was run by a former police officer from Europe. After reading this article, I laughed out loud. Not to disparage Mr. Kuntzman, but because I found his article to be a bit less than believable. Lets take these points one at a time.

First of all the shoulder bruise. If the former police officer just handed Mr. Kuntzman the rifle and left him to his own devices I still doubt that a bruised shoulder would be the result. Even if the rifle was held six inches from the pocket of the shoulder, fired and allowed to bounce back at Mr. Kuntzman, I doubt any real injury would have resulted. The former police officer should have given Mr. Kuntzman detailed instruction on how to hold, load, aim, fire and unload the weapon and should have done all this with an unloaded weapon before allowing any live fire. When I fire my weapon, I place my nose right up to the rear of the charging handle (that's the thing that puts a round in the chamber) and pull the trigger. No damage to my nose. There is a large spring in the receiver extension tube, or stock if you prefer, that not only pushes the bolt carrier group back into the upper receiver, it helps to manage recoil. Mr. Kuntzman got bad instruction if he was injured.

Next lets talk about the flying brass. The ejection port (that's where the expended casing come out of the upper receiver) is on the right side of the weapon. Even firing this gun as a left handed shooter, which I am, the brass never gets in the way or even gets close to my face. When I first was introduced to this weapon system in 1983 (when I attended US Army Basic Training) the expended brass did hit me in the face. Nowadays there is a triangular piece of metal just behind the ejection port that deflects the expanded brass to the right and out of my face. So even if Mr. Kuntzman is left handed and shoots that way, the brass shouldn't even be noticed. Mr. Kuntzman also states that he has fired handguns in the past. Why was not the brass ejected from these guns effecting him. Was he only firing a .22 caliber revolver? That's about the only gun that doesn't have any significant recoil, but also since it is a revolver, the brass is kept in the cylinder.

Now lets to the PTSD. In all fairness there was a comment at the end of the article by Mr. Kuntzman apologizing for using this term. Some folks were offended. I wasn't. I was in the military and have been a police officer for more than 20 years to this point. Myself and everyone I have ever served with have been in situations where we wondered about the outcome. I have been scared to death. I been involved in altercations with suspects that have ended in one or more of us going to the hospital and one time, the medical examiners office. I've buried some of my friends. When I get a call of a man with a knife, the hair still stands up on the back of my neck. That sir, is a form of PTSD. Mr. Kuntzman used this term on purpose. It was for a political end, as was his entire article. I doubt Mr. Kuntzman has ventured far from the halls of academia, or his typewriter or computer and put on a uniform and served his country or community. Like I said, I wasn't offended. This just showed what type of person you are - deplorable. If loud noises upset you, how come the last time you claim to have fired a gun you didn't seem to be effected?

Guns are loud. In an indoor range, louder. If you were wearing proper hearing protection, it shouldn't have been a big deal. But I'll give you that it's loud.

So Mr. Kuntzman, your article was nothing more than one written by a left wing political hack working for the local version of Pravda. You were given your marching orders by White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest and put your own spin on things.

If you chose not to own a gun or be around them, that's your choice and I will respect it. But be grateful there are folks like me that are willing to stand up the evil in this world that you pretend doesn't exist. It is men like me that have guaranteed a free press in this country.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

And Then There Was One

The one being Donald Trump after Senator Cruz suspended his campaign tonight. And why should he? After his rant today calling The Donald a lair, a serial philanderer, kook and other things, I'm glad he's gone. He stooped to what he was accusing Trump of. And it didn't work.

Now Mr. Trump can get onto the business of defeating Hillary Clinton in the generals. I affectionately refer to Secretary Clinton as the Hildabeast. I heard that on Rush Limbaugh's show. It's a good thing I wasn't driving. I would have crashed my car laughing so hard.

It started, what seemed about 10 years ago, with 17 contenders for the Republican nomination. Except for Mr. Trump, Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina, all were long time politicos. Early on these three were at the top of the polls. That should have told the party something. It didn't. Throughout the entire campaign the "establishment" has been bashing Mr. Trump. I loved it. I'm glad someone who isn't beholden the "system" has finally made an impact on the political process.

Mr.Trump wasn't my first choice, Scott Walker was. I think he was the first to drop out. Time to find someone else. I then thought Marco Rubio would be a good choice. He couldn't handle the pressure. That was obvious early on. The only logical choice after that was Donald Trump.

Here's a self made man that is financing his own campaign and owes allegiance to no one. He said some things that made me cringe. But what I liked is that he didn't apologize, didn't back down, doubled down and stood up to those that called him names and said he didn't belong.

Mr. Trump is a strong supporter of the military and law enforcement. I like that too since I've served in the army and am still a police officer. I don't think that Mr. Trump will allow terrorist, foreign or domestic, to run amok in this country. Our incumbent sure did.

Maybe once he's elected, he'll run this country like a business. I don't expect the government to make a profit, but certainly not operate at the losses it has. I believe he can bring jobs back to America. Put our people back to work and get them off welfare and food stamps. Those that want to work anyways.

We'll see what happens, but I think I'm right. How about you? 

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

When You Don't Have an Argument

Yesterday I was on Instagram looking at some conservative posts, when I saw one from trump_media_outlet. It was a cartoon of what looked like a control panel with several buttons on it. The buttons said things like evidence, truth, hard data, test, facts and other things like that. There was a large red one in the middle that had a finger pressing down on it that read, "call him a racist." This was aimed at folks that have no argument other than that. The dreaded "R" word. You know the one I mean, the one that has lost all it's meaning over the last seven years.

Now here's what I don't get. Donald Trump has called for the closure of our borders to Muslims while the world is suffering another round of terrorist bombs going off. So how does that mean he racists against folks here? He wants to keep out potential problems to make YOU safer. I haven't heard him call for the mass deportation of Muslims. Unless, of course, they happen to be here illegally. But with what is happening in the Middle East and Europe right now, he may have a point.

There were only two comment to this post, even though there were 139 "likes". One was for the post and the other was obviously against it. The one against was a two word response, "f--k you." Proving the point that when you have no argument, you revert to this type of behavior. Didn't this person realize this? Obviously not.

I wont mention this person's online name, that would be indiscrete. But I did look at his page. A bunch of hip hop guys, I think. I did recognize Snoop, maybe Lil Wayne, not the others. Not my taste in music. But in his bio it did mention something about kush. Even as an old man I know that to be a euphemism for marijuana. So now the Snoop Dog pic makes a bit more sense. As well as his response. I think the author of that statement may have gone one toke over the line.

So if this young man wants to explain his position on why he thinks The Donald is a racist, I'm willing to  listen. After all, this is America and this person has a right to his opinion. I want him to, because I want to have mine.

And as Confucius is reported to have once said, "It is better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Brussels Bombed Obama at a Ballgame

Yesterday Brussels was bombed by the radicalized "religion of peace" killing over 30 and wounding scores more. Of course this is retaliation for the Belgian police capturing the Paris bomber who got away four months ago. These ISIS cowards slaughter the innocent in the name of religion. What a joke.

Of course our president was on his tour of the communist portion of the Caribbean, visiting Cuba and cozying up to the Castro's. So instead of cutting his trip short and coming home, Mr. Obama goes to a ballgame with Cuban Dictator Raul Castro. I saw a photo of them doing the wave together. What a disgrace. Once again, I'm embarrassed that this man is the president of my country.

Belgium in a member of NATO, as is the United States. If memory serves me correctly, an attack on any NATO country is an attack on all. In these times, an attack by the scourge known as ISIS in a NATO country demands a response by all member nations.

I understand that America needs to lead the way. We have by far have the largest military, the most powerful military and the most money. I'm good with all of that. What we need is a Commander in Chief that has the testicular fortitude to act. Barack Obama is not it.

I would bet a large sum of money that the Joint Chiefs have a plan that would destroy ISIS. If not destroy, then at least make it so they might think twice about another terrorist attack. This would suffice. ISIS needs to be afraid of us. They need to know that if another bomb goes off, we will rain an unimaginable type of hell upon them. This drone strike hear and there is obviously not cutting it.

Then there is the perception of standing by our allies. After the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris, leaders from all over went to Paris. Not Barack Hussein Obama. He sent someone else instead. I wonder of it was the same person he sent to the funerals of criminals here in the States. I don't remember Mr. Obama going to France after the attacks in November, 2015 and I doubt he'll make to anything that is planned to remember the dead and wounded in this attack.

I can't wait for January of next year so we can be rid of this Pretender in Chief.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

The Old White Guy

Today on Instagram I re-posted a photo of a woman that appears to be vomiting and the caption reads, This is how I feel when I hear the name Obama. When I first saw the picture, I laughed. No surprise there. Then I got a comment form a young person that reads, "Just looked through your page, and just as I thought you're a old, white guy who probably listened to everything his parents taught him as a child instead of looking at the world through his own eyes." Again, I laughed. At least I learned how to use punctuation and to spell.

After looking through my page, I'm surprised that this person did not come away with an appreciation for the police, the military, guns, food, conservative politics and sarcasm. Instead this young whipper-snapper called me an old white guy. Notice how it's "an" not "a" when it precedes a word that starts with a vowel.

I don't recall using age or race in my post. Granted I hash tagged Hillary, Bernie, Killary, Trump, Cruz, Rubio, conservative, liberal, Obama, infidel and American infidel. Equal opportunity there. Anybody that knows me here, or even there, knows I'm conservative. I call liberals, liberal. I think their policies are ridiculous at best, at worst stupid and even detrimental to our country. Yet I don't use race as a pejorative. This person did.

I too looked through the page of my commenter and it appears to be a young person of color. And because of that and the fact that I'm white, automatically makes me wrong in the eyes of this person. Or of anyone on the left. And that suits me just fine.

I responded to my commenter that I haven't always been this conservative. Believe it or not. And like our President I have evolved on certain issues. I didn't mention that I really don't care about a lot of social issues, that I'm not religious or that I didn't go to college. This person probably thinks I was also born into wealth. Not hardly.

One thing I am proud of though is that I've had a job since I was 13 years old. Sometimes two and three jobs at once. I've been paying taxes for quite a while. I've always been disappointed that my government operates at a loss. No, government shouldn't make a profit, but should at least break even. I hate the way that government squanders a good part, if not all of the taxes it takes from me.

I don't mind helping those who can't. I refuse to continue to support those that won't.